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Grants and Wardens

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 4:03 pm
by Lilith Anderson
Hi friendos,

I had a question after some confusion regarding the Warden of Overlook post here.

"Should Lilith Anderson lose the titled rank of Overlord during the Summer Cycle, she may then apply Usage One (as long as it is after the 14-day 'Cool-Down' Period) or Usage Two (at any time)." is confusing since the rules state: "Challenge Grant recipients are exempt from waiting for the 14-day “Cool Down” period described in the Universal Terms of Challenge in order to issue a challenge with their Grant. They must, however, wait two weeks (14-days) to challenge again if they lose."

As the King's Decree is a grant, should that not supersede the 14 day cool down period? If not, how should the King's Decree be classified when it comes to the challenge process?

Thanks for clarifying!

Re: Grants and Wardens

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 4:24 pm
by Tippletoe
Hey Lilith!

The short answer is: The Warden of Overlook is a Cyclical Prize, not a Challenge Grant, and so you are still subject to a 14-day Cool Down Period.

The long answer is: The intent of the exemption from the 14-Day Cool-Down period was to ensure that those who win a Challenge Grant (with a 14-day time-limit on use) such as the Test-Free Overlord Challenge Grant or a Barony Challenge Grant didn't get caught in a situation where they couldn't use it. We played with some of the timelines and there are edge cases where if they lost a title before receiving a grant they could not use the grant at all because of how things update with the Official Standings. By virtue of being both a Cyclical Prize (where there are 3 months to use it) and haveing Two Usages (unlike a Challenge Grant), you are still subject to a 14-Day Cool-Down Period if you want to use it after losing the title rank of Overlord.

Re: Grants and Wardens

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 5:11 pm
by Lilith Anderson
Gotcha! Thanks for the response. In that case, if I could offer some feedback, it would be that we should probably change the language on the Warden of Overlook main post as it declares it a "special grant" and as past DoS events have had special grants (like the Halloween grants of yore), they were not subjected to title loss cool downs. As the cyclical tournaments also give out grants, determining the difference between those cyclical prizes and the warden cyclical prizes, some sort of posted clarity to reference would be great, if at all possible. Just to cut down on confusion!

Thanks again for the quick response!

Re: Grants and Wardens

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:41 pm
by Tippletoe
Already done! The language has been changed, calling it a "Cyclical Prize" instead of a "Special Grant".