Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:39 pm
It was pitch black in the city of RhyDin. The sun would not rise for another two hours. Inside a modest apartment building, in a small but tidy apartment, Seph was already dressed. Her curved and toned figure was covered head to toe in a long sleeve button down shirt, old deteriorating blue jeans, and work boots. She wore no makeup, which was a fairly common thing, and her luscious dark brown hair was pulled up and out of the way. It was the same every Monday and Thursday: up at half past 4am, out the door by 4:45.
Once out the door and onto the street, it was an easy ten minute walk to the docks where a large man with medium brown skin and several tattoos stood and waited, arms crossed. At the sight of Seph approaching, a smile spread on his face.
“Always the first one to arrive, eh, güerita?” The man chuckled as he spoke, shaking his head. Seph smiled, stopping a few paces in front of him.
“Shouldn’t surprise you, Santi. You know I’m your best worker.” Seph mirrored his stance, crossing her arms under her ample bust. Even under a tattered old work shirt, she was still beautiful.
The man she called Santi chuckled once more and made a motion to follow before heading toward an empty stall. He handed her a set of keys and went back to wait for the rest of their crew.
Seph wasted no time getting everything ready. She quickly unlocked the stall and began setting out the empty crates that would soon house several hundred pounds of different fish and a few other forms of sea creature, set out a stack of five gallon buckets for retrieving the ice that kept everything fresh, and unpacked a stack of clean butcher paper and a spool of thick string.
Once everything was set, she returned to Santi’s pier which now housed a fishing boat. Santi was there barking orders to a small, bleary eyed crew who were quickly unloading the day’s catch and heading toward the stall. As Seph neared, he gave her a quick upnod and she in response tossed his keys back to him.
“Haz caso a la señorita Seph!” Santi bellowed at the crew before heading back to the stall Seph had just left in impeccable order. It was the same phrase he used whenever he left her in charge, although he hardly needed to say it anymore. ‘Do what Seph says.’
It hadn’t always been that simple. Although Seph had long since proven her worth as a hard worker to the fishmonger, many of her male counterparts were quick to voice their doubts and often flat out disdain at being ranked below her. Santi remedied the situation with a severe yet effective punishment. Trust his judgment and by extension Seph’s leadership, or be sent home on the spot without pay, regardless of hours already worked. It wasn’t long before he had cycled through most of the day workers and the word spread. Begrudgingly, workers returned only to find out they actually liked Seph. She was firm but fair and led by example. She was always first in line to roll up her sleeves and get her hands dirty. Soon, any worker, man or woman, was proud to sweat and stink right alongside the blue eyed beauty.
Today was no different. Most of the workers were already busy unloading the day’s catch. Seph motioned to two people, an older man still strong enough to work but not quite quick enough to haul and unload fish, and Santi’s own 13 year old son Ruben come to help out before school. She smiled warmly at both of them and spoke one word.
“Hielo.” Ruben returned the smile and the older man whose name no one really knew nodded in understanding. They were to retrieve the buckets from the stall and fetched the ice for the fresh product to rest in.
The rest of the morning unfolded without a hitch and just as the sun was beginning to rise, the fish stall was already buzzing with business, signalling the end of Seph’s shift. It didn’t seem like much, just under an hour and a half, but she had worked hard and earned every cent Santi handed to her without question when she returned to the stall. She always ran things with such efficiency, they were often ready for business a full 15-30 minutes before any other stalls in the area, and in the quick paced madness that was the fish market, that meant a staggering increase in profit. No, he never hesitated to compensate her handsomely. He did, however, hold up a finger, entreating her to stay just long enough for him to hand her a covered plate.
“Acaba de cocinar lo.” Santi said with no small amount of pride. Sometime during the morning’s usual bustle, his mother had sent breakfast plates for him, his son, and all his workers.
Seph’s stunning blue eyes widened as she eagerly took the plate, giving it a deep, appreciative sniff. She let out a long, contented sigh and a smile quickly spread on her face. Money in her pocket and food in hand, she made to leave, when suddenly there was a commotion at the front of the stall.
Seph put her plate in a safe spot before she rushed toward the front to see what was happening. Santi, only a few steps behind her, called out.
“Que tanto ruido?!” He bellowed, demanding an explanation for the noisy scene. His eyes widened in shock as he stepped in line with Seph who stood, also agape. The man whose name no one really knew stood there body blocking a well dressed customer. The customer was yelling at the stone faced worker about calling the guard and having his job.
Seph was the first to recover. She quickly stepped between the two and spoke calmly and soothingly, a firm hand on each of their shoulders.
“I am so sorry. This should not have happened and I mean to rectify the situation immediately.” She looked back and forth between their faces as she spoke.
“I certainly hope so!” The customer began. “Never have I been so-HEY!” Before he could launch into another tirade, Seph released the old worker’s shoulder and swiftly put the other man in a headlock. He struggled and blustered for a moment before trying to overpower her, the facade of a well to do customer quickly abandoned. But her grip was like a vice and he soon found himself pleading for mercy.
“Okay, OKAY! I’ll leave!” He shouted, panic setting in.
“Not until you return what you stole.” Seph replied, still as cool and level headed as before. Her expression rivalled that of a preschool teacher waiting for an insolent child to yield. At first he tried to feign surprise, but a quick tightening of her iron grip stopped him cold. Slowly, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a flask. Santi swore and hurled vicious curses in spanish at the man as he recognized the item from his own stall. Aside from vast amounts and varieties of fresh fish, he also sold trinkets and baubles and even a few small bottles of hard liquor. And small, silver flasks.
“You have two options,” Seph hissed into the man’s ear. “You can leave and never show your face at the docks again, or you can try my patience and end up in traction.” Her harsh whisper sent a chill down his spine and he felt his muscles spasm and protest under her consistently tightening grip. When he finally spoke, his voice cracked.
“O-Okay. I’m sorry. I’m sorry! Okay? I’ll never come back, I swear!” Just as he was on the brink of tears, he was suddenly free. Seph had released her death grip on him and set him upright, smoothing the shoulders and lapel of his coat and straightening his tie.
“I’m so glad we could reach an understanding.” Her voice dripped with poisonous honey. The man nodded nervously, took a single shaky breath, and very quickly walked away, his proverbial tail between his legs.
The nameless worker remained stoic but for a small smirk. Santi, on the other hand, was about to split his seems with laughter.
“Correle, guey!” He shouted after the would be thief. He gave a nod of approval to the worker and motioned for Seph to rejoin him in his makeshift office.
“Como le supiste?” Santi wasted no time picking Seph’s brain. He trusted his workers, but he never would have guessed the well dressed man had been a thief. With a small shrug, Seph folded her arms under her bust and leaned on the rickety desk.
“He came in after the rush. Most of the bulk stuff is gone, the till is full, perfect time to make his mark.” A devilish spark flashed in her intense blue eyes as she stood and reclaimed her plate. “And his clothes were knockoffs.”
She didn’t wait for a response, but instead walked out the door with a small wave as she passed, Santi’s full bellied laugh trailing behind her. Before she made it too far, he called out to her.
“We need seguridad! And not just you throwing down, guerita!”
“On my to do list!” She retorted, never breaking stride.
Once out the door and onto the street, it was an easy ten minute walk to the docks where a large man with medium brown skin and several tattoos stood and waited, arms crossed. At the sight of Seph approaching, a smile spread on his face.
“Always the first one to arrive, eh, güerita?” The man chuckled as he spoke, shaking his head. Seph smiled, stopping a few paces in front of him.
“Shouldn’t surprise you, Santi. You know I’m your best worker.” Seph mirrored his stance, crossing her arms under her ample bust. Even under a tattered old work shirt, she was still beautiful.
The man she called Santi chuckled once more and made a motion to follow before heading toward an empty stall. He handed her a set of keys and went back to wait for the rest of their crew.
Seph wasted no time getting everything ready. She quickly unlocked the stall and began setting out the empty crates that would soon house several hundred pounds of different fish and a few other forms of sea creature, set out a stack of five gallon buckets for retrieving the ice that kept everything fresh, and unpacked a stack of clean butcher paper and a spool of thick string.
Once everything was set, she returned to Santi’s pier which now housed a fishing boat. Santi was there barking orders to a small, bleary eyed crew who were quickly unloading the day’s catch and heading toward the stall. As Seph neared, he gave her a quick upnod and she in response tossed his keys back to him.
“Haz caso a la señorita Seph!” Santi bellowed at the crew before heading back to the stall Seph had just left in impeccable order. It was the same phrase he used whenever he left her in charge, although he hardly needed to say it anymore. ‘Do what Seph says.’
It hadn’t always been that simple. Although Seph had long since proven her worth as a hard worker to the fishmonger, many of her male counterparts were quick to voice their doubts and often flat out disdain at being ranked below her. Santi remedied the situation with a severe yet effective punishment. Trust his judgment and by extension Seph’s leadership, or be sent home on the spot without pay, regardless of hours already worked. It wasn’t long before he had cycled through most of the day workers and the word spread. Begrudgingly, workers returned only to find out they actually liked Seph. She was firm but fair and led by example. She was always first in line to roll up her sleeves and get her hands dirty. Soon, any worker, man or woman, was proud to sweat and stink right alongside the blue eyed beauty.
Today was no different. Most of the workers were already busy unloading the day’s catch. Seph motioned to two people, an older man still strong enough to work but not quite quick enough to haul and unload fish, and Santi’s own 13 year old son Ruben come to help out before school. She smiled warmly at both of them and spoke one word.
“Hielo.” Ruben returned the smile and the older man whose name no one really knew nodded in understanding. They were to retrieve the buckets from the stall and fetched the ice for the fresh product to rest in.
The rest of the morning unfolded without a hitch and just as the sun was beginning to rise, the fish stall was already buzzing with business, signalling the end of Seph’s shift. It didn’t seem like much, just under an hour and a half, but she had worked hard and earned every cent Santi handed to her without question when she returned to the stall. She always ran things with such efficiency, they were often ready for business a full 15-30 minutes before any other stalls in the area, and in the quick paced madness that was the fish market, that meant a staggering increase in profit. No, he never hesitated to compensate her handsomely. He did, however, hold up a finger, entreating her to stay just long enough for him to hand her a covered plate.
“Acaba de cocinar lo.” Santi said with no small amount of pride. Sometime during the morning’s usual bustle, his mother had sent breakfast plates for him, his son, and all his workers.
Seph’s stunning blue eyes widened as she eagerly took the plate, giving it a deep, appreciative sniff. She let out a long, contented sigh and a smile quickly spread on her face. Money in her pocket and food in hand, she made to leave, when suddenly there was a commotion at the front of the stall.
Seph put her plate in a safe spot before she rushed toward the front to see what was happening. Santi, only a few steps behind her, called out.
“Que tanto ruido?!” He bellowed, demanding an explanation for the noisy scene. His eyes widened in shock as he stepped in line with Seph who stood, also agape. The man whose name no one really knew stood there body blocking a well dressed customer. The customer was yelling at the stone faced worker about calling the guard and having his job.
Seph was the first to recover. She quickly stepped between the two and spoke calmly and soothingly, a firm hand on each of their shoulders.
“I am so sorry. This should not have happened and I mean to rectify the situation immediately.” She looked back and forth between their faces as she spoke.
“I certainly hope so!” The customer began. “Never have I been so-HEY!” Before he could launch into another tirade, Seph released the old worker’s shoulder and swiftly put the other man in a headlock. He struggled and blustered for a moment before trying to overpower her, the facade of a well to do customer quickly abandoned. But her grip was like a vice and he soon found himself pleading for mercy.
“Okay, OKAY! I’ll leave!” He shouted, panic setting in.
“Not until you return what you stole.” Seph replied, still as cool and level headed as before. Her expression rivalled that of a preschool teacher waiting for an insolent child to yield. At first he tried to feign surprise, but a quick tightening of her iron grip stopped him cold. Slowly, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a flask. Santi swore and hurled vicious curses in spanish at the man as he recognized the item from his own stall. Aside from vast amounts and varieties of fresh fish, he also sold trinkets and baubles and even a few small bottles of hard liquor. And small, silver flasks.
“You have two options,” Seph hissed into the man’s ear. “You can leave and never show your face at the docks again, or you can try my patience and end up in traction.” Her harsh whisper sent a chill down his spine and he felt his muscles spasm and protest under her consistently tightening grip. When he finally spoke, his voice cracked.
“O-Okay. I’m sorry. I’m sorry! Okay? I’ll never come back, I swear!” Just as he was on the brink of tears, he was suddenly free. Seph had released her death grip on him and set him upright, smoothing the shoulders and lapel of his coat and straightening his tie.
“I’m so glad we could reach an understanding.” Her voice dripped with poisonous honey. The man nodded nervously, took a single shaky breath, and very quickly walked away, his proverbial tail between his legs.
The nameless worker remained stoic but for a small smirk. Santi, on the other hand, was about to split his seems with laughter.
“Correle, guey!” He shouted after the would be thief. He gave a nod of approval to the worker and motioned for Seph to rejoin him in his makeshift office.
“Como le supiste?” Santi wasted no time picking Seph’s brain. He trusted his workers, but he never would have guessed the well dressed man had been a thief. With a small shrug, Seph folded her arms under her bust and leaned on the rickety desk.
“He came in after the rush. Most of the bulk stuff is gone, the till is full, perfect time to make his mark.” A devilish spark flashed in her intense blue eyes as she stood and reclaimed her plate. “And his clothes were knockoffs.”
She didn’t wait for a response, but instead walked out the door with a small wave as she passed, Santi’s full bellied laugh trailing behind her. Before she made it too far, he called out to her.
“We need seguridad! And not just you throwing down, guerita!”
“On my to do list!” She retorted, never breaking stride.