RhyDin.org Calendar
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:13 pm
New to RhyDin.org: A public Google calendar allowing everyone to easily see when live play events are planned and to make it easier to join in on the fun.
This calendar is for open, public events being hosted on the Rings of Discord server or on the RhyDing.org forums.
To have your public event added to the calendar, please post below with the request and include as much of the following information as possible:
This calendar is for open, public events being hosted on the Rings of Discord server or on the RhyDing.org forums.
To have your public event added to the calendar, please post below with the request and include as much of the following information as possible:
- Date(s) of Event
- Time of Event
- IC and OOC Location of the Event (Discord/Forums)
- Links to Forum Posts for the Event