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DoS Regulation Hours

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:41 pm
by DUEL Dris
Just a helpful, friendly reminder for when you're scheduling your matches. Regulation dueling hours for DoS are...
  • THURSDAYS from 9:00 PM Eastern Time to Midnight in the RoH Arena.

    FRIDAYS from 9:00 PM Eastern Time to Midnight in the RoH Annex.

    SATURDAYS from 9:00 PM to 1:00 AM Eastern Time in the RDI Annex.

    SUNDAYS from 9:00 PM Eastern Time to Midnight in the RoH Annex.

    MONDAYS from 9:00 PM Eastern Time to Midnight in the RDI Annex.
Most scheduled callers close their queues 15 minutes before the end of their shift! Please be courteous when scheduling your matches and try not to show up at the very last possible minute.

Some callers may be kind enough to stick around longer if you ask them in advance, but do not expect them to be there just because the shift is scheduled until midnight.