kerrign life after death
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 2:55 pm
kerrigan life after death
April 9,2015
part 1
kerrigan smells teh aroma of lavinder and seasalt it bring memories of days long gone where she laid beside Neo. Neos butter fly kisses in the memory makes the past kerrigan happy but the kerrigan now who is the cold and bitter karrigan only feels anger. .....................
the sweet and angry memory made kerrigan mad and she began to wrek havok where she lays but the voices around her wake kerrigan up and kerrigan looks at the judgement court hall that is in front of her
In front of kerrigan behind a large desk sits king yemma of the underworld where he rules and picks who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. kerrigan knew she would met him soon and did not show fear at the divine king in front of her.
kerrigan did not have on her mask becaus this is the underwordl and no one wears masks or hats in front of king yamma. kerrigan now without mask looks a lot like megan foxx ((( the megan fox like she looks jennifers body and not the megan foxx from TMNT look))))) but is also asian. she is a cool and beatiful 42 years old and has hips and butt like kim kardashian she does not have on her assasssins armor. kerrigan wears a dark black dress. she was the most beautiful woman anyone had ever saw
karrigan looks up at king yemma and waits for his words her eye look like a wolf hungry for battle and blood. king yemma nods at the look and knows kerrigan is very serious
"kerrigan you commited honorable seppukuu after you could not fullfill yoour contract so your honor was not tarnisheed. you were a skilled assassin and you are still a skilled assasssin i know you could kill any of my guards should you want to but you keep your skills in check and for that i am grateful to you.""
Kerrigan nods to because the king of the afterlife saw her power and she knew his words are not lies because she took time and maped out the guards and thought of 800 ways to kill them in less than a second
"because you are so strong and your honor is still here I will let you into heaven but I know you still have a grudge vs Neo so I will give you a choice will you stay here or go back to the mortal realm"
it is like that seen in the matrix movies where the old guy told neo (((not neo infection or other neo))))) that he can walk through two doors the one to save trinity and the other to reset the matrix. yeah its like that. but ok matrix talk over.....
Kerrigan looks at the two paths. Kerrigan did not think she said very planely "I will go back with my honor then I will go back and kill neo sama." karrigan walked like a champeon and went to the right door back to life. kerrigan smiels and enters the light....................................
pics if you need help and dont know who megan foxx and kim kardashian is
megan gan-Fox-Jennifer-s-Body-Promo-megan-fox-8344015-40 4-600.jpg
kim Kardashian-Instagram-picture-2014-640x640.jpg
April 9,2015
part 1
kerrigan smells teh aroma of lavinder and seasalt it bring memories of days long gone where she laid beside Neo. Neos butter fly kisses in the memory makes the past kerrigan happy but the kerrigan now who is the cold and bitter karrigan only feels anger. .....................
the sweet and angry memory made kerrigan mad and she began to wrek havok where she lays but the voices around her wake kerrigan up and kerrigan looks at the judgement court hall that is in front of her
In front of kerrigan behind a large desk sits king yemma of the underworld where he rules and picks who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. kerrigan knew she would met him soon and did not show fear at the divine king in front of her.
kerrigan did not have on her mask becaus this is the underwordl and no one wears masks or hats in front of king yamma. kerrigan now without mask looks a lot like megan foxx ((( the megan fox like she looks jennifers body and not the megan foxx from TMNT look))))) but is also asian. she is a cool and beatiful 42 years old and has hips and butt like kim kardashian she does not have on her assasssins armor. kerrigan wears a dark black dress. she was the most beautiful woman anyone had ever saw
karrigan looks up at king yemma and waits for his words her eye look like a wolf hungry for battle and blood. king yemma nods at the look and knows kerrigan is very serious
"kerrigan you commited honorable seppukuu after you could not fullfill yoour contract so your honor was not tarnisheed. you were a skilled assassin and you are still a skilled assasssin i know you could kill any of my guards should you want to but you keep your skills in check and for that i am grateful to you.""
Kerrigan nods to because the king of the afterlife saw her power and she knew his words are not lies because she took time and maped out the guards and thought of 800 ways to kill them in less than a second
"because you are so strong and your honor is still here I will let you into heaven but I know you still have a grudge vs Neo so I will give you a choice will you stay here or go back to the mortal realm"
it is like that seen in the matrix movies where the old guy told neo (((not neo infection or other neo))))) that he can walk through two doors the one to save trinity and the other to reset the matrix. yeah its like that. but ok matrix talk over.....
Kerrigan looks at the two paths. Kerrigan did not think she said very planely "I will go back with my honor then I will go back and kill neo sama." karrigan walked like a champeon and went to the right door back to life. kerrigan smiels and enters the light....................................
pics if you need help and dont know who megan foxx and kim kardashian is
megan gan-Fox-Jennifer-s-Body-Promo-megan-fox-8344015-40 4-600.jpg
kim Kardashian-Instagram-picture-2014-640x640.jpg