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Karnafexx Kutting The Krap Thread

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:39 am
by Cassius Gaius Maximius
Welcome to the 2015 DoS Madness Karnafexx Division's Official Thread!!!


All information about Karnafexx Division matchups can be found here. In addition, this is where you come to give congrats, make predictions, and talk Krap.

The division mascot is the Inland Taipan, hence the Karnafexx Inland Taipans. What does the inland taipan have to do with Madness, Billy Ray Karnafexx, or dueling in general? Nothing at all, but I like it.

First Round Matchups

1. Melanie Rostol(Warlady) vs. 16.Sandalio Del Saenz(Commoner)-- Friday, March 13th after 6:30 EST(1st week).

8. Salvador Delahada(Master-at-Arms) vs. 9. Kyra Von Jessup(Mistress-at-Arms)-- Sunday, March 22nd, 11 EST(2nd week).

5. Sabine Gabrielle(Warlady) vs. 12. Ashton Kimbre(Commoner)-- Saturday, March 21st, at 9 EST(2nd week)

4. Matt Simon(Warlord) vs. 13. Aaliyah Simoes(Commoner)-- Both duelists have contacted one another; a date of Friday, March 13 at 11 EST is tentatively scheduled pending Matt Simon's agreement.

6. Kheldar Drasinia(Warlord) vs. 11. Kiyomi Kubo(Commoner)-- Sunday, March 15th, 9 EST(1st week).

3. E "Ekthbjlgke" Smith(Baron of the Dragon's Gate District) vs. 14. Sofiel(Commoner)-- Sofiel no-showed; awaiting reschedule.

7. Neo Eternity(Warlord) vs. 10. Vegas(Commoner)-- Thursday, March 12th, 9 EST(1st week)

2. Aya Hayashibara(Baroness of Dockside) vs. 15. Jason"Jay" Allen(Commoner)-- No time or date has been scheduled as of yet; Aya has initiated contact

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:29 pm
by Sabine

(OOC: Just a t-shirt with the Division name and the mascot that I put together. Anyone is welcome to say their character has one or is wearing one or burning one or whatever. The design is also available on baseball-Ts and hoodies.)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 7:24 pm
by Cassius Gaius Maximius
((Wow. Awesome, Sabine! A thousand thank yous for that!))

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:17 pm
by Aaliyah
((Let me know if anyone wants some other artwork as well. I've been working on things for Lia.))

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:10 am
by Aaliyah
So I got to playing around with Poser, Polyvore and Photoshop.


The following are available for anyone to use. If you have Polyvore, you can directly like the items.

This is a transparent PNG.

Another transparent PNG

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:06 am
by Delahada
( Those things - the tshirt and transparant png - should be made into inventory items, and if anybody wants one they can give you the 100 silver. I'd totally be down for giving you monies to make them. One a shirt, of course, and maybe the other just a badge? )

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:06 pm
by Kalamere
I guess a snake with a pair of sap gloves wouldn't work quite as well.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 1:34 pm
by Aaliyah
(Definitely can shrink them down into a badge. I can even change up the swords too.

Sap gloves... Probably not. Totally work in Fists though ;) )

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:40 pm
by Aaliyah
Here is the most recent update based on Duels:

1. Melanie Rostol(Warlady) vs. 16.Sandalio Del Saenz(Commoner)-- Fourth .def. Sandalio del Saenz, 5-0 in 5 MADNESS

8. Delahada(Master-at-Arms) vs. 9. Kyra Von Jessup(Mistress-at-Arms)--Delahada .def. Kyra Jessup, 5-3.5 in 9 rounds of DoS Madness

5. Sabine Gabrielle(Warlady) vs. 12. Ashton Kimbre(Commoner)--Ashton Kimbre .def. Sabine, 5 - 3 in 7. Madness

4. Matt Simon(Warlord) vs. 13. Aaliyah Simoes(Commoner)-- Goldglo .def. Aaliyah, 5.5 - 4.5 in 11 MADNESS

6. Kheldar Drasinia(Warlord) vs. 11. Kiyomi Kubo(Commoner)-- Kiyomi .def. Kheldar, 5.5-3 in 14. DoS MADNESS

3. E "Ekthbjlgke" Smith(Baron of the Dragon's Gate District) vs. 14. Sofiel(Commoner)-- Sofiel No showed, Awaiting reschedule

7. Neo Eternity(Warlord) vs. 10. Vegas(Commoner)--Neo Eternity .def. Vegas, 5-2 in 11 MADNESS

2. Aya Hayashibara(Baroness of Dockside) vs. 15. Jason"Jay" Allen(Commoner)--No time or date has been scheduled as of yet; Aya has initiated contact ??

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:54 pm
by Karnafexx
((Holy royalties Batman! ::evil hand wringing:: ;). ))

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:04 pm
by Delahada
Karnafexx wrote:((Holy royalties Batman! ::evil hand wringing:: ;). ))
(( Okay. If nobody else is going to touch this, I am....




We've never met, but I ... LOVE YOUR FACE!!! - S ))

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:06 pm
by Sabine
(^ Right? I think Sabine is still clutching her sap glove today.)

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:00 pm
by Karnafexx
(I think I speak confidently that what I witnessed last night was proof that the quality of RP player hasn't dropped off. There may be fewer but the folk I saw last night were high quality and fun to interact with. Even with your new fangled " " based RP. ;P )

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 12:39 am
by Aaliyah
So I am refining the image a bit. Went with a more generic blade and changed the snake pose so the face wasn't so comical. If this works I'll get it rendered and to Amal for Icons.


And for Shiggles for Kal...

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 9:51 am
by Aaliyah
Icons had been Distributed on both RoH and RDI. Let me know if I missed anyone.