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IFL Team Stadiums (just for fun)

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:04 am
by Hydra Corporation
I know all bouts are to be fought in official venues but not interfere with regular dueling too greatly or challenges and events, etc. However, I think it will be fun to see where teams would host their duels as a Home team. Just to show the style and mentality they have for themselves.

Took me a while, but this is where Hydra would host it's home matches..


The home stadium I'm looking at for Hydra. The Helipad on top of the Hydra Corp building. Looking down on the city.

What about the rest of the teams?

The Rock Hards Home Stadium

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:12 am
by Kruger
I saw this with a simple search for stadium stages. I felt I had no choice but to offer it up as our home stadium. Its over the topness is only out done by The Anvil. I give you the U2 360 world tour stage.

I love that there is an immense screen for viewing that also can extend all the way down. The outside ring for me in my strange mind is simply another fighting surface, or maybe a place for other team members to get the crowd involved in the duel more. Forgive my audaciousness.


For a nice look at the construction go HERE.Don't worry it's time lapsed.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 4:07 pm
by Claire Gallows
Team Dirty's home is the Caelum Center located just outside of Rhydin City. It serves as both a home venue and training center for those on the team.




It's loosely based on Chelsea Piers Sports Center, found here: Chelsea Piers Sports Center virtual tour. Check it out, it's pretty cool.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:42 pm
by DemiBob
The Discombobulators arena is strewn across the city in various locations hand picked by Bob before the start of IFL. They include:

Ball Pit!


Bouncy Castle!


Indoor Water Park!


And Laser Tag Zone!


Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:38 pm
by Jenai Ravenlock
Royal Pains!



Empress's Suite - SkyBox w/Private Full Service Bar


Locker Rooms - Suck it up butter cup! Royals gotta be Royal.

PAIN Gym - Where Jewell Slave Drives, I mean motivates us.

To the Empress goes the spoils! - A massage and relaxation parlor after the fights and training.