Question on when to hold the Talon of Redwin Tournament.

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How do you feel about a Talon of Redwin Tournament on a Saturday Afternoon?

Poll ended at Tue May 06, 2014 3:35 pm

I love it!
I hate it!
Not thrilled with it, but I can do it.
I'm okay either way.
I think it's good to try out once or twice.
I'm too busy drinking on Saturdays to care either way.
I'd rather there were no changes.
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Question on when to hold the Talon of Redwin Tournament.

Post by G »

This is not something that is going to definitely happen. I am gauging the interest at the moment to see if, on occasion, it would be okay/numbers friendly to hold the Talon of Redwin tournament on an Afternoon. With some interest from Overseas players lately, the question came up.

For myself, I'm inclined to keep it pretty much in its normal time slot because the majority of players are on the US side, and the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. However, if there's enough interest, or if a decent amount of US players don't mind it in the afternoon on a Saturday, an occasional ToR could be held at that time. It's by no means a definite thing, however.

This poll is simply to gauge the interest to even see if it's a viable option. Please only vote ONCE per player.

Thank you.
Last edited by G on Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

I like the idea. There seems to be a healthy interest in DoS from those overseas. Might be a good idea to try it at least once.
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Post by PrlUnicorn »

Can we get a general timeframe to work with? Noon to 3PM, 3PM to 6PM, etc. It might help to gauge things better for those that work or have standing activities on Saturday. Thanks!
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Post by Rikkity ARRR Robo-Rabbit »

Noon-3pm would be best for me. Later than that, Saturday's are usually not great!
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Post by G »

Like I said, nothing is particularly set in stone and it's just something we're looking at. I'd imagine that if we were to try it, it'd be similar to the afternoon shift, though we might be able to push it an hour or so either way.

Just something we may want to try out. If we were to do it regularly, we'd cap it out at two of the four tourneys in the year, maybe alternating them. If I were to try it right now, it's going to be at least once. Still waiting to see how the poll does for the rest of the time it's open.
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Post by Napoleon Bonarat »

Saturday nights are usually hit or miss for me personally. We have a Pathfinder game that runs twice a month and is usually on Saturdays.

I wouldn't mind an afternoon one, like from 12-3, 3-6, somewhere in between, but would want to play ROH side so we can use the tool.
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Post by Kalamere »

I think it's good to mix it up. There have been complaints over the years from people in varying timezones that they just can't make the times that typically get scheduled. Most of the time I think you want to hit what works for the majority, but I think every now and then tossing in a tournament at an alternate time is good.
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Post by Claire Gallows »

Needs more votes for 'too busy drinking on Saturdays'

I kid.

I like changing up times here and there and I know our Brit-kids have shown interest in tournaments but can't make them due to it being like...2 am their time when it starts.
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Post by Shadowlord »

One issue I get with calling the Sunday shift is that I miss alot of tourneys - changing it up is good! :-)
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Post by Arthour »

As a representative of the Lollypop Guild...Oh, wait, wrong credentials.

As an Officially Unofficial Representative of the Brit-Kids, I love the idea. I have in fact already signed up for it and I'm looking forward to giving it a whirl!
Much like Claire says, 2am is a poor time for us to be dueling. Before the early shift was put in (THANKS SO MUCH BY THE WAY. DID I SAY THANKS? XD) I'd only really be able to get in one duel before it was 3, 4am and I was too tired to think straight and have to call it a night.

I'd LOVE to be able to get the chance to join in the Talon tournament at a time where I'm actually able to think straight for more than 5 minuet intervals at a time, not need to take a pro plus or gallons of water to try and focus on an important/any duel.
Of course, I totally understand there are a lot more US players than there are UK/Europe (To my knowledge, I'm one of only two, possibly three, 'regular' UK duelers. I'm not sure on the number in europe but I doubt it's very high) So it makes sense to apply the majorities wills and wants first.

That being said, I like dueling. I enjoy it, and for a large part, I enjoy the community I play with/against. More so when I'm awake and able to be on more on par with my opponent. I feel a lot more confident then and have the mental ability to recognize that I'm having fun.
So I really hope you all consider moving it to Afternoons! Even if just once or twice in a blue moon! :D It would be soooo very much appreciated!

Just wanted to add, Napoleon makes a good point. RoH is kinda more preferable with it's tool. Makes things easier for the callers as well as duelers, I would imagine.
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Post by G »

Judging from the responses here and the poll, the next Talon of Redwin tournament, which is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, November 1st, will be held as an Afternoon Tournament.

We will give advance notice as to what time in the afternoon it will be scheduled for and look forward to the participation to come from it.

It might be safe, for the moment, to assume it to be sometime around the current afternoon shift. It will also be held on the RoH chat instead of the RDI chat.

We will advise as we discuss the details of this event further.
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