Prestige Rankings - Winter Cycle

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Andrea Anderson
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Prestige Rankings - Winter Cycle

Post by Andrea Anderson »

GRAND PRESTIGE RANKs are determined by number of duels and win rate. If a tie occurs the Duelist with the least amount of ties will be the winner. If unable to still determine a winner - overall Wins over Losses. All else fails? Alphabetical order.

Overlord, Barons and Warlords fall under the Grand Prestige Rank. Only regulation Duels with other Warlords through Overlord will count. 15+ WoLs are required.

PRESTIGE RANKs are determined by number of duels and win rate. Weekly zeroing will not be used here. If a tie occurs rank will determine the winner. If both Duelists hold the same rank; the Duelist with the fewest number of ties will be the winner. If unable to still determine a winner - overall Wins over Losses. All else fails? Alphabetical order.

Grand Master, Master at Arms, Swordsman, and Commoners fall under the Prestige Rank. All regulation Duels will be counted.





  • Three or More Duels

    1: Jaycy Ashleana - 2-1-0

    Below Three Duels

    2: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
    3: Rena A Cronin - 1-0-0
    4: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
    5: Claire Farron - 1-0-0
    6: G - 0-1-0
    7: Nayun - 0-1-0
    8: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
    9: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 0-2-0
  • Eight or More Duels

    1: MC - 5-5-1
    2: Fourth - 4-4-1

    Four through Seven Duels

    3: Arthour - 3-2-1
    4: JC - 1-2-1
    5: Queen - 0-3-2

    One through Three Duels

    6: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 2-0-0
    7: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
    8: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
    9: Winter Pearl - 1-0-0
    10: Marie Prevot - 1-0-1
    11: Unidentified - 1-0-0
    12: Mordecai - 2-1-0
    13: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
    14: Chiquita - 1-1-0
    15: Enigmatic Intensity - 1-2-0
    16: Lillyhyde - 1-2-0
    17: Saieniel - 1-2-0
    18: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
    19: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
    20: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
    21: Jade Alcar - 0-1-0
    22: Mallow - 0-1-0
    23: Michiko - 0-1-0
    24: PslyderFTA - 0-1-0
    25: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
    26: Rinzler - 0-3-0
    27: Zack Alcar - 0-0-1
    28: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
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Andrea Anderson
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

  • Three or More Duels

    1: Jaycy Ashleana - 2-1-0

    Below Three Duels

    2: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
    3: Rena A Cronin - 1-0-0
    4: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
    5: Claire Farron - 1-0-0
    6: G - 0-1-0
    7: Nayun - 0-1-0
    8: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
    9: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 0-2-0
  • Eight or More Duels

    1: MC - 5-5-1
    2: Fourth - 4-5-1

    Four through Seven Duels

    3: Mordecai - 3-2-0
    4: Arthour - 3-2-1
    5: JC - 1-2-1
    6: Queen - 2-3-2

    One through Three Duels

    7: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 2-0-0
    8: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
    9: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
    10: Myria Graziano - 1-0-0
    11: Winter Pearl - 1-0-0
    12: Marie Prevot - 1-0-1
    13: Unidentified - 1-0-0
    14: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
    15: Chiquita - 1-1-0
    16: Enigmatic Intensity - 1-2-0
    17: Lillyhyde - 1-2-0
    18: Saieniel - 1-2-0
    19: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-1-0
    20: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
    21: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
    22: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
    23: Jade Alcar - 0-1-0
    24: Mallow - 0-1-0
    25: Michiko - 0-1-0
    26: PslyderFTA - 0-1-0
    27: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
    28: Resolute - 0-3-0
    29: Rinzler - 0-3-0
    30: Zack Alcar - 0-0-1
    31: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
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Andrea Anderson
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

  • Three or More Duels

    1: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-1-1

    Below Three Duels

    2: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
    3: Rena A Cronin - 1-0-1
    4: King - 1-0-0
    5: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
    6: Claire Farron - 1-0-0
    7: G - 0-1-0
    8: Nayun - 0-1-0
    9: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
    10: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 0-2-0
    11: Goldglo - 0-2-0
  • Eight or More Duels

    1: Fourth - 6-6-1
    2: Queen - 4-4-2
    3: MC - 5-6-1

    Four through Seven Duels

    4: Bile - 5-0-0
    5: Mordecai - 3-2-0
    6: Arthour - 3-2-1
    7: JC - 1-2-1
    8: Resolute - 2-4-0

    One through Three Duels

    9: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 3-0-0
    10: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
    11: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
    12: Myria Graziano - 1-0-0
    13: Winter Pearl - 1-0-0
    14: Marie Prevot - 1-0-1
    15: Unidentified - 1-0-0
    16: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
    17: Lena Choi - 1-1-0
    18: Charles Blackstone - 1-1-0
    19: Chiquita - 1-1-0
    20: Enigmatic Intensity - 1-2-0
    21: Lillyhyde - 1-2-0
    22: Saieniel - 1-2-0
    23: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
    24: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
    25: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
    26: Jade Alcar - 1-2-0
    27: Mallow - 0-1-0
    28: Michiko - 0-1-0
    29: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
    30: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-2-0
    31: Dean Reighland - 0-2-0
    32: PslyderFTA - 0-2-0
    33: Rinzler - 0-3-0
    34: Zack Alcar - 0-0-1
    35: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
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Andrea Anderson
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

  • Three or More Duels

    1: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-2-1

    Below Three Duels

    2: Kalamere - 1-0-0
    3: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
    4: Rena A Cronin - 1-0-1
    5: King - 1-0-0
    6: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
    7: Claire Farron - 1-0-0
    8: G - 0-1-0
    9: Nayun - 0-1-0
    10: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
    11: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 0-2-0
    12: Goldglo - 0-2-0
  • Eight or More Duels

    1: Fourth - 8-6-2
    2: Arthour - 4-3-2
    3: Queen - 4-4-2
    4: MC - 5-7-3
    5: Resolute - 2-7-0

    Four through Seven Duels

    6: Bile - 7-0-0
    7: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 4-0-0
    8: Enigmatic Intensity - 3-2-0
    9: Mordecai - 3-2-0
    10: JC - 3-3-1

    One through Three Duels

    11: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
    12: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
    13: Myria Graziano - 1-0-0
    14: JewellRavenlock - 1-0-0
    15: Marie Prevot - 1-0-1
    16: Unidentified - 1-0-0
    17: Lillyhyde - 2-2-0
    18: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
    18: Lena Choi - 1-1-0
    20: Rachael Douglas - 1-1-0
    21: Charles Blackstone - 1-1-0
    22: Chiquita - 1-1-0
    23: Saieniel - 1-2-0
    24: Winter Pearl - 1-2-0
    25: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
    26: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
    27: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
    28: Jade Alcar - 1-3-0
    29: Errtu - 0-1-0
    30: Mallow - 0-1-0
    31: Michiko - 0-1-0
    32: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
    33: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-2-0
    34: Dean Reighland - 0-2-0
    35: PslyderFTA - 0-2-0
    36: Rinzler - 0-3-0
    37: Zack Alcar - 0-0-1
    38: KC - 0-0-1
    39: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
    40: LC - 0-0-1
    41: Pikachu - 0-0-1
    42: Sailor Mars - 0-0-1
    43: Winds of the North - 0-0-1
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Andrea Anderson
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

  • Three or More Duels

    1: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-2-1

    Below Three Duels

    2: Kalamere - 1-0-0
    3: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
    4: Rena A Cronin - 1-0-1
    5: King - 1-0-0
    6: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
    7: Claire Farron - 1-0-0
    8: G - 0-1-0
    9: Nayun - 0-1-0
    10: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
    11: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 0-2-0
    12: Goldglo - 0-2-0
  • Eight or More Duels

    1: Bile - 8-1-0
    2: Fourth - 9-7-2
    3: JC - 4-3-1
    4: Arthour - 4-3-2
    5: Queen - 4-4-2
    6: MC - 5-7-3
    7: Resolute - 2-7-0

    Four through Seven Duels

    8: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 4-0-0
    9: Enigmatic Intensity - 3-2-0
    10: Mordecai - 3-2-0
    11: Lena Choi - 2-2-0
    12: Lilly Hyde - 2-3-0

    One through Three Duels

    13: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
    14: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
    15: Myria Graziano - 1-0-0
    16: Brynn Hawthorne - 1-0-0
    17: Gothrak - 1-0-0
    18: JewellRavenlock - 1-0-0
    19: Kruger - 1-0-0
    20: Marie Prevot - 1-0-1
    21: Unidentified - 1-0-0
    22: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
    23: Rachael Douglas - 1-1-0
    24: Chiquita - 1-1-0
    25: Charles Blackstone - 1-2-0
    26: Saieniel - 1-2-0
    27: Winter Pearl - 1-2-0
    28: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
    29: Aquilla Shimmer-Scale - 0-1-0
    30: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
    31: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
    32: Eregor - 0-1-0
    33: Errtu - 0-1-0
    34: Mallow - 0-1-0
    35: Michiko - 0-1-0
    36: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
    37: KC - 0-1-1
    38: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-2-0
    39: Dean Reighland - 0-2-0
    40: gallowsCalibrator - 0-2-0
    41: PslyderFTA - 0-2-0
    42: Jade Alcar - 0-3-0
    43: Rinzler - 0-3-0
    44: Mairead Harker - 0-0-1
    45: Pikachu - 0-0-1
    46: Zack Alcar - 0-0-1
    47: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
    48: LC - 0-0-1
    49: Sailor Mars - 0-0-1
    50: Winds of the North - 0-0-1
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Andrea Anderson
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

GRAND PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 03/03/2014 (Week 9)
  • Three or More Duels

    1: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-3-1
    2: Goldglo - 2-3-0

    Below Three Duels

    3: Kalamere - 1-0-0
    4: Jake - 1-0-0
    5: Aya Hayashibara - 1-0-0
    6: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
    7: Rena A Cronin - 1-0-1
    8: King - 1-0-0
    9: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
    10: Claire Farron - 1-0-0
    11: Shadow - 1-1-0
    12: G - 0-1-0
    13: Teagan - 0-1-0
    14: Nayun - 0-1-0
    15: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
    16: Apple - 0-1-1
    17: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 0-2-0
    18: Gren Blockman - 0-0-1
PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 03/03/2014 (Week 9)
  • Eight or More Duels

    1: Bile - 8-2-0
    2: Fourth - 10-8-2
    3: Arthour - 5-3-2
    4: JC - 4-3-1
    5: Queen - 4-4-2
    6: MC - 5-7-3
    7: Resolute - 2-7-0

    Four through Seven Duels

    8: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 4-0-0
    9: Enigmatic Intensity - 4-2-0
    10: Mordecai - 3-2-0
    11: Lena Choi - 2-2-0
    12: Lilly Hyde - 2-3-0
    13: Errtu - 1-3-0
    14: Kruger - 1-3-0
    15: Saieniel - 1-4-0

    One through Three Duels

    16: Myria Graziano - 2-0-0
    17: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
    18: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
    19: Brynn Hawthorne - 1-0-0
    20: Gothrak - 1-0-0
    21: JewellRavenlock - 1-0-0
    22: Cast Away - 1-0-0
    23: H.K. - 1-0-0
    24: Unidentified - 1-0-0
    25: Ymric - 1-0-0
    26: Marie Prevot - 1-0-1
    27: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
    28: Rachael Douglas - 1-1-0
    29: Chiquita - 1-1-0
    30: Charles Blackstone - 1-2-0
    31: Winter Pearl - 1-2-0
    32: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
    33: Aquilla Shimmer-Scale - 0-1-0
    34: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
    35: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
    36: Eregor - 0-1-0
    37: Mallow - 0-1-0
    38: Michiko - 0-1-0
    39: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
    40: KC - 0-1-1
    41: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-2-0
    42: gallowsCalibrator - 0-2-0
    43: PslyderFTA - 0-2-0
    44: Dean Reighland - 0-3-0
    45: Jade Alcar - 0-3-0
    46: Rinzler - 0-3-0
    47: Mairead Harker - 0-0-1
    48: Pikachu - 0-0-1
    49: Zack Alcar - 0-0-1
    50: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
    51: LC - 0-0-1
    52: Sailor Mars - 0-0-1
    53: Winds of the North - 0-0-1
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Andrea Anderson
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

GRAND PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 03/14/2014 (Week 10)
  • Three or More Duels

    1: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-3-1
    2: Goldglo - 2-3-0

    Below Three Duels

    3: Kalamere - 1-0-0
    4: Jake - 1-0-0
    5: Aya Hayashibara - 1-0-0
    6: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
    7: Rena A Cronin - 1-0-1
    8: King - 1-0-0
    9: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
    10: Claire Farron - 1-0-0
    11: Shadow - 1-1-0
    12: G - 0-1-0
    13: Teagan - 0-1-0
    14: Nayun - 0-1-0
    15: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
    16: Apple - 0-1-1
    17: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 0-2-0
    18: Gren Blockman - 0-0-1
PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 03/14/2014 (Week 10)
  • Eight or More Duels

    1: Bile - 8-3-0
    2: Fourth - 10-8-2
    3: JC - 6-3-1
    4: Arthour - 6-3-2
    5: Queen - 4-6-2
    6: MC - 5-7-3
    7: Resolute - 2-8-0

    Four through Seven Duels

    8: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 4-0-1
    9: Enigmatic Intensity - 4-2-0
    10: Mordecai - 3-2-0
    11: Lena Choi - 2-2-0
    12: Charles Blackstone - 2-2-0
    13: Lilly Hyde - 2-4-0
    14: Errtu - 1-3-0
    15: Kruger - 2-4-0
    16: Rachael Douglas - 1-3-0
    17: Saieniel - 1-4-0

    One through Three Duels

    18: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
    19: The Spider - 2-0-0
    20: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
    21: Napoleon Bonarat - 1-0-0
    22: Brynn Hawthorne - 1-0-0
    23: Vegas - 1-0-0
    24: JewellRavenlock - 1-0-0
    25: Cast Away - 1-0-0
    26: H.K. - 1-0-0
    27: Unidentified - 1-0-0
    28: Ymric - 1-0-0
    29: Marie Prevot - 1-0-1
    30: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
    31: Gothrak - 1-1-0
    32: Chiquita - 1-1-0
    33: Zack Alcar - 1-1-1
    34: Winter Pearl - 1-2-0
    35: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
    36: Aquilla Shimmer-Scale - 0-1-0
    37: Death of Man - 0-1-0
    38: Delahada - 0-1-0
    39: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
    40: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
    41: Eregor - 0-1-0
    42: Jane Doe - 0-1-0
    43: Juliane Smith - 0-1-0
    44: Mallow - 0-1-0
    45: Michiko - 0-1-0
    46: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
    47: The Breaker - 0-1-0
    48: TinyTrouble - 0-1-0
    49: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-2-0
    50: gallowsCalibrator - 0-2-0
    51: PslyderFTA - 0-2-0
    52: KC - 0-2-1
    53: Dean Reighland - 0-3-0
    54: Jade Alcar - 0-3-0
    55: Rinzler - 0-3-0
    56: Mairead Harker - 0-0-1
    57: Pikachu - 0-0-1
    58: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
    59: LC - 0-0-1
    60: Mari the Doll - 0-0-1
    61: Sailor Mars - 0-0-1
    62: Winds of the North - 0-0-1
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Andrea Anderson
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

GRAND PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 03/20/2014 (Week 11)
  • Three or More Duels

    1: Claire Farron - 3-0-0
    2: Shadow - 2-1-0
    3: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-3-1
    4: Aya Hayashibara - 1-2-0
    5: Goldglo - 2-3-0
    6: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 0-3-0

    Below Three Duels

    7: Kalamere - 1-0-0
    8: Jake - 1-0-0
    9: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
    10: Rena A Cronin - 1-0-1
    11: King - 1-0-0
    12: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
    13: G - 0-1-0
    14: Teagan - 0-1-0
    15: Nayun - 0-1-0
    16: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
    17: Apple - 0-1-1
    18: Gren Blockman - 0-0-1
PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 03/20/2014 (Week 11)
  • Eight or More Duels

    1: Bile - 10-3-0
    2: JC - 7-3-1
    3: Fourth - 11-8-2
    4: Arthour - 6-3-3
    5: Queen - 4-6-3
    6: MC - 5-8-3
    7: Resolute - 2-10-1

    Four through Seven Duels

    8: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 4-0-1
    9: Enigmatic Intensity - 4-2-0
    10: Mordecai - 3-2-0
    11: Lena Choi - 3-3-0
    12: Charles Blackstone - 2-2-0
    13: Lilly Hyde - 2-4-0
    14: Errtu - 1-3-0
    15: Kruger - 2-4-0
    16: Winter Pearl - 1-3-0
    17: Rachael Douglas - 1-4-0
    18: Saieniel - 1-5-0

    One through Three Duels

    19: The Spider - 3-0-0
    20: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
    21: JewellRavenlock - 2-0-0
    22: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
    23: Napoleon Bonarat - 1-0-0
    24: Brynn Hawthorne - 1-0-0
    25: Ashton Kimbre - 1-0-0
    26: Baeldyn331 - 1-0-0
    27: Unidentified - 1-0-0
    28: Vegas - 1-0-0
    29: Warchild - 1-0-0
    30: Ymric - 1-0-0
    31: H.K. - 2-1-0
    32: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
    33: Gothrak - 1-1-0
    34: Cast Away - 1-1-0
    35: Chiquita - 1-1-0
    36: Marie Prevot - 1-1-1
    37: Zack Alcar - 1-1-1
    38: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
    39: Rekah Illyriana - 0-1-0
    40: Aquilla Shimmer-Scale - 0-1-0
    41: Balanced Integer - 0-1-0
    42: Death of Man - 0-1-0
    43: Delahada - 0-1-0
    44: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
    45: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
    46: Eregor - 0-1-0
    47: Foxtar - 0-0-1
    48: Jane Doe - 0-1-0
    49: Janie - 0-1-0
    50: Juliane Smith - 0-1-0
    51: Mallow - 0-1-0
    52: Michiko - 0-1-0
    53: Oll One-Arm - 0-1-0
    54: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
    55: The Breaker - 0-1-0
    56: TinyTrouble - 0-1-0
    57: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-2-0
    58: gallowsCalibrator - 0-2-0
    59: Kyra Jessup - 0-2-0
    60: PslyderFTA - 0-2-0
    61: KC - 0-2-1
    62: Jade Alcar - 0-3-0
    63: Rinzler - 0-3-0
    64: Dean Reighland - 0-4-0
    65: Combat Droid - 0-0-2
    66: Mairead Harker - 0-0-1
    67: Pikachu - 0-0-1
    68: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
    69: LC - 0-0-1
    70: Mari the Doll - 0-0-1
    71: Sailor Mars - 0-0-1
    72 : Winds of the North - 0-0-1
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Andrea Anderson
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Less Than Three

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Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:55 pm
Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.

Post by Andrea Anderson »

GRAND PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 03/27/2014 (Week 12)
  • Three or More Duels

    1: Claire Farron - 3-0-0
    2: Shadow - 2-1-0
    3: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-3-1
    4: Goldglo - 2-3-0
    5: Aya Hayashibara - 1-3-0
    6: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 1-3-0
    7: Rena A Cronin - 1-1-1

    Below Three Duels

    8: Cassius Gaius Maximius - 1-0-0
    9: Kalamere - 1-0-0
    10: Jake - 2-0-0
    11: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
    12: King - 1-0-0
    13: Anubis Karos - 1-0-0
    14: A. Dagger Sasc - 1-0-0
    15: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
    16: MurOllavan - 1-0-0
    17: G - 0-1-0
    18: Teagan - 0-1-0
    19: Nayun - 0-1-0
    20: Rand alTan - 0-1-0
    21: Lem DeAngelo - 0-1-0
    22: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
    23: Apple - 0-1-1
    24: Gren Blockman - 0-1-1
PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 03/27/2014 (Week 12)
  • Eight or More Duels

    1: Bile - 10-3-0
    2: Fourth - 14-8-2
    3: JC - 7-3-2
    4: Arthour - 7-4-3
    5: Lena Choi - 5-4-0
    6: Queen - 4-6-3
    7: MC - 5-8-3
    8: Resolute - 2-12-1

    Four through Seven Duels

    9: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 4-0-1
    10: The Spider - 4-1-0
    11: Enigmatic Intensity - 4-2-0
    12: Mordecai - 3-2-0
    13: Myria Graziano - 3-3-0
    14: Charles Blackstone - 2-3-0
    15: Lilly Hyde - 2-4-0
    16: Errtu - 1-3-0
    17: Kruger - 2-4-0
    18: Winter Pearl - 1-3-0
    19: Rachael Douglas - 1-4-0
    20: Saieniel - 1-6-0

    One through Three Duels

    21: JewellRavenlock - 3-0-0
    22: Suki Slider - 2-0-02
    23: Vegas - 2-0-0
    24: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
    25: Brynn Hawthorne - 1-0-0
    26: Lacey - 1-0-0
    27: Ammy Spiritor - 1-0-0
    28: Baeldyn331 - 1-0-0
    29: Blondie Eastwood - 1-0-0
    30: Unidentified - 1-0-0
    31: Mari the Doll - 1-0-1
    32: Warchild - 1-0-1
    33: Napoleon Bonarat - 2-1-0
    34: H.K. - 2-1-0
    35: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
    36: Gothrak - 1-1-0
    37: Cast Away - 1-1-0
    38: Chiquita - 1-1-0
    39: Ymric - 1-1-0
    40: Marie Prevot - 1-1-1
    41: Zack Alcar - 1-1-1
    42: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
    43: Rekah Illyriana - 0-1-0
    44: Aquilla Shimmer-Scale - 0-1-0
    45: Ashton Kimbre - 0-1-0
    46: Balanced Integer - 0-1-0
    47: Death of Man - 0-1-0
    48: Delahada - 0-1-0
    49: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
    50: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
    51: Eregor - 0-1-0
    52: Foxtar - 0-0-1
    53: Jane Doe - 0-1-0
    54: Janie - 0-1-0
    55: Juliane Smith - 0-1-0
    56: Mallow - 0-1-0
    57: Michiko - 0-1-0
    58: Oll One-Arm - 0-1-0
    59: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
    60: The Breaker - 0-1-0
    61: TinyTrouble - 0-1-0
    62: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-2-0
    63: gallowsCalibrator - 0-2-0
    64: Kyra Jessup - 0-2-0
    65: PslyderFTA - 0-2-0
    66: KC - 0-2-1
    67: Jade Alcar - 0-3-0
    68: Dean Reighland - 0-4-0
    69: Rinzler - 0-4-0
    70: Combat Droid - 0-0-2
    71: Mairead Harker - 0-0-1
    72: Pikachu - 0-0-1
    73: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
    74: LC - 0-0-1
    75: Sailor Mars - 0-0-1
    76 : Winds of the North - 0-0-1
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Andrea Anderson
Legendary Adventurer
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Less Than Three

Posts: 1607
Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:55 pm
Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.

Post by Andrea Anderson »

  • Three or More Duels

    1: Claire Farron - 3-0-0
    2: Shadow - 2-1-0
    3: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-3-1
    4: Rena A Cronin - 1-1-1
    5: Goldglo - 2-3-0
    6: Aya Hayashibara - 1-3-0
    7: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 1-4-0

    Below Three Duels

    8: Cassius Gaius Maximius - 2-0-0
    9: Kalamere - 2-0-0
    10: Jake - 2-0-0
    11: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
    12: King - 1-0-0
    13: Anubis Karos - 1-0-0
    14: A. Dagger Sasc - 1-0-0
    15: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
    16: MurOllavan - 1-0-0
    17: G - 0-1-0
    18: Tarl Cabot - 0-1-0
    19: Teagan - 0-1-0
    20: Nayun - 0-1-0
    21: Rand alTan - 0-1-0
    22: Lem DeAngelo - 0-1-0
    23: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
    24: Apple - 0-1-1
    25: Gren Blockman - 0-1-1
PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 04/03/2014 (Week 13 - FINAL)
  • Eight or More Duels

    1: Bile - 10-3-0
    2: Fourth - 14-9-2
    3: JC - 7-3-2
    4: Arthour - 7-4-3
    5: Lena Choi - 5-5-0
    6: Queen - 4-6-3
    7: MC - 5-8-3
    8: Resolute - 2-12-1

    Four through Seven Duels

    9: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 4-0-1
    10: The Spider - 4-1-0
    11: JewellRavenlock - 3-1-0
    12: Enigmatic Intensity - 4-2-0
    13: Mordecai - 3-2-0
    14: Myria Graziano - 3-3-0
    15: Charles Blackstone - 2-3-0
    16: Lilly Hyde - 2-4-0
    17: Errtu - 1-3-0
    18: Kruger - 2-4-0
    19: Winter Pearl - 1-3-0
    20: Rachael Douglas - 1-4-0
    21: Saieniel - 1-6-0

    One through Three Duels

    22: Vegas - 3-0-0
    23: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
    24: Mari the Doll - 2-0-1
    25: Warchild - 2-0-1
    26: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
    27: Brynn Hawthorne - 1-0-0
    28: Lacey - 1-0-0
    29: Ammy Spiritor - 1-0-0
    30: Baeldyn331 - 1-0-0
    31: Unidentified - 1-0-0
    32: LC - 1-0-1
    33: Napoleon Bonarat - 2-1-0
    34: H.K. - 2-1-0
    35: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
    36: Gothrak - 1-1-0
    37: Blondie Eastwood - 1-1-0
    38: Cast Away - 1-1-0
    39: Chiquita - 1-1-0
    40: Ymric - 1-1-0
    41: Marie Prevot - 1-1-1
    42: Zack Alcar - 1-1-1
    43: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
    44: Rekah Illyriana - 0-1-0
    45: Aquilla Shimmer-Scale - 0-1-0
    46: Ashton Kimbre - 0-1-0
    47: Balanced Integer - 0-1-0
    48: Death of Man - 0-1-0
    49: Delahada - 0-1-0
    50: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
    51: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
    52 Elder Knight - 0-1-0
    53: Eregor - 0-1-0
    54: Foxtar - 0-0-1
    55: Jane Doe - 0-1-0
    56: Janie - 0-1-0
    57: Juliane Smith - 0-1-0
    58: Mallow - 0-1-0
    59: Michiko - 0-1-0
    60: Oll One-Arm - 0-1-0
    61: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
    62: The Breaker - 0-1-0
    63: TinyTrouble - 0-1-0
    64: Atlas Sunsplitter - 0-1-1
    65: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-2-0
    66: gallowsCalibrator - 0-2-0
    67: Kyra Jessup - 0-2-0
    68: PslyderFTA - 0-2-0
    69: KC - 0-2-1
    70: Jade Alcar - 0-3-0
    71: Dean Reighland - 0-4-0
    72: Rinzler - 0-4-0
    73: Combat Droid - 0-0-2
    74: Mairead Harker - 0-0-1
    75: Pikachu - 0-0-1
    76: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
    77: Sailor Mars - 0-0-1
    78 : Winds of the North - 0-0-1
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Andrea Anderson
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Less Than Three

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Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.

Post by Andrea Anderson »

The Most Valuable Players of the Winter Cycle are...




WINNER: CLAIRE FARRON with a Cycle-Long record of 3-0-0 against Warlord / Baron / Overlord Ranks. A perfect score.

Honorable Mentions

2: Shadow - 2-1-0
3: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-3-1
4: Rena A Cronin - 1-1-1
5: Goldglo - 2-3-0




WINNER: BILE with a Cycle-Long record of 10-3-0.

Honorable Mentions

2: Fourth - 14-9-2
3: JC - 7-3-2
4: Arthour - 7-4-3
5: Lena Choi - 5-5-0
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Andrea Anderson
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Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.

Post by Andrea Anderson »

Since it was brought up to me a few times, I'll post a reminder.

Duels counted for Grand Prestige are,
Apple wrote:Overlord, Barons and Warlords fall under the Grand Prestige Rank. Only regulation Duels with other Warlords through Overlord will count. 15+ WoLs are required.
Duels against anyone ranked Commoner -> Grand Master did not count in these.
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Andrea Anderson
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Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.

Post by Andrea Anderson »

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