Out of Character message board for the Duel of Swords
Moderator: Staff
Andrea Anderson
Legendary Adventurer
Less Than Three
Posts: 1607 Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:55 pm
Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.
by Andrea Anderson » Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:33 am
GRAND PRESTIGE RANK s are determined by number of duels and win rate. If a tie occurs the Duelist with the least amount of ties will be the winner. If unable to still determine a winner - overall Wins over Losses. All else fails? Alphabetical order.
Overlord, Barons and Warlords fall under the Grand Prestige Rank. Only regulation Duels with other Warlords through Overlord will count. 15+ WoLs are required.
PRESTIGE RANK s are determined by number of duels and win rate. Weekly zeroing will not be used here. If a tie occurs rank will determine the winner. If both Duelists hold the same rank; the Duelist with the fewest number of ties will be the winner. If unable to still determine a winner - overall Wins over Losses. All else fails? Alphabetical order.
Grand Master, Master at Arms, Swordsman, and Commoners fall under the Prestige Rank. All regulation Duels will be counted.
Three or More Duels
1: Jaycy Ashleana - 2-1-0
Below Three Duels
2: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
3: Rena A Cronin - 1-0-0
4: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
5: Claire Farron - 1-0-0
6: G - 0-1-0
7: Nayun - 0-1-0
8: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
9: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 0-2-0
Eight or More Duels
1: MC - 5-5-1
2: Fourth - 4-4-1
Four through Seven Duels
3: Arthour - 3-2-1
4: JC - 1-2-1
5: Queen - 0-3-2
One through Three Duels
6: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 2-0-0
7: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
8: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
9: Winter Pearl - 1-0-0
10: Marie Prevot - 1-0-1
11: Unidentified - 1-0-0
12: Mordecai - 2-1-0
13: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
14: Chiquita - 1-1-0
15: Enigmatic Intensity - 1-2-0
16: Lillyhyde - 1-2-0
17: Saieniel - 1-2-0
18: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
19: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
20: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
21: Jade Alcar - 0-1-0
22: Mallow - 0-1-0
23: Michiko - 0-1-0
24: PslyderFTA - 0-1-0
25: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
26: Rinzler - 0-3-0
27: Zack Alcar - 0-0-1
28: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
Andrea Anderson
Legendary Adventurer
Less Than Three
Posts: 1607 Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:55 pm
Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.
by Andrea Anderson » Thu Feb 06, 2014 7:32 am
Three or More Duels
1: Jaycy Ashleana - 2-1-0
Below Three Duels
2: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
3: Rena A Cronin - 1-0-0
4: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
5: Claire Farron - 1-0-0
6: G - 0-1-0
7: Nayun - 0-1-0
8: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
9: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 0-2-0
Eight or More Duels
1: MC - 5-5-1
2: Fourth - 4-5-1
Four through Seven Duels
3: Mordecai - 3-2-0
4: Arthour - 3-2-1
5: JC - 1-2-1
6: Queen - 2-3-2
One through Three Duels
7: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 2-0-0
8: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
9: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
10: Myria Graziano - 1-0-0
11: Winter Pearl - 1-0-0
12: Marie Prevot - 1-0-1
13: Unidentified - 1-0-0
14: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
15: Chiquita - 1-1-0
16: Enigmatic Intensity - 1-2-0
17: Lillyhyde - 1-2-0
18: Saieniel - 1-2-0
19: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-1-0
20: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
21: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
22: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
23: Jade Alcar - 0-1-0
24: Mallow - 0-1-0
25: Michiko - 0-1-0
26: PslyderFTA - 0-1-0
27: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
28: Resolute - 0-3-0
29: Rinzler - 0-3-0
30: Zack Alcar - 0-0-1
31: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
Andrea Anderson
Legendary Adventurer
Less Than Three
Posts: 1607 Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:55 pm
Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.
by Andrea Anderson » Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:13 pm
Three or More Duels
1: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-1-1
Below Three Duels
2: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
3: Rena A Cronin - 1-0-1
4: King - 1-0-0
5: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
6: Claire Farron - 1-0-0
7: G - 0-1-0
8: Nayun - 0-1-0
9: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
10: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 0-2-0
11: Goldglo - 0-2-0
Eight or More Duels
1: Fourth - 6-6-1
2: Queen - 4-4-2
3: MC - 5-6-1
Four through Seven Duels
4: Bile - 5-0-0
5: Mordecai - 3-2-0
6: Arthour - 3-2-1
7: JC - 1-2-1
8: Resolute - 2-4-0
One through Three Duels
9: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 3-0-0
10: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
11: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
12: Myria Graziano - 1-0-0
13: Winter Pearl - 1-0-0
14: Marie Prevot - 1-0-1
15: Unidentified - 1-0-0
16: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
17: Lena Choi - 1-1-0
18: Charles Blackstone - 1-1-0
19: Chiquita - 1-1-0
20: Enigmatic Intensity - 1-2-0
21: Lillyhyde - 1-2-0
22: Saieniel - 1-2-0
23: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
24: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
25: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
26: Jade Alcar - 1-2-0
27: Mallow - 0-1-0
28: Michiko - 0-1-0
29: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
30: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-2-0
31: Dean Reighland - 0-2-0
32: PslyderFTA - 0-2-0
33: Rinzler - 0-3-0
34: Zack Alcar - 0-0-1
35: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
Andrea Anderson
Legendary Adventurer
Less Than Three
Posts: 1607 Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:55 pm
Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.
by Andrea Anderson » Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:03 am
Three or More Duels
1: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-2-1
Below Three Duels
2: Kalamere - 1-0-0
3: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
4: Rena A Cronin - 1-0-1
5: King - 1-0-0
6: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
7: Claire Farron - 1-0-0
8: G - 0-1-0
9: Nayun - 0-1-0
10: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
11: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 0-2-0
12: Goldglo - 0-2-0
Eight or More Duels
1: Fourth - 8-6-2
2: Arthour - 4-3-2
3: Queen - 4-4-2
4: MC - 5-7-3
5: Resolute - 2-7-0
Four through Seven Duels
6: Bile - 7-0-0
7: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 4-0-0
8: Enigmatic Intensity - 3-2-0
9: Mordecai - 3-2-0
10: JC - 3-3-1
One through Three Duels
11: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
12: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
13: Myria Graziano - 1-0-0
14: JewellRavenlock - 1-0-0
15: Marie Prevot - 1-0-1
16: Unidentified - 1-0-0
17: Lillyhyde - 2-2-0
18: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
18: Lena Choi - 1-1-0
20: Rachael Douglas - 1-1-0
21: Charles Blackstone - 1-1-0
22: Chiquita - 1-1-0
23: Saieniel - 1-2-0
24: Winter Pearl - 1-2-0
25: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
26: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
27: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
28: Jade Alcar - 1-3-0
29: Errtu - 0-1-0
30: Mallow - 0-1-0
31: Michiko - 0-1-0
32: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
33: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-2-0
34: Dean Reighland - 0-2-0
35: PslyderFTA - 0-2-0
36: Rinzler - 0-3-0
37: Zack Alcar - 0-0-1
38: KC - 0-0-1
39: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
40: LC - 0-0-1
41: Pikachu - 0-0-1
42: Sailor Mars - 0-0-1
43: Winds of the North - 0-0-1
Andrea Anderson
Legendary Adventurer
Less Than Three
Posts: 1607 Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:55 pm
Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.
by Andrea Anderson » Mon Mar 03, 2014 5:28 pm
Three or More Duels
1: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-2-1
Below Three Duels
2: Kalamere - 1-0-0
3: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
4: Rena A Cronin - 1-0-1
5: King - 1-0-0
6: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
7: Claire Farron - 1-0-0
8: G - 0-1-0
9: Nayun - 0-1-0
10: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
11: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 0-2-0
12: Goldglo - 0-2-0
Eight or More Duels
1: Bile - 8-1-0
2: Fourth - 9-7-2
3: JC - 4-3-1
4: Arthour - 4-3-2
5: Queen - 4-4-2
6: MC - 5-7-3
7: Resolute - 2-7-0
Four through Seven Duels
8: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 4-0-0
9: Enigmatic Intensity - 3-2-0
10: Mordecai - 3-2-0
11: Lena Choi - 2-2-0
12: Lilly Hyde - 2-3-0
One through Three Duels
13: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
14: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
15: Myria Graziano - 1-0-0
16: Brynn Hawthorne - 1-0-0
17: Gothrak - 1-0-0
18: JewellRavenlock - 1-0-0
19: Kruger - 1-0-0
20: Marie Prevot - 1-0-1
21: Unidentified - 1-0-0
22: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
23: Rachael Douglas - 1-1-0
24: Chiquita - 1-1-0
25: Charles Blackstone - 1-2-0
26: Saieniel - 1-2-0
27: Winter Pearl - 1-2-0
28: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
29: Aquilla Shimmer-Scale - 0-1-0
30: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
31: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
32: Eregor - 0-1-0
33: Errtu - 0-1-0
34: Mallow - 0-1-0
35: Michiko - 0-1-0
36: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
37: KC - 0-1-1
38: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-2-0
39: Dean Reighland - 0-2-0
40: gallowsCalibrator - 0-2-0
41: PslyderFTA - 0-2-0
42: Jade Alcar - 0-3-0
43: Rinzler - 0-3-0
44: Mairead Harker - 0-0-1
45: Pikachu - 0-0-1
46: Zack Alcar - 0-0-1
47: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
48: LC - 0-0-1
49: Sailor Mars - 0-0-1
50: Winds of the North - 0-0-1
Andrea Anderson
Legendary Adventurer
Less Than Three
Posts: 1607 Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:55 pm
Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.
by Andrea Anderson » Mon Mar 03, 2014 5:54 pm
GRAND PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 03/03/2014 (Week 9)
Three or More Duels
1: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-3-1
2: Goldglo - 2-3-0
Below Three Duels
3: Kalamere - 1-0-0
4: Jake - 1-0-0
5: Aya Hayashibara - 1-0-0
6: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
7: Rena A Cronin - 1-0-1
8: King - 1-0-0
9: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
10: Claire Farron - 1-0-0
11: Shadow - 1-1-0
12: G - 0-1-0
13: Teagan - 0-1-0
14: Nayun - 0-1-0
15: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
16: Apple - 0-1-1
17: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 0-2-0
18: Gren Blockman - 0-0-1
PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 03/03/2014 (Week 9)
Eight or More Duels
1: Bile - 8-2-0
2: Fourth - 10-8-2
3: Arthour - 5-3-2
4: JC - 4-3-1
5: Queen - 4-4-2
6: MC - 5-7-3
7: Resolute - 2-7-0
Four through Seven Duels
8: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 4-0-0
9: Enigmatic Intensity - 4-2-0
10: Mordecai - 3-2-0
11: Lena Choi - 2-2-0
12: Lilly Hyde - 2-3-0
13: Errtu - 1-3-0
14: Kruger - 1-3-0
15: Saieniel - 1-4-0
One through Three Duels
16: Myria Graziano - 2-0-0
17: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
18: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
19: Brynn Hawthorne - 1-0-0
20: Gothrak - 1-0-0
21: JewellRavenlock - 1-0-0
22: Cast Away - 1-0-0
23: H.K. - 1-0-0
24: Unidentified - 1-0-0
25: Ymric - 1-0-0
26: Marie Prevot - 1-0-1
27: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
28: Rachael Douglas - 1-1-0
29: Chiquita - 1-1-0
30: Charles Blackstone - 1-2-0
31: Winter Pearl - 1-2-0
32: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
33: Aquilla Shimmer-Scale - 0-1-0
34: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
35: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
36: Eregor - 0-1-0
37: Mallow - 0-1-0
38: Michiko - 0-1-0
39: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
40: KC - 0-1-1
41: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-2-0
42: gallowsCalibrator - 0-2-0
43: PslyderFTA - 0-2-0
44: Dean Reighland - 0-3-0
45: Jade Alcar - 0-3-0
46: Rinzler - 0-3-0
47: Mairead Harker - 0-0-1
48: Pikachu - 0-0-1
49: Zack Alcar - 0-0-1
50: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
51: LC - 0-0-1
52: Sailor Mars - 0-0-1
53: Winds of the North - 0-0-1
Andrea Anderson
Legendary Adventurer
Less Than Three
Posts: 1607 Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:55 pm
Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.
by Andrea Anderson » Thu Mar 20, 2014 6:45 am
GRAND PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 03/14/2014 (Week 10)
Three or More Duels
1: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-3-1
2: Goldglo - 2-3-0
Below Three Duels
3: Kalamere - 1-0-0
4: Jake - 1-0-0
5: Aya Hayashibara - 1-0-0
6: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
7: Rena A Cronin - 1-0-1
8: King - 1-0-0
9: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
10: Claire Farron - 1-0-0
11: Shadow - 1-1-0
12: G - 0-1-0
13: Teagan - 0-1-0
14: Nayun - 0-1-0
15: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
16: Apple - 0-1-1
17: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 0-2-0
18: Gren Blockman - 0-0-1
PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 03/14/2014 (Week 10)
Eight or More Duels
1: Bile - 8-3-0
2: Fourth - 10-8-2
3: JC - 6-3-1
4: Arthour - 6-3-2
5: Queen - 4-6-2
6: MC - 5-7-3
7: Resolute - 2-8-0
Four through Seven Duels
8: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 4-0-1
9: Enigmatic Intensity - 4-2-0
10: Mordecai - 3-2-0
11: Lena Choi - 2-2-0
12: Charles Blackstone - 2-2-0
13: Lilly Hyde - 2-4-0
14: Errtu - 1-3-0
15: Kruger - 2-4-0
16: Rachael Douglas - 1-3-0
17: Saieniel - 1-4-0
One through Three Duels
18: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
19: The Spider - 2-0-0
20: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
21: Napoleon Bonarat - 1-0-0
22: Brynn Hawthorne - 1-0-0
23: Vegas - 1-0-0
24: JewellRavenlock - 1-0-0
25: Cast Away - 1-0-0
26: H.K. - 1-0-0
27: Unidentified - 1-0-0
28: Ymric - 1-0-0
29: Marie Prevot - 1-0-1
30: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
31: Gothrak - 1-1-0
32: Chiquita - 1-1-0
33: Zack Alcar - 1-1-1
34: Winter Pearl - 1-2-0
35: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
36: Aquilla Shimmer-Scale - 0-1-0
37: Death of Man - 0-1-0
38: Delahada - 0-1-0
39: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
40: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
41: Eregor - 0-1-0
42: Jane Doe - 0-1-0
43: Juliane Smith - 0-1-0
44: Mallow - 0-1-0
45: Michiko - 0-1-0
46: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
47: The Breaker - 0-1-0
48: TinyTrouble - 0-1-0
49: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-2-0
50: gallowsCalibrator - 0-2-0
51: PslyderFTA - 0-2-0
52: KC - 0-2-1
53: Dean Reighland - 0-3-0
54: Jade Alcar - 0-3-0
55: Rinzler - 0-3-0
56: Mairead Harker - 0-0-1
57: Pikachu - 0-0-1
58: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
59: LC - 0-0-1
60: Mari the Doll - 0-0-1
61: Sailor Mars - 0-0-1
62: Winds of the North - 0-0-1
Andrea Anderson
Legendary Adventurer
Less Than Three
Posts: 1607 Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:55 pm
Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.
by Andrea Anderson » Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:08 am
GRAND PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 03/20/2014 (Week 11)
Three or More Duels
1: Claire Farron - 3-0-0
2: Shadow - 2-1-0
3: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-3-1
4: Aya Hayashibara - 1-2-0
5: Goldglo - 2-3-0
6: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 0-3-0
Below Three Duels
7: Kalamere - 1-0-0
8: Jake - 1-0-0
9: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
10: Rena A Cronin - 1-0-1
11: King - 1-0-0
12: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
13: G - 0-1-0
14: Teagan - 0-1-0
15: Nayun - 0-1-0
16: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
17: Apple - 0-1-1
18: Gren Blockman - 0-0-1
PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 03/20/2014 (Week 11)
Eight or More Duels
1: Bile - 10-3-0
2: JC - 7-3-1
3: Fourth - 11-8-2
4: Arthour - 6-3-3
5: Queen - 4-6-3
6: MC - 5-8-3
7: Resolute - 2-10-1
Four through Seven Duels
8: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 4-0-1
9: Enigmatic Intensity - 4-2-0
10: Mordecai - 3-2-0
11: Lena Choi - 3-3-0
12: Charles Blackstone - 2-2-0
13: Lilly Hyde - 2-4-0
14: Errtu - 1-3-0
15: Kruger - 2-4-0
16: Winter Pearl - 1-3-0
17: Rachael Douglas - 1-4-0
18: Saieniel - 1-5-0
One through Three Duels
19: The Spider - 3-0-0
20: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
21: JewellRavenlock - 2-0-0
22: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
23: Napoleon Bonarat - 1-0-0
24: Brynn Hawthorne - 1-0-0
25: Ashton Kimbre - 1-0-0
26: Baeldyn331 - 1-0-0
27: Unidentified - 1-0-0
28: Vegas - 1-0-0
29: Warchild - 1-0-0
30: Ymric - 1-0-0
31: H.K. - 2-1-0
32: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
33: Gothrak - 1-1-0
34: Cast Away - 1-1-0
35: Chiquita - 1-1-0
36: Marie Prevot - 1-1-1
37: Zack Alcar - 1-1-1
38: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
39: Rekah Illyriana - 0-1-0
40: Aquilla Shimmer-Scale - 0-1-0
41: Balanced Integer - 0-1-0
42: Death of Man - 0-1-0
43: Delahada - 0-1-0
44: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
45: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
46: Eregor - 0-1-0
47: Foxtar - 0-0-1
48: Jane Doe - 0-1-0
49: Janie - 0-1-0
50: Juliane Smith - 0-1-0
51: Mallow - 0-1-0
52: Michiko - 0-1-0
53: Oll One-Arm - 0-1-0
54: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
55: The Breaker - 0-1-0
56: TinyTrouble - 0-1-0
57: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-2-0
58: gallowsCalibrator - 0-2-0
59: Kyra Jessup - 0-2-0
60: PslyderFTA - 0-2-0
61: KC - 0-2-1
62: Jade Alcar - 0-3-0
63: Rinzler - 0-3-0
64: Dean Reighland - 0-4-0
65: Combat Droid - 0-0-2
66: Mairead Harker - 0-0-1
67: Pikachu - 0-0-1
68: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
69: LC - 0-0-1
70: Mari the Doll - 0-0-1
71: Sailor Mars - 0-0-1
72 : Winds of the North - 0-0-1
Andrea Anderson
Legendary Adventurer
Less Than Three
Posts: 1607 Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:55 pm
Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.
by Andrea Anderson » Thu Mar 27, 2014 11:06 am
GRAND PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 03/27/2014 (Week 12)
Three or More Duels
1: Claire Farron - 3-0-0
2: Shadow - 2-1-0
3: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-3-1
4: Goldglo - 2-3-0
5: Aya Hayashibara - 1-3-0
6: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 1-3-0
7: Rena A Cronin - 1-1-1
Below Three Duels
8: Cassius Gaius Maximius - 1-0-0
9: Kalamere - 1-0-0
10: Jake - 2-0-0
11: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
12: King - 1-0-0
13: Anubis Karos - 1-0-0
14: A. Dagger Sasc - 1-0-0
15: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
16: MurOllavan - 1-0-0
17: G - 0-1-0
18: Teagan - 0-1-0
19: Nayun - 0-1-0
20: Rand alTan - 0-1-0
21: Lem DeAngelo - 0-1-0
22: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
23: Apple - 0-1-1
24: Gren Blockman - 0-1-1
PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 03/27/2014 (Week 12)
Eight or More Duels
1: Bile - 10-3-0
2: Fourth - 14-8-2
3: JC - 7-3-2
4: Arthour - 7-4-3
5: Lena Choi - 5-4-0
6: Queen - 4-6-3
7: MC - 5-8-3
8: Resolute - 2-12-1
Four through Seven Duels
9: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 4-0-1
10: The Spider - 4-1-0
11: Enigmatic Intensity - 4-2-0
12: Mordecai - 3-2-0
13: Myria Graziano - 3-3-0
14: Charles Blackstone - 2-3-0
15: Lilly Hyde - 2-4-0
16: Errtu - 1-3-0
17: Kruger - 2-4-0
18: Winter Pearl - 1-3-0
19: Rachael Douglas - 1-4-0
20: Saieniel - 1-6-0
One through Three Duels
21: JewellRavenlock - 3-0-0
22: Suki Slider - 2-0-02
23: Vegas - 2-0-0
24: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
25: Brynn Hawthorne - 1-0-0
26: Lacey - 1-0-0
27: Ammy Spiritor - 1-0-0
28: Baeldyn331 - 1-0-0
29: Blondie Eastwood - 1-0-0
30: Unidentified - 1-0-0
31: Mari the Doll - 1-0-1
32: Warchild - 1-0-1
33: Napoleon Bonarat - 2-1-0
34: H.K. - 2-1-0
35: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
36: Gothrak - 1-1-0
37: Cast Away - 1-1-0
38: Chiquita - 1-1-0
39: Ymric - 1-1-0
40: Marie Prevot - 1-1-1
41: Zack Alcar - 1-1-1
42: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
43: Rekah Illyriana - 0-1-0
44: Aquilla Shimmer-Scale - 0-1-0
45: Ashton Kimbre - 0-1-0
46: Balanced Integer - 0-1-0
47: Death of Man - 0-1-0
48: Delahada - 0-1-0
49: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
50: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
51: Eregor - 0-1-0
52: Foxtar - 0-0-1
53: Jane Doe - 0-1-0
54: Janie - 0-1-0
55: Juliane Smith - 0-1-0
56: Mallow - 0-1-0
57: Michiko - 0-1-0
58: Oll One-Arm - 0-1-0
59: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
60: The Breaker - 0-1-0
61: TinyTrouble - 0-1-0
62: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-2-0
63: gallowsCalibrator - 0-2-0
64: Kyra Jessup - 0-2-0
65: PslyderFTA - 0-2-0
66: KC - 0-2-1
67: Jade Alcar - 0-3-0
68: Dean Reighland - 0-4-0
69: Rinzler - 0-4-0
70: Combat Droid - 0-0-2
71: Mairead Harker - 0-0-1
72: Pikachu - 0-0-1
73: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
74: LC - 0-0-1
75: Sailor Mars - 0-0-1
76 : Winds of the North - 0-0-1
Andrea Anderson
Legendary Adventurer
Less Than Three
Posts: 1607 Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:55 pm
Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.
by Andrea Anderson » Wed Apr 02, 2014 11:57 pm
Three or More Duels
1: Claire Farron - 3-0-0
2: Shadow - 2-1-0
3: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-3-1
4: Rena A Cronin - 1-1-1
5: Goldglo - 2-3-0
6: Aya Hayashibara - 1-3-0
7: Xanth Van Bokkelen- 1-4-0
Below Three Duels
8: Cassius Gaius Maximius - 2-0-0
9: Kalamere - 2-0-0
10: Jake - 2-0-0
11: Rakeesh - 1-0-0
12: King - 1-0-0
13: Anubis Karos - 1-0-0
14: A. Dagger Sasc - 1-0-0
15: Morgan le Fay - 1-0-0
16: MurOllavan - 1-0-0
17: G - 0-1-0
18: Tarl Cabot - 0-1-0
19: Teagan - 0-1-0
20: Nayun - 0-1-0
21: Rand alTan - 0-1-0
22: Lem DeAngelo - 0-1-0
23: Sungkut Lanka - 0-1-0
24: Apple - 0-1-1
25: Gren Blockman - 0-1-1
PRESTIGE RANKINGS: 04/03/2014 (Week 13 - FINAL)
Eight or More Duels
1: Bile - 10-3-0
2: Fourth - 14-9-2
3: JC - 7-3-2
4: Arthour - 7-4-3
5: Lena Choi - 5-5-0
6: Queen - 4-6-3
7: MC - 5-8-3
8: Resolute - 2-12-1
Four through Seven Duels
9: Maximus Shimmer-Scale - 4-0-1
10: The Spider - 4-1-0
11: JewellRavenlock - 3-1-0
12: Enigmatic Intensity - 4-2-0
13: Mordecai - 3-2-0
14: Myria Graziano - 3-3-0
15: Charles Blackstone - 2-3-0
16: Lilly Hyde - 2-4-0
17: Errtu - 1-3-0
18: Kruger - 2-4-0
19: Winter Pearl - 1-3-0
20: Rachael Douglas - 1-4-0
21: Saieniel - 1-6-0
One through Three Duels
22: Vegas - 3-0-0
23: Suki Slider - 2-0-0
24: Mari the Doll - 2-0-1
25: Warchild - 2-0-1
26: MinionofDeathlord - 1-0-0
27: Brynn Hawthorne - 1-0-0
28: Lacey - 1-0-0
29: Ammy Spiritor - 1-0-0
30: Baeldyn331 - 1-0-0
31: Unidentified - 1-0-0
32: LC - 1-0-1
33: Napoleon Bonarat - 2-1-0
34: H.K. - 2-1-0
35: Elaine Aqua - 1-1-0
36: Gothrak - 1-1-0
37: Blondie Eastwood - 1-1-0
38: Cast Away - 1-1-0
39: Chiquita - 1-1-0
40: Ymric - 1-1-0
41: Marie Prevot - 1-1-1
42: Zack Alcar - 1-1-1
43: Ria Graziano - 0-1-0
44: Rekah Illyriana - 0-1-0
45: Aquilla Shimmer-Scale - 0-1-0
46: Ashton Kimbre - 0-1-0
47: Balanced Integer - 0-1-0
48: Death of Man - 0-1-0
49: Delahada - 0-1-0
50: Dreamdancer - 0-1-0
51: Ebon Ilnaren - 0-1-0
52 Elder Knight - 0-1-0
53: Eregor - 0-1-0
54: Foxtar - 0-0-1
55: Jane Doe - 0-1-0
56: Janie - 0-1-0
57: Juliane Smith - 0-1-0
58: Mallow - 0-1-0
59: Michiko - 0-1-0
60: Oll One-Arm - 0-1-0
61: Pzynkx - 0-1-0
62: The Breaker - 0-1-0
63: TinyTrouble - 0-1-0
64: Atlas Sunsplitter - 0-1-1
65: Rhiannonn Brock - 0-2-0
66: gallowsCalibrator - 0-2-0
67: Kyra Jessup - 0-2-0
68: PslyderFTA - 0-2-0
69: KC - 0-2-1
70: Jade Alcar - 0-3-0
71: Dean Reighland - 0-4-0
72: Rinzler - 0-4-0
73: Combat Droid - 0-0-2
74: Mairead Harker - 0-0-1
75: Pikachu - 0-0-1
76: LadyAjaBird - 0-0-1
77: Sailor Mars - 0-0-1
78 : Winds of the North - 0-0-1
Andrea Anderson
Legendary Adventurer
Less Than Three
Posts: 1607 Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:55 pm
Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.
by Andrea Anderson » Thu Apr 03, 2014 12:05 am
The Most Valuable Players of the Winter Cycle are...
WINNER : CLAIRE FARRON with a Cycle-Long record of 3-0-0 against Warlord / Baron / Overlord Ranks. A perfect score.
Honorable Mentions
2: Shadow - 2-1-0
3: Jaycy Ashleana - 3-3-1
4: Rena A Cronin - 1-1-1
5: Goldglo - 2-3-0
WINNER : BILE with a Cycle-Long record of 10-3-0.
Honorable Mentions
2: Fourth - 14-9-2
3: JC - 7-3-2
4: Arthour - 7-4-3
5: Lena Choi - 5-5-0
Andrea Anderson
Legendary Adventurer
Less Than Three
Posts: 1607 Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:55 pm
Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.
by Andrea Anderson » Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:45 pm
Since it was brought up to me a few times, I'll post a reminder.
Duels counted for Grand Prestige are,
Apple wrote: Overlord, Barons and Warlords fall under the Grand Prestige Rank. Only regulation Duels with other Warlords through Overlord will count. 15+ WoLs are required.
Duels against anyone ranked Commoner -> Grand Master did not count in these.
Andrea Anderson
Legendary Adventurer
Less Than Three
Posts: 1607 Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:55 pm
Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.
by Andrea Anderson » Mon Apr 07, 2014 7:03 pm
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