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I look in the mirror, but the face isn't mine

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 8:38 am
by Masked Visitor
After another day's work of digging up information and running errands for the people of Rhydin, Q was happy to finally be able to head back to his apartment, fix up a meal, and call it a night. It was already well after dark when he unlocked his door and stepped inside, the silence of the place giving him a small comfort. Life had been routine and more routine since he found himself in this Rhydin a little more than four years ago. Some of the familiar faces were still around, but they were little more than that to him. Faces that served as a reminder of his past that was left behind somewhere in a Rhydin that existed somewhere across the multiverse. In some ways, this Rhydin had proven to be better. Magic still existed. The technology was more advanced. People on the whole seemed happier, even if life could be a little chaotic at times. He even managed to find a way to keep doing what he had been doing before, even though it didn't pay much better here. But it was enough to keep himself going, and off the radar enough to not get his cover blown.

Closing the door, he hung his trench coat up and undid his mask, setting it on the stand before he reached over towards the light switch and illuminated things. Much to his surprise, when he turned around there was a man sitting at his table. One who must've been waiting patiently this whole time. Normally, one's first reaction in a situation like this is fight or flight, but in Q's case it was reaching for his mask. His hand shot out for the stand, but by the time he had it in his grasp again, he had recognized just who it was that was sitting there, and his heart dropped somewhere down a few feet below his stomach. “I had a feeling this day would happen eventually.....”

The man sitting there sipped some tea, his gaze never leaving Q. He wasn't particularly worried about things, but he never knew quite how things would turn out. “I'm sure you did. I've put this off for a while because I've had other things keeping my attention, but I think it's time we finally had a chat. One Vincent Smith to another.”