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Swords Spooktacular Halloween Icons

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 10:37 am
by DUEL Norah
Everyone should have an icon from last night. Everyone listed received the "Halloween Treats" icon. Everyone marked with an asterisk (for dueling) received the "Swords Spooktacular 2013" icon.

Let me know if anyone/anything was missed!

*Cast Away 
*Claire Farron 
*Enigmatic Intensity 
*Jaycy Ashleana 
*Joku Shoyia 
*Morgan le Fay 
*Random McChanse 
*Rena A Cronin 
Darien Fenner 
Elaine Aqua 
Joey Masters 
Kimone Kidd 
Krusolis Evergreen 
Miranda Branson 
Napoleon Bonarat 
Rand alTan 
Zack Alcar 

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:41 am
by Napoleon Bonarat
Love these! And the ones for Swordstober Swordsabration!