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Pawn Stars RhyDin

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:13 am
by Zulja
The camera pans over the front of "Nobles 4 Gold : Voodoo & More".

A guitar riff and bongo drums bridges the scene from outside to in. A man holding onto a shoebox standing in front of a rather bored looking Troll woman.

"What would you say if I told you I have AUTHENTIC Matt Simon sweat from his historic 10th defense of IceDancer against Anubis Karos?" A balding man said with a grin on his face.

"Ah be sayin' you wassa' lyah unlessin' ya' gos' proof ta' back ya' claims." Zulja said and reached out to bring the box closer. A look later and she'd be pushing it away.

"Ain' in'rested. Erryone be knowin' Matt Simon don' be sweatin' wi' all da frosty voodoo goin' on wi' da Opal." She then reached to grab it before the man could take it back. Sliding the box back over the counter toward her. "But ah'ma be nice an' huma' ya'. Ah godda' guy who be all inna' da' duelin' craze."

"Ya' needa' be comin' back ina' few hours. Den ah'll have wha'cha be needin'."

The camera pans back outside and shows the balding man standing in front of the shop.

"It's the real deal, I swear. I'm going to be rich!" All smiles. This man obviously knew his time spectating the duels was finally paying off!

Commercial Break.

The show returns to the sound of a guitar riff and bongo drums. The scene now inside the shop.

"Ah talked ta' my guy.. He be tellin' meh that dis be da' real deal. So, wha'cha gonna be askin' fo?" She swept the box away lazily and leaned over the counter.

"Well.. I'm kind of hoping for two thousand silver nobles." A nervous smile backing up his words. "That's what most Matt Simon memorabilia is going for."

"Ah dunno if ah be hearin' you right. Two thousand? Sorry ta' burs' ya' bubble, mon.. bu' da duelin' markets be takin' a hit thanks ta' da new Ova'lord. Some people be boycottin' da guys actions, and 'dats hurtin' business when it comes ta' duelin' goods."

She paused. Then asked, "How much ya' really be takin' for it?"

"Two thousand silver nobles.." The man stuck to his guns.

"Ah can do two hundy."

"I can't do that. It's way too low.. Maybe I should go to the shop--"

"They ain' gonna be givin' ya the deal ah am. Ah be tellin' ya, duelin' stuff ain' sellin' so well righ' now.. Ah be doin' ya a favor jus' givin' ya two hundy."

"How about seven hundred?"

"Ah godda' make a profit, mon.. Two hundy."

Slowly, throughout this conversation, the camera caught the mans dread and disappointment as it slowly surfaced over his face.

"Three fifty is the lowest I'll go!" He said. Clearly becoming agitated.

"Two fiddy. 'das da' highes' ah'll be goin'."

The camera shot between the two with dramatic confrontation music going on in the background.

"Fine.. Two hundred and fifty nobles."

"Ya' made da' right choice, mon. Les' go get Bobo ta' write ya' up."

After the two shook hands to show the deal was made, the camera changed scenes back to outside. The man was standing in front of the camera showing his silver nobles he had made.

"It's not what I came in for.. But it's better than nothing! Now I can go bet twice on Madness and hope to flip this into a bigger profit!"

While the man spoke, the camera zoomed in through the window to show Zulja putting the sweat covered napkin on sale for 4,000 Silver Nobles.

"I guess that was an okay deal."

The mans voice can be heard off to the side while the screen goes black.


Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:56 pm
by G
A strange call occurs.


Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:53 pm
by Zulja
"Ah be swearin' if ah find out who ya' is ah'm gonna rip ya tongue out an' shove it down ya' throat!"