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Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:25 pm
by DrummanFeldaris
Not sure if this is where I should be posting this, am just amazed that people are still playing in the realm of Rhydin, or somewhat like it... Did a search on Google just out of boredom and to reminisce about the good ol' days when a RPG game was truly about ROLE PLAYING... Anyway, it's good to see it.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:11 pm
by Corlanthis
Hello! And welcome back to Rhy'din, as it were!

I'm not sure if you're familiar with the Duels from the AOL days, but Rings of Honor is the home for those. If you're looking for good ole' traditional Red Dragon Inn roleplaying fun, go take a look over at!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:19 pm
by Candy Hart
There's still rping here too... there's just ALSO dueling.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:48 pm
by Goldglo
What Candy said! RoH combines games with cooperative role-play!


Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:58 am
by DrummanFeldaris
Oh yea, I definitely remember the duels... All those dice flying around. That's basically all I did back then, lol. Just went around looking for fights, smh... Ahhh what it was to be young :)

Dueling became much less enjoyable when everyone started running around with 4d100 dice or w/e... Horrible, just horrible.

So where should I start here?? Read a few topics, but didn't see any place to just jump into.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:19 am
by G
Dice? Oh we don't use dice here. Those were Spars. Major difference. :)

As to where to start, I guess the Getting Started link is as good a spot as any. Also, might want to also make another name over on the RDI site cause we hold some duels there. Tonight is Duel of Fists from about 7:30 est till later. There's also regular RP pretty much the whole time there too, while most people tend to RP here during dueling hours.

I guess just see which of the duels strikes your fancy the most and watch a night or two, or just jump right in and RP. :)

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:23 pm
by Rhiannon Brock
G wrote:Dice? Oh we don't use dice here. Those were Spars. Major difference. :)

As to where to start, I guess the Getting Started link is as good a spot as any. Also, might want to also make another name over on the RDI site cause we hold some duels there. Tonight is Duel of Fists from about 7:30 est till later. There's also regular RP pretty much the whole time there too, while most people tend to RP here during dueling hours.

I guess just see which of the duels strikes your fancy the most and watch a night or two, or just jump right in and RP. :)
Those were spars, AAs, and DMs, G. ;)

7:30? Does that mean the schedule needs to be updated, it shows 9.

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:58 pm
by Agrenish
DrummanFeldaris wrote:Oh yea, I definitely remember the duels... All those dice flying around. That's basically all I did back then, lol. Just went around looking for fights, smh... Ahhh what it was to be young :)

Dueling became much less enjoyable when everyone started running around with 4d100 dice or w/e... Horrible, just horrible.

So where should I start here?? Read a few topics, but didn't see any place to just jump into.
I remember dice sparring. Those were so frustrating. The lack of user skill is the main reason I switched from Guilds and sparring to the Arena and dueling. If I remember correctly, twenty sided dice, 15-19 = 1 hit, 20=2hits and the ultra rare 20 20 = 5 hits?

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:03 pm
by Sharael
Yeah, pretty much, unless you were in certain Councils, then they could go up to d50.

Train keep on rolling
Agrenish wrote:
DrummanFeldaris wrote:Oh yea, I definitely remember the duels... All those dice flying around. That's basically all I did back then, lol. Just went around looking for fights, smh... Ahhh what it was to be young :)

Dueling became much less enjoyable when everyone started running around with 4d100 dice or w/e... Horrible, just horrible.

So where should I start here?? Read a few topics, but didn't see any place to just jump into.
I remember dice sparring. Those were so frustrating. The lack of user skill is the main reason I switched from Guilds and sparring to the Arena and dueling. If I remember correctly, twenty sided dice, 15-19 = 1 hit, 20=2hits and the ultra rare 20 20 = 5 hits?

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:06 pm
by Wulfson
Wow. Dice. That's a nasty flashback. Where's my Tylenol?