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New Beginnings

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:18 pm
by Dayd
The sound of hunting beasts could be heard extremely close now. It was only a matter of time before they would be upon him. He was being pursed down a long narrowing gully with steep smooth walls of granite. The only place to go was forward. Running fiercely he was almost unable to stop when the path came to an abrupt end. Turning around he could now see the large reptilian creatures closing fast on his location. He drew his sword and squared off to face the oncoming reptiles. Quickly he looked at his wrist. Three. Two. One. It was midnight. The sky shimmered around the swordsman. The reptiles leapt at the swordsman who swung his sword. The blade passed through the creatures as if there were ghosts. In the next second the lizards passed through the swordsman like mist and were gone. He blinked. The canyon was gone. Instead a sprawling city could be seen. It was night now and there did not appear to be any immediate danger. He replaced his sword in his sheath and looked around to decide his next course of action. He had been many places and seen many things so he decided to look for the main gathering place of this city and learn about his new surroundings. Looking at his watch it appeared to have stopped ticking. He was going to be here for a while wherever here was.

Dayd entered the Arena. A Duel of Swords was in the process of concluding. He studied what was going on from the doorway. The bout concluded and another started. Dayd exited the Arena.

So this was the way of this world. He would fit in just fine for his duration.

Looking for work

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:50 am
by Dayd
After exiting the Arena he found himself wandering the streets searching for a boarding house that would at least furnish him a bed for the night. Arriving at said inn he asked the keep for a small room. After haggling over the price it was agreed that he would take a position as a Housekeeper to help pay for his room. Heading upstairs he entered his room where he would wash away the dirt from his previous journey so that he might be able to carry dirt from his new journey. Lying down in his bed he looked at his watch. A constant reminder of the time he came from where he was an inventor. In the morning he would seek out someone that might help foster his ability to tinker and make general improvements to the quality of life. Everywhere he has been he always has been able to leave technology behind. This place would be no different.

He must have drifted off to sleep in deep thought for when he woke it was morning. There was a loud knock on the door and Dayd woke to find the innkeep giving him his instructions on what needed fixing up for the day.

His chores took him well into the afternoon, but still afforded him enough time to try and seek out someone that might appreciated his technological savviness. The sun was starting to drift toward the horizon when finally he located a small shop that sold unique items. Entering the shop the owner looked up.

“Can I help you with something young man?” the owner asked.

“I am looking for work and believe I might be able to help you repair some of the objects in your shop,” replied the traveller as he picked up an old clock.

“Careful with that it's very fragile,” the old man said as he watched intently as the stranger handled the merchandise.

Picking up a small screwdriver Dayd quickly went to work fixing the clock. Within a few minutes the clock was ticking in time with the others in the shop. The clockmaker looked up at him and a small smile began to move across his lips. “Alright then son you're hired.”

Dayd continued to work fixing the clocks that were around him till the lampboys wandered by lighting the street poles. Standing he said good night to the clockmaker and headed out for the night. He would stop by the Duels again tonight and begin to learn who the others of this city were.