Squire Rank, Official Rules and FaQ: New

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Squire Rank, Official Rules and FaQ: New

Post by G »

1. Barons are permitted to appoint any duelist of any rank beneath Warlord as their squire.

2. Squires receive a weapon as previously detailed, and with that, one fancy above their normal up until they achieve the rank of Warlord Only Providing They Are Wielding The Squire's Weapon! This means if the Squire is using any weapon that is not the squire's, they do not get the fancy.

3. If a Squire achieves the Warlord Rank, they lose the title of Squire.

4. Grand Master Squires no longer gain the ability or right to challenge.

5. Barons who wish to appoint a Squire may do so in whichever manner they choose. This means they may outright name a squire, or hold an approved tournament if they wish in order to gain a squire.

6. Squires may be kept for as long as the Baron holds the title.

7. Barons may only release a Squire on their own in order to name a new Squire Once per reign. This does not apply should the Squire achieve the Rank of Warlord.

8. If a Squire wins the Talon of Redwin tournament, the Fancies will stack up to Four Fancies. So, if a Squire is a Commoner, and wins the Talon, they would have 2 fancies.

Symbols of Station:

Symbols of Station

There may be no more than 7 Squires at any time. Each squire is granted use of a weapon as a symbol of their rank. These are weapons of special abilities that hold a benefit as well as a drawback.
Last edited by G on Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:30 pm, edited 6 times in total.
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
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Re: Squire Rank, Official Rules and FaQ: New

Post by G »

G wrote: 2. Squires receive a weapon as previously detailed, and with that, one fancy above their normal up until they achieve the rank of Warlord Only Providing They Are Wielding The Squire's Weapon! This means if the Squire is using any weapon that is not the squire's, they do not get the fancy.
Because there seems to be confusion as to the rule. I'm reiterating it so everyone knows for sure.

Squires want the fancy, they need to use the weapon. :)
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
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DUEL Apple
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Post by DUEL Apple »

To ensure that naming a squire announcement is not missed on the IC boards, please send a PM to DUEL Apple with your squire of choice as well as your public announcement.
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Post by G »

Added links to the Squire Weapons to provide pictures of said weapons.

Note: Did not add glows to pictures. For now, that's an imagination process.
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
Duel of Swords Legend. Best In The World™.
First All Time DoS Title Holder.
Listed as "Daddy" in your daughters contacts list.

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