Mega Cast

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DUEL Topaz
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Mega Cast

Post by DUEL Topaz »

Greetings Everyone,

Back by popular demand, a Mega Cast Tournament will be held on the 18th day of August on Twilight Isle to start at 10:00 PM by the Eastern clock. All are invited to enter. There will be no entry fee. Everyone is welcome at the party, whether entered in the tournament or not. Of course the goblins will lay out a special spread for the event. So come down and try your hand at some controlled chaos, or just kick back, enjoy a drink, a meal from the buffet, the show, and cheer for your favorite spell caster!

Tournament Prizes:

1st Place: Arch Mage for a week* and a rank increase or 5 wins, whichever is more.
2nd place: 4 wins or a rank increase
3rd place: 3 wins

Everyone entered will recieve a participation price of a purple robed, white bearded wizard statuette holding a wooden staff and a gazing globe.

(* The winner may duel at the rank of Arch Mage for the week following the tournament, including the use of the Keeper Power in duels against any of the Keepers. A stay in the Citadel, however, is not included.)

Tournament Rules:

1. The order set before the Mega Cast will determine the order in which the spells are considered to have been casted. The first round will go 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, the second will go 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-1, etc. This will determine, in the case of more than one person attacking a single dueler, who finishes casting a spell first in the round.

2. Each player will send in two spells - one primary spell and one secondary spell. The primary spell must also have a name sent along with it- that is the person the spell will be directed against. If additional casters sent attacks to the same target, the secondary spell is used on the first person. Any other spells on that dueler work automatically, as it is assumed that the attacks are coming in from too many angles for the attacked to be able to try and stop them all. Note: If two casters direct their attacks at each other, then it's figured out like a normal duel - match the moves on the matrix.

3. Offensive or defensive spells can be used as either primary or secondary spell.

4. After a spell is selected, two more must be used before the first can be picked again. Thus, if a mage bolt is used as one's primary attack in a round, it can be used as a secondary attack in the next (i.e. Round 1- magebolt vs name/ foul fog , Round 2- wizard blades vs name/mage bolt is acceptable). However, if it is used as a secondary attack, a full round must pass before it can be used again. Yes, this means that a round consists of two spells.

5. You will have sixty seconds to decide your spells for the next round and send them in. This rule will be enforced as well as possible. The reason for this is that it isn't a round-to-round fight, per se, where the casters get to reset between rounds. This is a battle of pure energy, where everyone is pretty much casting for the entire duel; to take five minutes between spells would slow the Cast to a complete crawl, especially considering that it will take the caller several minutes to tally up the scores and start the call, plus the time involved in the opening round(s) of action... this'll be a pretty long event.

6. Each character will have ten points to start, their stamina, so to speak. Each hit takes off one point, each advantage scored against half a point. Once a character loses all their points, they tire to the point where they can't control magic anymore to effectively cast a spell. The backlash of that last unsuccessful spell or that last hit will zap that caster from the ring.

7. All ranks are elgegible to enter.

8. All casters are limited to the eight ( 8 ) basic spells for the duration of the tournament.

9. Participation is limited 16 casters. Please send your entry by private message to Duel Topaz.

Please direct any questions you may have about this special tournament format to me during the week prior to the tournament.

DoM Coordinator
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Post by DUEL Topaz »

Pre-registered so far in no particular order:

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Post by DUEL Topaz »

Last evening eleven casters met and stepped into a single ring for the Mega Cast Tournament to test not only their casting skill but also their mettle, luck, limits, planning, diplomacy, strategy, and endurance. Patrons and fans that came out to watch and cheer were treated to over five hours of none stop exciting action.

Congratulations to everyone who participated, especially to the winners. An honorable mention has to go to Michiko and to Bridei who both found themselves outside the ring only split seconds before the third prize winner, Lem. Maranya and Cassius kept going for another seven rounds before Maranya had to leave the ring with the second place prize. Cassuis remained in the ring to claim first prize. For the duration of a week he shall enjoy the status of Archmage and enter the rings of magic with all the privileges that rank entitles him to.

(* Note: Wins awarded as prizes to the winners will be added after the standings have been zeroed out.)
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Post by DUEL Topaz »

Spell by spell results for those interested:
(Caster spell, aimed at, extra spell interaction, loss of stamina for who, remaining stamina)

Ahni……MB B Sh……..Ah/Br….mb/mw…. -1 Br…..10
Bridei…..FF V MW……Br/Vi…..ff/sh……... -0.5 Vi…9
Tormay…FF L Di……...To/Le….ff/s……….-0.5 To…9.5
Anya……WB P FF…….An/Pa….wb/d……..-0.5 An…9.5
Lem…….MB P Sh……..Le/Pa…..mb……….-1 Pa……10
Michiko…WB B Sh……Mi/Pa…..wb……….-1 Pa……10
Paradise…MB V Di……Pa/Vi….mb/mw……-1 Vi……5
Neo……..MW P WB…..Ne/Pa….mw……….-1 Pa……10
Xanth……WB P FF…….Xa/Pa….wb……….-1 Pa……10
Cassius….FT P Ar………Ca/Pa….ft…………-1 Pa…...10
Vinny……MW P Sh……Vi/Pa…..resolved…………...8.5

Bridei…...Ar Ah MW…..Br/Ah…..a/d………………...9
Tormay….Ar C FF……..To/Ca…...a/s……………......9.5
Anya…….MB P Di…….An/Pa…mb/ff…..-0.5 An …..9
Lem……..MW T Ar……Le/To…mw/ff…..-0.5 Le…..9.5
Michiko….MB P Di……Mi/Pa…..mb…….-1 Pa…….10
Paradise….FT V FF……Pa/Vi…..ft/d…….-0.5 Pa…...0.5
Neo……...MB P FT……Ne/Pa……mb…….-1 Pa……10
Xanth…….MB P Sh……Xa/Pa…...mb……..-1 Pa……10
Cassius…..WB P Sh…….Ca/Pa…..wb……..-1Pa……...10
Vinny……Di P WB…….Vi/Pa……wb……-1 Pa……..7.5
Ahni……..WB V Di……Ah/Vi...wb/wb…-1 Vi -1 Ah…10

Tormay….Sh An Di……To/An…….s/s………………..9.5
Anya…….FT P Sh …….An/Pa…….ft/s….-0.5 An……8.5
Lem……..MB N Di……Le/Ne……mb/ff….- 0.5 Le……9
Michiko…WB P Ar……Mi/Pa……..wb…….-1 Pa…….10
Paradise…Wb C Sh……Pa/Ca…….wb/a…..-0.5 Pa…..Out
Neo……...MW P FF…...Ne/PA……mw……-1 Pa…….10
Xanth…….FT P FF…….Xa/Pa……..ft……...-1 Pa…….9.5
Cassius…...FT Ah Ar…..Ca/Ah……ft/s……-0.5 Ca……9.5
Vinny…….FT Ah Sh…..Vi/Ah……..ft……..-1 Ah……..7.5
Ahni……..FF X Sh…...Ah/Xa…..ff/ff…-0.5 Ah -0.5 Xa…8.5
Bridei……Sh C WB….Br/Ca….. s/a *………………….. 9

((*Note: A calling error was found. Cass’s armor was already used up. Overall results would not have changed enough to make a difference. My apologies none the less.
Bridei Sh C WB Br/Ca s/a - 9 ))
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Post by DUEL Topaz »

Anya…..WB Ah FF…….An/Ah…..wb/ff……-1 Ah…….8.5
Lem…….FT V Sh………Le/Vi……ft/d…….-0.5 Le……8.5
Michiko…MB Ah Sh….. Mi/Ah…..mb………-1 Ah……10
Neo…….FT Ah MW……Ne/Ah……ft……… -1 Ah…...10
Xanth…..MB Ah Ar…….Xa/Ah……mb……...-1 Ah……9.5
Cassius…MB Ah MW…..Ca/Ah……mb………-1 Ah…..9.5
Vinny…..MW Ah Di……Vi/Ah….mw/mb……-1 Vi……..6
Ahni……MB V FF……..Ah/Vi…….resolved……………3.5
Bridei….Di V MB………Br/Vi…….d/d….-0.5 Br -0.5 Vi…8.5
Tormay…Ar L MB……...To/Le…….a/s…………………..9.5

Lem…….MB V Ar………Le/Vi……wb/ff…..-1 Vi………8.5
Michiko…MW Ah Ar……Mi/Ah……..-0.5 Mi…….9.5
Neo……..Wb Ah Sh………Ne/Ah…..mb……-1 Ah………10
Xanth……MB Ah Ar……..Xa/Ah……ft……..-1 Ah……...9.5
Cassius…..MB Ah MW…..Ca/Ah……mb……-1 Ah……...9.5
Vinny……Ar Ah FF………Vi/Ah…..a/wb……-0.5 Ah……2
Ahni……..WB V Di………Ah/Vi………..resolved……….1.5
Bridei……Ar M MW…….Br/Mi…….a/a…………………8.5
Tormay….FT V FF………To/Vi……...ft…….-1 Vi……...9.5
Anya…….FT V Di……….An/Vi……..ft…….-1 Vi………8.5

Michiko…WB Ah Sh…….Mi/Ah…..wb/s…….-1 Ah……..9.5
Neo……...FF Ah Di……...Ne/Ah…….ff………-1 Ah…….10
Xanth…….WB Ah FT……Xa/Ah……wb…….-1 Ah……..9.5
Cassius…..MW V FF……..Ca/Vi……...-0.5 Ca……9
Vinny……MB L Sh………Vi/Le…...mb/mw….-1 Le……..Out
Ahni……..FF V Sh……….Ah/Vi…….ff……….-1 Vi…….Out
Bridei……MB V Sh……..Br/Vi…….mb……..-1 Vi……..8.5
Tormay….MB V Di………To/Vi…..mb/ft…….-1 To…….8.5
Anya…….MW V Di………An/Vi………..-1 Vi……..8.5
Lem……...MW Vi FF……..Le/Vi……mw…….-1 Vi…….7.5
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Post by DUEL Topaz »

Neo……..FT L FF……Ne/Le………ft/mb……..-1 Le……..9
Xanth……MB L Ar…..Xa/Le………mb/s……..-0.5 X…….7
Cassius….MB X Ar…..Ca/Xa………mb/a……..-0.5 C…….8.5
Bridei……FT N Di…...Br/Ne………ft/ff………-1 N………8.5
Tormay….FF X MB…..To/Xa……….ff……….-1 X………8.5
Anya…….MB X Sh…...An/Xa………mb……..-1 X……….8.5
Lem……..MB N Sh……Le/Ne………resolved…………….5.5
Michiko…MB L Di…….Mi/Le………mb……….-1 L…….9.5

Xanth……WB N FF…..Xa/Ne……..wb/d……-0.5 X……..3.5
Cassius…..WB N MW….Ca/Ne……..wb…….-1 N……….8.5
Bridei…….MB X Ar……Br/Xa…....mb/ff……-0.5 Br…….8
Tormay…..WB X Di……To/Xa……...wb……-1 X………..8.5
Anya……..FF N Ar……..An/Ne………ff……..-1 N………8.5
Lem………WB X Di……Le/Xa……..wb……..-1 X……….4.5
Michiko…..WB X Ar……Mi/Xa…….wb……..-1 X……….9.5
Neo……….MB L Di……Ne/Le……mb/d…….-1 L……….7

Cassius.....FT X MB…...Ca/Xa…….ft/a…….-0.5 X……..8.5
Bridei…...MW X Sh…..Br/Xa………….-1 X……….8
Tormay…FT N WB……To/Ne……ft/s……..-0.5 T……..8
Anya……FT X Di……..An/Xa……..ft………-1 X………8.5
Lem……..FT X Ar……..Le/Xa…….ft/ft…-1 L -1 X…….3.5
Michiko…FF X Sh……..Mi/Xa…….ff……….-1 X………9.5
Neo……...WB L Sh…….Ne/Le……wb/a……-0.5 N…….5.5
Xanth……FT N Ar……..Xa/Ne…….ft……….-1 N……..Out

Bridei……MB N Ar…..Br/Ne…….mb/ft……..-1 B……..7
Tormay….MW N Di…..To/Ne…………..-1 N……..8
Anya…….MW N Sh…..An/Ne…mw/mw……………….8.5
Lem……...MB N Sh……Le/Ne……..mb…….-1 N….…3.5
Michiko…WB N Sh…….Mi/Ne…….wb…….-1 N…….9.5
Neo………MW A FT…...Ne/An…….resolved…………1.5
Cassius…...MW N FF…..Ca/Ne…….me………-1 N…...8.5
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Post by DUEL Topaz »

Tormay…..FT N FF…..To/Ne…….ft/mb…….-1 N…….8
Anya……..WB M Ar….An/Mi…….wb/s…….-1 M……8.5
Lem………WB M FF…Le/Mi……..wb………-1 M……2.5
Michiko….MB N Sh…..Mi/Ne…….mb………-1 N…….5.5
Neo………WB L MB….Ne/Le…..wb/ff……..-1 L……..Out
Cassius…...WB M Di….Ca/Mi…….wb……..-1 M…….8.5
Bridei…….FT M Di…...Br/Mi…….ft……….-1 M……..7

Anya…….MB T Di…….An/To…….mb/d…..-1 T…….8.5
Lem……..MW C Di…….Le/Ca…….mw/s….-0.5 L……2
Michiko…WB T Ar……..Mi/To…….wb…….-1 T…….5.5
Cassius…..MW T Sh…….Ca/To…mw/wb…..-1 T……..7.5
Bridei……WB C Ar……..Br/Ca….wb………-1 C……..7
Tormay…..WB C Di…….To/Ca………resolved………..5

Lem………MB M Sh……Le/Mi…….mb/d…..-1 M……2
Michiko….MB T Di…….Mi/To….mb/mb…-1 M -1 T…2.5
Cassius……MB T MW….Ca/To…..mb/ff…..-0.5 C……7
Bridei…….MB M Sh…….Br/Mi…..mb…….-1 M……..7
Tormay…..MB M FF……..To/Mi…….resolved………..3
Anya……..FT T Sh……….An/To…….ft……..-1 T……8.5

Michiko…WB T Sh……..Mi/To…….wb/d…..-0.5 M…..2
Cassius…..FF T MB…….Ca/To……..ff……..-1 T……...6
Bridei……FT C Ar………Br/Ca……ft/mb…..-1 C……..7
Tormay….FT A Di………To/An……ft/ff……-1 A……..2
Anya…….FF T Ar……….An/To……..resolved………..7.5
Lem……..Ar M FT………Le/Mi…….a/s………………..2
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Post by DUEL Topaz »

Cassius….WB T MW……Ca/To……wb/s……-1 T…….4
Bridei……MB C Sh……..Br/Ca…….mb/mw….-1 C…..7
Tormay…..Ar A Sh………To/An…….a/mb……-0.5 A…Out
Anya……..MB T Di……..An/To………..resolved………7
Lem………MW C FF…….Le/Ca………mw…….-1 C….2
Michiko….FF T Di……….Mi/To………ff………-1 T…..2

Bridei……WB C Di………Br/Ca……wb/mb…..-0.5 B…..4.5
Anya…….MW B Sh………An/Br……mw/d….-0.5 A……6.5
Lem………MB B Sh………Le/Br…….mb……..-1 B……..2
Michiko….WB B Sh……….Mi/Br……wb……...-1 B…….2
Cassius……MB B Ar………Ca/Br……….resolved……….4

Anya……..WB L Ar……..An/Le…….wb/wb…-1 A -1 L….5
Lem………WB A Ar…….Le.An………….resolved……….1
Michiko…..MB B Ar…….Mi/Br……..mb/a.........-0.5 M….1.5
Cassius…...Sh B MB……..Ca/Br………s……….-.0.5 B…..4
Bridei……..FT A Ar……..Br/An………ft/a…….-0.5 A…...4

Lem………Di A FF……..Le/An……..d/d…-0.5 L -0.5 A….0.5
Michiko….WB B Sh…….Mi/Br……wb/wb…-1 M -1 B…..0.5
Cassius…...FT B FF……..Ca/Br…….ft/s……….-0.5 C……3.5
Bridei…….WB M Sh……Br/Mi……..resolved…………….2
Anya……..FT B Di………An/Br…….ft………..-1 B…..…4.5

Michiko….FF B Di……Mi/Br…….ff/a…….-0.5 M……Out
Cassius…..MW B Ar….Ca/Br…………-1 B………3.5
Bridei……MB A Ar…...Br/An…mb/mb….-1 B -1 A…..Out
Anya…….MB B Sh……An/Br…….resolved……………3.5
Lem……...FT M Sh……Le/Mi…..ft/d……….-0.5 L…...Out

Final Two

Anya WB Cassius MB…Anya 3 Cassius 3.5
Anya MW Cassius Sh…Anya 2.5 Cassius 3.5
Anya FT Cassius WB…Anya 1.5 Cassius 3.5
Anya Sh Cassius MB…Anya 1.5 Cassius 3
Anya Di Cassius FF…Anya 0.5 Cassius 3
Anya Sh Cassius MW…Anya 0.5 Cassius 2.5
Anya WB Cassius Ar…Anya Out Cassius 2.5

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