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Post by BrigathC »

Brigath shoved the last of his clothes into a duffle and lofted it over into the corner of the room. He went through a checklist in his head. All the shifts covered now, thanks to the addition of Jaleeisa. Access to the tower had been set up for Kyn so she could check on things. Topaz was organizing the evening of dueling in the Red Dragon Inn. Everything seemed to be in order. In the morning, he would head down to the spaceport and board the ship that Azjah had agreed to loan him.

A little off-world jaunt would be just thing he was looking for in a vacation. Well, that and the pilot that Azjah had agreed to assign to the ship. He hadn't seen Trillian in years, but when he'd contacted her to let her know he was taking this trip, she'd put in the request to Azjah herself. He chuckled to himself as flopped down on his bed to get some sleep. Yes, it was shaping up to be a very fine vacation.
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Azjah von Drachen Walde
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Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

The pilot and the ship were checked out, provisioned, and waiting in the dock.

Azjah smiled, Brig seldom asked anything of her, and this was something she was happy to do. The ship was fast, and the pilot a fine one. It was one less thing to worry about as he prepared to leave RhyDin for a while.

She would miss him, but certainly the vacation was well deserved.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
Marchioness von Triberg
Baroness von Drachen Walde

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