Tower of Air

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Azjah von Drachen Walde
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Tower of Air

Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

My darling Brig,

You've invited me several times into that luxurious tower of yours, and I find myself fancying the construct.

Given our past history, and you know how fond I am of you, I find myself in a position of having to challenge you for the tower, but not for reasons of malice or spite.

I simply love the view you see.

I am hereby officially laying the gauntlet of challenge upon your doorstep at that lovely tower of yours.
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Post by BrigathC »


While I've known for many years that you fancied my... "tower," I must say I didn't expect you to actually try to gain permanent possession of it. I shouldn't really be that surprised though, since when you decide you want something, woe be to those who might stand in your way.

Of course that's exactly what I intend to do. It is with the utmost affection that I accept your challenge and invite all and sundry to come watch me publicly slap your hand away from something you want, but this time will not have.

Ever your lowly foil,

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Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

::a smile of pure delight crosses her features before penning her reply::

My darling Brigath,

I fancy many things, your 'tower' but one of them, and while you are the only one who's denied me in the past, I do not believe you have it in you to deny me this thing.

Your affection is duly noted, and you know that I will be as gentle with you as I can be. Perhaps there is room for you to remain once I take ownership of the key?

Azjah Telyria Danaan
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Post by DUEL Topaz »

The challenge is valid and may proceed.

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Post by BrigathC »

Brigath hovered over the lagoon firing sudden downdrafts of super-cooled air into the surface and watching the resulting eruptions explode upwards in glittering fountains of water and ice. A smile touched his lips as he caught the scent of a cigar on the breeze and Farek stomped out onto the platform at the top of the Tower of Water to glare at him.

"Ho, Farek! A fine evening, is it not?"

Farek switch the cigar to the opposite corner of his mouth. "It's obvious you are trying to get my attention. Now what the hell do you want?"

Brigath laughed, his friendly greeting ignored as expected. "You've heard that Azjah has challenged me for my tower, yes?"

The brigand gave a curt nod. "Yeah, I've heard something like that. Serves you right for cozying up to that wench."

A gleam shone in Brigath's eyes as he laughed again. "Aye, I'm very familiar with how you feel about each other. In fact, that's the very reason I came by. I'd love to see Azjah's reaction when she finds out that I've asked you to officiate the challenge." The grin on his face held more of mischief than of mirth. "Assuming that you will do it, of course."

Farek continued to glare at Brigath for a moment, then nodded. "I'll do it. But you'd better win. If you lose and I have to declare that bitch the new keeper, I will personally hold you down and pour gin down your throat until you drown."

"Fair enough, Keeper. We'll be meeting this Tuesday at eight thirty. See you there." Brigath waved and sailed off over the sand. Farek took a long pull on his cigar and blew the smoke out in the direction of Brig's retreating form.

((The match will be Tuesday, April 25 at 8:30 ET ))
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Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

Seeing Brigath at the Isle the other evening and settling on the date and time put things into motion for me.

The challenge was going to be most entertaining, and I am SO looking forward to obtaining the key for that tower. It is simply a stunning place, and the view from the top is simply indescribable.

News arrived today from the Isle, announcing that my old friend has contracted for the services of that vile wretch Farek to officiate. Well, so much for neutral commentary when the key transfers from Brig to myself.

A smile crossed my lips. Farek will choke on the announcement!

I penned a message for Brigath and sent it via courier:

"My Dear Brigath,
. News of your enlistment of Farek has been received. Are you certain you wish to take his retaliation when I win the key from you?
. I look forward to our impending match, and do hope that Farek doesn't choke on the announcement at the end.

. Very fondly yours,
. Azjah"
Azjah Telyria Danaan
Marchioness von Triberg
Baroness von Drachen Walde

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