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Trial and Error

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:59 pm
by Vasvrae
Nym'uer ussta ortelassa, olath quarval-sharess. Mrigg uns'aa areion dosst orn.

Blue-black flesh melted together as the drow's dark fingers folded around each other in meditation. The somewhat rare color of silvery sky blue in the eyes of the drowess almost sparkled in the dim lighting of the most recent haven she had acquired. The trip to the surface was proving less than profitable and the drowess had been through more pain and shameful happenings in the last month than throughout the course of her life until this point.

No sound was made as the Underdark native rose from her seat and began to pace through the open darkness of her temporary home. Since the escape from the slaver's clutches it had seemed most fitting to keep on the move so as to avoid detection. In all reality as long as the dark opal was no longer in the Egyptian's possession the drowess should be safe. The ivory bindings around both narrow wrists had been destoryed. It seemed, however, that the main collar was less than willing to recede. The dragon hybrid had been more than helpful in dealing with the collar's treachery. It was only a matter of time until they would find a solution.

As the cold wind blew against the hard, wood panels of the shelter the drowess could not help but feel broken inside. The elders of her house had sent her on a mission which she had not fulfilled. Nothing would have made her more content than to run straight back into the dark comforts of her homeland. After all, compared to most of her kind this drowess was relatively young and unskilled in adaption to live on the surface. How could they have expected such a thing with a team or aid of any sort? Did they actually intend for her to succeed?

The confusion within spread through her veins like a tangible poison. The arrogance of her youth and noble heritage caused her chest to swell with pride as the emotions were choked back into faint whispers crawling once more through her subconscious. A serpentine smile crossed blue-black flesh under cover of shadow in the small dwelling. It was time to formulate a new plan.

Usstan tlun dosst wanre, olath quarval-sharess. Usstan z'klaen xun dosst orn.