First of all, I'd like to thank Kalamere for those
beautiful charts that show a phenomenally record-breaking year of challenges for DoS! That's amazing and I'm elated to have been a part of it! Like PC, I'm looking forward to 2022 giving us even
more challenges with an increase of active duelists. I really hope to see more names come out of retirement to engage the community and join in the fun, as well as more legitimately
new duelists joining in on the game.
Now. I'm a little confused here. I thought that initially the reason for the proposal to reduce the number of baronies was the misconception that there were not enough challenges happening to support the number of them. The graphs above have proven that wrong. If the goal is to ultimately reduce the number of challenges, for reasons I cannot even begin to comprehend, then by all means reduce the number of baronies. I, personally, won't be happy about it. The very idea leaves me crestfallen and anxious, just waiting to see which baronies are going to get the cut and put out of circulation. Personally, I love every single one individually for the heart and soul of their setting descriptions, not to mention the abundance of story opportunities they provide. It will break my heart to see even a single one be put into storage, let alone a potential four!
However, I do agree that it is much easier now to challenge for a barony than it ever has been. It is my personal opinion that this is largely due to the fact that there was the implementation of the no-loss system. It is easier now for duelists to climb the ranks from Commoner to Warlord. A single ambitious duelist can achieve that in a single week if they truly put the work into it. A case for this can be seen in
Week 8 of the Fall Cycle 2021 in which Mira Burke was listed as a Master at Arms with only 6 wins to her name. The very next week
on the standings she achieved a rank increase to Warlord with a minimum number of 15 wins, having added 9 wins in no more than seven days!
As soon as the standings were posted to reflect this advancement, and made valid, she then went on to post her very first
challenge against Jackson Payne to try to acquire Dockisde. Though she did not win it from him then, I am happy to see that she did not give up, pressed challenge again when she as able, and as of tonight is officially the next Baron of Dockside!
I digress.
It has been my opinion for some time that it is too easy to climb to the rank of Warlord now than ever before. Mind you, I am
not suggesting the return of the WoL system. There was nothing more discouraging in my time than having managed to climb up to a higher rank like Grand Master to then only have a very bad couple of weeks in which the losses cut me all the way back down to Commoner. I remember the running joke that Tass was the King of Commoners for this very reason. Holding onto rank was
hard and could really crush a person's spirits. I do not want to see us return to that system any time soon. However, I have felt that perhaps we need to raise the cap on the number of wins required to achieve a rank. When we disposed of losses, we left the requirements the same, and people started to climb very fast. I think when a lot of people get to Warlord, they're done. They've accomplished their goal and don't see any reason to continue. Especially if they have no ambitions to hold baronies. Maybe if we bumped the requirement to achieve Warlord up to 25 total wins, that might make things more challenging. I would even suggest bumping Swordsman up from 2 to 5, and adjusting the other ranks accordingly.
With this suggestion I would also recommend allowing duelists to maintain their current ranks without penalty. If we were to bump the requirement for Warlord up from 15 to 25, then if someone only has 18 wins to their name, they get to stay Warlord. Though perhaps to encourage them to meet that 25 wins cap they would not be able to challenge until they do. Unless of course they have a grant.
I also feel that baronies are too easy to acquire by other means. Especially in the All Ranks Tournaments. DoS is different from the other sports in that it only offers a single tournament every cycle. DoF has the ART
and the Diamond Quest, the latter of which limits the participants to the rank of Emerald and no lower. DoM has both its ART
and the ArchMage Tournament, which likewise limits the participants to the rank of Mage and no lower. Personally, I feel that DoS should bring back the Talon of Redwin Tournament as a stand alone for the lower ranks only, but if we want to model DoS to be more uniform with the other sports then perhaps bring back the Warlord Tournament in addition to the ART. One or the other. In any case, I think DoS needs to stop offering vacant baronies to
any person of
any rank as incentive to get them to join and participate. It really takes away from the novelty of Warlords even having challenge rights, in my opinion. Why bother to challenge when we can just wait for someone to retire a barony and try to win it in the next ART, even as a Commoner?
On that note, I'm really very happy to see the
update to the DoS rules on forfeitures, retirements, and vacancies! The cleaned up language looks perfect! Great job, DoS Team!