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Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 1:32 pm
by Topaz
“Prolly be a good idea fo' me to hit the trails too. Think I saw ya 'n Lucien gettin' snuggly a minute ago.” Cory said shortly after Tera had left. He winked to Topaz and smiled to Kyndra. “The rest on m'plate is yas iff'n ya want it.”

Lucien raised a brow at Cory. It was a good thing the human was not telepathic, or he would have more to go on than a bit of snuggling.

As if to take away Cory’s excuse for leaving, Random showed up just then. “Ran all the way here from” he had to pause to gasp for air, “the Garden. Hope I'm not too late.”

“Good evening, Random. A little late, but not too late.” Topaz was quick to assure him and greeted him with a warm smile. “You missed a few people though.” With that she turned to Cory, “Sure you don't want to stay a little longer? Maybe you can fit another spoon of ice cream?”

“Aw, shucks.” Random said with disappointment, but brightened up again right away when he noticed the laden buffet table. “But not all the food, right?”

“No, you didn’t miss the food, there's plenty left of everything.” Topaz watched Random with a grin as he dove in right away.

“Oh goodness no. I've stuffed m'face enough. No' t'mention Quinn cooked dinner 'forehand. Keep this up 'n I'll be too lazy t'challenge Damien.”

“Ah, we wouldn't want that. Make Quinn have you chase her around the house or something to fix that.” Topaz suggested a remedy with a wink.

“Tha' sounds like a plan. Been awhile since I went skirt-chasin'.” Cory grinned and moved in on Topaz, arms spread open for a hug just as she had picked up another concoction from the tray a goblin was offering.

“Oops.” She sat the glass down again and rose to hug Cory fare well. “I'm glad you could come and that you got to see the citadel close up. Have a good night and give Quinn my best. Don’t forget to take her some of the treats.”

“It was m'pleasure. Thank ya for the invite.” Cory squeezed her tightly then withdrew just as Lucien just as Lucien began a low, snarling growl. “I'll be sure t'let'er know.” Then nodded to Lucien before he moseyed back to the table and instructed a goblin to fill a plate with anything that would fit and made sure to point out that he needed a pint of the cappuccino ice cream to go.

Rena had wandered and Topaz turned to greet her with a hug and a smile. “Evening...sorry I'm late.”

Lucien, still standing, bowed formally to Rena. “Good evening.” His obsidian eyes shifted momentarily from Topaz to Rena.

Rena nodded, “‘Evening, sir.” The greetings completed, Topaz invited Rena to enjoy the buffet even as a goblin offered Rena his tray of colorful drinks.

Before they could sit down again, Gnim poked his head in. “Eep..people...”

“Good evening Gnim.” Topaz greeted him with a warm smile. “I'm glad you decided to give this party with people a chance and decided to come.”

The gnome smiled back at the new arch mage. “'s not *that* bad I suppose...I can't feel too threatened...Random is harmless enough I figure...” He snickered.

“Everyone, this is Gnimish Gnimoi, or Gnim.” She could have mentioned a title, but didn’t. Lucien studied the gnome a moment and remained unmoving as long as it didn't touch his mate.

“G'evenin folks.” Gnim waved, then beelined for the desserts.

“Man, for a gnome who doesn't like gnome-haters, you really don't give a good reason not to hate them, do you?” Random had a sly grin on his face. Obviously he had finished eating for the time being.

“'Ey! You just watch it!” Gnim stuffed the nearest confection into his mouth. “Yer on my” he swallowed, “list, pal!”

Topaz sat down beside Lucien again and leaned lightly against him as his arm snaked back around her. She was still a bit too warm, but he needed simply to touch her to remain contented.

“Just a tad hungry, well aside from that!” Gnim answered Rena’s question regarding his well-being and stacked a tray with some snacks and then plopped down in a seat.

“Well I think you can solve that problem here.” Rena picked a sandwich from her plate and started eating while Random lounged on a body pillow, now ice-cream free.

“Guess I misfffhhe... “ Gnim swallowed, “ahem, missed the big commotion!”

“Some of it.” Topaz agreed. “You'll just have to make your own commotion and give those who left early something to have missed.”

“Hey, I'm no gnome-hater, as I've said before.” Random replied a little late to Gnim’s earlier remark. “I'm just gnome-cursed. Or rather, Gnimmy-cursed. I can't win a duel when he's present in the area.”

Gnim looked over to Random. “So you say!! And who's to trust the word of a gnome-hater?! Pfffttt...see, marginalizing the opinion of gnomes, there's proof fer ya!”

“It's actually quite amusing, I'll be winning a duel, then he'll come on the isle or into the arena or whatever, and then my opponent will make a comeback.” Random explained after Topaz admitted to having experienced something similar of late. Though Topaz was convinced her less than shining performances of late were more do to her mind being on Lucien rather than her opponents while dueling.

Lucien quirked a brow at her thoughts, leaning close to whisper, "Where else should your thoughts be?" A wicked smile curved his lips.

“So now yer sayin' gnomes are bad luck!!?” Gnim picked up a glass.

“No, I'm saying you are bad luck.” Random said with a good-natured grin.

“Maybe you're just ever so distracted by him.” Topaz sounded decidedly impish.

Gnim laughed and raised his glass. “Eh, the kid's a good sport methinks.”

“And that's why I'm not a gnome-hater. It's not fair basing my entire opinion of a race on one bad-lucky member. - Thanks, Gnim. - Like you wouldn't believe, Topaz, like you wouldn't believe... not in that way, though.”

“I guess that means you won’t be getting flowers from Random, Gnim.” Topaz laughed.

“Such a shame too, isn't it?” But Gnim didn’t look like he’d miss the flowers. “'ey, no one's challengin ya to a duel, no need to be lookin' all pale sir.”

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 1:32 pm
by Topaz
“How did tonight's league duels go, Rena?” Topaz asked after Kyndra had left.

“We both lost...unfortunately.”

“Poor gal got matched against Matt. Though she did well!” Random gave her a thumb up.

“I lost...that's not doing well. Lost to you too, Random. Did better in preseason.”

Gnim laughed loudly, a tear formed in his eye and he wiped it quickly. “Ok, I got tell us how it *really* went, no need to make up stories 'bout Random winning!”

“I did lose to him...he was looking for a shut-out though.”

“But as always, I get a double thrust, or a double jab, or a double bolt for the last round to steal it away.” He grinned to Rena, “Someday, I'll have one.”

“Well, speaking of duelin'...if you want *my* opinion...and ya do...this place need a nice Overgnome.”

“Or a Diagnome for Fists?” Random suggested immediately.

“Die, a gnome?” Gnim replied with mock outrage. “I'd say not!”

“Sometimes, I think you intentionally misunderstand me.” Random smirked.

Gnim sat the glass down he’d been drinking from. “Nonsense.“ He yawned and stretched. “Now see, this is what a full belly will do to ya.”

Random laughed. “Wow, we must be a scary sight.”

“I should have made you all dance first, then let you eat.”

“I bet Random is such a gnome hater that he'd refuse to dance with me.” Gnim accused with a pout as Vinny walked in.

Topaz greeted him with a warm smile. “Good evening, Vinny. Do come in, say hi, dance, eat and be merry.”

“Hi!” He smiled at everyone present. “Now what shall I eat and whom should I dance with?”

“Vinny, Gnim. I believe everyone else knows each other already.” Vinny nodded. “You've got your pick about the dancing between Rena and me, I guess, unless you prefer to dance with Random or Gnim?”

“I'm available!” The gnome chuckled and batted his eyelashes.

“I'd prefer the honor of dancing with the arch mage.”

Topaz handed her glass to Lucien and brushed a kiss on his lips before she rose to accept Vinny’s invitation. “So long as it isn’t a waltz.”

It wasn’t and for Lucien’s benefit Topaz stayed as far away from Vinny as the length of her arm allow as moved gracefully through the sequence of steps – the Caribbean music was perfect for that. Vincent, too, behaved like a gentleman and treated the dance like a formal affair.

Lucien's black eyes never left Topaz. A few dark clouds gathered over the Citadel as he kept his objections to himself.

Gnim watched the dancers with a slight smile. “Eh, kids...”

Vinny smirked to Gnim over the fairy’s head. “Who are you calling ‘kid’?

“Silly man, keep your attention on the lady, not the wrinkly gnome!” Gnim chuckled, then applauded after they had finished off the lively dance with a quick twirl.

Topaz accepted the applause with a bow and returned to her seat beside Lucien. His arm was instantly around her, claiming her as his while he gave Vincent a pointed look.

“Well ladies, I'm afraid I may need to call it a night.” The gnome stood and patted his stuffed belly.

“I'm happy you could make it.” Topaz nodded to Gnim.

“Was a good time, what little I managed to catch. Congratulations on your new title!”

“Thank you.” Topaz smiled as Gnim waved to Rena, nodded to Lucien and Random and then, too stuffed and lazy to bother walking out, tapped his medallion and poofed.

Random and Rena too made their farewells. When everyone had left, guests and goblins alike, Topaz called the citadel back to floating high over the isle, and they enjoyed having the isle and each other to themselves.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:41 am
by Julian derKorst
Julian derKorst walked into the Atrebla arena and was surprised to see Topaz sitting at a table, drinking coffee. “Good morning. Were you hoping for an early practice?”

“No.” She looked up. “But I knew you would be here and we should talk.”

“Yes, we should.” Julian had expected that overdue conversation ever since she had disappeared for a week and nodded. “Just let me grab a cup and I’ll join you.”

“There have been some developments.” Topaz started once Julian was seated across from her. His nod invited her to continue and, noticing that her cup was empty, filled both their cups. “Two members of the Sisterhood of The Red Falcon are dead and I’ve a new last name.” Julian took a drink from his cup, and then another. He wondered about the story behind the Sisters, but that story could wait. The other news came as a bit of a shock. Only when he had his feelings well in hand did he look at her.

“Lucien’s, I presume?” That name had found its way into almost every conversation she’d had of late, and he had expected that his fairy would eventually marry the man, though he had hoped for that to happen later rather than sooner, and that he’d have a chance to meet the man before hand.

“Yes, Lucien Datrazanov.” There was a hint of smile on her lips now, though she looked more worried than happy. A bride should look happier than that, Julian thought, and mister Datrazanov would do well to have a good explanation for that.

“When will I meet this man who has won your heart?” His voice and features gave away nothing of his thoughts.

“Soon, I hope.” She looked worried again. “Have you ever heard of a race called Carpathians?” He had heard rumors, but nothing that he put any store in, and shook his head. “They are usually mistaken for Vampires. Some of their habits are alike, like resting during the day. But they are neither evil nor undead.”

“Lucien Datrazanov is of that race?” At Topaz’s nod he added, “You may as well just say what is bothering you.”

Her smile was one of relief. “The results of the marriage ritual, of soul-mating, are more far reaching than just knowing another’s feelings or being able to communicate telepathically with another. So far my magic hasn’t had any ill effect on him, and I think he may well be able to use it. He may have done so already without even realizing. But his magic is attempting changes in me, and as best as I can figure out destroying my magic in the process. It’s nothing I can’t handle so far, but it may not stay that way. When none-magical creatures bond with Carpathians, they over time turn into Carpathians.” She paused a moment to take a breath. “Their healer seems to think that there is nothing to worry about though.”

So this man of hers was trying to alleviate her worries after all, Julian concluded and allowed a slight smile to curve his lips. He also knew that she would be more informative when he didn’t interrupt her train of thought with questions and remained silent.

“My night vision appears to be improving. But I’m still trying to get used to telepathy. It’s not at all that easy to tell the difference between my thoughts and his. I’ve not noticed any other changes yet.” She sipped from her cup a couple of times. “There’s no telling yet how well this will work. There may not be enough of those chances or too many.” She took a deep breath, “You may find yourself a commander short. I’ve updated the papers already. Carpathians can turn into Vampires. Carpathians hunt and destroy Vampires.” When she took another breath Julian held up a hand.

“There’s no need to elaborate on that.” He was well able to put two and two together and come up with four. “But this isn’t the whole of it, is it?”

“No. If there aren’t enough changes, that may keep us apart. And some changes may require drastic adjustments in my schedule and accommodations.” Her light blue eyes, with which she was regarding him now, held a question she hadn’t asked.

“Schedules and accommodations can be adjusted. You’ve managed before to run things here and live in Rhydin.” He smiled then. “I’m also certain that you will not allow anything to keep the two of you apart. To answer your other question, Topaz…” Julian rose and, stepping around the table, pulled her up out of her seat and into a hug. “No matter the changes, you’ll still be you.”

“Thank you, Julian.” She was still worried, but no longer about his reaction.

“Now tell me about the Sisters.” Julian invited her as they sat back down. Topaz related in as much relevant detail as she was able what she had learned of them, of the one named AnAkbar and the events that lead to the Sisters’ demise.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 12:02 pm
by Topaz

Topaz was not quite sure why exactly they had decided upon the arena for their destination. She prefered to be alone with Lucien, but she also wanted an oportunity to talk with him without the distraction of his kisses. But she never had felt comfortable about having a private conversation at the arena, in fact, she couldn’t recall ever having discussed any topic there but those fit for public knowledge.

They had returned Azjah’s and Xeno’s greeting as they walked to the stairs leading up to the balcony. Now they were sitting at a table that offered a view of the rings but was out of public sight.

“You are warm.” Lucien gave her look she didn’t know how to interpret.

“Still?” She reached for the coffee cup one of the serving lads had brought just as they were sitting down.

“Yes, slightly.” She could feel his slow perusal sliding over her. His gaze missed not a single detail as he studied every millimeter of her form.

“You looking at me like that wont make me feel any cooler.” She chuckled a little, but part of her mind tried to puzzle out the reason behind that fact.

He gave her a slow smile. “Perhaps my goal is not to cool but to heat?” There was an animal sensuality in that smile.

“If so, it's working.” She took a quick sip from her cup and leaned against him.

“Good, I would never desire to see you disappointed.” His responsibility from claiming her to eternity was to see to her happiness.

“I do not desire to see you disappointed, either.Did I tell you yet, just how much I appreciate that none of the guests was struck by lightning?” She was only part teasing.

“I was sorely tested a couple of times.” He trailed a fingertip along her jaw. There was a flicker of something dangerous in his eyes, and then it was gone.

“I noticed.” She said with a loving smile. “Art put an enchantment on the unicorn - one of healing. A sweet thought to be sure, but I guess now I wont be able to use it the way I thought I might when I first saw it.”

“You worry too much Topaz. You will gain your teeth when it is time.” He was perfectly correct about her worrying, but the reason she had started to talk of the party was a different one.

“I'm not very patient.” She gave him a little wink.

He quirked a brow at her. “You are in a hurry to gain your teeth?” His surprise was evident, and he was not reading her thoughts. He was trying to give her the privacy she was used to before his appearance in her life.

“Well, no, not for that reason anyway.” She chuckled softly, he seemed determined to redirect her thoughts.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 12:02 pm
by Topaz
Lucien took her hand, lifted it to his lips, and lightly slid his fangs over the sensitive skin of her wrist, sending tingles up her arm. “But think of the sheer ecstasy.” There was promise and tantalization in that touch.

“I am. Believe me, I am.” So he didn’t want to talk about the party, Topaz thought and changed the subject. “You know, I had a reason to suggest moving my office?”

“And that reason would be?” Lucien wasn’t doing anything distracting now. He gave her his undivided attention.

“I don't enjoy being away from you all day. I'm usually done by around noon, a little later than that if Julian has time for a practice session, and then the afternoon's just endless.”

“You cannot yet go to ground with me Topaz. I cannot change those things that still separate us.” He was not disagreeing with her desire to move, but he was pointing out the single fact that would keep them apart during the day light.

“What if that never happens?”

“Every mate so far has become capable. I do not rest there to regain my strength. It is the healing nature of the soil that regenerates us.” She had asked about the suite, and it was only for the creature comforts during waking hours, but a Carpathian cannot truly rest above ground. They must be cocooned within the healing soil to truly rest.

“So far.” Le's letter and reports were still very much on her mind. “I wonder if Maelin already knows.”

“I know about your studies Topaz.” Of course he would, she, thought, though they were Le’s studies and several years old at that. “But you have been using vampyre blood. That is corrupt. Evil.”

“Yes, well, there's never been a Carpathian to Le's medical center.” Was he really dismissing the whole thing just because of that little detail? He was, however, very insistant that there would be no tests with Carpathian blood. She took a slow sip from her cup.

“Topaz, you worry more than even I do.” He slid her off her chair and onto his lap. “Gregori is certain things will work as they should.” Her concern touched him deeply, and he sought to find a way to ease her worries. Gregori had said it would work out, and Lucien was trusting in his extensive knowledge, but he needed to convince his mate.

“You seem to be doing just fine.” She wrapped her arm aroud his shoulder and attempted another subject change. You've not yet seen my suite.”

“And neither of us has expired so far.” He nuzzled her neck, “No, I have not.”

“When would you like to show me?” She brushed a kiss onto the tip of his nose.

“When we leave here, maybe? And you should take me out for dinner, too. You know, one of the other people customs is that married people live together. And you really need to meet Julian. And then you can help me think of what to do about the Khut's invitation.” She had a few more suggestions, but he interupted her flow of words.

“Out for dinner?” A black brow went up. “Julian is your master at arms?” She was seeking to maintain the image of normalcy, and he had not thought much about the trappings of humans and other living creatures.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 12:03 pm
by Topaz
“Yes, out for dinner, like some nice pastry from Gunther's for me and something tasty for you. Just please don't start a war by striking the Khut down with lighting. I should meet your sister, find out what Gabriel learned about the red falcon . Julian’s my weapons master and a very good friend.

Lucien’s velvet laughter made her suspect he’d heard little of all the other things she had said. “The something tasty for me is sitting on my lap.”

“That's not the same thing. You won’t be able to keep secrets from me forever, you know.” She gave him another little wink.

“I keep no secrets from you. It is an unusual request you have.” He nipped at her earlobe. Her fascination with his methods of feeding was not something he understood.

“That tickles.,” she giggled. “Not so unusual from over here.”

“Unusual from over here.” His people knew how feeding worked, how the prey was handled, and left with a feeling of friendship and well being before a Carpathian left them to return to their lives. Unlike the Vampyre, who tormented and killed those from whom they fed.

“You don't seem to think it unusual though to watch me eat anything.”

“Other than finding your consumption of dead things unusual, does it bother you that I do?” He did not wish to make her uncomfortable, and she found such delight in eating things he had never even tried due to his physiology.

“Not really.” She smiled. He did seem to enjoy watching. “Though I wouldn't want to do anything that grosses you out.”

“Topaz, I hunt Vampyre, you cannot possibly 'gross' me out. The slang of today is much different from my youth.” His lips twitched with a hint of mirth. She would never need to see the things that would truly gross him out in the vernacular of today.

“I think it'll be a while before I will insist to come along to one of those again.”

His obsidian eyes swept the room below. “Your friend has arrived. Rena.” He indicated her location.

“Oh, so she has.” But there was no way Rena could see them, so it was pointless to try and wave to her. Though there was no obvious need to do so, Topaz did drop her voice to barely above a whisper, “There's a battle going on.”

“A battle over....” His attention was 110% on her. It was something she always had when ever she spoke.

She set the cup, now empty, on the table. “Not so much over as inbetween.” She paused, searching for the words to explain what she had just figured out. “I'm losing magic without using any.”

“How can that be?” There was concern over her announcment. She should not be losing magic.

She was thoughtful. The only one way she ever lost magic without it being by design was when she was attacked. “The nights aren't nearily as dark,” she thought out loud.

“Your vision is adapting.” This was usual. She should see and hear better, and she should have more difficulty consuming meat.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 12:03 pm
by Topaz
She nodded. “Just not along a straight line.”

“And how do you like better night vision?” He did not wish her to dwell on these things if they caused her distress.

“So I can see you better with?” She quoted the line with a chuckle.

“You have no need to see, I much prefer touch.” A slow, sensuous smile curved his lips as he let his finger tips trace just above her skin, so only his heat and the faintest sensation of passage actually touched her skin.

“Say, Lucien? How well did you read the stories?”

“I read them very carefully.” Everything she did he paid careful attention to.

She gave him an impish grin, not at all sure that he hadn’t missed the obvious by looking for the deeper meanings. “So how many wishes do I have left?”

“You have an unlimited number if I have any say about it. It is my responsibility to see to your happiness.”

“And you, how many do you have left?” She put a fingertip to his lip which he promptly started nibbeling. “You didn't wish for anything yet, did you?”

“My wish was answered.” He pulled her close. “I found you.” How could he desire more now that he'd found her?

“Well, so long as you didn't miss the wishing part over the wishes, it's okay I guess.” She chuckled softly.

“Now tell me about your suite and your plans to move your office.” It was obvious distraction.

She smiled, hoping his asking meant he was willing to at least entertain her idea. “Well, moving the office only makes sense if you'd consider being there, so that when the work's done I can get a nap with you as opposed to falling asleep in the middle of the night.”

“Tonight I will show you where it is I rest Topaz.” He managed to surprise her.

“I'd love to see that!” She beamed him a wide smile, all at once curious and excited at his suggestion. “I used to sleep in my suite.”

“It is not very glamorous, but tonight you shall. Why did you sleep in your suite?”

“Thank you.” She hugged him tight. “Mostly because of its convenient location and comfortable bed. It's mostly green with a little dark red and lots of candles.”

He trailed a trailed a finger along her collar bone. “You are beautiful in candle light.”

“You rather a welcome sight, too.” She was trying hard not to be distracted again. “Right now though, all those rooms are one floor up.”

“I must seek the healing nature of the soil Topaz. For short periods I can remain out of the soil, but not long term.” How would she take the reality of his rest?

She nodded slowly. “There's no reason to wait, is there?”

He promptly rose from his chair, holding her against his chest. “None.” The next moment they had faded from the visible spectrum and left the arena.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:03 pm
by Lucien
She wanted to see where he rested. It would be a very tense moment for Lucien, as a creature of light, most had shunned the dark places in his experience. Especially if it looked and felt like a grave, which he had heard their havens called by Raven. She had never willingly gone to ground, even now as a full fledged Carpathian, her mind insisted she was being buried alive, and could not accept it as a place of comfort and safety. Even when fire had threatened to destroy both she and Mikhail, she could not calm herself sufficiently and it had taken Gregori from great distance to send her to sleep. Those images played through Lucien’s mind as he brought Topaz into his home.

They arrived at the Palazzo inside his suite of rooms, which are 4 levels below the main house. They had bypassed everyone above, and even Gabriel, who sensed their return, but knowing Topaz was with him, he remained in his own suite. There are no windows here, but they are not missed in this deep place. As they solidified inside his personal sanctum, he lit what appeared to be literally hundreds of candles, which cast a golden glow around the large rooms.

His living area is richly appointed with antiques of staggering ages and yet is nearly flawless. These furnishing show no signs of use or damage despite their great age. Furnishings that predate the Carolingian Empire sit beside pieces of art or furniture from the Crusades, through the middle ages, and up to current times. The carpeting is deep and plush, and although the rooms are carved into the heart of granite, it is not a forbidding place. It is a treasure trove that any museum curator would sell their soul to possess.

Lucian never let go of Topaz as he made his way through the rooms toward a formidable looking door of richly carved wood, bound with heavy iron. The magic that protected that door was strong enough to set off warnings of alarm on even those with little or no ability to sense magic. To those who could detect magic, the aura was powerful enough to cause them to give the door a wide berth. It was dangerous magic that guarded that door, and the wards were designed to give fair warning.

He did pause then, unweaving the wards around the door before studying Topaz with a serious demeanor. “Enter my world Topaz. I will leave the wards down in case you need to return to a place you are more comfortable.”

The door swung open and the scent of rich soil and cool darkness coiled around them. He began to descend yet another flight of stairs into the cool darkness. His footfalls were silent on the carved stone, and in the darkness, it was nearly impossible to tell how deeply they were moving into the earth.

The stairs seemed to go on forever, but at last he reached the bottom. At a soft command, candles flared to life and the room surrounding them was illuminated. It is a study in medieval opulence. The canopied bed is done in shades of midnight blue and gold. The pillows and comforter are in finest Eider down. Midnight blue curtains surround the bed, which is piled with many pillows and neck rolls. The frame is hand carved with images of dragons, and there is guilding to bring out the intricate carvings.

Flasks and containers of finely spun glass and metal sit upon an ancient chest that has a soft glow of centuries of loving use, while tapestries depicting Lucien’s homeland hang upon walls of carved granite. "This is a most beautiful room, Lucien!" Her eyes glowed with amazement when she turned them back to his after having looked her fill at all the details. Then her gaze turned questioning; "But you did say you had no use of a bed. Why is all this here?"

"The bedroom is for you." His answer was simplicity itself. He had created it after he’d found her. Picking details from her memories to bring into this room.

She hugged him tight and kissed him deeply. "I do very much hope though you have some other things in mind for that elaborate bed besides just me sleeping in it." She gave him a suggestive wink. His smile was carnality itself as he let her know with a look just what he had in mind for this room.

At the opposite side away from the stairs is another doorway. It is very plain, completely unremarkable in every way, yet the sensation to avoid it is nearly overpowering as they approach it. Waves of energy radiate from the door. It is not a thing the unwary would touch, but Lucien moved purposefully toward it.

He kissed her with a long, lingering kiss in front of that door before opening it and descending down a long, sloping ramp. The scent of rich soil is everywhere, and at his command, a single candle flared to life in the utter blackness.

The room is a simple hollow in the rock, with a rich layer of earth beneath their feet. At the wave of his hand, a hole opened in the soil. It is about 2 meters long, and 1 meter wide. He floated them down into the hole in the earth that had not been there moments ago. They reached the bottom about 2 meters down from the surface of the soil. It was cool and smelled of life.

“This Topaz is where I rest. It is where I must go to ground. The soil was brought from my homeland, and in its cool embrace is where I recover and recoup my strength.” He waited long moments, not even aware that he was holding his breath.

"It doesn't really look all that different right now from a fairy's nest, even though mine's up in the willow and I rarely have occasion to use it anymore. But it isn't going to stay like it looks now, is it?" She looks at him with trusting eyes, hugging him tight. "I love you, Lucien."

His breath drew in at her acceptance, and he crushed her hard to him, “I love you too Topaz, you brought light and laughter into my world, and I cannot ever repay you for that.” He could have remained thus for ages, but the sun was beginning its climb, and soon he would need to part from her.

She nodded at that with slight disappointment, that she could not remain by his side, but her mien brightened again quickly. "So, until we figure out something to adjust for that I will get to be your body guard while you rest?" She wasn't teasing, but searching for the most positive angle to view the situation and to alleviate the stress she sensed from him.

"I won't be coming in to check on you then, looking for any such evidence." She slid her fingers through his hair.

There she was looking to be his guardian when in fact it was he who should be guarding her. His tiny warrior. He chuckled softly.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:22 pm
by Topaz
A Gift from Mystic

The only person in the arena when Topaz arrived that evening was Rena. Topaz stopped by the bar to pick up a cup of coffee before she went to join Rena at her table.

“Good evening, Rena.” She said with a smile as Rena glanced up and kicked out a chair for her.

“ are you?” Rena returned her smile.

“I'm fine, thank you.” Topaz slid into the seat. Apart from missing Lucien she was fine. “How about yourself?”

“I'm good.” Rena lifted her water bottle, taking a drink. “So, did Lucien get his gift yet?”

“I believe the Ferrari was delivered this afternoon.” Topaz was grinning and an impish light came to her eyes. “I so wonder what his reaction will be. I don't think he guessed yet. At least he didn't mention it. This'll probably be the only time I got to keep something a secret from him though.” Which was really too bad, she thought. She enjoyed surprising him.

“I don't think he will be disappointed.” Topaz chuckled at that.

“No, I suppose not. Have you heard from Mory at all? I was a little surprised not to have seen him at the party.” She changed the subject, hoping Lucien hadn’t picked up any thought of the surprise.

“I got a note from him that he had been sick a couple of weeks ago but he was here Wednesday night, I believe....or maybe Thursday night.” Rena’s features did appear softer when she talked of Mory, Topaz thought.

“The party was Wednesday, so it would have had to be Thursday. I'm glad to hear though that he is doing better again.” With a wink she added, “And that he saw fit to inform you.”

Rena merely nodded. “He's good about sending notes.” Topaz would disagree that, she certainly never had gotten a note from Mory that she could remember. “What do you know about him?”

“He's a good person, generous of nature, intelligent.” Topaz thought of the chocolate coffee he kept making sure the isle didn’t run out off and searched her memory of anything else she might have learned of him over time. “I'm guessing he's much older than he looks. A lot of magic users are.”

“Yeah.” Rena nodded again. “Anything else?”

“He has this cloak he can pull just about anything out of. One of his arms isn't his original one. The original he lost in a fight with a pick-nick basket monster.” Topaz found she really didn’t know all that much about Mory, other than that he was comfortable company.

“Okay,” Rena was grinning now, “tell me something I don't know.”

“He's pretty cool to have along when stirring up trouble, keeps a cool a head in those tricky situations.” With a chuckle she admitted defeat. “I'm afraid I don't know him well enough to tell you anything you don't know yet.”

“All I know is what you have told me.”

“I'm sure he has told you a few things, too.” But she was perfectly happy to let Rena keep those bits of information to herself. “Did you know that the party was a little more than just about the citadel? To me anyway.”

“No, I didn't. You going to explain?”

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:23 pm
by Topaz
Topaz gave a soft giggle. “I think Azjah and Klinton are the only ones that suspected it. And maybe Artemus.” She glanced around the arena quickly to make sure no one had snuck in. “You could say Lucien and I eloped.” That was probably the most fitting ‘people expression’ for it, Topaz thought and grinned. “Now that poor historian has to learn a new name.”

“I guess congrats are in order then. “At one time things in Rhydin would have surprised Rena but most things didn't of late. “What historian?”

“Whichever one reports the next bit of challenge or title history.”


Topaz thought Rena’s line of questioning odd. “Well, sooner or later there will be another challenger. For certain in about two moths time for the arch mage title, if not someone other sooner for the museum.”

“And what does that have to do with the historian?” Rena did appear confused. Then a possible reason for that confusion dawned on Topaz.

“Oh, did I forget to mention that? My name's now Topaz Datrazanov.” Topaz giggled as the confusion left Rena’s features.

Everybody's changing names, Des, Caedia...who's next?”

“Perhaps you? And Cory's planning on getting married, or has he already?”

“Like you said the other night, I seriously doubt it. Oh yeah...Quinn. I wonder who she will go after.”
“I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.”

“Probably me.” Rena suggested.

Topaz disagreed. “She'd be better off going after one of the males.”

“Maybe,” Rena didn’t sound convinced, “but I'm low man on the totem pole, so to speak.”

“There are some others who have held their titles longer and have not yet been challenged. Perhaps, with Cory having his list complete, they will try to have their challenges at the same time.”

“And that should make a difference? He did? Who was the 15th?”

“I didn't ask him.” Perhaps she should have. “Xeno is up to something, too. Not challenging though. He has a new sword.” Just then the door from the Inn opened and Xeno appeared at the top of the stairs. “Well, talk of the devil,” she quickly sipped from her coffee cup and tried to appear innocent. “I swear these walls have eyes and ears.” Tera walked in just behind Xeno and she waved a greeting to both of them.

“Howdy folks!” Tera skipped down the stairs and headed for the bar.

“Baroness, Baroness.” Xeno nodded and smiled. At Rena’s mutter he offered, “At least you do not have to substitute tonight, Rena.”

“Good thing,” Rena chuckled, “ I don't think I could handle three nights in a row.”

“Topaz, you said something about the walls having ears?” So he had heard the last part of her quiet remark to Rena.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:23 pm
by Topaz
“At least he's not saying arch mage, too.” Topaz’s aside to Rena was accompanied by a soft chuckle. Then she turned to Xeno. “Yes, Xeno, and eyes too.”

“Only because I had forgotten.” Xeno frowned at his oversight – or at Topaz having remarked on it.

“They are but temporary titles.” Topaz put far more store in the less temporary titles, the kind that was earned by a constant display of good leadership.

“I disagree only where the top titles are concerned. Once an Overlord, always one. The same with arch mage.”

“I will never be Overlord.” Topaz smiled, then answered Xeno’s question as to why not.

“I'm not appreciative of hate mail, and it appears such comes free of charge with the title.”

Xeno seemed to raise a brow without actually doing so. “Hate? That was never my experience. Extreme competitive spirit and strong emotions, yes.”

“Ah well, perhaps I'm just not all that competitive.” Topaz knew it was pointless to argue with Xeno on any subject he already had a strong opinion on.

“You went after the Celestial Tower, though.” Xeno insisted.

“That's different.” Topaz said at the same time Tera offered from the callers’ couch, her features expressed disgust, “The current Overlord was not impressed by my good manners y'all. Can ya believe that!”

“Indeed?” Xeno invited Topaz to explain her statement before turning to Tera, “Damien was here last night, looking for a duel.”

“I hope he found one and they stabbed his guts out lots of times!” Tera smiled, a radiant but rather bloodthirsty smile.

“Yes; one: people actually like seeing me have the care of it; two: it's the Citadel.” Topaz interrupted her list with an aside to Tera, “This Overlord doesn't know good manners.” The turned back to Xeno. “Three: I love the charm of that place. It's ever so romantic; four: it comes with the power of the stars. All in all it's like it was made for me, though I know it wasn't.” She finished with a grin.

“And talked himself out of one with me. Blame his manners, not yours, Des.” Xeno the turned back to the fairy. “No need to work so hard with me.”

“You did ask.” Topaz gave a shrug.

“So you have no interest in removing a bad-mannered Overlord. Pity.” But Xeno didn’t seem all that disappointed.

“He poses no threat. Anyway, Cory made noises in that regard.”

“True enough. Yes, I almost feel bad for denying him his 15th peer win. I had no one to cheer for in the last Overlord Challenge.”

“How come?” Topaz and Rena both wanted to know.

“Skyler?” The general snorted.

“There's more to that hoodlum than meets the eye.” Topaz made hoodlum sound like a compliment.

“Skyler - indeed there is more to him. I have been watching him.” Tera agreed with the fairy.

“I had yet to see it. I will give him another look, since you both say so.”

“He wasn't always like that.” Rena added her evaluation. “That was when I first arrived here, Xeno. We were partners in the tag team tournament.”

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:24 pm
by Topaz
“I well remember that, Rena.” Xeno made a face that had the ladies giggling. Just then a little blond girl skirl, brandishing a cardboard sword menacingly and cute as a button skipped in. Xeno’s gaze was drawn to the bundle of energy. “Hey there, Sunshine!” He held his arms out to the little girl, a wide smile split his face. “We are in a competitive mood tonight, are we not?”

But the little warrior waved her sword at him instead and lunged at him. Topaz was immediately reminded of Tormay and the fun they had together at swordplay when he was about that tall.

“Des, have you met my ward, Mystic?” The girl lunged at Topaz with her dangerous looking cardboard sword, which the fairy respectfully dodged, then sprinted into the nearest ring.

“Whoha! Was that a challenge?” Topaz blinked after the girl.

Xeno and Rena answered simultaneously. “I believe so, Topaz.” and “Better you than me, Topaz.”

Topaz chuckled and scanned the arena for a weapon similar to the one the girl was wielding, her voice held the melancholy of memories. “I well remember Tormay's exuberance with swords at that age.”

“Howdy!” Tera momentarily distracted Mystic with a warm smile, looking up and down the newest and most dangerous threat seen yet in the hallowed arena. “I don't think we have formally been introduced yet.” She hinted to Xeno with a grin.

“Mystic, come here a moment.” Xeno called the girl over. “This is Mystic Suleir, my ward.” The girl curtsied politely. “Mystic, this is Lady Westridge.”

Tera rose from the couch and curtsied back with all the formality a little girl could wish from a Queen. “We are pleased to make your acquaintance Mystic.” Then she gave the girl a sassy wink. When Mystic stepped forward to observe the lady more closely, Tera playfully poked at the girl’s nose, then stuck her thumb between two fingers, and teased with an impish grin, “I've got your nose now!”

Mystic attacked the Queen, tickling her while trying to make a grab for her ‘nose’ in Tera’s fist.

“Sunshine, you have to protect your nose better than that.” Xeno was grinning as Tera pretended to put the nose back into the little girl’s face even while she squirming from the tickling.

“Okay! Okay! You have your nose back!” Tera playfully batted at the little tickling hands that appeared to be everywhere.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:24 pm
by Topaz
Mystic grinned happily and marched back into the ring . Topaz had located a suitable cardboard blade on her way to the ring and slashed a salute with the terribly unbalanced none-weapon before she assumed her opening stance. “Greetings, Mystic. I'm Topaz.”

Topaz threw a quick wink to Tera – Xeno was seated next to her on the couch – then turned her undivided attention to the little girl. Mystic had an interesting style, consisting of a combination of standing perfectly still one moment, then exploding into fast action the next.

“Low and High we have paper cuts galore folks!” Tera’s commentary made the sword play sound far more dangerous than it was. “Topaz parries away the oh-so-deadly blade of cardboard!” But the girl appeared totally unimpressed with the defensive weaving pattern of Topaz’s cardboard blade and poked the business end of her sword into the fairy’s belly. “Don't look Ethel! That would have left a mark. Thank goodness these here rings are warded and they ain't using real steel.”

“It appears you have paid attention to your teacher.” Topaz complimented the well timed lunge, then they crossed their cardboard blades again.

“Topaz is just a little faster this here time around y'all!” Tera’s commentary continued as the fairy’s blade slid down the length of Mystic’s and the tip touched the girl’s belly. Then Mystic twisted away with a melo-drama gesture that would have done any actor on Rhydin theater stage proud. “Mystic saves herself from the wicked intent of the dreaded cardboard blade of Topaz!”

After Mystic had parried away Topaz’s last attack, she curtsied politely to the fairy and the official. Topaz returned the salute with the now rather bent looking cardboard blade. “A fine display of skill that was, Mystic, well won.” Topaz accepted the small shiny black stone the girl was offering, giving her a questioning smile. “Thank you. That is a pretty stone. Are you sure you want to part with it?”

The girl nodded firmly, then explained in a whisper, “It will change colors and shades every hour and become warmer as the temperature gets colder, and vice versa.”

“Then your gift requires one in return.” Topaz tucked the shiny stone away and pulled a hand full of foil wrapped caramels from her skirt pocket and offered them to Mystic palm up. The girl’s smile and eyes widened as she took the candy, then she skipped from the ring and over to the callers’ couch.

Topaz handed the bent sword to one of the serving lads on her way back to Rena’s table.

“She's a tough one.” Rena offered as Topaz slipped back into her seat. For a while they watched the girl play with Tera and share her gift of caramels with Xeno. When she sensed Lucien’s mental touch she turned to Rena with a friendly smile. “I find myself called away. Have a good night, Rena.”

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:33 pm
by Julian derKorst
A First Meeting

Just then a tall, black-haired, rather handsome and young-looking man faded into view. That could only be Datrazanov, Julian guessed, as Topaz imediately rose and hurried over to greet the man. Though Datrazanov was returning the official’s greeting his dark eyes remained on Topaz, Julian noted. Topaz in turn seemed to have eyes only for him. Julian ignored the little envious pang and further studied the man with a practiced eye while he was distracted greeting the fairy. He liked what he saw, and relaxed his features as he finished his perusal.

Rena Cronin arrived while he was waiting, and Topaz introduced them. He had seen Topaz’s student at Atrebla many times before. Yet, somehow or another, they had never had the opportunity to actually greet each other.

He watched other people arrive and be greeted by Topaz when she wasn’t absently sipping her coffee. The fairy did appear nervous this evening. Julian wondered if she had an additional reason for that.

Just then a tall, black-haired, rather handsome and young-looking man faded into view. That could only be Datrazanov, Julian guessed, as Topaz imediately rose and hurried over to greet the man. Though he was returning the official’s greeting Datrazanov’s dark eyes remained on Topaz, Julian noted. He further studied the man with a practiced eye while he was distracted greeting the fairy. He liked what he saw and sensed and relaxed his features as he finished his perusal.

Julian rose from his seat as the couple approached. The Carpathian’s formal bow lacked nothing in military precision.

“Julian, I would like for you to meet Lucien Datrazanov, my husband. Lucien, please meet Julian derKorst, my Swordsmaster and good friend.” Topaz smiled from one to the other, still looking nervous.

“Swordsmaster derKorst, a pleasure to meet you.” Lucien's voice was warm and despite its velvety softness lacked nothing in steel or conviction.

Major derKorst offered his no less gracious, formal bow in turn, then his green-blue eyes looked directly into obsidian ones. “I have been looking forward to meet the man who stole our Commander's heart. May I offer my congratulations?”

“Your felicitations are most kind. Thank you.” Lucien clasped the offered hand and shook it once. Julian's features relaxed further into one of his rare smiles. “I trust you have not been concerned over her absences?”

“You can trust that I have been concerned, but I must say I am not anymore.” He had in fact been extremely worried, even after Topaz had related the events of her capture by the Sisterhood and Lucien’s and his brother’s help, and his worries had not been only in regards to her safety but also to her overall well being.

“She is always safe in my care sir.” Lucien's arm snaked around Topaz's waist, pulling her close.

Major derKorst believed him and nodded. “I will hold you to that. We can have a sit down and get further acquainted when you both come to the Beacon.” He turned to Topaz then, “I can tell you are eager to be off, Topaz.”

“We have a special place to be tonight, Major. If you will excuse us?”

“Certainly. I wish you both a fine evening.” He bowed formally again, including both.

Topaz gave the Major a warm smile, “Thank you, Julian. I mean it.”

“The kitty awaits us.” Lucien offered Topaz his arm and a moment later they both had faded from sight.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 4:16 pm
by Topaz

The very moment Lucien faded into the visible spectrum Topaz rose from her seat and hurried over to greet him. His arms snaked around her and she returned his hug with a loving smile.

“I missed you.”

“And I you. Did you accomplish all that you planned?” Every fiber of his being was instantly attuned to her.

“I hope I did.” She grinned, wondering if he received something blond and light blue this evening. “You tell me.”

Lucien lifted his gaze, sensing eyes on him, then gave a slight incline of his chin toward Julian before looking at Topaz again. “I take it that is Julian?”

“Yes,” she answered with a nervous smile, “are you ready to meet him?”

“And I thought I could spirit you away tonight in that kitty that was left with Eoin.” Lucien gave her a look of mock suffering. He wanted nothing more than to take her somewhere secluded and enjoy her.

Topaz chuckled with delight, relief evident in her voice. Now she could quit trying so hard keeping that secret from Lucien. “You still can do that. Do you like the new kitty then?”

“What ever possessed you to give me such a beautiful machine?” He swept her into his arms. His eyes promised a kiss befitting the surprise for once no one was watching.

“You deserve it.” She said simply.

“I have more than I deserve in you. Let us go put your man at arms at ease.” He gave the man a cursory glance before offering her his arm and moving silently toward Julian.

She nodded and winked. “Then you can sweep me away. There'll be another chance for Julian and you to get better acquainted.”

Julian rose as they approached and Topaz made the formal introductions. She watched, still slightly nervous, as the two men exchanged formalities. Far more seemed to pass between them than the words spoken, but there was not a single dark puff of a cloud in the sky and she relaxed a little.

When Lucien suggested that they had another place to be, Julian excused them, expressing the hope that a less public meeting was to follow soon.