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Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 12:19 am
by Lucien
She had left him after spending two risings in the cocoon that kept out the rest of the world. He had not wanted to release her, but she had argued that people would worry, and she had things to keep maintained. Her responsibilities would not end because he wished it to be so.
He’d growled at her then rather than purring, but she was his mate, and he could do no other than see to her happiness, and these responsibilities she seemed to need to be happy. While he might sound ferocious, with Topaz, he would always see to her happiness first and foremost.
She had worked all day and he had spent it talking to Gabriel. The first blood exchange had not resulted in either of them being incinerated on the spot. That was promising. Bits of her magic had remained with him. He could sense their curiosity about him and they explored where he permitted.
Gabriel sat on the sofa with a smug expression. “You look like a man who expects to be fried by lightning at any moment. Relax. We are not that fortunate.”
“No, but she is working on blood experiments, and they are not going well Gabriel. What if we reach a critical point where one of us is adversely affected?” He knew about her experiments not because she had told him, but because her thoughts were focused so intently on them at the moment.
Gabriel’s face hardened instantly. “What kind of blood experiments?” They both knew the risks of such experimentation. The Society had been trying for years to find a way to incapacitate and kill Carpathian and Vampyre alike. The problem was that it seemed a Master Vampyre was directing their efforts at elimination of the Carpathian’s, who the Society believed were the Vampyres.
He only had impressions from Topaz’s thoughts, but they were worrying. “She is looking at what happens to vampire blood when it is ingested. I think she and I need to talk.” He chuckled. She is tenacious.
Later that evening, he accompanied the Marchioness to the Isle, and as he faded into the visible spectrum, her features lit up when she saw him. She had known he was there, but somehow actually seeing him brought a radiance to her features.
She excused herself from the Marchioness and headed toward him. He had missed her dreadfully, and he wrapped an arm around her waist just to have a reason to keep her close. Topaz glanced at her new abode, “I think you may like it up there too.”
He splayed his hand over her waist and looked at the Citadel, “As much as you liked my suite?”
“Quite possibly,” she said with a wink. He wanted to spirit her away then and there, but it was not to be. It was my night to escort the Marchioness, and with the Marquess away, even more important. The blue haired lunatic was doing his utmost to harass Topaz’s friend and student, Rena. Lucien invited her to join them as protection against Harris, but she declined and so he led Topaz to an empty table in the shadows.
Topaz laid her hand lightly upon his thigh and whispered, “You do look good enough to eat.”
He then gave her a slow smile and lowered his lips to her ear, “be very careful, I just might take you up on that.”
She laughed softly and told him that she was counting on it.
Jaleeisa chose that moment to inquire of Topaz, “So, is this your beau, Boss?”
Topaz flashed her a grin, “Aye, Jal, this is Lucien. Lucien, meet Jaleeisa, one of my new callers.”
Lucien turned a soulless black gaze on the woman as he rose and gave her a formal bow, “A pleasure,” but his focus was on the fairie seated in the shadows. Jaleeisa smiled and told him it was a pleasure as well for her and that she should call her simply Jal.
As they sat together in the beach area, Topaz once again asked him to take her along when he fed. Her curiosity was something that never ceased to amaze him, but this request troubled him. Why? Why did she want to see how he fed?
Harris was shifting his tormenting from Rena to the Marchioness, but it was nothing threatening, more just the annoyance factor, and the Marchioness was not afraid, so as they bantered back and forth, Lucien simply kept tabs on how the mood was, but did not interfere in their teasing of one another.
At length, the Marchioness rose to depart, and Lucien rose as well. It was time to go, but he would come back for Topaz as soon as he could.
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 12:50 am
by Topaz
Topaz had spend a second night with Lucien, but this morning she had insisted that she needed some time to attend to business and to let Julian know what had happened. She’d much rather have stayed with Lucien, only her sense of duty would not allow her to put things off another day.
She had kept the meeting with Julian short, too short perhaps. But there was little enough she could tell him; she'd not yet had a chance to ask Gabriel what he may have learned when he had stayed behind and she didn't have any of the answers to the questions Julian was sure to have once she told him about the recent change in her relationship with Lucien.
Now Topaz was sitting behind the desk in her office with a cup of coffee and scanned over the note Le had attached to the unmarked folder. ...only one made it to the medical center... The word alive was scratched out and the word 'undead' was scribbled over it. ... died 2 hours later ... autopsy report is in the folder along with test results ... were reported to have gone up in flames ... have to strongly advise against it...
Well, the fairy thought to herself, I'm glad this didn't get to me any sooner and opened the folder, sifting through the papers for that particular autopsy report. She paled as she read through the three page report, ... third degree burns... inner organs were burned or cooked... heart... black, charred... cause of death: … ingestion of fae blood Topaz paled as she read. That poor vampire must have been in unimaginable agony, she thought with compassion.
She then turned to the lab test results. At first glance they were not any more encouraging. ... 80% of the samples lost... 98.5% of samples lost in the third set of tests... volatile reactions or instant vaporization... charred residue... temperatures averaged around 105 degrees Fahrenheit... But when she came to the part describing what the lab technicians saw under the microscope, she found something that promised hope. ... some distinct vampiric and fae cells at rest next to each other... spontaneous repair... fused but functioning...
She sat back in her chair, sipped the now cold coffee, and contemplated Lucien's possible reactions if she were to show him the contents of Le's folder, or if it may be wiser to destroy the papers.
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:13 am
by Topaz
A present for Lucien
The late afternoon found Topaz in town. Finding a present for Lucien would be just the thing to distract her from missing him and the morning’s unpleasantness.
“Rena!” Topaz called out when she spotted her friend and quickly caught up with her. “You’re just the person I wanted to see. I need to go shopping. Would you like to come along?” She gave Rena a hopeful smile. “Julian gave me a credit chip and said there's enough credits on it to get at least three of those purring Ferrari cats. But I only need one.”
Rena quirked a brow in surprise. She had never before been asked to go shopping with Topaz before. “Cats?” Then a little louder, “Cats?”
”Well, no, not really. They just purr like they were cats.” Topaz hurried to explain and at Rena’s still blank look added with an excited chuckle. “Azjah calls them cars and Lucien really likes those Ferraris.”
“I was wondering if you knew it was a car or not.” Rena started to be infected by the fairy’s enthusiasm. “And I take it you've been in one to know that it purrs?”
“Yes, twice.” Topaz nodded and with a glow to her features, a wide smile, and a lot of descriptive gestures she told Rena just how impressed she was with Lucien’s skills of handling such a Ferrari. “You should just see how he holds the reins, no wheel, and even in evening traffic, he just zips along the roads without even making people or beasts dash for safety.”
Rena seemed to take all that in stride. “So what color we looking for?”
“Lucien said the only presents he wants are blond hair and blue eyes. So we gotta find one like that, blond and light blue. You see, I won the Red Dragon Inn lottery, and put up a note, asking if anyone knew what Carpathian's liked for presents, and Lucien had tacked up a note that read ‘blond’ and ‘blue eyes’. Those leather seats were nice in that Enzo. Maybe they can die leather light blue?”
“Pay enough money and you can get anything. But I think we wrap you up in ribbons and bows and we have Lucien's present.”
Topaz greeted that suggestion with a silvery chuckle. “I can’t be a present.” Then her smile disappeared and she looked worried. “Money? Julian said they’d take credits in the shops around the Stars End bar and the space docks.”
“Credits, money – it’s the same thing to some people.” Rena hurried to explain to Topaz’s great relief.
“Shall we then?” The fairy was once again looking forward to going shopping and eager to be off.
“Yeah, but I think I'm shopping with the present Lucien wants.”
“But I'm not a present.” Topaz had already started walking down the road, then stopped. “Maybe you should lead. I've no idea where one of these Ferrari breeders might be.”
Rena indicated the direction they should be taking and they started walking toward (the name new part of town goes here). “Not a breeder...a car dealer. Really...blond with blue eyes? You fit the description. I think he thinks so.”
“So do a lot of other people.” Topaz briefly contemplated to go shopping for a horse instead, and then dismissed the idea. “Well, he's getting a purring kitten anyway.”
“So do a lot of people what?” Rena was confused. “Not”
Topaz chuckled, “Okay, a car. Can we make them deliver it right before sunset?”
“If they can find it, yeah. But if you want a special order, that might take a few days.” Probably more than just a few days, Rena thought, but the dealer would be able to tell them for sure how long a special order might take.
“Oh, that long.” Topaz wondered if she could keep the present a surprise for that long. Lucian would have to be very distracting for thoughts about the surprise not to pop into her mind while he was awake. “I guess a few days is all right.”
Rena chuckled softly. “You never went car shopping before, I take it.”
“No.” Of course not. Whatever would she do with a car? She certainly had no use for one in the Atreblian Valley or the woods, and Rhydin was just a portal or a short walk away. “But I went horse shopping a couple of times.”
“Okay. It's a little different.” Rather a lot different, actually, Rena thought, but how could she explain those differences. “What's his favorite color...?” Rena started to ask instead, then stopped herself mid-word and chuckled. “Blond with blue.”
“Right, exactly.” Topaz gave those differences some thought, too. “Well, I guess a Ferrari doesn't have teeth and hooves to look at.”
“No...instead, we look at the motor and kick the tires.”
“Kick tires and look at a motor.” Topaz appeared to make mental notes as she repeated the words. “That doesn't sound too difficult.
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:14 am
by Topaz
“Depends on who you deal with.” Rena had located the import car dealership and pointed out the building and car lot. “Let's go there. What else do you want the car to have?”
“Oh look, there is one!” There were, in fact, two Ferraris on the lot. But neither was they right color, as Topaz was quick to point out before answering the question. “The colors have to be perfect, it has to be powerful and potentially very fast, it has to have lots of different glowing dials in the inside and a music devise so it can play one waltz after the other all night long. It also needs to purr, have a motor to look at and tires to be kicked. Maybe they can make it play Rumba, too, what do you think?”
They stopped next to one of the Ferrari’s on the lot and had a closer look. “Okay. I got that. Radio, CD player –“ Rena got no further.
“What?” Topaz asked incredulous. “A seedy player?”
Rena chuckled. “A radio tunes into frequencies sent out by stations. A CD player lets you insert a CD, or compact disc, which has music on it and allows it to commercials like a radio.” Topaz’s look with which she regarded continued to stay blank. “A music devise.” Rena nodded, then wanted to know if the car should be a convertible. “Convertible means that it has a soft top that folds down to allow the wind to blow through your hair.”
“That sounds like fun. But the Enzo didn’t have such a soft top.”
“The convertible – it can be fun.” Rena grinned. “What else you want on or in the car?”
“Lucien and me?” Topaz grinned back. She couldn’t think of anything else, much less the proper names for anything else.
Just then a man of medium built and height, human and dressed in a modern business suit, had stepped up to the two and introduced himself as Frank Novajek. “What may I help you to on this fine day, ladies? This F430 that you were looking at is a fine choice if you are looking for a sportscar and just arrived on the lot yesterday morning.”
“I’m Topaz. “ Frank Novajek did not appear to recognize the name. “I would like a Ferrari, please.”
“A blond Ferrari with light blue interior.” Rena threw in with a smirk to the car dealer.
Novajek nodded and gave up on the idea on selling them any of the cars he currently had on the lot ready and available. “A special order then. As you can see, black and red are the only colors available on the lot at this time. If you would please follow me, I’ll be happy to show you color samples and let you have a look on the monitor at what your car will look like.”
Rena and Topaz declined the offer of coffee and Novajek waited until the ladies were seated before he slid behind his desk. He immediately started to punch buttons on his key board, then turned the screen so the women could see it. “Disregard the colors for the time being. Which of these models do you find most appealing?”
Topaz didn’t have to think long. She tapped the screen. “This one’s the prettiest.”
“The 612 Scaglietti is a two-door exotic sport coupe that can seat up to four people. Only one trim level is offered. Standard equipment highlights include HID headlights, 18-inch front and 19-inch rear wheels, 245/45ZR18 front and 285/40ZR19 rear performance tires, an adaptive suspension system, a power-closing trunk, heated exterior mirrors, automatic dual-zone climate control, power front seats and a Bose audio system with a trunk-mounted six-disc CD changer.” ” The list of details with which he praised the car were lost on the fairy, but Novajek didn’t notice. He was already punching buttons again.
Rena held a finger to her lips to keep Topaz from asking any questions regarding those details. So Topaz just listened to Rena’s questions, and nodded at the appropriate times.
“The optional features include rear park assist, a radio navigation system, Bluetooth wireless connectivity, heated front seats, a space-saver spare tire kit, run-flat tires and a six-piece fitted leather luggage set. You may also request special exterior paint colors and additional style-oriented changes with the optional features.”
“Yes, please.” Topaz threw in before Rena could say anything. Not that she knew the meaning of half the words the dealer had used, but she did remember how Tormay’s eyes always had begun to sparkle when a shop keeper had mentioned extra options when they had shopped for his toys. Lucien should like those, too, she thought.
“That brings us to the paint colors and the leather interior.” Novajek indicated the screen for paint options and pulled a set of leather color swatches from a drawer. The near perfect colors were quickly decided upon.
“It's prefect, Topaz.” They both looked at the screen.
“I think he'll like that one. It even sparkles a little.” The Topaz turned to the dealer. “You didn’t say if it could play Waltzes and Rumbas.” Novajek was quick to assure the ladies that he would be happy to put a selection of CDs inside the car.
“How soon can it be delivered?”
“So when can it be delivered?”
Rena and Topaz laughed as they spoke at the same time. “We have to stop that.”
In two weeks, if you are willing to pay for the expedite fee, otherwise two months.
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:14 am
by Topaz
“Oh.” Two weeks was a lot longer to wait than just a few days.
Rena glanced at Topaz, then looked to the dealer. “Two weeks would be better.”
The dealer nodded and smiling punched more buttons. “Then may I call in Miss Ticker from the finance department to work out the payment options with you?”
Rena chuckled softly. Poor man, she thought, doesn't know who he is dealing with. But Topaz had already taken out the credit chip. “I'd like the option of paying now.”
“Actually only give him a down payment - rest on delivery.” Rena advised.
“But he's bringing the car to Lucien, not to me.” Topaz turned from Rena to the dealer. “Can you put a bow on it, with my card?” He nodded and took Topaz’s card.
“That's okay, he can call you when the car arrives and you can look it over...make sure it's what you want then pay the rest.”
He’d have to call pretty loud if that was how he hoped to get his message to the fairy. “You could leave word at the Red Dragon Inn instead.”
Novajek nodded. “Let me just print out the paperwork.” He punched one more button and a machine behind him was humming into activity, dispensing one piece of paper after the other, setting them into a neat stack.
“Do you think we really got everything? We didn't get to look at a motor or kick tires yet.” Topaz wanted to know quietly the moment the dealer had risen to collect the papers and to run her credit chip through yet a different machine.
“Yeah...I think it's enough. Like you, elegant but understated. Motor and tires, they're a given unless I've missed something in the past few years.”
No one had ever called understated before. “Well, he didn't ask for red or black or green anything.” Topaz didn’t think he’d had time yet to pick a favorite color for himself, having been used to black and white and shades of gray for so long.
“Someone is going to get surprised... and he'll have a daily reminder of the giver. No…” Rena was grinning, then leaned over and whispered. “He asked for you. I think.”
“What does a Ferrari eat?'s kinda like the printing press, isn’t it? Does it need ink and oil?”
“It will need oil...and gasoline.”
“Can we have him deliver that, too? For like at least a quarter, I'm thinking.”
“And water, and windshield washer fluid....and the tires will need air.”
“Well, there's lots of air around,” Topaz waved a hand through the air, “But the rest...”
Rena chuckled, “It won't need that at first...should have it,” and glanced to the dealer to make sure. The dealer nodded and made the mistake of suggesting the purchase of a gasoline gift card along with reminding them that the service agreement included such basic maintenance as oil changes, fluid checks and compressed air. “I know you haven't had this big a sale in a while. I think we should get one of those gas cards...worth a year.”
“I can throw one in for two hundred gallons.”
“Three hundred.”
“Very well, ma’am. He added a note regarding a three hundred gallon gasoline card and his initials by hand to the papers he had just retrieved from the printer, before situating them on the desk for Rena and Topaz to check. “Please make sure the deliver address and everything else is as you want it. Then sign here, and here, and here.” He tapped a finger to the bottom of three different pages.
“Yay!” Topaz danced a turn, then hugged Rena. “We bought a Ferrari.”
They both chuckled. “He must mean a lot to do this.”
“Yes. He does mean a lot to me.”
Rena smiled. “I'm glad for you.”
“We should go celebrate with something chocolaty at Gunther's. I hope Lucien will like it.” Topaz grinned. “At the very least he's gonna be surprised when it gets there.”
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:33 am
by Topaz
Later that evening...
Topaz watched with a pleased smile as one of the goblins brought Jaleeisa a tankard of ale and confide to her they had had to haul up a fresh cask and tap it. Jal had leaned close to the little one while he was talking and now gave him a nod and a scratch under his chin. Then the goblin stumbled off, almost falling, with a very comical, goofy grin lighting his coarse features. It bode well, the fairy thought, that the little ones took so well to the new official.
Moments later Azjah arrived on the isle – and, even though she could not see him, Lucien – and headed for her chaise in the sand. Topaz sensed Lucien’s movements and guessed that he was checking the parameters.
“Hello Topaz. I didn't see you.” The isle was above average crowded for this time of the evening.
“I'm easy to overlook.” Topaz offered with a friendly grin.
“I suspect it is just that I was not paying attention.”
“That's quite all right.” So they both were distracted. “Will you be able to come to the party on Wednesday?”
“Every time Brig does that I picture him as one of those corny looking vampires from the stories...” Artemus snickered and threw a wink at Jal.
“A vampire?” Jal blinked in surprise then chuckled, “Well, he does like the neck quite a bit.” That had everyone laughing.
“You said you wouldn't tell, Jal!” Brigath uttered in mock-shock.
“Brig bites.” Just then Lucien faded into the visible spectrum, and though Topaz wanted nothing more than to go greet him, it would have been too impolite to leave her conversation with Azjah unfinished.
“It's supposed to start at eight.” Topaz offered when Azjah was sipping from her glass.
“Excellent, may I bring anything?”
Just then Topaz’s gaze found Lucien and her features lit up with a smile, then she looked at Azjah again. “Your husband, perhaps? There will be dancing.”
“If Klinton is about in RhyDin, of course.”
“Aye, if.” Topaz felt Lucien move closer and handed her nearly empty coffee cup off to a passing goblin. “I'm sure you won’t have much of a chance to warm a seat either way. Excuse me please.” At Azjah’s smile Topaz started to walk toward Lucien with a joyful smile that even Lucien’s cold glance at Brigath couldn’t dampen.
“Good evening Topaz.” His features softened slightly.
“Good evening, Lucien.” She wrapped her arms around him as he pulled her tightly to him.
“No one is giving you a hard time about moving in, are they?” His velvet whisper held her even closer than his arm around her waist.
Just as quietly she replied, “I missed you, too, and no, everyone's being very nice.”
“Good, I would dislike having to damage your friends.”
“There's no need.” She chuckled softly and felt his lips brush over her hair. “I think you may like it up there, too.”
His hand splayed over her waist as they looked at the Citadel. “As much as you liked my suite?” He gave her an impish smile.
“Quite possibly.” She flirted back with a suggestive wink and if it hadn’t been for Harris’ excellent timing, she’d have blushed. Harris had chosen that moment to get Rena’s attention in the most annoying way possible. Topaz waved to Rena, admiring her ability to ignore the blue haired obnoxiousness. Now he had started to sing, too.
~Oh Rena~
~You came and you found me a turkey~
~On my vacation away from worky~
Topaz decided that ignoring Harris was a god idea and turned her full attention to Lucien again. With more seriousness than the impish glint to her eyes suggested she commented quietly, “You do look good enough to eat.”
Lucien’s lips brushed against her ear with a whispered promise. “Be very careful, I just might take you up on that.” She hoped he would. “Shall we invite Rena to join us? Before I remove you from here?”
She nodded as she returned his hug. “I doubt it'll make Harris behave any different, but she might like the company.” With a wink she added, “You may remove me later.”
“Fangs might help.” He gave her a slow smile that her wonder if he didn’t mean more by that then just intimidating Harris into behaving. Then Lucien turned to Rena. “Would you care lady to join us?”
“Maybe in a minute, thank you.” Rena smiled back to both of them.
“As you like.” Lucien nodded.
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:35 am
by Topaz
“So, is this your beau, Boss?” Jal grinned at Topaz, getting the couple’s attention.
“Aye, Jal. This is Lucien. Lucien, meet Jaleeisa, one of my new callers.” Topaz gave Lucien a sideway glance to see what he might make of her being called ‘boss’.
“A pleasure.” He bowed formally to Jaleeisa.
“A pleasure, m'lord. And please, call me Jal.” Jal included both in her wide smile.
Lucien kept one arm curled about Topaz's waist. “Shall we find a place to sit to watch?”
“Yes, please.” Lucien steered them toward an empty table in the shadows and slid a chair out for her without touching it. She felt Lucien sit down close beside her, but she was briefly distracted. Harris had turned his attention to Azjah and she looked like she was expecting trouble.
Gavilean chose that moment to call over a greeting. “Hello Arch Mage.”
“Good evening, Your Majesty.” She teased back and wondered if Lucien really found her that distracting or if he simply didn’t think that Azjah needed protection from Harris. She placed her hand on Lucien’s thigh and turned her eyes up to him. “This is much better. Now you're not quite that tall.”
~Lovin' yooooooou~
~Is easy 'cause you're beautiful~
~La la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la la la la la la la~
“I shall always be taller my lovely fey one. But I suspect you will not complain overly much.” His slow smile was like a caress.
“Not at all. I found nothing to complain about yet. Not that I was looking.”
He leaned closer. “There are a lot of things one could complain about. I have many flaws. I have yet to show you the depths of my character flaws.” With a solemn nod he added, “You will never approve.”
“You do?” She chuckled softly. “Then you are hiding them very well. You should be very careful with that little word. I also hope that you'll find me far more approving than you just implied.” She continued more quietly. “I still think you should let me come along one of these days when you grab dinner, for example.” She gave him a loving smile as she watched both his brows lift, if in surprise or dislike at the suggestion she couldn’t guess. “I do want to know everything there is to know about you.”
“I am still working on getting to know every millimeter of you.” She was blushing again and a breath tangled in her throat where his fingertips touched lightly.
“I'd make for a poor edaina if I wanted to only know part of who you are.” She managed a soft whisper.
“I do not believe you are capable of being poor at anything.”
She smiled with an impish glint. “I trust that means you'll be planning on letting me come along soon?” Her curiosity was persistent.
“We shall see. I would prefer to lock you in the Citadel for a time.”
“Ah, but I have the key to that.” She teased gently. “Maybe I can lock you in for a while.”
“Can you lock the mist and the wind in Topaz?” She wondered if he could and had to admit that he just might be able to do so when his fingertips slid
slowly over her collar bones and out toward her shoulders.
“No. But I can certainly try very hard to entice it to stay. Do you think that might work?”
He canted his head a bit. “That would depend very much on what enticement was offered.”
“Something irresistible, of course. You could advise me on what that might be.”
“Mmm, I can think of one thing only.” He leaned over and nipped at her throat just below her jaw. “You.” Then called her back to the here and now, “Do you have need of me before your moving in celebration?”
“Of course.” Came the immediate reply.
“You say that as if you need me in truth.” She nodded and listened to the deep purr that rumbled from him just at the edge of her hearing.
“Beautiful.” She leaned against him.
“We are departing.” Lucien said moments later with a glance toward Azjah. I must escort her to the Palazzo, I shall return for you.”
Topaz nodded with a soft sigh, “Don't be too long.”
Lucien had already faded from view when Rena offered, “I'll keep her company till you return, Lucien.” And wandered over to Topaz with a slight grin. Topaz missed him already, but that would not keep her from enjoying Rena’s company and the rest of the evening.
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:49 am
by Topaz
Decorating the Citadel
Artemus was already on the Isle waiting when the fairy arrived for their appointment, carrying a basket with a couple of things to move into the citadel. “Hello there Artemus. I'm not late, am I?”
“Not at all, I only just arrived a little bit ago myself.” He replied with a pleasant smile as he stretched and shock his head. Topaz briefly scanned over the goblins present. There were sixteen of them, which should be plenty of help.
“Where are your goblins?”
“They await my summons.”
“Splendid. Shall we go up then?” Topaz quickly glanced up to the citadel floating overhead, and then she returned his smile. “There's no point in putting this off.”
“I'd be honored....especially since I have never been up there.” Artemus moved to stand next to Topaz even as she greeted the goblins and charmed them into gathering close. “Umm, should I hold on to anything?”
“No, holding onto anything isn't necessary.” Topaz waited until she judged the goblins to be close enough so they wouldn’t fall off the platform as it rose. “And up we go!”
Artemus waited calmly as they rose up to and through the bottom part of the Citadel and then arrived in the citadel proper, though he was glad for that rather than just a simple portal spell. The portal still made him queasy no matter how many times he had used it. He took a look around. In what he assumed to be the center of the citadel was a large fountain, the basin around it large enough to swim in. Pillars rose in large numbers from a marble like floor to support the dome shaped roof and the much smaller second story. The goblins spread out the moment the disk stopped moving.
“I should ask this, but the magic of this place will not interfere with my summoning of them will it? It's just simple warp magic where they come to my location.”
“No, it won’t. I already told the citadel you'd be bringing help.” Artemus nodded and pulled out a small pan flute and played a simple tune like he's Willy Wonka or something. Almost immediately four goblins appeared around him dressed in livery, smiling pleasantly as they moved over to the others to see what needed doing and where they could help. The island goblins had already found the cleaning supplies and some minor scuffles ensued over who would get to use what to polish or wash this or that.
“The last time we had a dinner party, with a table over there. I think this time we'll go with a buffet, music for dancing and lots of places to sit down. What do you think?”
“That sounds very good, put the tables and chairs along the walls and leave most the floor open for dancing or maybe make the area around the fountain the dance floor and enchant the water so it lights up.” The fairy seemed particularly impressed with his suggestion to light up the fountain.
“Like this?” She asked with a grin, when the fountain had started to glow with magical light. Not only the fountain had lit up but also the little streams outside, which he noticed when he caught a glimpse of the outside grounds in-between the many pillars.
“Perfect,” he nodded smiling, “but perhaps have the colors alternate in time with whatever music plays?”
“That is an excellent idea.” Her light blue eyes sparkled at his suggestion. “You wouldn't have brought some music along, per chance?”
“Only what I can play on my flute.” Artemus shook his head. “Do you want to test the fountains limits to know just how much it can handle?”
“I would love to.” The arch mage smiled. “It would help with arranging the furniture to see what light is where, too.”
Artemus nodded and stepped back into a regal bow, a silver flute appearing in his hand. “It would be my honor to play for the lovely Arch mage.” He offered her a roguish grin as he stood back up.
“Thank you.” She said with a warm smile that turned into a chuckle when he winked with a laugh and brought the instrument to his lips, slowly going into something easy. The tune was rather slow, but still something fun to dance to, a beginners' song one could find in any small villages festival. Topaz watched the light dance and change colors in harmony with the tune.
“Let's see if I can remember just what furniture is stored below.” The arch mage pointed at one place after the other and whispered. In between two pillars a couch, small pedestal tables and a couple of armchairs seemed to group themselves into a comfortable seating arrangement; into the space between the next two pillars two love seats and low table arranged themselves into a similar grouping. On she went while Artemus was playing the flute and didn’t stop until the inviting groups of seating described a semi circle around a large space perfect for dancing. Lastly a buffet table appeared near the fountain.
Artemus stepped away from the flute - the instrument continued to play, hanging in the air and testing the fountain itself with various tunes – and moved over to Topaz weaving between furniture. “Now we have music while we work,” he grinned.
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:50 am
by Topaz
“That makes working that much more fun.” She nodded with a chuckle toward two pairs of goblins that danced over the floor with polishing pads strapped to their green little feet. “They look to be appreciating the music, too.”
“Music is a universal thing....everyone appreciates it...though not all types of music.” He smiled. “Well, what do you want me to help you with now?”
Topaz looked at the still bare looking seating arrangements. “I do believe we should have some decorations, in here and outside, too. Maybe some of those pretty paper lanterns for outside or perhaps just wispy lights. Which do you think will go better?”
“Alright... so don't turn me into something if you don't like what I pick.” Artemus warned with an impish grin as he began to glide around the room like he was ice skating.
“I only ever once turned anyone into anything.” She gave a rueful grin at the memory. “And that ended up with a squished toad. I don't think I'll be doing that again anytime soon.” Topaz watched as where his fingers touched, bright yet tastefully colored streamers appeared, winding up around pillars and between them, while soft colored lights circled around the streamers, giving them the look of living matter. “This is beautiful!” Topaz slowly spun around, marveling at the effect of the decorations. “Now it looks inviting and welcoming.”
“I think so, too.” He glided back over to her, grinned and rested the forearm of his left hand on her shoulder. “Still think something is missing though...”
“Well, the food won’t be there until Wednesday evening.” Topaz added some pillows to the couches and handed her basket to one of the goblins, explaining, “To dress up the buffet table.” The goblin went on, joined by two others, to make a display of the buffet table.
“Yea, no one likes cold food unless it's supposed to be that way.” Artemus laughed.
“Right.” Topaz joined in. “Most of it will be cold, though. It's easier that way for a long party.” And the aroma of the meat dishes wouldn’t offend Lucien’s fine nose quite so much, she thought quietly to herself.
“Right.” He nodded again as he listened to the music. “Care to dance Topaz?” He stepped back and held out his hand. “I feel like being silly...”
“I most certainly do.” Topaz accepted with a chuckle. Infected by the silliness, she curtsied and lifted an imaginary train in her left, then with her right hand part way raised, slid into a dancing stance, hoping Lucien wouldn’t object.
Artemus matched her readily and started to lead her in time with the music - just a basic waltz - going into a half-turn every so many steps as he smiled warmly. One hand holding hers, the other at her waist, not making any move to be fresh. One: she's his friend, Two: She could fry him without effort, Three: He was raised better than that. He also suspected that Lucien was close by and just outside the visible spectrum, but he was less worried about Lucien than actually offending his friend.
“The lights were a marvelous idea. They even make the music sound better.” Topaz was obviously enjoying herself.
Artemus smiled warmly he nodded his agreement. “I agree,” he laughed, “I'm glad you thought of it.”
“I don't believe it was my idea.” She chuckled at his innocent expression.
“We are talking about the lights from the streamers, or the water?”
“Both. The lights from the streamers, the water was already here. Do you think we should stop the goblins from polishing anymore? This floor is already smooth as ice and I believe I can start to see my reflection in the pillars.” The dance having come to its end they moved outside to see what decorating needed doing there.
“The wispy lights were your idea,” he chuckled, “I just mixed it with my idea.” He clasped his hands behind his back from habit as he looked around. “Now, the outside will be the trickier area to decorate.” The lighted streams had already turned the outside into a wonderland.
“Perhaps a little color to the trees? Luminescent big blooms, perhaps?” Topaz didn’t sound like she was all that happy with her idea. “Oh, and it can't hurt if they had a pleasant fragrance.” She skipped over a narrow stream and another on the way to the trees.
Artemus looked at her then the trees and sank into thought. “Could work...” He nodded slowly.
“If you have a better idea, please don't hesitate to voice it.” Topaz suspected that he was way to polite and respectful to call her idea stupid and that he needed some encouragement.
“Well,” he said at length, “where do you want the illuminations to come from, the blossoms in the trees, or a soft light coming from the trees themselves?”
“Oh, that sounds much better!” Her eyes glowed with excitement at the suggestion. “Yes, the light should come from the trees themselves. We can still make them look like blooming trees.”
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:51 am
by Topaz
Artemus nodded again. “Do you want the lights to be any specific color, or just a soft white glow?”
“A soft white seems to me to go best with the blues and greens of the grounds around the citadel.”
“As you wish, Arch mage.” He grinned as he used her title again and started going from tree to tree, just touching each one softly. From within the trunk of each tree pale white light began to radiate softly, almost making each tree look like glass. Vanilla blossoms appeared in one of the trees, barely pink orchids in another at the same time.
“Beautiful.” The blooms were Lucien's doing, Topaz suspected as she watched the trees come alive.
“Beautiful doesn't even come close, Topaz.” He grinned and turned back to look at the trees. “They look too wondrous for words.
“Yes, they do.” The fairy agreed smiling. “Stunning, rather. And they smell ever so good now, too.”
“Yep...that too.” Artemus stood there, looking from one tree to another, with a pleased smile on his lips. “Give Lucien my thanks for the help.” He added with a knowing grin before he was looking around again. “What now?”
“I think he already heard. I do believe we did everything that could be done today. Now we just should have to collect the goblins.”
Artemus stepped closer to her and whispered real softly. “I do to, but since he chooses not to show himself, figured I'd play along.” Topaz just nodded to that with a smile. She saw no need to explain that Lucien was aware even without being present. Artemus stepped back again with a wink. “Are you sure there's nothing more to do? I'm not a fan of thinking you have everything perfect that realizing you missed something.”
“Just the music, food and drinks are left to be taken care of.” When they collected the goblins from the citadel proper, they were greeted by the sight of a much transformed buffet table. It looked very festive with glass sparkling and porcelain shining on it in-between free areas for plates of food yet to be set in-between the decorations.
“What kind of music? Or should we send out a survey to see what everyone wants?”
“I was thinking a mix of modern and Strauss waltzes, maybe some island tunes mixed in would do nicely.”
“I'm more of a Caribbean music man myself....there’s just something about steel drums.” He shrugged. “But alright...sounds good Topaz.”
“Caribbean and Strauss waltzes it is, then.”
Artemus chuckled. “This is your party, Topaz. I'm just helping with the decorations; you can do as you please.”
“Advise is always welcome and given due consideration.” She replied with an impish wink.
“Ahhhh...” He drew out the letter with a slow nod, which had them both laughing. Then Topaz gathered the island goblins while Artemus sent his home with a short tune whistled on his pan flute.
“Thank you very much for your help, Artemus.” Topaz offered with a warm smile once they were back on the solid ground of Twilight Isle.
“Don't mention it just get to help me decorate for my Tower warming party once I have things settled and taken care of.” He brushed off her thanks with a laugh before giving her friendly hug which she returned. “It was my pleasure, I just hope the party is a hit.”
“I am sure it will be. I'll see you Wednesday if not before.”
“See you then.” With that Artemus started to walk toward the portal, then paused and looked back to her. “I may have my daughter with me on Wednesday…”
“I am sure she will have fun, too, and it'll be safe even should Vanion come.” Topaz assured him with a confident smile.
“Vanion touches my daughter and there won't be a force in the universe that could stop me from feeding him his entrails.” He returned the smile. “But thank you for your assurances Topaz. I mean that.” He nodded again and with a wave he was gone in a swirl of raven feathers.
You are all invited to come to the Citadel this Wednesday at eight PM by the eastern clock to my moving in party.
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 2:03 am
by Lucien
He had remained beyond the visible spectrum, watching Artemus get much too close to his mate. It was a struggle to keep from turning the sky black with clouds and unleashing lightning to stab the ground, and perhaps the druid himself. But, Topaz would object to his protectiveness, and so it was better to remain out of sight. Although he did psychically touch Topaz several times during her obvious enjoyment of decorating the Citadel, he did not interfere even when the upstart put his hands on her to dance.
She clearly wanted this party, and he would assure that she enjoyed herself, but he did not think he could stand to watch anyone else dance with her. He would have to keep her close with all of the people sure to be around.
They had spent several hours decorating, and Topaz was enjoying the preparations beyond his expectations. Her delight at the vanilla and palest pink orchids appearing on the tree was enough to ease the stress over having Artemus around, and he vowed to surprise her after they left.
The fountain timed to music with lights gave him an idea.
Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 1:09 pm
by Lucien
He had spent two glorious risings with her, but while everything seemed to be working as it should, he had noticed an elevation in her normal temperature. She was warmer than she should have been, but other than that, no ill effects were manifesting so far.
When she decided she needed to leave him to go work on her own projects, he resolved to work on his surprise. The one inspired by the fountain. He faded into mist and went streaming off to his intended location to work on the surprise.
Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 1:30 pm
by Topaz
Party at the Citadel
Tonight the citadel sat on the ground, right next to the rings. Lights twinkled invitingly on the grounds and from the inside and faint strains of Caribbean music and then a Strauss waltz could be heard as Topaz approached.
She met with Artemus just as she was about to step inside. He had surfed down from his mountain on a controlled rockslide and had propped up his basalt block against a tree before he moved toward the citadel, admiring the different decorations with a smile.
“Good evening. Is no one here yet?”
“No, you’re the first to arrive.” The fairy answered after having returned his greeting. “Not even Lucien's here yet.” That was not surprising as it was just now starting to get dark in Rhydin. On twilight Isle, though, it was always twilight.
“I'm sure he'll be along shortly.” Artemus laughed. “So why not show me what's on the menu for the night?” They went inside together and Artemus let out a whistle when he saw the buffet. The long table was laden with every sort of party food anyone could think of and then some, along with a wide selection of desserts. “Just look at those desserts, the party goers can kiss their arteries goodbye without regret.”
A goblin, they were wearing blue and black liveries this evening, offered them each a tray with a selection of drinks. Artemus reached for one of a bright blue color, while Topaz selected an intensely green one when Brigath arrived on a gust of air, followed closely by Kyndra. Kyndra looked stunning in an emerald green gown with gold embroidery of a Celtic dragon on the front of the skirt.
“Good evening, Kyndra and Brigath.” Topaz greeted them both with a warm smile. “I'm happy you could come.”
“It appears that you've managed to purge the place of any Will residue.” Brigath remarked with a chuckle as he looked around the decorated citadel after having added his congratulations to Kyndra’s.
“Well, all except for that one oversized coffee cup anyway.” She winked with a nod at the 5 foot tall coffee cup statue sitting on a pedestal.
“Can't get rid of that. You're a coffee addict too.” Brigath laughed, “You just like it a little more liquid.”
Azjah arrived, carrying a brightly wrapped package, while the conversation turned to the more interesting drinks the goblins had concocted for the party.
“I have no idea what this drink is called,” Artemus tried something tasting of blue and black berries, while Topaz was welcoming Azjah to the citadel. “I think I'll call it Paradise Shandy.”
“I'll just be here to give you mouth to mouth if it makes you pass out.” Brigath declined Kyndra's offer to have a taste of her green banana drink with a wink as Azjah and Topaz joined the group.
“Hey, I'm only interested in saving lives.”
“Of course that's all you're interested in.” Topaz didn’t believe that at all. A soft peal of thunder was followed by a slash of lightning that split the sky and spit out Tass. As soon as his feet touched the sands he was dancing.
“Good evening, Tass. Come on in and say hello to everyone.” Topaz had gone to welcome him and no found herself being danced inside by her old friend.
“Well... thank ya sweets.” Topaz handed Tass off to Kyndra and invited Tass to partake of the refreshments, which he promptly declined. “Mmm... Not the kind of appetite I have at the moment, Hun, “he turned his charm on Kyndra, “but I'm sure to check it out eventually.”
“Well hello handsome! I'm so glad you dropped in.” Kyndra rose to her toes and gave Tass a kiss.
“Well, the winds didn't give me much choice.” Tass said with a sideway glance at Brigath, making Artemus cringe at the pun.
“I'm glad you had no choice.” Kyndra answered his smile. “I've missed your company.”
The first thing Cory saw when he arrived on the isle was the Citadel nestled firmly on the sands. He had to close his mouth with a hand. “Dun see tha' ever'anight.”
“Welcome to my citadel.” Tonight marked the first time that he stepped foot into the grand structure, Topaz knew. “I'm glad you could come, Cory.” He had missed the dinner party he had been invited to the first time around that she had held the title of arch mage.
“Thank fo' invitin' me.” Cory offered before joining the group at the buffet table. Again a liveried goblin offered a selection of drinks to anyone who appeared to be without one.
“I brought you a little something as a Tower Warming” Azjah regained Topaz Topaz’s attention with a smile after everyone had been greeted. “It's hopefully something you will enjoy.”
“Oh! Thank you.” She accepted the brightly wrapped gift with a delighted smile and curiosity twinkling in her eyes. “I'm sure I will.” She sat down on the nearest couch to unwrap the present.
“It's good to see the Arch Mage share her wealth with us surface-walkers.” Topaz overheard from someone at the buffet as a sculpture of the solar system emerged from the paper.
“Wow!” The fairy marveled and held up the statue for everyone to see. “The stars even glow in the night sky. It is beautiful!” She turned her warm gaze to Azjah. “Thank you, Azjah. You were perfectly correct, I am enjoying it.”
“I am glad you do. Ariel's work is all unique and very unusual.” Topaz completely agreed with Azjah and arranged the statue on top of a previously empty pedestal. You should see this, Lucien, she thought as she watched Tass stand up and sweep Kyndra out to the dance floor. Kyndra’s face glowed as they danced a flamenco. Tass was twirling her, as matador would do with his cape, with power and finesse, sending Kyndra’s skirt to flare out as she moved with grace and style. In the meantime Cory had sat himself up with a nice assortment on a small plate. A magical mug in one hand and plate in the other he now moved back to his seat.
“I have never seen the Citadel before Topaz, it's lovely.” Azjah picked a glass of scotch from the tray a goblin was offering.
“I am happy you like it. Aren't they marvelous?” Topaz noticed Azjah’s admiring look toward the decorations. “The trees just outside are wonderful, too. Art and Lucien decorated them together.”
That drew a surprised chuckle from Azjah. “Teamwork?”
Topaz nodded smiling, “Though I’m sure Lucien would argue against it.”
Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 1:30 pm
by Topaz
Tera stepped through the portal and gazed at the Citadel in awe as she made her way on over with a smile of anticipated delight. She waved to the cowgirl hat wearing goblin with a warm smile as she passed her and then stepped on through to join the others with a bright smile. “Howdy folks!”
Topaz greeted Tera with the same warm smile she had for all guests. “Good evening, Des. I'm so glad you could come.” At the same time she felt Lucien brush a kiss along the back of her neck, and her smile deepened as she leaned against him for a moment.
“Thank ya for invitin' me Topaz Darlin'.” Tera blinked at the sudden appearance of Lucien, “Howdy!” she said with a warm smile and then picked a glass from the tray a goblin was offering and actually smiled at him. He smiled back, and just as amazingly managed that without swooning or dropping the tray. Then her attention was drawn by Cory and Tass greeting her.
“Good evening.” Lucien’s features softened as she turned around and beamed a delighted, loving smile at him before hugging him tightly even as his arms snaked around her.
“Good evening, Love.” With a hopeful look she asked, “Would you like to dance?” It would be the perfect excuse to remain in his arms for a while longer.
He gave her a slow smile. “With real music and not that Caribbean noise.”
“There'll be a waltz coming up.” She chuckled softly and quickly finished off the very blue drink before she sat the glass on the tray of a passing goblin.
“Then the dance is mine.” Topaz interpreted his reply to mean all waltzes were his dances.
“I was hoping you would say that. Lucien wrapped one arm securely around her as the Marquis approached. Topaz was delighted for Azjah to see that Klinton had managed to be in time for the party and returned his greeting with a warm, welcoming smile, keeping an arm around Lucien’s middle.
“’Evening.” He nodded to Lucien, then looked to Topaz. “I suppose congratulations are in order.” A tango was playing now and Tass had grabbed up Kyndra again, taking her back to the dance floor. They perfectly expressed the essence of the music with their dance.
“Good evening, Klinton. I'm happy you could make it tonight.” Topaz returned his smile that seemed to say that he wouldn’t have missed it. “Aye, to Lucien, too.” She added as he hugged her and kissed her cheek. A low snarl rippled from Lucien.
“It's nice to see you again Lucien.” Klinton looked to Lucien with a smile and offered his hand.
“Marquis, welcome home.” Lucien took the offered hand, but moved to put himself between the Marquis and Topaz. The tango came to its end and changed to a slower, mesmerizing waltz. “If you will excuse us? I have promised this dance to my mate.” Klinton gave another nod and stepped aside to let them get to the dance floor to where Lucien then led his mate with his hand at her waist.
“Shall we dance as well?” Klinton asked his wife and they too joined the dancing.
“We haven't done this in a while.” Azjah laughed merrily.
Topaz allowed the music to stream through her as she came into Lucien’s arm and his fingers curled around her small hand. Then he led her into the opening steps of the dance. Each step came to her as natural as the ebb and flow of her own breath as he gracefully moved them among the other dancing couples.
Cory headed back to the table for seconds. This time he browsed through the desserts and chose a scoop of ice cream to finish tonight’s meal. Spoon in mouth as he paused, then offered the spoon to Des.
“What kind of ice cream is it Darlin'?”
“Tastes like cappuccino.” Cory took one more taste to be sure. “She's go' all kinds set up ov' there.” He twisted and used the spoon to point out the buffet table.
Tera gasped and made a grab for Cory’s ice-cream. “Yes I want some!“
“I missed the las' time Topaz did this, I ain't gunna pass 'nuth'a-- Gack!” He pulled his plate away. “I dun mean mine! There's plent'a t'go 'round.”
Navy blue blinked as the coffee flavored treat was pulled out of Tera’s reach. “But ya just said did I want some. Make up your mind Darlin'.”
“Ya mean t'tell me ya'd eat off'a spoon aft'a someone ya dun even know?”
“Cory where have ya been? I know ya. Egads! Did the pod people get ya or somethin'?” Tera was eyeing him up inquisitively now.
“Indeed. Pod people.” Small steps backward took him toward the buffet and intended to lure Des after him. But he needn’t have worried, he had coffee flavored ice cream on his person after all, and you better believe that for every step he took backward, she took one forward. “I tol'em I did'na wanna go this time.. bu' they weren't havin' it. They creep me out.” He could sense the table behind him now, twisted and snatched up another spoon. “Here.”
They come and get ya pretty regular like then Darlin'?” Tera was taking him seriously even as she reached out and took the spoon then dipped it into his ice cream, scooping up not a great big amount like you would think but rather just a normal sized portion to savor slowly.”
“Did my name change?” Topaz whispered quietly as they danced.
“Of course. Is it not customary in your people?” Her dress whispered against his legs with every step.
”Yes, but there are so many things you just kept me too distracted to ask.”
Lucien glanced around the dance floor, “Unfortunately, I cannot keep you too busy now.”
Topaz knew that remark was not a hint that she should stop asking questions. “There are other customs we've not talked of.”
“Indeed.” He gave her a slow smile.
”Perhaps I ought to move my office to the dungeon?” Topaz asked with a loving smile.
“Perhaps, it would be easier for me to throw away the key then.” He was still smiling.
Topaz chuckled softly, she was getting used to him teasing her about just that. “Whatever would you do then when you want to visit the desert with me or dance on a frozen lake or when I just have to be in the forest?”
“Distract you.” He said simply.
She winked to him with a smile. “It's a good thing I know you better than that.”
Lucien pulled her to him, lifting her feet from the dance floor. “You think so?”
“Yes, my love, I know so.” She smiled happily. “You'd be miserable and do everything within your power to find that key again.”
Lucien’s brow went up as he let lets her slide back to the floor in front of him. “You are dreaming.” He lightly ran his finger tips along the underside of her wings, briefly enjoying them rippling against his fingertips before Topaz fluttered her wings.
“If I'm dreaming, I don’t ever want to wake up again.” Lucien’s velvet laughter washed over her as the waltz’s last strains faded. Then he led her back to the guests.
Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 1:31 pm
by Topaz
Azjah and Klinton had joined Cory and Des at the buffet, followed by Kyndra and Tass, Artemus looked to be readying to leave, and the goblins were making sure everyone had something to drink. Ice cream and the blanched, meat filled chilies covered with cheese sauce and topped with Granada all served cold, appeared to be the favorite of those eating just now.
“Are you already leaving, Artemus?”
“I was thinking of it,” he nodded with a smile, “but not before giving you this.” He walked toward her, holding out a small box.
“Oh look! Another present.” Her eyes shone with excitement. “Thank you so much, Artemus.” She said with a warm smile as she accepted the box. She sensed Lucien’s study of the druid. “I wonder what it might be.”
“Congratulations once again Topaz. May your reign be long and prosperous.” He bowed humbly and watched as she unwrapped the present. Lucien nodded his agreement.
Topaz pulled a golden chain from the box with a joyful smile, an obsidian unicorn dangled from it, its horn formed of ruby. The she looked up to the druid with a warm smile. “Thank you very much Artemus, this is most wonderful. And thank you for your blessing and all the help decorating.” And with a wink, “Especially the team work with Lucien.”
Lucien added his own thanks, “Your input was valued.”
“I'm glad you enjoy it, Topaz. Now I have to be going. Take care my friend.” He gave her a soft hug, which Topaz returned. “Eh don't mention it...what are friends for?” Then he was heading towards the portal.
Topaz whispered with a quiet chuckle to Lucien, “This is giving me ideas.”
“Such as?” That was a question she didn’t want to answer until after the party, though. Instead she asked him to fasten the chain for her, giving him the necklace.
“Thank you, Lucien.” She turned to him with love shining from her eyes as soon as he had draped the chain around her throat and fastened the clasp.
“I shall have to find you something lovely to wear it seems.”
“To wear?” She loved getting presents, but getting any present from Lucien would hold a special meaning for her.
He gently lifted the pendant and Topaz wondered if he had already guessed the idea that had flashed in her mind the moment she had seen the pendant. “Yes.”
“I know whatever it'll be it'll be lovely.” She fluttered up a little and brushed her lips against his in a soft kiss. He quickly snaked an arm around her and held her close.
“Something of light and brilliance. Just like you.”
”I love it already. Though not near as much as you.” She missed Lucien’s reaction to that. Azjah and Klinton were leaving and she thankfully accepted their well wishes. She and Lucien, both, wished them a good night.
“Gabriel will accompany you home.” Lucien bowed deeply to Azjah and Klinton. That bit of news made Topaz very happy, for it meant that Lucien would be staying. “Shall we join the others?” Lucien whispered near her ear.
With a nod she replied just as quietly, “There'll be time just for us later.” Lucien agreed and escorted her over to the buffet, where the other guests had gathered, keeping one arm loosely wrapped around her waist.
Cory had just traded and empty plate for one loaded with ice-cream. Topaz couldn’t resist snagging one of the delicious looking chocolate truffles from a plate on the table and plopped it into her mouth.
“I hope you found all your favorites?”
“Absolutely!” Cory smiled past his spoon.
“Yes!” Kyndra left no doubt. “Thank you for putting on a wonderful party.”
“The citadel is just begging to be having parties.” Lucien led his fairy to the couch next to the one Kyndra and Cory had settled on.
“Yes... Wulfson was not known for being a people person.” Kyndra agreed with Topaz’s remark once the pair was seated.
“Not very much, no.” Topaz had to agree, despite Wulfson having had plenty of fun during the TDL seasons. But Kyndra had not witnessed those.
“Bett'a watch out, Topaz. I may grow 'customed t'the Citadel. Much like ya did.” Cory grinned.
“I do believe everyone does. It just has that charm.” Topaz grinned back then turned to Des, “I'm sorry Gav is missing this.”
Tera returned from her daydreams and smiles as she sets down her spoon. “Please excuse me for that mental wandering y'all.“ Then added suddenly, “We have decided to have a family!”
That was greeted by a stunned silence and a lot of blinking at first, and Tera glanced at each of them in turn, blushing and shifting from foot to foot. “Oh lordy be.”
“That is wonderful! You're going to have a baby. When?” Topaz only let her happiness for her friend shine through.
“Whoa! I didn't say that. I mean I didn't mean that.” Tera shook her head rapidly. “We have decided that we are going to have a family not that I am having a baby. Right now the pregnant kind of having a family. At least not that I know of.” She tilted her head to side as she mentally counted.
“Som'bodies go' a bun in the oven!” Cory had a silly grin on his face. “This calls for some ice cream.”
“We are hoping that there will be a baby sometime now. Just that there wouldn't have been a baby before we decided we wanted a baby.
“Do the goblins need to make a special batch just for you, vanilla and pickles?” Topaz grinned impishly?
“Oh lordy be please.” Des looked slightly green at that offer. “Heavens not on my account Darlin'!”
Kyndra grinned as she came back from her own daydream. “Oh Des how wonderful!!!” She stepped over and gave her a big hug.
“It ain't happened yet but I will be sure and let y'all know when it does.”
“Well with as much lovey dovey you too do,” Kyndra teased, “it's a wonder you don't already have one baking.” The conversation turned back to the food on the buffet table, and it was remarked that it shouldn’t be allowed to go to waste.