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Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 3:31 pm
by Ariel Datrazanov
I was working on a sculpture and covered in wax bits when I felt Lucien's urgent summons. My hands stilled on the form before me as I searched for my brother Gabriel, and found nothing.

Lucien's call was urgent. Gabriel had been wounded by a vampyre, and had shut down his heart and lungs, which was why I could not sense him, and Lucien needed us all immediately.

Without a thought, I shifted into a night owl and flew in the direction of the call, I only prayed we would not be too late.

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 3:53 pm
by Topaz
Topaz watched and was surprised that she could see far more than just what Lucien should be seeing by looking through his eyes. She recognized the area where Gabriel was undoing wards. Though it wasn’t the cave she assumed Obsidion to be in, this one wasn’t too far away from it.

The bats and scorpions too came as a surprise. Had she been there herself rather than just watching, she would have sensed the traps and could have warned Gabriel of them. He must think himself pretty invincible to just fly into a cave without checking first, and through a rock fall, too. Certainly he must have expected traps.

Topaz instinctively started to charm and instruct her sentient magic about separating acid from mist when she first saw Gabriel’s plight, then stopped when she remembered that she wasn’t actually there. Those two were really too arrogant for their own good. But she had promised Lucien she wouldn’t follow, no matter what she saw. She sighed, they sure were making that a difficult promise to keep. Not that she could get there fast enough now to be of any help to Gabriel anyway.

Then there were only the images Lucien saw, spiked projectiles followed by what could only be Reynauld. He too looked rather handsome, though his face was contorted with hatred and murderous intent and he appeared every bit as nasty as the ancient witches had. Topaz followed the movements of the combat that followed. It was a kind of relief to have images to explain the scratches and bites she felt Lucien receive.

Topaz wanted to warn Lucien when she sensed a presence behind him. But he already whirled around and that Vampire dropped to cave floor. It wasn’t Obsidion though. Then there were no more images to explain the sensations and emotions.

She still wondered at the desperate hope followed by horror when she heard Lucien’s call for help. Lucien? She queried with a gentle mental touch even as she left for the nearest portal to the Valley. He called, so it wasn’t like she was breaking any promises.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 2:29 pm
by Gabriel
Gabriel had shut down his heart and lungs and only partially reformed. The vampyre's acid trap had done extensive damage to him, eating holes throughout his corporeal form. Pain had been excrutiating, but he had managed to coalesce enough to leave a body for the others to try to heal. Had he been a human being, there would be no hope, but he was Carpathian, and even if he were only laid into the soil of his homeland, he would eventually regenerate.

At some level, Gabriel knew Lucien would prevail, and he would not be left to linger in the caverns Reynauld had occupied.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:00 pm
by Lucien
Lucien dropped to his knees beside his brother, gently lifting him from the pool as he sent out the urgent call for help. He would need every Carpathian he could find to begin the healing chant while he became light and heat to enter his body and begin the long work of healing him from the inside out. But he could not enter Gabriel's body until they arrived, and he could not move Gabriel like he was.

Gregori was the furthest away, but the most powerful of the Carpathians, and he stood ready to lead the healing chants. Jacques and Shea were visiting Julien and Alexandra in California, but they were on their way, all four of them. He had not heard from the new member in RhyDin, Che, but he was busy courting his lifemate, and may not have heard his call for

Raven had answered him, she would lend her help to him as he moved inside Gabriel to begin the healing. Lucien was relieved to hear that.

And then he heard Topaz's voice. A flicker of warmth slithered through him at the sound of her voice. "Topaz, we can teach you the healing chant, Gregori will do that, but I need you to bring with you as much blood root as you can find."

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 7:23 pm
by Ariel Datrazanov
Ariel flew with all haste toward her brothers, shifting at the entrance to the cave complex. Her nose wrinkled at the stench that still clung to the rocks, and the carcasses of dead bats and scorpions that littered the ground around the cave, and into the first chamber.

She moved silently through the obstacle course that had been the rock falls, and entered the chamber where Lucien held Gabriel's inert form. There was true grief in Lucien's features. Something she had not seen from him since he was very young. She knelt beside him, her finger tips brushing back his black hair from his face, or what was left of both. She called the candles to them that they would need and began to place them around Gabriel's body, and when they were positioned, she lit the candles to begin releasing the healing herbs to fill the chamber with their scent rather than the stench from the vampyre.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 7:41 pm
by Topaz
Blood root - that was an easy request. Topaz decided to stop be the healer's hut to pick up some of the dried stock and a basket. She also knew where to find a fresh patch of the herb.

She sent Lucien soothing thoughts along with her reply. "Blood root, got it. Can I bring anything else of use, soft cloths perhaps or rich dirt?" She tried to remember what exactly Gabriel had used when he had dressed Lucien's wounds.

Fresh, uncontaminated soil would help, but he was not certain she could bring enough to matter. "Liverwort and foxglove would also be helpful." came the strained reply. He was struggling to keep emotions buried deeply but it reverberated through their mental link.

Topaz sensed his emotions despite his efforts to keep them out of the mental connection. Lucien kept forgetting that they had more than just one link between them. She grabbed up a second empty basket after having added some more dried herbs to the first and left the hut.

She also made a conscious effort to keep her mind open to Gregori. She'd contact him directly, but Lucien had not yet shown her how to do that.

Though stopping for fresh herbs and packing the other basket with the same soil the herb grew in had slowed her somewhat, she still made good time.

The cave was not near as nasty as it had appeared through Lucien's eyes, she thought as she made her way through to where Lucien was. She set down the baskets and went to hug him gently.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:19 pm
by Chereylen
Chereylen was feeding when he heard Lucien’s call for aid on the common mental pathway that all Carpthian’s shared. His head lifted allowing two tiny rivulets of blood to trickle down the side of the man’s throat. The other two men, both now seated propped against the wall of the alley, although pale would recover with no lingering after effects.

None of the three would remember what had actually happened here this night as he had taken care to implant other memories. He bent his head quickly back to the tiny pin pricks and healed them leaving no tell tale marks behind just as he had with the other two.

Che had shielded the four of them from the sight of others while taking what he needed from them with the intention of joining Jaleesia and making an exchange with her so he made certain he had fed well. The call to kill was strong, the beast clawing at him to break free from it’s chains and take over completing the darkness already staining his soul. Che called to mind images of Jal and repeated her name like a mantra in his mind as he drank deeply from each but managed to stop before taking too much from any one of them.

Both Lucien and Gabriel had sacrificed much for their race for far more centuries than Che had been living. It was an honor to answer such a call from either of the Ancient Warriors but for one of them to need aid had him concerned which was a new feeling for him. He now had his own Lifemate to see to her safety and if something had been able to get to one of the twins that would require all of them come to aid Lucien just how powerful were these Vampires in this place.

The Hunter assisted the third man to a seated position beside the other two then from a standing position leaped upwards shifting into the form of a huge owl then began winging his way toward the injured Gabriel. As strong wings took him toward the cave he sent a message on their private mental pathway to Jal. ~ I go to the aid of Lucien. I shall return as soon as I can. Stay at the house where ye be safe little one. ~

Upon reaching the cave the Carpathian Hunter sensed the wards that the Vampire had used that were some of the strongest he had seen set by the Undead and made note that it must have taken some time to unravel them. He swooped into the opening, keen eyes meant for hunting at night, noting the bats and scorpions littering the packed dirt floor.

The javelins he saw came as a bit of a surprise after the sophisticated wards as they were crude protections at best meant to catch the Hunters off guard and he knew that such as those would never catch the Twins. This Vampire must have been very old to be using these methods and the world was much safer now that he had been dealt with.

As he came to the chamber with the pool in it Che shifted back to his human form landing lightly to stand a few feet from Lucien his gaze resting on the injured Gabriel in disbelief at the severity of his condition. His voice when he spoke was directed to Lucien however, “I am Chereylen. I have heard ye call and come to offer what aid I can to ye brother.”

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:37 pm
by Topaz
Only after having greeted Lucien properly did Topaz take note of the other woman there and Gabriel. Though she had expected Gabriel to be bad off, the sight of his body was still shocking. She hoped not all of that was showing on her face when he nodded a warm greeting to the woman who could only be Ariel. "The baskets hold earth and herbs." Lucien had said to bring all the blood root she could find, and she had found a lot. Both decent sized baskets were stuffed full to the brim.

There was a distinctly worried look on the woman's face. “Thank you for bringing those.” She reached for one of the baskets. “We need to add the blood root to the candle flames, if you want to start over there, let us meet in the middle. Crush the roots before you add them. I'm Ariel by the way.”

"I'm Topaz." She reached for a handful of the roots and started crushing them. A hug or handshake would wait for a more convenient time. It felt good to be doing something even if she couldn't see the use it would be to Gabriel just yet. "I've been nagging Lucien to introduce us." She threw a glance at Lucien as she worked before looking to Ariel again. "I am very much enjoying the statue of the planets."

Ariel turned pale amber eyes toward Gabriel, and then back at Topaz. “I am pleased you enjoy it. My brother has kept you rather to himself, but that is to be expected given how short a time you two have been together.” She gave the fairy a smile as she worked to crush the roots and fed them to the candle flames.

Topaz copied Ariel's actions. "I'm sure Gabriel will be okay again, Ariel. He'll want to stay around a while longer to make sure I don't get Lucien into trouble and he does have a strong will to live." Her words were as much for Ariel as for Lucien. "Is the dirt to be for Gabriel or Lucien?"

“The soil will be mixed with our saliva and the worst wounds packed before we move him.” She looked at Gabriel a long moment. “I have never seen him this badly wounded before.”

Lucien being as quiet as quiet as he was did worry Topaz. She could also very much feel his pains and worries. "Perhaps Gabriel would be better served if you took care of your wounds first, Lucien." She turned to Ariel. "I wish they'd be less stubborn about letting me come along. I know I could have limited the acid's damage." That knowledge was not at all easy to live with.

“Lucien will be leaving his body Topaz. He will not feel pain, and the work here will be long and very hard. We will need to keep the healing chant going while he works, and we will not be able to distract him.”

"Will you be able to stay as late as Lucien?" The cave would protect them from the light of the sun but it was far from inviting even to her. They could not be planning on spending the day here, could they?
“We will stay until Gabriel can be moved, and then he will be taken to ground. We will take turns sleeping above him, keeping him fed, and let the soil heal him.”

"Oh oh." Topaz turned to Lucien. "How used have you gotten to being a fairy?" The choice of words could have been better; Topaz admonished herself as soon as they were said.

Lucien lifted a black brow at her. “I would not say that I have become 'used' to it. Why?”

"Gabriel might not appreciate you feeding him as much as he used to." No, she'd have to use stronger language than that. "Though he's currently not dangerous in the least, unless you can be very charming and convincing without even a hint of attempting force, you could hurt Gabriel severely. And Gabriel doesn't have the tempering influence of a mate." Though she seriously doubted that any of the bits would want to stay with Gabriel.

“I will not be feeding him, but I am hoping Che will, and Julien when he arrives.”

"Julien?" She'd not heard that name before. "Who is he? Is he who we're waiting for?"

“Julien and Jacques are visiting, they are enroute.”

"More Carpathian males?" The look on her face implied horror. "I should turn mute or something." She added with a wink.

Ariel laughed, “They can be a bit overwhelming at times.”

Topaz chuckled and turned to Ariel. "Just imagine them all growling and snarling and trying to outdo each other at being 'overwhelming'. How do you deal with them?" Topaz couldn't have asked for a better opening to pose that question.

“I let them beat their chests and roar, and go about my business anyway.”

"I don't think Lucien would appreciate that much. Anyway, he made me promise not to until Yule. Does that tactic work for the prince, too?"

“I suppose there are differences when you're mated to one of them. As my brothers, ignore works just fine.” She then set about crushing the foxglove and sprinkling it over Gabriel's heart.

"Yule isn't really all that far away." And until then at least she had a couple millennia of memories to keep her curiosity busy with. "Well, I'm not mated to the prince or to Gabriel. What will you wear to the impromptu court at the Palazzo?"

Ariel then set to work on the liverwort, shredding the leaves into tiny pieces. “I have not thought about it yet. It will depend on how formal the introduction is scheduled to be. Raven is not a very formal woman.”

“Azjah, that is the Marchioness of Drachen Walde, keeps reminding me that the introduction at least is to be very formal." Topaz kept crushing blood root - there was really a lot of it.

“Then I will have to follow suit.” The liverwort shredded, she laid it over Gabriel's liver. “Hopefully we will have help shortly.” She gave a worried look at Gabriel.

"Between the things I've heard so far I somehow got the image of a fearsome black haired troll, handsome as can be of course, wearing a friendly smile." She took note of Ariel's look. "Perhaps you could start with the dirt? Seeing as they're not here yet, I'd be happy to go get some more. Is this even the right kind?"

“Most rich soil can be used, soil from our homeland is the best, but right now we cannot take the time to seek that.” She smiled at the description of their Prince. “Well, dark hair yes, that is prevalent in our people, and yes, he is handsome, but I would not call him a Troll.”

"I guess I shall find out soon enough." She reached for one basket at a time. "Is it okay to just dump the contents here?"

“Certainly, but should you be going out alone?” Ariel looked toward Lucien.

"I got here on my own, and it is my Valley." But she did look to Lucien.

Lucien frowned at her. “I know it is your valley Topaz, but we do not know where the lesser Vampyre is. I would be pleased if you would remain and learn the chant”

Topaz tried a mental touch. 'Obsidion was no where to be sensed when I got here and I've plenty of the sentient magic with me. I can also learn the chant while I'm out, provided Gregori ever contacts me.' Out loud she added, "If you really believe me staying here is more important than some more dirt for Gabriel... " She may have said more, but just then Chereylen arrived.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 4:36 pm
by Lucien
Lucien looked up as Chereylen shifted. He would have risen and returned the formal bow, but at the moment Gabriel was hanging on by a mere thread, and he dared not release his brother. Julien and Jacques arrived moments behind Che.

There was a brief moment of possessiveness as he determined that Che was not yet mated, and his presence near Topaz and Ariel brought foreward a need to keep him away from the two women, but then he caught scent of Jaleeisa and gave the man a long assessing look. "You have not claimed your mate yet." It was a statement and not a question, and put Lucien's reservations on a leash.

They needed to begin, and with the four males and Ariel and Topaz, they would have to make due. Sunrise would come too quickly now, and the work before them was immense.

Ariel was already trying to teach Topaz the healing chant of his people as Lucien prepared to enter his brother's body.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:33 pm
by Lucien
Lucien held Gabriel as he whispered the healing chant. The candles had replaced the stench of the vampire with the healing herbs and fragrance they contained. Lucien knew that Gabriel was too close to letting go. Too close to walking into the sun, and he was determined to help his brother see a future that he himself had often wondered about.

Chereylen was the first to arrive after Topaz and Ariel, but soon after the unbound male arrived, so too did Jacques and Julien.

“I would rise and greet you properly Che, but I dare not release my brother.” The words were heartfelt as he knew he should do Chereylen the honor of a proper warrior’s greeting, but Gabriel needed him more than formality did.

Topaz tensed at the arrival of the new males, and he felt her shields tighten around her, and it was then that Lucien realized he had been remiss in not teaching her how to protect herself, and so he reached out with a soft mental touch to Topaz, <<He is unclaimed, thank you Lifemate for keeping your distance.>> She had also kept me between her and the other males, and a wave of gratitude ran through him.

As Che moved closer, Lucien could smell the scent of the woman Jaleeisa on him, and recognition dawned, “You have not claimed your mate.” It was a simple statement of fact. The man would not be smelling of a human woman otherwise.

Chereylen appeared across from Lucien and bowed to Topaz and Ariel then moves to stand beside the twins.

Ariel nodded to all three of the males, two of whom she knew, and one she did not. Her pale amber eyes assessed the man in typical Carpathian openness, and she decided she liked the character of the man who had answered Lucien’s call.

<<the shields do nothing about the links>> Her voice held the hint of a smile before she acknowledged Che’s bow.

Chey glanced at Julien and Jacques, nodding to each in greeting, although normally he would have made more formal greetings, he then looked back at Lucien and his statement that he had not claimed his mate, “Not yet. I came at ye summons for aid Lucien.”

“And I thank you for that answering. I know how hard it is to leave your mate unclaimed. We dare not wait for anyone else, and so we must begin.” Lucien did not let his worry for Gabriel show in his words or tone, but Topaz could feel it through their more intimate connection. This was serious enough it could claim the life of a Carpathian hunter.

Topaz added that she too thanked Che, and understood his sacrifice.

He looked at Topaz, “Lucien and Gabriel have both sacrificed for centuries. I do but for a short time. I am still with Jal, watching over her as Lucien is always with ye M’lady Topaz.”

Lucien had to smile at that. Topaz had accused him of leaving her alone, but in truth, he never really left her at all.

Ariel now sat beside Lucien and Gabriel, the soil Topaz had brought was in the basket on her lap. It must be mixed with saliva and she began to work at preparing the soil.

Topaz watched the proceedings nearly silently, keeping her curiosity in check regarding Jacques and Julien. Her wish that Lucien was always with her echoed in Lucien’s thoughts, and even now she did not realize he listened to her very heart beat every moment.

Lucien looked around at the others as they took up places around Gabriel’s body, “I cannot feed him due to my blood containing the magic bits of the faerie. When it is time, I must ask one of you.”

Chereylen spoke quietly but firmly, “I have fed well this night and freely offer that Gabriel may live." Then he knelt beside Ariel and began mixing his saliva with the soil to make packing for the horrible gaping wounds where acid had eaten away vital tissue.

Julien then looked at Lucien, “Who will feed you? When you finish this task you will require sustenance.”

Lucien thanked Chereylen before looking at Julien, “I will feed and then return to my mate, as is right and proper.”

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:37 pm
by Lucien
It was then that Gregori’s voice joined Julien and Jacques and Lucien’s minds. His blood connection to them allowed his presence, but unfortunately, Topaz, Ariel and Chereylen had never exchanged blood with the great healer, and could not hear him now.

Ariel began the chant she had been teaching Topaz, the En Sarna Pus began softly, calling them all to a circle around Gabriel and Lucien.

Topaz moved close enough to Lucien to be touching him, even though she knew he would not be in that body during the healing. She listened to the words of the chant again, joining in when she had the inflection and the words correct.

Chereylen joined the circle around the fallen Hunter with a concerned expression upon what had until recently been the implacable face every unbound male Carpathian wore. His discomfort at having feelings showed in the flicker of worry Lucien saw there.

Ot ekam ainajanak hany, jama (My brother's body is a lump of earth, close to death)
Me, ot ekam kunitajanak, piradak ekiim, gand es irgalom ture (We, the brother-my clan his of, encircle brother my care and compassion full.)

The chant began anew and would be repeated uncountable times through out the course of the night. Chereylen’s voice joined the chant, his voice adding to the ancient healing chant, blending in and strengthening the tie to Gabriel and Lucien. It was then that Lucien became heat and light, slowly entering the acid eaten body of his brother, which was now shut down completely. The sensation of others could be felt in the power of the chant as Shea and Raven added their voices to the chant, and Gregori’s unrivaled skill as a healer could be felt in the magic that grew in that cavern.

O pus wakenkek, ot oma iarnank, es ot pus funk, alnak ekan ainajanak, pitanak ekam ainajanak elava (Our healing power, the ancient words of magic our, and the healing herbs-our, bless brother-my body his of, keep brother my body his of alive)

Lucien moved toward Gabriel’s major organs, starting with the heart, and working from the inside out to repair the heart muscle, and the arteries that feed it. Shea’s voice guiding him to make the right connections and attachments, as he worked on Gabriel’s most vital organ, he was guided by her sight through his presence in Gabriel’s body. Each fiber of heart muscle was inspected as Raven and Shea helped him put his twin back together.

He felt a momentary thought through his link to his lifemate, she did not like the fact that she believed she could have prevented this damage, but it was quickly tempered with thoughts of Gabriel’s recovery. Then came the jealousy of a lifemate as she resented Raven and Shea’s presence in his thoughts, but he could not focus on her thoughts, the only thing that mattered was Gabriel’s life.

The chant continued endlessly, “Ot ekam sielanak pala, Ot omboce palaja juta alatt a juti, kinta es szelemek lamtijaknak (but my brother's soul is only half, his other half wanders in the nether world)

Ariel’s voice continued the chant, her eyes were closed as she focused on the cadence and music of their magic.

Ot en nekeni namaij kulkedak otti ot ekam omboce pala janak (My great deed is this, I travel to find my brother's other half )
Rekature, saradak, tappadak, odam, karja o nma waram, es avaa owe o lewl mahoz. (We dance, we chant, we dream ecstatically, to call my spirit bird, and to open the door to the other world.)
Ntak o numa waram, es mozdulak, jomadak (I mount my spirit bird and we begin to move, we are under way.)

Lucien moved on to Gabriel’s lungs. These sensitive tissues had suffered the most from the acid attack, and the damage was frightening.

Chereylen’s voice blended with the others, weaving on and on, never faltering nor wavering in the common purpose they all shared right now. He became a part of the mountain they worked in, the rock and very earth elements themselves a part of him, as it was a part of all Carpathians.

Piwtadak ot En Puwe tyvinak, ecidak alatt o juti, kinta, es szelemek lamtijaknak. (Following the trunk of the great tree, we fall into the nether world)
Fazak, fuzak no o saro (It is cold, very cold)
Jattadak ot ekam o akarataban, o sivaban, es o sielaban. (My brother and I are linked in mind, heart and soul)
Ot ekam sielanak karya engem (My brother's soul calls to me)

The chant goes on, Gregori's voice present in the minds of those whom he has shared blood with in the past, and the power of the man’s voice increased the magic present in that chamber. Lucien was tiring, but there was too much work to do, he could not leave and put his brother into the healing earth like this. He moved on to the brain.

He felt the touch from Topaz, as though her fey magic had anchored Gabriel to them, tethering him in this world as he worked to rewire his damaged brain.

I hear and follow his track
Encounter I and meet I the brother, my demon who devours his soul.
In anger I fight the demon.
He is afraid of me.
I strike his throat with a lightning bolt…..

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:45 pm
by Lucien
Hours had passed, yet Lucien was unaware of time, only the great weariness that crept over him with every repair he completed. His body had begun to slump of its own accord, and Ariel could sense the exhaustion as the sun began its progress into shades of darkest grey before dawn.

Topaz reached for Lucien, trying to lend him some of her strength, and when he could do no more, Lucien returned to his own body, and was met by a gentle mental caress by his mate.

Che stepped forward as Lucien slumped, but does not touch him, or interrupt in any way, is simply there, waiting for when he is needed. Every muscle in Lucien’s body was shaking from the effort, and Topaz wrapped her arms around his waist.

Lucien turned his obsidian gaze onto Che, “If you would waken him long enough to feed?” He then leaned heavily against Topaz, who supported him without being too obvious to the others.

Chereylen kneeled beside Lucien immediately, “Aye, ye must feed as well. He will have need of ye as does ye Lifemate.” Che then turned to Gabriel, and bit into his own wrist, then held it over his mouth while sending a strong mental command to his fellow Carpathian to awaken and take what was freely offered that he might continue to live.

Ariel began to pack the worst of the skin damage with the saliva and soil as Lucien rested his head against Topaz’s shoulder, the scent of her blood was strong, and his fangs fairly ached so close to the intoxicating draw of her pulse. She gently stroked his head as he fought the demon within.

Julien knelt beside Che as blood loss began to tell on the unbound Carpathian, “Take what is freely given.”

Chereylen’s hazel eyes lifted as his great strength bleed from his wrist into Gabriel, and regretfully shook his head, “I cannot Julien. I am too close to turning, and have not yet bound my Lifemate to me, although I have found her here in this place. I shall go to ground and feed again on the next rising.”

Julien nodded, “If you have need, we are here.” His offer included more than just blood. It was support as well. “Allow me to finish before you give too much. We must move him soon,” Julien told Che then.

Che gently removed his wrist from Gabriel’s mouth, then healed the wound himself as he moved to the side to allow Julien to give as well.

Julien tore his wrist with his teeth, pressing the wound to Gabriel’s mouth, compelling him to drink, “Drink and take what is freely given.”

Topaz waited for Lucien, simply stroking his hair as his head rested against her shoulder.

Jacques moved closer to Ariel, “we need to move him soon,” and instantly Lucien snarled at Jacques. While he was bound to Shea, Lucien did not like having another male so close to his sister.

Chereylen was experiencing hunger as a living, breathing thing within him as he stood at one side of the group. The beast was clawing for release from its cage, and his eyes flashed red as Lucien snarled at Jacques, answering with a low growl in his own throat.

Topaz was willing strength into Lucien, but his obsidian eyes locked with Che’s. As Lucien told Che to claim his mate soon, Topaz said but one word…. “Jaleeisa.”

Che met Lucien’s gaze then dropped his own, Lucien knew his thoughts, it was his age and power that had caused Che to back down. His eyes shifted from red to hazel again, and ran his hand through his hair. “I must go now. If you have need again, send word. Ye are right, I have need to claim her soon rather than waiting any longer. It is too dangerous.”

Julien closed the wound on his wrist, and gave Gabriel a push back into the depths of the sleep of his kind as Lucien pushed himself to his feet. Topaz stood with him, still trying to lend support where he could. Lucien walked toward Che then, offering him his arm in greeting and thanks, “go to her. I thank you for the gift you have given us. Should you have need, call.”

Chereylen took his forearm in his grasp in a warrior's greeting/thanks and nodded to him. "It was my honor to assist ye. Please forgive my bad manners. I hope to see ye again in better circumstances soon Lucien. Ye have a lovely Lifemate and are lucky to have found her. My congratulations to ye."

Lucien nodded, “claim her soon, we have need of you.”

After Che left, they moved Gabriel back to his suite in the Palazzo, burying him deeply into the soil of their homeland. Jacques took the first watch, sleeping above Gabriel to protect him and keep him under while Lucien took Topaz to his rooms. He left her for a few minutes, though he knew she wanted to join him, to see how he fed, but he was not ready for that.

When he returned, they went to her sleeping chamber and reveled in life and their love before Lucien opened the soil in his warded chamber. The sun had risen, and the lethargy of his kind had him to the point of being unable to move, but as he shut down his heart and lungs, he gave Topaz one last caress.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:12 pm
by Topaz
In Each Others Thoughts

Topaz walked up from the beach to find Azjah already comfortable on her chaise with a glass of sparkling water in her hands.

“Hello. So Topaz, how is Jaleeisa taking her new life?”

“Good evening, Azjah. I really don't know. I've not seen her since yesterday.” Topaz took a seat at the table nearest to the chaise.

“She'll adjust.” Azjah nodded.

“I think the Carpathian's have a harder time adjusting.” Topaz mused with a little grin.

“I'm not so certain.” Azjah chuckled.

“They really don't have many relationship skills, if Gabriel and Lucien are anything to go by.” With a light giggle she added, “I don't think Lucien even heard the word compromise until I brought it up.”

“They have them, but they live to a very different set of rules.” Actually a very rigid set of rules.

“Someone really should let me have a look at the rules. It appears I'm to have learned them by osmosis or something. Then again, if I saw them, I'd not have the excuse anymore of knowing them.” Topaz smiled to the coffee bringing goblin.

“It’s probably better you don't know them.” Azjah allowed with a chuckle.

“If Lucien really wanted me to know them, he could tell me, right?” Topaz picked up the cup.

Azjah quirked a pale brow at her. “You could pick them out of his thoughts too.”

“He didn't give permission for that.” Besides, Topaz didn’t know how to go about that. Lucien would have to teach her. “I really only just figured out how to do the looking thing. He said I could look at the vampires, too, but he forgot to mention how I might do that.”

“He needs to give you permission?” Azjah gave her a surprised look.

“Doesn't he? It must be awfully difficult, too. I gave him permission months ago, and he doesn't seem to have looked at much of anything. He's just sitting there unobtrusively.”

“Not really, just as he resides in your mind as a shadow, you can do the same with him. That's part of the Carpathian bond actually. Have you asked him why?” She wondered if Lucien assumed things he should not, if perhaps he assumed Topaz knew she could look at his memories since she could speak to him telepathically.

Topaz frowned. “Lucien really should have told me then.”

“He may worry that what he's seen and done will trouble you.” Azjah suggested.

“No.” She chuckled. “That is, he'd have to worry less if he looked at what I've been up to over time.” Topaz busied herself with her coffee cup as she attempted to contact Lucien. ‘Lucien? Why haven't you told me how to reside in your mind? Azjah says it's part of the bond.’

‘You have not expressed a desire to know my thoughts and memories.’ There was an odd inflection to his thoughts.

‘Oh, all the nagging doesn't count?’

Topaz felt his velvety soft laughter. ‘Not precisely.’

‘I want to know EVERYTHING about you.’ Topaz had told him that before, she knew, and exactly in those words.

‘It is an easy thing to do, but there are times I will put up a wall Topaz.’ He wanted her to know all of him, but there was also the fear that she would be repulsed by his past.

‘I don't like walls. And you should really look more at me, too.’

‘I have tried to give you the space you are used to having.’ For him to know her thoughts before she voiced them to him seemed a bit too personal and intimate just yet.

That was a nice gesture, but she’d rather that he be more curious about her. ‘I don't want it.’

‘Are you certain?’ His question came with the sensation of arms wrapping around her.

‘Yes, I'm certain. I mean, surprising you with something now and then would be nice, but I think I can find a way around that. You are welcome to look at everything.’ She giggled as she added a teasing caution. ‘There might be a test on it. You'd probably never have come up with the bubble trap had you ever looked before’

‘I think I can pass the test.’ Humor seemed to ripple through his thoughts.

Topaz though of hugging Lucien in every detail. ‘Is that something you can feel?’

‘Absolutely.’ It was nearly a purr.

‘Very good. There's this ever so sickening memory of looking at the damage those oversized marders did, and the hunting of them. That ought to be right up there with your type of hunting you don't want me to see, and the much sadder duty of going over the battle field after the battle, sorting the dead from the still living and releasing those that can't be saved from further suffering. There's lots of amusing and fun stuff, too, like when Le told me about the birds and the bees.’ She was attempting to spark his curiosity.

‘We will have to review what she taught you.’ He laughed softly.

‘I was so outraged at the mere basics that she didn't mention any additional details.’ Topaz chuckled at the memory.

‘Then I shall endeavor to show you everything.’

Topaz chuckled softly. ‘I'm not sure I want to see everything. I've learned a lot since then; including that are things I don't like.’

His next words came with the sensation of a slow, very sexy smile that made her blush. ‘I will only do what brings you pleasure.’

‘Oh. Maybe you don't really want to look at all of that. But if you do, I certainly don't mind. Just don't get mad at me for it.’ Him looking was different from her telling, and she trusted that he knew the difference better than her. He certainly had many years of practice at searching people’s minds than she had. She saw no need for restrictions to her permission.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:13 pm
by Topaz
‘I cannot be 'mad' at you. "Mad" for you, yes.’

‘You should say that when you're closer, a lot closer.’ She once again wished whole-heartedly Obsidion already gone from the Valley. Telepathic conversation did not at all make up for all those nights Lucien spent patrolling.

‘I shall.’

Careful not to re-arrange anything Topaz looked at some of his memories, starting with the part of the most recent one he had blocked her from. ‘I'll hold you to that. What else belongs to the bond you didn't tell me about yet because I had no idea it existed?’

‘We will explore together. We have the mind connections and the private path ways, you can shift, and we cannot be without one the other.’

‘Private pathways, meaning there's more than one? I know we can't. I miss you terribly.’ Cory's head poked out from the portal and peered around cautiously. “Good evening, Cory. Are you trying to avoid anyone or are you stuck from all those party buffets?” She couldn’t resist teasing him.

‘There is the public pathway, which all Carpathians can use to communicate, and there is a private means, that only you and I share.’

Topaz gave that some thought while she attracted the attention of a goblin and chatted with it about fruit and pie and cheese cake. She was hungry. ‘You mean I could chit chat with Ariel and Gabriel and Che, and in another day or two with Jal?’


That one word reply struck her as comical. ‘Oh, you boys are going to be in so much trouble.’ Cory waddled to the bar just begging for a comment. “Cory, you need some exercise. I’m told casting spells takes a lot of energy.”

“Recent studies show tha' women like a man wit' a bit o' a belly.” Cory grinned back broadly.

‘This surprises me?’

‘It shouldn't.’ She sent him a loving caress. The idea of possible support with how to deal with and elevate his overbearance was a comforting one, with or without telepathy. Azjah called her to a ring. ‘It appears I volunteered for a duel. I'm not quite sure how that happened.’


‘I was so sure he’d decline politely, I didn’t pay as much attention to his reply as I should have.’ Topaz rose and headed for the ring. The cheese cake would have to wait. The duel did not start out in her favor and she had to pay attention to her spell casting.

When she returned to her table after the duel, a cup of fresh coffee and a slice of cheese cake awaited her. She sat down and started to enjoy the treat as she resumed her conversation with Lucien. ‘So, could you experience what I'm sensing when I have the shields down like you're letting me look through your eyes?’

‘Yes. In fact, should need arise, I can kill by looking through your eyes Topaz.’ What he did not add was that she would some day be able to do the same.

‘You mean I could have sent the magic through you to help Gabriel? You really should have told me sooner.’ She gasped at the implications.

‘No, you cannot send through me, but it’s complicated. Lucien responded quickly before she could dwell on that thought.

‘Hmm, so I still have that point on the plus side for coming along.’ Topaz mused as she gave Drakhan a bite of her cheese cake.

‘I would not go that far my dear.’ He grew cautious at her reference to joining him on a Hunt.

‘It's not Yule yet.’ She reminded them both that this was not the agreed upon time for re-negotiation and tugged the thought away to be used again later, instead roaming in his memories of clothes shopping to see which of the clothes that now were in the bed-room closets he had picked without Azjah’s help. ‘I should take you into town and do away with the shields and let you feel that just once.’

There was no immediate response from Lucien. He was concentrating on his patrol work, but did not block Topaz from his mind. She felt his attention returning to what she was doing while she was in the ring with Tass sometime later. Lucien waited until she had left the ring again before continuing their conversation. They whiled away the hours until Lucien was free to join her again with questions and answers regarding Lucien's childhood and his early years while he tought her how to view his memories.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 1:36 pm
by Topaz

Topaz had voiced a desire for them to go out and play together and Lucien was more than willing to indulge her. Though there was far more sentient magic to play with in her sanctuary, for the game Topaz had in mind for this night any forest or park would do. She did not want Lucien to get used to having large amounts of free sentient magic available. Darkwood forest was the closest to Rhydin, and that was where they had decided to go.

Lucien followed her into the wood with an indulgent smile. “Just what have you got planned?”

“Relaxation and play. We both have been way too serious and will likely have to be again shortly.” They moved deeper into the forest, away from where any people might stray and Topaz let go of her shields one by one.

“Play?” He quirked a black brow at her.

“Yes, my Love, play, you know, the sort of thing most children do and not enough grown ups, much less ancients.” She explained with a teasing grin. Perhaps she should have asked him to grow fairy wings. So far having them had put him in a more playful mood. When they were about as deep into the forest Topaz halted and with a courtly gesture of hand and a sweeping bow invited Lucien to sit on the forest floor.

“Pray, be seated, my Lord.” She gave him a playful wink, earning her a suspicious look from him before he sat down. Once he looked reasonably comfortable, Topaz moved behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders, tenderly rubbing his neck with her thumbs. “Breathe deeply of the clean air and see the trees, how tall they are.”

“Trees are always big. That is why they are trees.” He dropped his head back against her to look at her as she worked his muscles.

“But they are even bigger when you sit down on the ground and are looking up. See, they are so tall you have to guess where they end rather than see.” Of course, that the trees in forests stand close to each other had something to do with the effect, too.

“We could fly among them and look down on them if we chose.” He was not following her direction at all. Play? Tall trees? He kept himself from reading her thoughts to see where this was going.

“Aye, we could, but we don't want to.” She gave him a charming smile, never pausing with the steady, repeating motions of lightly kneading the muscles. “Do you sense the sentient bits that float around, how curious they are?”

“We do not?” He leaned back against her. “They are ever curious.” It was one thing he had learned early on about the magic bits that clung with him.

“You can touch them with your mind, but be gentle. You could tell them how much you enjoyed my pleasure and amazement at the fairy lights you put on the Isle, and how much fun and pleasure it would be to do and see that again now. You’d just have to tell one, the others are curious enough to listen. It helps if you actually feel what you are telling them.” In fact, the magic energy would pick up on the emotions rather than the words.

“Gentle? You ask me to be gentle when all I have known is Hunting.” He tried to turn around to look at her, but she would not allow it.

Topaz smiled softly. “I know you can be very gentle, I've felt you be so to me.” She also had seen the magic react to him, even though he had not been aware at the time that he was working with magic.

Lucien smiled back. “That is different. Just how do I speak to these bits?” It was in his nature to simply state what he expected, not 'ask'.

She thought briefly of how to best explain it in terms Lucien might be able to understand, or at least produce the desired result when he tried to act upon the explanation. “Like you do with me when you’d much rather be tracing my wings with your fingertips. Perhaps you have a desire to touch them so once they are little lights?”

Lucien responded with black velvet laughter. “I would prefer to touch you, like so.” He reached up and lightly brushed his fingertips along her cheek.

She chuckled softly at his distraction attempt. “Perhaps I need to show you for you to desire them to do anything?”

His fangs glistened in the faint light as he smiled slowly at her. “There are things I desire...”

“After we got to play with the magic.” She chuckled softly, her voice held a promise. With a gentle touch to his temples, lightly rubbing, she directed his eyes away from her and straight ahead. She was well aware of his desires, but she did not allow for them to distract her now. Her current desire was for him to enjoy the lights and to playing with them.

Lucien dutifully looked where she directed his gaze. There was no doubt that he wanted to please her, only he was convinced he could do a better job of it without dancing lights. Not getting anywhere fast – Lucien was frustratingly immune to her charming attempts at times – she convinced the fairy lights into existence with the purpose to their existence being to bring joy to him.

The sentient magic found very little hint from him. The only feelings he was sharing freely were those he had for the fairy standing behind him. So the lights arranged themselves into a shadow image of Topaz made up of fairy lights.

Topaz giggled at the sight. “You do have a one track mind.”

“Yes, I do.” He smiled at her. ”What is the purpose of these lights?” He could not see the purpose in the lights, but he did enjoy the woman behind him.

She leaned closer and whispered “To make you more powerful. You've just successfully played with sentient magic.”

He twisted and snaked his arms around her waist. “And how will such lights help me?” The benefit of such things did not seem more than amusement for a child.

”I am told vampires do not like the light. In fact, in is usually rather a deadly thing to them.” She beamed a happy smile to him.

”They cannot face the sunlight, that is true.” But, what he had seen was not sunlight, it was just bits of light floating in the darkness, but candle light did not harm vampyres.

She made her voice as mesmerizing and convincing as she was able. “It would be ever so delightful to see sunbeams dancing in the leaves above, don't you think?”