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Re: Druidcraft
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 5:43 pm
by Death Knell
Text to Layla: what mushap? dio you need nedicine??
Ettyn’s spelling in texts had mostly improved over the last year or so. Maybe something was making her clumsier. Regardless, it wasn’t long until she sent this image—
—and the following:
Text to Layla: tgey were in a grove bear the closet waystikne i am onn my way
Re: Druidcraft
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 5:59 pm
by Layla Paine
Layla could only guess the reason for the clumsy texting. What came to mind brought a gentle smile and a laugh to her lips. Part of her wanted to ask if someone had been drinking, but that would be a better question left for later.
Text to Ettyn: No. No medicine. I have an old recipe I've been wanting to try my hand at making and summerglow caps are a key ingredient. Since you've been so kind to help I'll have to make sure to share it with you once I'm feeling up to cooking.
Text to Ettyn: I'll see you soon.
Re: Druidcraft
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 10:37 pm
by Layla Paine
Text to Ettyn: I'm at the doctors with Lilly right now. She collapsed during practice. I'm not sure why but she isn't the only one here and I'm being told other clinics are beginning to see the same. If you hear about anything please tell me.
Re: Druidcraft
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 10:51 pm
by Death Knell
Text to Layla: i am coming to you. anya made a drayght with motherwort barberry and gimger. i am bringing it
Re: Druidcraft
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 11:28 am
by Hyejin Ri
Text to Ettyn: i got the business idea while I was hanging out at Lakeshore. I thought of a marina somewhere on the lake. could offer storage space for pleasure boats and docks. also sell fuel and bait. and maybe if there's room left over a camping site. have nice picnic tables and places for tents
Text to Ettyn: i maybe could get my sister hee-jin to go in as well
Text to Ettyn: of course besides coming up with the capitol there is also the concern of locating it in a place where the Wilds druids and creatures would not get angry about civilization invading. and making sure its a location that wouldnt disturb the kaiju
Re: Druidcraft
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 12:07 pm
by Death Knell
Text to Hye-jin: sorry to leave last night. you are thinking about this well
Text to Hye-jin: company surveyed land in south new haven for new condos but the kaiju priests warned them off. building would upset ghosts from a treasure ferry that sank there
Text to Hye-jin: and they’d rile the kaiju in turn
Text to Hye-jin: if we can placate the ghosts and the kaiju both, they should release the land for sale
Re: Druidcraft
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 12:24 pm
by Hyejin Ri
Text to Ettyn: great idea! i will brainstorm a bit on how to get the capital. without high interest loans. when i think of an idea will message again
Re: Druidcraft
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 12:37 pm
by Death Knell
Text to Hye-jin: we could use the treasure if you don’t mind me having a stake. they dredged for it but they were reckless and rushed to get it done before the winter freeze and found naught
Text to Hye-jin: if you ask the horse traders in town that were supposed to get it, i can try to find the green knights that paid it out and figure out what happened to it all
Re: Druidcraft
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 12:41 pm
by Hyejin Ri
Text to Ettyn: that is a good plan. I will ask the traders