"You see this?"
Logan tossed down a wrinkled pile of papers for Jace to catch the front page. An announcement for a ball that included a few photos of the establishment with a few suggestions of a confusing theme. Jace slowed down the methodical working of his hands around the G19 so he could give a skewed look between that and Logan.
"You asking me out on a date, Kelley?"
"You're not my type. Too fat in the head, but your tits aren't half bad."
"You know I'm sensitive about my image." Jace set the glock down and arched back in the wooden frame of the chair he occupied. "But, what about it? You planning on going just because there will be free food?" Both of them were vulture enough to dine on scraps but Jace was less obvious, more a scowling lion in the background in comparison to the wide mouthed hyena grin of his partner. Logan snatched the paper up from the table to give it a good look again.
"Free food is always a good reason to go anywhere. We don't get paid enough to afford shit like this, right? Might as well feast while the gettin' is good. Also --", Logan began to trail, warming up his tongue like it needed to be revved up for what he was thinking about saying next. "-- I
think she might be there." Newspaper was too thin to be used as a shield but he used it anyways to conceal most of his face. Even from behind the flippant layers of black and white words, he could feel Jace staring at him.
"Why would she go to that?"
"When have you ever known her to pass up a party? Look, they're going to have a pig. A fucking pig." Logan seemed more interested in the menu than he did in explaining. "She hasn't really popped up on the radar at all so we should probably explore any and all avenues. This is just a bonus."
Jace kneaded his teeth into his bottom lip and dipped his head in a short lived nod to agree with Logan.
"Guess we better pretend we know how to dress up."
Both of the men that showed up looked out of place. They were strangers in a strange realm of age old bonds and youthful friendships. Not their cup of tea. In fact, Logan and Jace were not tea at all; whiskey hinged, cigarette lipped, brooding looking men who sculpted fine grins for those that wanted to share smiles with them. Logan was less familiar with those surrounding him while Jace recognized one, maybe two, and one in particular, Lucy, was given a half nod but he didn't approach to make small talk.
They lingered for a while, long enough for Logan to choke down every piece of food he could stomach and for Jace to realize that who they were hunting for wasn't going to be showing up.