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Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:26 pm
by Peaches
I've disowned you both. Again.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:33 pm
by PrlUnicorn
Bottom line answer to my original question that went through eight pages of flames, opinions, and various other helpful and humorous information is: "Yes, you're out of luck." ;)
Jake wrote:
PrlUnicorn wrote:Had it been openly stated that there was an issue with staffing DoF this might not have been railed against as hard. However, instead of being told that bit of information, the initial announcement was misleading in that the experiment was to strictly benefit DoM and raise participation. I won't call it a lie because I don't think that was the intent.
I don't want to quibble, but I am not sure where this is coming from.

I don't believe that any such assertion was made.

This is a link to the original announcement ... hp?t=28019
The misunderstanding about who was to benefit was on me and anyone else that took it that way. OOC discussion about the reasoning would have been helpful when the announcement was made, but there was none. The only thing I found here was my own request that an official post a playable on RDI.

Transparency and explanations/discussions before people get upset and angry are better than a flame war when a simple question is raised. "We're doing this partly because caller numbers are dwindling and we need to pool resources," would have been enough for me when the original announcement was made. I can't speak for anyone else. People are generally more willing to compromise when they are treated like intelligent adults and more likely to act like kids having a tantrum when they aren't.

I'm sympathetic to the shortage of volunteers to fill weekly shifts. It is, unfortunately, something I cannot help to fix which is why I volunteer to help with things that are short term like the Street Festival for the AMT on the 24th.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---
Lem DeAngelo wrote:
Jake posted a link to my initial announcement post, and I don't recall any other posts that I made to the public forum stating the idea was to strictly benefit DoM and raise participation. I will never attempt to be misleading.
In line with Jake's comments on transparency, etc. An OOC announcement giving the reason I stated above might have avoided this long thread being started.
Lem DeAngelo wrote:
PrlUnicorn wrote:Since it's been clarified that callers won't be expected to call a sport they don't feel comfortable with and can use whatever calling tools they prefer, that's half the battle to compromise.

I don't think we've ever mandated what tools a caller can use or what sports they must call. I doubt we ever would unless one of the tools fed into a database for automated standings. IMs, Arbiter, and RoH Tool have been available tools for many years, but we've never mandated which one had to be used.

Is this comment more of a concern with the decision to move DoM Tuesday to RoH?
No, it was a simple statement. Some people might not have been aware there was, in fact, a choice and those that were on the fence might be more willing to step up and take a caller slot now that it has been outright stated that it's fine to use the method they prefer and it's not a mandated thing. Apple's presentation on how easy to is to make the calling tool work even had me going hmm...

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:13 pm
by Charlie Nine
Good talk, team!

And now... I channel my inner Rekah:


Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:18 pm
by JewellRavenlock
Charlie sucks.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:40 pm
by Charlie Nine

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:42 pm
by Andrea Anderson
Charlie vs Jewell when? Best 3 out of 5.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 10:12 pm
by Kalamere
So, I know this thread was a long time ago, but it is as far as I know, the reason there's no longer a combined DoM / DoF schedule.

Given that there have been 2 Tuesday night DoM duels this year what about revisiting the topic?

Honestly, Wed. and Thurs. aren't crazy popular night either. We should probably start thinking about fight nights across the board really, but minimally going back to DoF/DoM on Tues and Wed would be kinda nice.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 12:00 am
by Arla Carna
Kalamere wrote:So, I know this thread was a long time ago, but it is as far as I know, the reason there's no longer a combined DoM / DoF schedule.

Given that there have been 2 Tuesday night DoM duels this year what about revisiting the topic?

Honestly, Wed. and Thurs. aren't crazy popular night either. We should probably start thinking about fight nights across the board really, but minimally going back to DoF/DoM on Tues and Wed would be kinda nice.
Given my prolonged absence, I feel as if I probably do not even have any right to leave a comment on this thread. However, it did catch my attention when I was browsing..

Arla is a Magic duelist. She always has been and always will be. That is her only sport of choice because it is the only sport that interests me. This sport was by itself when I first involved with the duels. I like that and would rather it remain that way in the same way each sport has its own day dedicated to that sport. This idea of combining any sport is almost like trying to fix something that in fact is not really broke to begin with, and trying to fix something that is not broke already usually succeeds in accomplishing the exact opposite. I would be disappointed as a fairly new rp'er if I was to return for a duel in several weeks and find my sport of choice combined with other sports. Which is why I never participated in this site's Fight Night to begin with. It becomes too much for some people when every sport bleeds into one, instead of a particular sport being given its own day. Or days. I distinctly remember Magic having both Sundays and Tuesdays to itself at some point.

May I please point out to you, Kalamere, that if this has anything to do with nights where there are no more than one or two duelists present for a Magic duel, the influxes and refluxes during certain periods simply cannot be helped. I recall some of the other sports and the fight night seeing about the same number as, or less than, the participation for Magic on a number of occasions. However, I do not see any such proposals for revisions to those events. Please correct me if I am wrong there as well.

Maybe I am mistaken. It has been several months, after all. But my preferences and feelings for Magic will not change.

Thank you. : )

I realize that I failed to acknowledge the issue with the Callers, and admit to ignorance with how the staffing operates. If this is the primary issue for the Magic sport, and the calendar should be rearranged for more of the Callers to become available to call on a night that is only for Magic, I will adjust my schedule to participate. But only if it remains the way I know it to be, one or two nights set aside solely for the Magic sport, and other sports are by themselves with the fight night scheduled to satisfy as many as possible. There will never be a universal satisfaction.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 12:02 am
by DemiBob
Kalamere wrote: Given that there have been 2 Tuesday night DoM duels this year what about revisiting the topic?
I literally laughed out loud.

I don't know that offering more sports on more nights will attract people. Maybe it will. No one wants to duel when there's almost no one (or flat out no one) in the room except for a Caller.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 12:24 am
by Spell
Arla Carna wrote:I distinctly remember Magic having both Sundays and Tuesdays to itself at some point.
Sunday has always been a fight night. Perhaps you saw DoM being done during Sunday when you came by in the past, but it was still sharing the night with the other two sports.
Arla Carna wrote:May I please point out to you, Kalamere, that if this has anything to do with nights where there are no more than one or two duelists present for a Magic duel, the influxes and refluxes during certain periods simply cannot be helped. I recall some of the other sports and the fight night seeing about the same number as, or less than, the participation for Magic on a number of occasions. However, I do not see any such proposals for revisions to those events. Please correct me if I am wrong there as well.
He does point out the low numbers for DoF Wednesday and DoS Thursday, though they are still doing better compared to DoM's solo night if we are to go by the numbers. He also has proposed the returning of DoF / DoM on Wednesday, which happens in the Outback. So he is proposing an idea for a double-sport night spread. Also you would be wrong about numbers. Fight Nights usually see a good amount throughout the month compared to all three sports. At times you may see a room not used during the week, but the numbers add up when they are. Compared to Tuesday / Wednesdays / and before the madness rush, Thursdays. Which are known to not see much. Numbers have been posted in another thread to back up this, though not the full year - they give a glimpse to how duels have been going around some months back.

I'm confused about the statement of fixing something that isn't in fact broken? Numbers dictate a lack of dueling and shows an issue. If we looked at it like a business, if something isn't selling then adding more options to try and gain revenue isn't a bad idea.

It's been said before in many past threads that some players simply do not come in or wish to duel on some nights due to what is available or not available, you yourself state this -- so it indicates a flaw. Is your issue so much that Twilight Isle isn't being used as the setting and that you disliked shared nights since they are in the Annex? Or is it that the concept of nights allowing a choice between the three sports are something you dislike? If not wanting to participate in DoS and DoF are an issue, the remedy could be to only ask for DoM fights. I'm sure there will be someone, hopefully, willing to face you.

Edit: The numbers actually don't list for the nights. I'm going to go through them for the past year and post up the info.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 12:53 am
by Kalamere
Aria Carna wrote:This idea of combining any sport is almost like trying to fix something that in fact is not really broke to begin with, and trying to fix something that is not broke already usually succeeds in accomplishing the exact opposite.
I have to respectfully disagree with that statement. Two fights in 20 nights indicates to me that something is rather badly broken. I do understand that there are always ebbs and flows in attedence, but we're also talking about a nearly 6 month period of time. Half a year is a bit more than just an ebb.

Maybe combining with DoF or turning things into fight nights isn't the right way to go and will not help. I am perfectly willing to concede that. Other suggestions would be welcome.

As it is though, week after week I look in and see Apple or Jesse in there with zero other people and have seen nobody else bring it up, so I thought I would start.

We have just so many active callers right now. I think it behooves us to either figure out a way to draw people to Tuesday duels, or to see if that caller would be interested in moving to another day/time slot where people are attending and close down Tuesday altogether.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 1:40 am
by Rachael Blackthorne
Since duel numbers were being brought up, I did a rough tally of Magic duels for Tuesday nights only from the time period of 9/27/2016 to date.

These are the tallies when Anvil was calling (9/27/2016 - 11/29/2016), broken down week to week.

9/27 - 3 duels
10/4 - no duels, log made with roleplay.
10/11 - 1 duel
10/18 - 1 duel
10/25 - 1 duel
11/1 - 6 duels
11/8 - 1 duel
11/15 - 2 duels
11/22 - 1 duel
11/29 - 2 duels

Total duels during that time: 18

These are the tallies when Spell/Apple was calling (12/6/2016 to date), broken down week to week.

12/6 - 4 duels
12/13 - no log recorded
12/20 - 1 duel
12/27 - no duels, log made with roleplay.
1/3 - 1 duel
1/10 - no duels, log made with roleplay.
1/17 - no log recorded
1/24 - no log recorded
1/31 - no log recorded
2/7 - no log recorded
2/14 - no log recorded
2/21 - no duels, log made with roleplay.
2/28 - no log recorded
3/7 - 1 duel
3/14 - no log recorded
3/21 - no log recorded
3/28 - no log recorded
4/4 - no log recorded
4/11 - Tower challenge, no regulation duels recorded
4/18 - no log recorded
4/25 - no log recorded
5/2 - no log recorded
5/9 - no log recorded
5/16 - no log recorded

Total duels during that time: 7

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 6:47 am
by Spell
Hope you like long posts, because this one is going to be long. From May 2016 to May Current. It lists all solo nights, fight nights, and individual sports fought within said fight nights. I tried listing events that happened during the dates, but some events might be missing if they were not posted on the caller reports.


tl;dr / too many numbers - seems Solo night DoS got a jolt to the arm thanks to Madness, though it's dwindling now post-tournament, DoF has been going strong for a year pretty much in Fight Nights - off and on in solo ( though it has sudden burst of activity 1 night every other month it seems ), and DoM is currently seeing a down in solo night activity while doing semi-normal ( or better at times ) within the Fight Night area. Solo nights / Fight nights did see increased duels during recorded community events. Goes to show that events are draws. Sadly the last Toss the Loss Tuesday event for DoM only got 6 duels for a chance at free wins ( I still got two duels that day so I can't complain. )

All and all it seems that solo-nights are doing ehh for the days they are on, while Fight Nights prove to be the breadwinner. Though I can easily assume this is due to Tuesday / Wednesday / and Thursday being work nights. While it could be interesting to see all 3 turn into Fight Nights, I'm not sure there would be much of a change. We can look at the data from the last attempt at DoM / DoF merge and see that while we did see a small increase on Tuesday night ( though more DoF then DoM ), Wednesday really didn't have much change at all.

tbh, for me personally, I'd like to wait and see how things are after a couple of months when the new chat is brought into play. Since it's going to be ONE shared chat between RDI/ROH and everyone will be on the same client.

(as always, there could be a few numbers wrong, etc)

May 2016 [Single Madness Duel recorded]

DoM Solo
5/10/2016 - 5 Duels
5/31/2016 - 2 Duels

DoF Solo
5/11/2016 - 3 Duels
5/18/2016 - 2 Duels
5/25/2016 - 16 Duels [Free Win Night]

DoS Solo
5/5/2016 - 3 Duels
5/12/2016 - 3 Duels
5/19/2016 - 4 Duels

Fight Nights
5/1/2016 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoS )
5/2/2016 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoM )
5/7/2016 - 2 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoM )
5/8/2016 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoS )
5/9/2016 - 3 Duels ( 2 DoS / 1 DoF )
5/13/2016 - 4 Duels ( 2 DoS / 1 DoM / 1 DoF)
5/15/2016 - 2 Duels ( 2 DoS )
5/20/2016 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoM )
5/23/2016 - 3 Duels ( 1 DoS / 2 DoF )
5/27/2016 - 6 Duels ( 3 DoS / 3 DoF )

June 2016

DoM Solo
6/7/2016 - 2 Duels
6/14/2016 - 2 Duels
6/21/2016 - 3 Duels
6/28/2016 - 2 Duels

DoF Solo
6/1/2016 - 5 Duels
6/15/2016 - 1 Duel
6/22/2016 - 3 Duels
6/39/2016 - 4 Duels

DoS Solo
6/3/2016 - 1 Duel
6/9/2016 - 7 Duels
6/17/2016 - 1 Duel
6/23/2016 - 2 Duels
6/30/2016 - 1 Duel
Fight Nights

6/5/2016 - 3 Duels ( 1 DoS / 2 DoM )
6/6/2016 - 6 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoM / 4 DoF )
6/10/2016 - 7 Duels ( 2 DoS / 1 DoM / 4 DoF )
6/11/2016 - 8 Duels ( 4 DoS / 1 DoM / 3 DoF )
6/12/2016 - 3 Duels ( 2 DoS / 1 DoM )
6/13/2016 - 4 Duels ( 3 DoS / 1 DoM )
6/17/2016 - 3 Duel ( 2 DoS / 1 DoF )
6/18/2016 - 6 Duels ( 2 DoS / 1 DoM / 3 DoF )
6/19/2016 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoM )
6/20/2016 - 5 Duels ( 2 DoS / 2 DoM / 1 DoF )
6/24/2016 - 5 Duels ( 3 DoS / 2 DoF )
6/25/2016 - 7 Duels ( 4 DoS / 1 DoM / 2 DoF )
6/27/2016 - 4 Duels ( 2 DoS / 1 DoM / 1 DoF )

July 2016 [Hydra Recorded Duels]

DoM Solo
7/5/2016 - 5 Duels [Double Win Night]
7/12/2016 - 4 Duels
7/19/2016 - 1 Duel
7/26/2016 - 6 Duels [Community Event]

DoF Solo
7/6/2016 - 3 Duels
7/20/2016 - 6 Duels
7/27/2016 - 15 Duels

DoS Solo
7/7/2016 - 1 Duel
7/14/2016 - 3 Duels
7/21/2016 - 2 Duels

Fight Nights
7/2/2016 - 9 Duels ( 5 DoS / 4 DoF )
7/3/2016 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoM )
7/4/2016 - 3 Duels ( 3 DoF )
7/8/2016 - 4 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoM / 2 DoF )
7/9/2016 - 2 Duels ( 2 DoS )
7/10/2016 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoF )
7/11/2016 - 12 Duels ( 3 DoS / 6 DoM / 3 DoF )
7/15/2016 - 6 Duels ( 3 DoS / 2 DoM / 1 DoF )
7/16/2016 - 8 Duels ( 1 DoS / 2 DoM / 5 DoF )
7/17/2016 - 5 Duels ( 3 DoM / 2 DoF )
7/18/2016 - 11 Duels ( 7 DoS / 4 DoF )
7/22/2016 - 5 Duels ( 3 DoS / 2 DoF )
7/23/2016 - 13 Duels ( 3 DoS / 4 DoM / 6 DoF )
7/24/2016 - 3 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoM / 1 DoF )
7/25/2016 - 4 Duels ( 1 DoS / 3 DoF )

August 2016 [Hydra Duels Recorded]

DoM Solo
8/2/2016 - 2 Duels
8/9/2016 - 2 Duels
8/16/2016 - 1 Duel
8/23/2016 - 2 Duels
8/30/2016 - 1 Duel

DoF Solo
8/3/2016 - 3 Duels
8/10/2016 - 6 Duels
8/17/2016 - 2 Duels

DoS Solo
8/4/2016 - 7 Duels
8/25/2016 - 1 Duel

Fight Nights
8/1/2016 - 10 Duels ( 2 DoS / 1 DoM / 7 DoF )
8/5/2016 - 7 Duels ( 1 DoS / 4 DoM / 2 DoF )
8/6/2016 - 2 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 Dof )
8/7/2016 - 10 Duels ( 1 DoS / 4 DoM / 5 DoF )
8/8/2016 - 6 Duels ( 2 DoS / 2 DoM / 2 DoF )
8/12/2016 - 5 Duels ( 2 DoS / 1 DoM / 2 DoF )
8/13/2016 - 5 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoM / 3 DoF )
8/14/2016 - 2 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoF )
8/15/2016 - 5 Duels ( 2 DoS / 1 DoM / 2 DoF )
8/19/2016 - 5 Duels ( 4 DoS / 1 DoF )
8/20/2016 - 4 Duels ( 2 DoS / 2 DoF )
8/21/2016 - 5 Duels ( 1 DoS / 2 DoM / 2 DoF )
8/22/2016 - 5 Duels ( 3 DoM / 2 DoF )
8/27/2016 - 3 Duels ( 3 DoF )
8/29/2016 - 4 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoM / 2 DoF )

September 2016 [Hydra Duels Recorded]

DoM Solo
9/13/2016 - 3 Duels
9/20/2016 - 1 Duel
9/27/2016 - 3 Duels

DoF Solo
9/7/2016 - 1 Duel
9/14/2016 - 12 Duels [Mayhem Event(?)]
9/28/2016 - 1 Duel

DoS Solo
9/1/2016 - 1 Duel
9/8/2016 - 2 Duels
9/22/2016 - 2 Duels
9/26/2016 - 7 Duels

Fight Nights
9/3/2016 - 8 Duels ( 2 DoS / 3 DoM / 3 DoF )
9/4/2016 - 3 Duels ( 1 DoS / 2 DoF )
9/5/2016 - 6 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoM / 4 DoF )
9/9/2016 - 2 Duels ( 2 DoF )
9/11/2016 - 11 Duels ( 8 DoS / 1 DoM / 2 DoF ) [Jousting Event]
9/12/2016 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoS )
9/16/2016 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoS )
9/17/2016 - 2 Duels ( 2 DoF )
9/18/2016 - 2 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoF )
9/19/2016 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoF )

October 2016

DoM Solo
10/11/2016 - 1 Duel
10/18/2016 - 1 Duel
10/25/2016 - 1 Duel

DoF Solo
10/5/2016 - 4 Duels
10/12/2016 - 4 Duels
10/27/2016 - 1 Duel

DoS Solo
10/6/2016 - 1 Duel
10/14/2016 - 2 Duels
10/27/2016 - 5 Duels

Fight Nights
10/1/2016 - 4 Duels ( 2 DoS / 1 DoM / 1 DoF )
10/2/2016 - 2 Duels ( 2 DoS )
10/3/2016 - 2 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoF )
10/7/2016 - 2 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoM )
10/22/2016 - 4 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoM / 1 DoF )
10/24/2016 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoF )
10/28/2016 - 4 Duels ( 3 DoS / 1 DoF )
10/29/2016 - 3 Duels ( 3 DoS )

November 2016

DoM Solo
11/1/2016 - 6 Duels [Toss the Loss Night]
11/8/2016 - 1 Duel
11/15/2016 - 2 Duels
11/22/2016 - 1 Duel
11/29/2016 - 2 Duels

DoF Solo
11/30/2016 - 4 Duels

DoS Solo
11/3/2016 - 2 Duels

Fight Nights
11/4/2016 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoS )
11/5/2016 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoF )
11/6/2016 - 2 Duels ( 1 DoM / 1 DoF )
11/13/2016 - 3 Duels ( 1 DoS / 2 DoF )
11/14/2016 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoF )
11/18/2016 - 4 Duels ( 2 DoS / 2 DoF )
11/19/2016 - 2 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoF )
11/25/2016 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoM )
11/26/2016 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoF )

December 2016

DoM Solo
12/6/2016 - 4 Duels
12/20/2016 - 1 Duel

DoF Solo
12/7/2016 - 1 Duel
12/14/2016 - 5 Duels
12/28/2016 - 3 Duels

DoS Solo
12/8/2016 - 2 Duels
12/22/2016 - 6 Duels
12/29/2016 - 4 Duels

Fight Nights
12/2/2016 - 10 Duels ( 1 DoS / 5 DoM / 4 DoF )
12/3/2016 - 2 Duels ( 1 DoM / 1 DoF )
12/4/2016 - 9 Duels ( 3 DoM / 6 DoF )
12/5/2016 - 2 Duels ( 2 DoF )
12/9/2016 - 6 Duels ( 6 DoF )
12/10/2016 - 2 Duels ( 2 DoS )
12/12/2016 - 4 Duels ( 2 DoM / 2 DoF )
12/16/2016 - 4 Duels ( 4 DoS )
12/19/2016 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoS )
12/26/2016 - 3 Duels ( 3 DoS )
12/30/2016 - 2 Duels ( 2 DoS )

January 2017

DoM Solo
1/3/2017 - 1 Duel

DoF Solo
1/12/2017 - 2 Duels
1/18/2017 - 1 Duel
1/25/2017 - 1 Duel

DoS Solo
-- There may not have been Thursday coverage --

Fight Nights
1/1/2017 - 2 Duels ( 1 DoM / 1 DoF )
1/2/2017 - 1 Duel ( DoF )
1/6/2017 - 6 Duels ( 2 DoS / 4 DoF )
1/7/2017 - 2 Duels ( 2 DoF )
1/8/2017 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoS )
1/10/2017 - 4 Duels ( 1 DoS / 4 DoF )
1/13/2017 - 8 Duels ( 5 DoS / 1 DoM / 2 DoF )
1/14/2017 - 7 Duels ( 4 DoS / 2 DoM / 1 DoF )
1/16/2017 - 2 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoF )
1/20/2016 - 5 Duels ( 3 DoS / 1 DoM / 1 DoF )
1/21/2017 - 6 Duels ( 6 DoF )
1/23/2017 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoM )
1/27/2017 - 2 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoF )
1/29/2017 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoS )
1/30/2017 - 2 Duels ( 2 DoF )

February 2017

DoM Solo
-- None --

DoF Solo
2/1/2017 - 4 Duels
2/8/2017 - 2 Duels
2/22/2017 - 6 Duels

DoS Solo
2/16/2017 - 1 Duel
2/23/2017 - 2 Duels

Fight Nights
2/4/2017 - 7 Duels ( 2 DoM / 5 DoS )
2/6/2017 - 4 Duels ( 1 DoM / 3 DoF )
2/10/2017 - 2 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoF )
2/18/2017 - 5 Duels ( 4 DoM / 1 DoF )
2/20/2017 - 4 Duels ( 2 DoM / 2 DoF )
2/25/2017 - 2 Duels ( 2 DoF )
2/27/2017 - 2 Duels ( 2 DoM )

March 2017 [Madness duels recorded]

DoM Solo
3/7/2017 - 1 Duel

DoF Solo
3/8/2017 - 3 Duels
3/29/2017 - 1 Duel

DoS Solo
3/16/2017 - 2 Duels
3/23/2017 - 6 Duels
3/30/2017 - 3 Duels

Fight Nights
3/3/2017 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoS )
3/4/2017 - 7 Duels ( 2 DoS / 1 DoM / 4 DoF )
3/11/2017 - 5 Duels ( 3 DoS / 1 DoM / 1 DoF )
3/13/2017 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoS )
3/17/2017 - 2 Duels ( 2 DoS )
3/19/2017 - 3 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoM / 1 DoF )
3/20/2017 - 2 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoF )
3/25/2017 - 5 Duels ( 3 DoS / 1 DoM / 1 DoF )
3/26/2017 - 8 Duels ( 4 DoS / 1 DoM / 3 DoF )
3/27/2017 - 5 Duels ( 3 DoS / 2 DoF )
3/31/2017 - 4 Duels ( 2 DoS / 2 DoF )

April 2017 [Madness duels recorded]

DoM Solo
-- None --

DoF Solo
4/5/2017 - 2 Duels
4/12/2017 - 1 Duel
4/26/2017 - 1 Duel

DoS Solo
4/6/2017 - 3 Duels
4/13/2017 - 1 Duel
4/20/2017 - 2 Duels

Fight Nights
4/1/2017 - 5 Duels ( 5 DoS )
4/2/2017 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoS )
4/3/2017 - 3 Duels ( 2 DoS / 1 DoF )
4/7/2017 - 6 Duels ( 3 DoS / 2 DoM / 1 DoF )
4/8/2017 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoF )
4/9/2017 - 2 Duels ( 2 DoS )
4/10/2017 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoS )
4/14/2017 - 2 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoM )
4/16/2017 - 4 Duels ( 2 DoS / 1 DoM / 1 DoF )
4/17/2017 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoF )
4/21/2017 - 2 Duels ( 1 DoM / 1 DoF )
4/22/2017 - 4 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoM / 2 DoF )
4/23/2017 - 3 Duels ( 1 DoS / 2 DoF )
4/24/2017 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoF )
4/27/2017 - 2 Duels ( 2 DoS )
4/28/2017 - 3 Duels ( 1 DoM / 2 DoF )
4/29/2017 - 1 Duel ( 1 DoS )

May 2017 ( Month not complete )

DoM Solo
-- None currently recorded this month --

DoF Solo
5/3/2017 - 5 Duels

DoS Solo
-- None currently recorded this month --

Fight Nights
5/1/2017 - 2 Duels ( 2 DoF )
5/6/2017 - 14 Duels ( 4 DoS / 2 DoM / 8 DoF ) [No Loss Night / Beltane Event]
5/7/2017 - 2 Duels ( 1 DoS / 1 DoM )
5/8/2017 - 4 Duels ( 2 DoS / 2 DoF )
5/13/2017 - 3 Duels ( 2 DoS / 1 DoM )
5/14/2017 - 5 Duels ( 1 DoS / 2 DoM / 2 DoF )
5/14/2017 - 5 Duels ( 1 DoS / 2 DoM / 2 DoF )

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 7:29 am
by Spell
To add on. I've seen a few people pop on toward the end of the shift. I'm guessing they are west coasters and the 3 hour shift for the night doesn't give them ample opportunity to come in. I wouldn't mind keeping the queue open for another hour if it'd help them get a chance to play/duel. I'm not doing much Tuesday compared to the rest of the week, so another hour is nbd. That way Matt ( I see you come in ) can maybe get a duel in.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 9:27 am
by Awkward
Your implication that duels decline with Spell/Apple calling again in 12/2016 after the switch of shifts with Kruger is classless and tasteless. You’re better than that. Be better.