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Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:45 am
by Topaz
Julian was sitting on the couch in front of the fire place in the library with a cognac snifter in his hand. When he noticed Topaz and Lucien he rose respectfully. “Would you care to join me?”
“Thank you. Do you have one of those for me too, please?” Topaz asked with a look to Julian’s glass after Lucien had handed her into a comfortable chair. Julian did and poured her glass while Lucien remained standing behind her chair.
Julian too remained standing after having handed the glass to the fairy. “Are you sure you do not wish to be comfortable, Mr. Datrazanov?”
“I am accustomed to standing, Major. But please, sit with my mate if you would.” Topaz turned in her seat at Lucien’s words. They were at odds with the emotions she sensed from him. Lucien was unflaggingly formal, but a predatr lurked behind his black eyes.
“It is you I was looking forward to get better acquainted with.” Julian tried to put the man at ease.
“I will be pleased to answer any questions you would pose Major.” He had already picked out the man's intentions and thoughts, but waited patiently for him to voice his admonishions.
Julian gave a quick apologetic glance to Topaz and she knew her presence would be ignored for the time being. Then he turned his blue-green eyes to Lucien again. Julian had loved the beautiful fairy for a very long time, and likely always would. Though he had been tempted more than once, he had never stepped beyond the line of friendship, knowing that more would mean nothing but hurt once she did meet her soul mate. Now she had done so and he was happy for her. But he had also known with just one glance that much was still in question. He chose his words carefully. “Your mate is very dear to me and I would like to ensure her happiness.”
“She is my light, my life, and the purpose for me to continue Major. I have no other purpose but to see to her happiness.” Lucien was not making this easy for the Major, and felt absolutely no remorse. The man sought to imply that he would be called to account if he failed, but clearly the Major did not understand Carpathian mating.
“You hold it within your hand to make her very happy, or very unhappy.”
“This is true Major. But making her unhappy would violate my vows to her.” Lucien remained unmoving, with a shark's gaze holding the Majors.
“I have taken the liberty to learn what knowledge is freely available.” Julian gave a quick nod. “Fae are free spirits that would wither when their freedoms are taken away.”
“You worry that I would do such?” Lucien raised a brow at him in challenge.
“What intelligence I have been able to gather may indicate that such consideration is warranted. Topaz is a very good commander and skilled in many none domestic fields.”
Topaz hid her grin with a sip from her glass. Julian sounded just like Gabriel had.
“She no longer is required to put herself in danger Major. It is my job to protect her and see to her happiness.” Lucien knew he would need to help Topaz understand that it was now his job to protect her, and not her job to protect others.
Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:47 am
by Topaz
“She never was required to put herself in danger, Mr. Datrazanov.”
“But she felt she needed to do so. That is no longer the case.” Lucien remained as still as if he were carved in stone.
“Have you asked her about that?” Julian was obviously of a different opinion. “Would you have her forget what she has worked hard to not only be good at but excel at and become dependent on your availability to protect her? You have formidable and intelligent enemies, as do the Guardians.”
“Then I will protect her.” There is no doubt that her happiness will come above all other things.
“From what Topaz tells me, you are very good at that and have saved her life once already.” Julian agreed that Lucien would protect her, that was not the issue.
“I have survived a very long time. One learns a few things.” He kept his answers vague for a reason.
“Yes. So has your mate. She is your equal in more ways than I believe you are aware just yet.”
“She is far more than my equal. She is light to my darkness. She saved my nearly destroyed soul from damnation.” But, she was no longer required to endanger herself to protect others, and Lucien intended that she would have no cause to engage in battle again.
“You are not going to call me old, Julian, are you?” Topaz threw in, unable to remain silent.
“If he calls you old, I would not care to hear what he thinks of me.” The slightest twitch of his lips the only part of him that moved.
The corners of Julian’s lips turned up slightly in a rare smile. His gaze remained on Lucien. “Never, Topaz.” But he had made his point. “It is my sincere wish that the completion of the ceremony passes smoothly.” His smile did not waver, though concern had crept into his voice. I am afraid my wish is all the help I can be in this.”
Lucien regarded the man quietly. “The risks are there, as you clearly have discovered.”
“Topaz has put her affairs in order.” Julian felt that he had to add this detail.
“She has?” Lucien’s brow winked upward.
“Yes.” Topaz had paled slightly; Julian was not supposed to mention this.
“Did this help ease your concerns?” Lucien turned his eyes onto his mate. Clearly she was worried that the last exchange might go wrong, and guilt stabbed at a heart he had only recently come to remember existed.
“No.” Topaz said with a soft chuckle. “But you asked me to be ready.”
“And the Major will take your place here to protect Atrebla?” It was more a push at derKorst's mind than a true question.
Julian coughed lightly. “That hopefully will not happen.” Julian had no intention to take the position of commander. He steadfastly refused any promotion above the rank of major as well.
“Michelle is more likely to find that dropped into her lap.” Michelle was her second in command, even if she was absent of late. Julian would stay long enough to help her ease into the role and set her up with some advisors.
“Warrior females.” Lucien shook his head.
“You may as well get used to the idea.” Julian sympathetically imagined how difficult that would be for the Carpathian.
“Perhaps my mate will become used to the ideas embodied by my people.” That was going to be Lucien's goal.
“I'll find a way to pick the best of each.” Topaz doubted that she would get used to all of the ideas embodied by Lucien’s people.
“As shall I” Lucien agreed with a nod.
This time Julian’s smile and look included both. “I wish you both luck for that plan. It appears a good one.”
“Thank you for your wishes Major.” Lucien took Julian’s offered hand.
Julian clasped his shoulder. “May Topaz make you happy, too.”
“She has already done that.”
Julian nodded and very quietly offered, “She barely got started” He stepped back and added in his normal voice. “If you will excuse me, I have a few matters to see to.”
“Of course, Julian.” Topaz said with a warm smile and set her glass down. She understood his need for a temporary escape.
“Good evening Major.” Lucien nodded.
“Good evening.” Julian turned and left with unhurried steps.
Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:28 am
by Topaz
Topaz rose as soon as Julian had left and turned to Lucien, searching his face for what she may find there.
“The man cares deeply for you.” Lucien enfolded her into his arms.
“Yes.” Topaz felt deeply for Julian, too.
“Show me your home here Topaz. Before your bull dog returns.” His slow smile suggested something else entirely.
“I do not think he will return. This could not have been easy for him.” She took Lucien’s had as she stepped from the embrace and with a sweeping gesture indicated the room they were in. “Well, this is the library. My suite is upstairs.” With a soft chuckle she added, “We passed by it twice already.” Topaz pulled him along.
“Are you responsible for the decor?” Again guards came to attention as the couple passed. Lucien gave a low rumbling snarl at the scent.
“No. Dundale did most of that. He left a long time ago though.” Lucien’s reaction, though barely audible, made Topaz wonder and take a second look at the pair of guards, Moulicant and Penkovskiy. But she noticed nothing out of the ordinary. “He was responsible for putting furniture in every room and make everything comfortable as well as useful. He did a pretty decent job.”
“You are the only thing I can see.” Lucien admitted when she opened the second door to the left once they had climbed the stairs.
“Welcome to my home away from home.” She gestured him inside and added with a little wink. “Perhaps knowing that in here there's me in the little details will make a difference?”
“Perhaps.” His slow smile sent a shiver through her and she quickly closed the door.
“It's nothing as grand as your rooms, though.” Inlays decorated the warm mahogany of the furniture and floor, the white stone walls were softened by the soft glow of candles in crystal and brass sconces. Even the fire place had none of the rich carvings that Topaz had admired in Lucien’s home.
“It is just fine Topaz, it is you I desire to see.” But he did note the forest green couch in front of the fire place and the strategically placed indoor trees and plants that appeared to thrive despite the room having no windows.
Topaz let go of his hand in favor of wrapping her arms around him and lifted her light blue gaze to his. “I do enjoy looking at you, too.”
He brushed a soft kiss to her lips. “You may tell me where those doors lead to.”
“To Tormay’s old room,” she indicated the door to the right, then the one standing open next to the fireplace, “and my bedroom.”
Lucien swept her up into his arms and started walking toward the open door. “Tell me of Tormay.” Topaz started to do just that, but Lucien really was more interested in distracting her.
Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:15 pm
by Topaz
Sparring at the Annex
“ are you?” At Rena’s invitation the fairy took her cup of coffee over to her table and sat down.
“I will have to think on some new and original answers to that question.” Topaz giggled I'll be much better as soon as Lucien gets done with what he needs to do.
”So he is still away?” Rena nodded.
“No, Rena, not still. Again. He doesn't want me along when he goes to get dinner. He really oughta get over that.” Topaz remained as vague as possible while answering as precisely as possible. There were many things she’d like to talk over with her friend, but there were too many patrons in the annex this evening and one could never be sure who was listening and who wasn’t.
“Aren't there places you do not want him to invade of your privacy?”
“No.” Topaz sipped from her coffee cup. There were a few things she could think of where she might be less than comfortable with Lucien’s presence, but she would allow his invasion.
Rena nodded slowly and then lifted the water bottle to take a drink. “So, explain about this prince or something you are having over.”
“This prince is someone Azjah is having over, I think, or maybe Lucien and Gabriel. I'm not really sure.” It was astounding how little information she had gotten out of any of the three considering how often the subject had come up. “Either way, he's coming to congratulate Lucien and to inspect the wife.”
“ who were you talking about the other day?”
“Do you mean emperor Jengtal?” Topaz smiled, this subject was much safer with so many ears around to listen.
”Yeah” Then Rena backtracked. “You having doubts or something?”
“About Jengtal? No. That'll just require careful planning.” And most of that Topaz could delegate.
“About the other thing.” Rena threw in.
“Lucien's prince?” At Rena’s nod she continued. “I did. I'll just have to charm those cavemen attitudes.” She grinned impishly.
“And you do that so well.” Rena grinned back.
“It occurred to me that Azjah mentioned working with the prince on a project. So, Azjah being who she is, he can't be all that backward.” Rena nodded but didn’t say anything. “I wonder if Gabriel and Lucien aren't more teasing than serious half the time. Lucien's certainly teasing when he talks about losing keys.”
“Glad he can let his hair down at times.” Rena said with a soft chuckle.
“Either way, he's coming to congratulate Lucien on having found a fairy. So all I really have to do is be myself, right?” Topaz had already decided that if Mikhail was to take her in dislike, he would do so for all the right reasons, not because she failed at playing a role she wasn’t cut out for to begin with.
“That's right.” Rena agreed.
“There, problem solved.” Topaz smiled widely.
“Shouldn't have been a problem to begin with.”
“Maybe it was a case of bridal nerves?” If so, she hoped that to have been the last of it.
“Since I haven't had them, I don't know.”
Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:16 pm
by Topaz
“Julian finally got to chat with Lucien. They may actually come to like each other. Lucien didn't play with lightning bolts even once.” Topaz grinned before changing the subject. “ Have you named your new pet yet?”
“Nah...not yet. Throwing a few names around though.”
“I guess Stinky is no longer appropriate. He still has the handsome stripes, though, right? Does he act at all act feline? Then you could call him Tiger or Stalker.”
“Oh yeah.” Rena was grinning as if remembering something funny the skunk had done. “Stalker sounds good.” They toasted the pet skunk’s new name before returning to the subject of royal visitors. “Okay...this thing for Emperor whatshisname...what needs to be done?”
“Jengtal.” Topaz grinned. “You really ought to learn the name before he gets here. But you'll have until September at least. He may put off his visit until spring though. I wouldn't mind that at all. I'll let you know once he replies to the invitation.” The winter snows would make conventional travel into and out of the valley impossible for the months in-between.
Rena nodded. “And you did say this was a dressy affair?”
“I didn't really. But yes, the affairs including Jangtal will have to be dressy, even if it’s the kind of dress worn to the Saturday dances by the town's people.” Rena muttered under her breath. “You do not like dressy affairs? Do you think a spoiled emperor would enjoy a carousel ride?”
“For sure.” Rena chuckled. “When was the last time you saw me in anything but jeans?”
“I'm sure whatever his intentions, I don't like them. It's a lot like the old saying goes. It is dangerous to be a friend of Rome.” Topaz grinned. “You were wearing an adorable skirt to Jal's party.”
“Not that anyone noticed...but Cory.” Rena finished off the bottle of water.
“I noticed.” Topaz tried to recall if Moyrlochlon was at that party and if he may have failed to compliment her friend.
“And only because he was upset about Halloween.”
“Cory, really? I thought he was too busy defending the buffet.” She certainly remembered Cory denying her access to that buffet.
“That too.” Rena smiled to Topaz before their attention was directed to Gabriel’s arrival. They both greeted him and the fairy wondered for just how long Lucien’s twin had remained beyond sight and how much he had overheard.
“Say, Gabriel, is you up for a duel?” Topaz asked with a challenging but friendly look.
Gabriel’s obsidian gaze slid over the fairy. “If you have a desire to work on your reflexes, I would meet you in a ring.” His greeting lacked the warmth of Lucien's, but then the man was still living in a black and white world devoid of emotion.
“That I would.” She returned his look with a smile. “We have a choice of sparring along with swords or spells. Do you have a preference?” The real sparring though would be verbal.
“Your happiness is foremost according to Lucien, I shall leave the choice to you.” Gabriel’s reply implied that she would need the advantage he allowed so generously.
Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:17 pm
by Topaz
“Swords then, as I didn't get to use my blade the last time.” Topaz left it open to what time she was referring to.
“Swords it is.” His movements were lithe and dangerous all at the same time. He was a panther on the prowl with something absolutely unreadable in his eyes.
Topaz rose with a nod to Rena and headed for the ring. Gabriel allowed her to enter first then formally bowed to the caller before he turned to face the fairy. She had drawn her rapier and slashed a salute. “Good luck, Gabriel.”
“I believe skill is more rewarding in this ring.” He unsheathed his saber and took an engarde stance.
“I know your skills surpass what is permitted in the rings.” Her light blue eyes studied Gabriel for an opening.
“After my years hunting Vampyre, they should, do you not agree?” Gabriel sounded friendly , but the look in his eyes was dangerous.
“I can say from personal experience that they should.” Topaz knew his years of hunting were far from over and years in this case meant millennia. “There are plenty who would do harm that are unaffected by steel.” Demons for example, but she pushed away the thought and darted in to trade cuts with Gabriel, not even trying to escape the saber’s bite but intend on not letting him get away unscathed. “It was suggested that you may make a perfect practice partner. What are your thoughts on that?” She reversed her swing before Gabriel had stepped away.
“I doubt that I am perfect for this.” But Gabriel had no difficulty turning away her blade when she darted in again. “I am a simple hunter, Lady.” He moved with the grace of a hunting cat.
“One of the very best, really. There is much I could learn from you.” Their blades met in a shower of sparks. “We're family now, right?”
“You are well into our world.” His lunge just failed to skewer her as she glided sideways. But Topaz noticed that he had pulled his blade before it could damage a wing tip.
“And you've spent a little in mine.” She sneaked past his defense and tagged him for a point.
“Long enough.” He returned the favor, forcing the fairy to reset.
“You do not desire to see more?”
“I do not understand why men here treat their women with such disrespect. It is not something I would grow accustomed to.” His words were cold and hard, as though the treatment of females in this Nexus repulsed him beyond what his words stated.
“Do you really believe a woman, or anyone for that matter, could command an army if she did not have the respect, loyalty and trust of each soldier in it?” Topaz found it all too easy to take the bait he kept insisting on tempting her with.
“I believe a woman should not HAVE to take on such a role.” They traded cuts again and his eyes were locked with hers.
“No one forced me to do so, Gabriel.”
“Then why would you do such a thing?” His question came across as slightly incredulous, but then he moved with the flow of the duel, and the moment vanished.
“Because I was and am the best person for the job. I like a good challenge and enjoy the satisfaction of having met one well.”
“The women of my world would never do such. I find it disrespectful of the males here.” His attack made it past her defensive weave, shredding her lead. There was something menacing in the way he said he found the males in RhyDin disrespectful.
“Perhaps you would not have lost so many had they known to defend themselves.” Topaz knew that to be an unfair attack, but he was goading her with his remarks.
Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:18 pm
by Topaz
“Our women know well how to defend themselves. You do not understand.” There was a moment when his tone suggested she was underestimating Carpathian women, and the skills they posess.
“Then perhaps you should explain.” She tried to keep her frustration out of her voice. She was curious, but the answers to the questions she had been asking of him and Lucien remained stubbornly vague.
“I have. You choose not to listen because it is contrary to what you know, and believe.” He lifted a brow at her then. He had told her she did not hear what she did not wish to hear because it diverged from what she held important.
“I have listened, Gabriel.” She finished the duel with a quick but unsatisfying thrust.
“Clearly you have not absorbed what you have been told then.” He sheathed his saber and bowed formally. For him, the discussion had come to its conclusion.
“You have said precious little so far, too little really.” She wanted to wring his neck, only that would not make him supply any of the information he insisted she already had and yet stubbornly kept from divulging. She slashed a salute and sheathed her blade.
“I have told you much.” Gabriel insisted.
“Thank you, Sylus.” Topaz called to the official as she stepped from the ring and paused to wait for Gabriel to catch up. “Perhaps,” she allowed, “but definitely not enough. And Lucien is even stingier with plain speaking.”
“Lucien would not tell you things plainly. I have no reason to soften the edges.” His logic was cold and unfeeling. If she were offended by his blunt speaking, it was clearly her issue and not his.
“Apart from me not yet having the experience to do so efficiently, it would be impolite of me to just search this pretty head of yours for answers, would it not?”
“You will not have the strength to batter past my barriers for many centuries.” He returned to his place by the wall and crossed his arms over his chest.
But Topaz was not dismissed so easily. “No, definitely not.” She gave him a sugary smile as she followed him. “But though you may think otherwise, I am curious to find out more.”
He half-lifted a brow at her. “You voice that you are curious, yet you do not accept our traditions.” He had told her, as had Lucien, and yet she did not comprehend.
There was a huge difference between understanding and accepting, Topaz thought. “How can I accept anything I've not the knowledge of?”
“You have been told that our women trust our men, and do not interfere in Vampyre hunting, and yet you have come thrice even knowing it is not our way.” His attention was cold and unflinching as he reminded her that Lucien HAD tried to keep her from joining the hunts.
That was true, but his count was way off, and obviously no one had warned him that one simply didn’t tell fairies what to do. “Once.”
“Thrice,” He persisted. “ Once on Twilight Isle, once with Lucien on Twilight Isle, and again the other night. You do not heed his warnings that it distracts him, and one day will get him seriously harmed. When he knows you are safely out of reach, he can focus on his job. When you are present, he must divide his resources to protect you.” His explanation was plainly put for the simplest child to understand. She endangered Lucien every time she ignored his requests that she remain safely away from the hunts.
Topaz could not help but overhear Sylus’ mutter, “Lucien should trust Topaz enough to be able to protect herself. She is an Archmage after all.”
“Once Lucien joined a battle on my invitation. Once we went on a date and checked the isle for leftovers, once you both came to my rescue.” She corrected his count.
Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:19 pm
by Topaz
“But did he not request you remain behind for the hunt you invited him to join?” Gabriel had the count right. Topaz had disregarded Lucien's request that she not join the hunt for the Lichs. She had gone with Lucien to seek any traces of others upon the Isle, and she had shown up at the hunt the other night when they had taken on 4 of the Vampyre, and a master Vampyre remained in hiding. His count was correct, but Topaz chose to ignore those incidents for various reasons.
“He expressed his lack of comprehension, but he did not wish me to stay behind. Of course that was before he saw colors.”
“You did not hear the nuances, and I believe your right hand man, Brigath came to your defense. But, that did not change the fact that he was not pleased to have a woman along for the hunt. And we do not understand how men can allow women to be endangered. That is the epitome of neglect and more than disrespectful.” In Gabriel's eyes, that the males not only defended her desire to come along, but they actually relied on her to make
decisions in such a brutal world was simply unimaginable.
“Of course Brigath would. We have hunted together before.” She chuckled softly, giving away little of her thoughts now. “Let me ask you something different, Gabriel. When next you hear Vanion belittle my skills be it casting of spells or those with a blade, will you agree with his evaluation or not?”
“We do not belittle your skills Topaz. You insist on circling back around to believing we do not respect your skills.” For a reason that eluded him, she kept believing that Carpathians not wanting their women to be in danger had something to do with their skills, and yet he had told her repeatedly that it was not so. The desire to keep their women safe stemmed from respect for them and their skills.
“So it would be acceptable for me to come along instead of suffering being left behind once you were allowed to take proper precautions?”
“No. It is never acceptable to endanger women. No matter how good her skills, women are the light and life of our people. Without you, our race dies. Our women do not 'suffer' while we are gone. They have faith in us to prevail. Do you equate waiting for us, with a mind touch, to suffering? Have you naught to keep you busy while we do the work we have done for millennia?” This was the closest Gabriel had come to expressing any kind of emotion, and it was close to exasperation. The responsibility of the Carpathian male was to see to his mates happiness, her safety, and everything else paled in comparison, but those traditions seemed incomprehensible for this place and its inhabitants.
Topaz was not ready to let Gabriel know that Lucien blocked his mind when he went hunting or anything about the workings of the fae link. But Lucien would certainly get to hear her opinion again about him blocking her out and the futility of his efforts. “Then I envy them. I do have faith in your skills and Lucien’s, and yet it is suffering to me to be left behind, helpless. And no, the work I have done for as long as I can remember was that of Guardian.” Generally wives were busy with cooking, cleaning, and clothing, but certainly Carpathian wives had no use of any of that, and Topaz wondered just what they were doing to keep from dying of boredom.
Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:19 pm
by Topaz
“Why are you 'helpless'? Do you even consider what happens to Lucien when he must split his focus and assure that no hidden Vampyre comes for you? That he must split his focus against a creature that has his speed and skills, and sometimes his longevity?” His words were designed to cause her some pain. They were designed to make her see that when Lucien had to protect her, as his heritage demanded he do, she was taking away from his skills as a Hunter. And those were the only thing that kept him alive
these last millennia.
“Yes, I have considered that. It is that why I have not persisted in coming along except for that one time.” But she remained convinced that she was deserving of the same consideration and determined that she would get it.
Gabriel gave her a single nod. “You are a gifted soul Topaz. But you do not choose to understand what is foreign to your ways. You look upon our protection as something that diminishes what you perceive yourself to be. Until you can look past that impression, you will feel that you are not whole.”
Well, he did try, even if in a very arrogant way, Topaz thought and bit back a laugh when he attempted to tell her how she was to feel. “I have learned to exist among the forest people, among the people here, and alone. I will learn to exist among your people.”
“I do hope so Topaz. You have much to offer, and much to gain if you can do so.”
“Thank you, Gabriel.” She bowed. She decided that she would have to be discrete about whatever trouble regarding her new family she decided she wanted to deal with. “You do make a fine sparring partner. I do believe I'm now ready to face your prince.”
“Prince Mikhail is a fine man. We would not serve him were he not.”
“I find that I am actually looking forward to meeting him now.” Certainly a ruler of Mikhail’s long experience could not be half as arrogant as Gabriel and still be ruling.
“I must bid you good night then.” Gabriel nodded.
“Yes, Lucien is on his way home. I’ll see you around.” Topaz turned to leave and waved to Rena on her way out.
Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 6:48 pm
by Topaz
Third Exchange
Topaz sifted through the dresses Lucien had filled the closet with, in the hope of providing something for every occasion. When she had started inspecting the closet’s contents she had done so to perhaps find something more appealing to wear to Prince Mikhail’s visit and simply to familiarize herself with what was available. But by now her intentions had altered. Now she was searching for something seductive to wear this evening.
Her mind had drifted from the details of the royal visit to its reason. Lucien was very good at distracting her thoughts, but right now he was sleeping - unresponsively so, and Topaz was quickly losing patience. Not so much over the extraordinary amount of hours that he spent sleeping, but over his excessive restrain and patience. In general she admired those characteristics, just not right now. She did not like having this Damocles’ Sword hanging over her head and she knew only one way to alter the situation: that sword had to come down.
Only what she was looking for was not among the multitude of dresses. She stepped out of the closet, and frowned at the selection she had pulled from the closet so far, and dismissed each in turn. She arranged them artfully around the room though, aiming for “messy” without harming the beautiful outfits. She glanced toward to sleeping form on the bed. He did not look to have moved a muscle since she had started her search. How could he sleep through all this? There was no breath, no movement, no evidence that Lucien was 'alive' as she turned to rummage through the drawers.
Topaz proceeded to inspect the sheer silks and fancy lace, discarding on piece after the other, gracefully adding details to the mess around the room, setting aside a few to drape on the bed. Though there may have been one or the other that was short enough, deep cut enough, with the slit just high up enough the thighs to please her, nothing was quite blood red enough to pass muster.
There! She had found it. Topaz held up the sheer white, sleeveless negligee, then waved it slowly through the air. It was just the right length with a nice flow to it and a simple style. Even the whiteness of it would not distract. With another glance to Lucien and her prize Topaz fluttered over to the jewelry chest.
She had seen a piece in there with what wasn't quite a ruby, but of a nice red that seemed to pulse with its own fire in the candle light. She paid careful little heed to the necklaces and bracelets she laid aside in her search for that stone. When she finally found it, she slipped the tear shaped stone of its heavy chain and tested its point and judged it sufficient. Magic would hold it to the side of her throat instead of delicate chain, she thought as she slipped the stone into her skirt pocket.
Now all she needed was pen and paper. "Where are you keeping those, Lucien?" But there was still no sign of life from the bed. Just as well, Topaz thought. She had not really expected a reply. She grabbed the cup of coffee from the side table and one of the pastries Lucien had so thoughtfully provided to take upstairs with her to hunt for pen and paper.
There was need to hurry her search. She guessed it to still be hours before sundown. So she carefully left signs of her search for writing utensils, never mind that such were rather prominently displayed on the carved desk. She pulled one of the more rare and precious books off a shelf and opened it to a random page before draping it over the arm of the couch to look as if thrown there, then proceeded to open every drawer and she could find unlocked. Where appropriate she re-arranged the contents. Satisfied that the result would puzzle more than invoke anger or worry she went to compose a note to leave behind.
Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 6:49 pm
by Topaz
Darling Lucien,
Don't worry about the mess, I'll straighten it up later. Please bring some chocolate to the willow. I'll meet you there.
Love, Topaz
She looked over the note. It provided no unnecessary details to lessen his curiosity. She left the now empty cup on the desk, picked up the note and returned to their bedroom. She giggled with impish glee as she surveyed the room. The mess was indeed rather perfect and overall effect was rather stunning now that she had been away from the details long enough to fully appreciate the hole picture. She tacked the note to the inside of the door before she walked over to the bed.
“Until later, Love.” She whispered, not expecting him to hear, and brushed a soft kiss to his cool lips. Then she collected the sinful gown and Raven and walked out of the bed room, closing the door behind her. Moments later she was outside the Palazzo, enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun on her way to her willow tree.
After a long swim in the lake she went to set the scene. She thrust Raven, unsheathed, a few inches into the ground near the willow’s trunk – just in case, then set out a bottle of wine, already opened but stopped up, and glass on the mossy ground and arranged a very few fairy lights.
Only when everything else was done to her satisfaction did she change clothes. When she felt Lucien wake up she rose into the branches and turned herself into mist. She planned to solidify from the mist for the best effect and hoped Lucien would not be too long, keeping that form was still extremely difficult and tiring to her. The blood red stone, however, refused to become mist; the leaves where hiding that fact.
The sun lowered from the sky, and in the room there was a first heart beat, then a second, and an indrawn breath as obsidian eyes snapped open. Topaz was not in the house. Lucien took in the disarray of the room, the clothing laid strewn about the place, and his attention caught the note.
Using his preternatural speed, he moved to the main house, obtaining the fine Swiss chocolate from Andre before he departed for the forest nearly instantaneously. The wood formed before him, the sentient magic smoothed his way as he let them know his intention of finding Topaz in accordance with her wishes.
Lucien paused under the willow tree, sensing her presence, and studied the wine and the glass sitting on the mossy ground, along with the blade stuck a few inches into the ground. He set the chocolate beside the glass and searched for her essence. “Topaz?”
The mist - or the blood red stone - flowed from the canopy, solidifying a few feet in front of Lucien. The wispy white of the sinful negligee settled around the fairy’s body and legs, the blood red stone was perched to the side of her throat. Heat flared in his dark eyes and his breath caught as he watched.
“You are beautiful.” The smile on her slightly parted lips was inviting and Lucien moved abruptly, snaked his arms around her and pulled her close, melding his lips to hers. He felt the hunger in his kiss move through her and back into him as he pulled her fully against him and her arms came around his shoulders. The sheer fabric left nothing to his imagination as one hand slowly stroked her back, sliding down lower.
So far it had been he who broke any of their kisses, but now it was her mouth that moved from his, brushing down his neck and to his throat. A low growl of need rumbled in his chest. “What fae magic are you up to Topaz...” His finger tips trembled as he stroked one wing. Instead of receiving an answer her tongue flicked against his pulse, matching that rhythm perfectly. His hand roamed lower as she tempted him to the edge of control, his fangs were fully extended at her clear seduction, he let her explore as the red gem caught a bit of light. But then he felt her little teeth scrape over his pulse and draw his skin between them.
Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 6:50 pm
by Topaz
“You will kill me that way.” He groaned and picked up her trembling body and then laid her gently down upon the ground, next to the wine and chocolate. Her light blue eyes looked into his.
“I'm hungry.” Her soft whisper was more felt than heard. He studied her in the twilight. Slowly his gaze moved over her face, and shoulders, down over her breasts before he lowered his head to her throat. His tongue brushed at the red stone, testing the sharp point.
“As am I.” His breath was warm on her skin. In the way of his people, the clothing vanished, leaving naught but skin beneath her hands. His nibbling followed down her throat, nipping and kissing. Her soft sigh sent a shiver through him.
She slid one hand into his hair - it wouldn't do at all if he bit her too soon – gently she pushed against him and turned to her side. It wasn't just any old seduction she had on her mind.
“So my dear, why all of the mystery? And I do love the negligee, it suits you.” He nuzzled it off her shoulder. “But I confess, I prefer your skin.”
“I am glad you are enjoying it.” She moved her lips down his chest, then traced the memory of the line from the previous exchange. The answering tension in his body and the shiver rippling down his spine told her she had found the right spot and she suckled lightly in an imitation of what was. Without having given the stone a conscious thought, she now found it in her hand.
Lucien groaned in sheer ecstasy, his words forced from him slowly. “Topaz... You will torment me without mercy if you continue.”
His teeth grazed her shoulder as she brought the stone up to her lips. She paused the torment long enough to press the point of the stone into his skin and drew the line where it is supposed to be, whispering “I claim you.” just before she touched her lips to his skin again and filled her mouth with his blood.
White hot lightening ripped through his blood. His own teeth sank into her shoulder as she opened the line in his chest, and he crushed her to him. Her heart raced with his as they soaked up each other’s essence, each seeming to exist as much in the other as in themselves.
Sentient magic flowed between them, too, as the exchange went on. Lucien stiffened as that magic enhanced the voice of reason to where he could hear it through the haze of passion. Reluctantly he withdrew his teeth from her shoulder, putting a stop to the white hot lightning, to a moaned protest from her.
”Topaz!” He wrapped both arms around her and held her close. “Topaz, how could I have let this happen?” He sat up and cradled her to him. Stark terror was written on his features.
“Lucien?” His name was a soft whisper as Topaz snuggled into his arms, kissed the lines from his face and started to sooth his terror with a gentle touch in his mind. Lightly stroking her face, he pushed her hair out of the way as he searched her for the impending changes.
“Topaz...” He lowered his forehead to hers. “Your body is about to undergo some major changes, and they will not be pleasant...”
“Please do not be mad at me. And no apologizing either.”
“Mad?” Lucien closed his eyes and sighed deeply. “It is too late for that.”
”Good.” She smiled to him as he took her fingers one at time into his mouth and kissed the tips gently.
“Mmm. That feels good.” He continued to hold her as her body warmed, his eyes studied every inch of her, as though he was waiting for something.
“What are you looking for?”
“The third exchange Topaz.” He noted that her body temperature was rising faster than it had during the previous exchanges. “ ... It will be the one that tells us if this was right.” The free sentient magic was drawn to her even stronger and faster than what he had witnessed when he had brought her here after the fight with the ancient witches. “The change will come shortly.
Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 6:50 pm
by Topaz
“Aye. But Gregori said everything will be fine.” Topaz sought to elevate his worry, even as while she sensed the two magic forces wage a war inside her. The fae magic reacted very allergic to the force of the Carpathian magic and fought any change forced upon them.
“This has never been done with one of your people Topaz.” He shook his head. “We can only guess.” He too sensed the battle between the magic bits and the Carpathian blood working to change her body, and he remained shadow in her mind, feeling the pain where the Capathian magic won out and knew she was paying no attention to it - for now. The fae magic, though for the most part a subtle, barely noticeable presence in him, was a fair match in an outright battle against his - almost.
“Did you bring chocolate?”
“Yes, I brought the chocolate.”
“I would very much like a piece or two.” Lucien reached for the box Andre had sent with him, choose a truffle and lifted it to her lips to her parted lips.
“Enjoy that.” He gave her a worried smile as she took the chocolate from his fingers.
“Yes, Lucien, very much so.”
“If this works completely Topaz, you will no longer be able to ingest such things.”
“You told me so before. I rather have you, though.”
“Your insides will be trying to change Topaz. We do not have an alimentary canal. You will have to rid your body of the toxins that make you fae if the Carpathian blood works on you.” She pressed a fingertip to his lips, effectively keeping him from saying more.
“Hush, darling. You told me and I did listen. And if it succeeds and all the fae disappears, Raven knows what to do.” She waved a hand at the rapier before bringing it back to his shoulder. “Do you remember the Raven that helped out on the isle when we were hunting the lichs?”
“Yes, I do. What is Raven to do?”
“He is to make sure no Vampyre leaves this place.” She watched his expression darken and grinned a little. “And you told me I was worrying too much.”
Lucien focused on the wine bottle; the cork came free before he poured a glass and brought it to her lips, letting her drink slowly. “You cannot become Vampyre... if you do, then we will both meet the sun, Topaz, together.”
“The magic may not permit that.” She covered his hand on the glass with hers and tilted it for another sip.
“Shall we remain here tonight?” He slid his fingers through her hair after setting down the glass and looked deeply into her shining eyes.
“Yes, I would like that.” His lips touched hers and she whispered, “Love me.” Lucien deepened the kiss and, wrapping both arms around her, took her to the soft ground.
Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:01 pm
by Julian derKorst
Major derKorst peered into the near perfect darkness of the cloudy night as he walked down the front steps of the Beacon and watched the pale gray wolf disappear into the shadows. The promise of a summer storm hung heavy in the air, but Lieutenant Penkovskiy would be far from the Valley before the storm would bring relief from the summer heat.
Julian was not at all sure that he wanted the Lieutenant to be successful in his current mission and wondered once again if Topaz truly suspected any Vampires to settle into the mountains around the Valley or if her orders in that regard were simply to provide the Were-wolf with a more fitting mission than guard duty in the hallways of the Beacon. Then again, the best time for such an enemy to strike would be before it was expected.
He directed his steps toward the barracks and turned his thoughts toward what he had learned earlier this evening during his brief visit to Twilight Isle. He did not make a habit of going into Rhydin. However, in the decade that he had been serving under the Commander, she had never once left a bunch of vague notes regarding orders in total opposite of previously given ones and then been unavailable to shed light on them the next day. That had him worried – very worried. Some time back Topaz had let him know to check at the Palazzo Drachen Walde first if she should come up missing, and this evening the Marchioness of Drachen Walde was scheduled to officiate duels on the Isle.
The Marchioness given the appearance of being helpful when he had first inquired of Topaz’s whereabouts, and readily admitted to not being aware of them but being able to find out. But she had later proven to be reluctant to depart with any of the information she had received. A necessary precaution on her part as they had not met previously, and he could not fault her for that, but he would have appreciated more none the less.
She had frowned in the way one tended to when receiving bad news as she had made telepathic contact with Mr. Datrazanov. When she had faced him again though, she merely offered that they would not be returning tonight. Only after he had pressed further did she confirm his suspicion. The third exchange, the one Topaz had been so worried about, had taken place the previous night and Topaz was in no condition to return.
Her husband had arrived by then and Julian had idly mentioned that the emperor’s visit may better be put off until spring. When the Marchioness had failed to rise to the bait he had asked her to put the question to Mr. Datrazanov. Lucien preferred spring for the emperor’s visit, she had said. Julian had seen no reason to doubt that she had obtained that reply from Lucien and took that to mean that though Lucien expected Topaz to be unavailable for duty for some time, he also expected her to recover.
The lady had dismissed him after he had politely inquired about the royal visit she was looking forward to, but he had chosen to stay a while longer in the hope of learning additional information. Little more was forthcomming, the Marchioness had appeared to worry more about Lucien being a wreck than Topaz battling a rather high fever and even went so far as to suggest that the fairy should be blamed for the regrettable state Lucien was in.
“Major derKorst? A moment of your time, please?” Julian paused and returned the hobgoblin’s salute.
“Yes, Sergeant Bloodfang?” The expression on the soldier’s face let him know that sleep would have to wait and he resigned himself to listen to the man’s report.
Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 9:11 pm
by Lucien
Lucien watched through the remainder of the night as Topaz began the changes that would alter her life forever. Her magical essence fought with the Carpathian influences, and the first sign was an elevated fever.
At first, it was not frightening, but as the battle between the magics continued, her temperature soared, and Lucien found himself taking her into the lake in an effort to keep her body within a safe zone. Her wings radiated heat first, but then the rest of her skin began to warm, and as the night progressed, she lapsed into periods of incoherent rambling.
He was furious with himself. She had lured him here with the intention of getting him to finish the mating ritual, and he had done just that. But, at what cost? Would she survive this alteration to everything that made up this woman he loved?
He immersed her into the lake as gently as he could, but given the excessive warmth of her body, he felt the shock to her system each time he took her into the water. His mind was firmly linked with hers, and he experienced every thought, and every sensation her body was undergoing. And those things made him loathe himself for what he had done to her. This was his fault.
She looked up at him from the water, and asked him about dancing and music, “there should be music” she told him. Music? At this moment, someone should stake him in the sun for his actions!
Her next fevered dreams had Topaz darting in and out of the canopy and through the water of a lake among a group of fairies. The leaves caressed her skin as she flew between the branches and water droplets shimmered on their wings like tiny rainbows and the lake glittered in the sunlight. She felt light hearted giggle bubbling up in her as she watched Emerald catch up with Silver and they both spiraled down and then splashed into the lake.
Then she sensed a stranger moving slowly into their direction. The others obviously had sensed the intruder, too, for they had paused in their play just as she had. As if by mutual agreement, they floated over the forest ground toward the being that had attracted their curiosity. The being was not at all easy to make out and kept to cover, as if it had sensed their presence. Silver had gotten to it first and let the others know where it was by lifting up a strand of its yellow long hair. The impression on the face of the being was one of annoyed displeasure, but Topaz knew that it was more curious than displeased.
“Greetings.” The being bowed at the waist. A curious gesture. “Enishamael Alshaw, of the Tuatha de Dannan.” It appeared friendly enough and meant no harm, despite its fancy claim of being a people of mother earth, implying that no one else was. Topaz approached it, but Silver had the advantage, and Topaz was happy to watch him interact with it. Apparently Silver was of the opinion that the creature deserved a few knots in its hair for its claim before he touched to the ground before it.
“Call me Silver. What are you doing in the woods? Are you lost? What is this around your neck? Where are your wings? Did you bring us anything?” All the while he was moving around the oddly dressed being, tilting his head this way and that way, putting a finger to his chin. The creature did not know where to look and Emerald’s giggle was contagious.
Lucien experienced each memory as it flitted through her mind in jumbled images.
He held her as the night moved inexorably onward, offering her the wine in small bits as she would take it, and holding her close when pain racked her body. If he could take away her pain, he would, but he was helpless to do more than try to ease her way through the conversion now.
Later she ran through a series of images of a funeral. A man she called Dexter Montoya. He had been someone special in her life, and his funeral had been beautiful, but painful. The images of a star falling from the sky, its light blinded for a mere instant, before turning to a soft and burning glow in a woman’s hand. She extended her hand and Topaz covered it with hers. Their magic mingled and the starlight grew into a surrounding nimbus that flared into a thousand beams that echoed into the crowd. Their joined hands lowered to the brier.
“Fare thee well, Dex.” Topaz whispered softly, then the brier was alit with flames. And then her memories faded.
She came to a moment, and lucidity reigned, “What was she doing in the lake? It was freezing cold! She was struggling to get free of the vegetation she had somehow gotten herself entangled in. Moving hurt. There was a muttered oath – not vegetation then. But before she could panic she felt Lucien’s calming mind touch. She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head against his chest, whispering. “I’m cold.”
Lucien held her tightly then, “you are undergoing the change Topaz, and your body is burning up.”
She looked up at him with pale blue eyes then, and he once again returned to sit beneath the willow. Magic bits had been streaming from the wood into Topaz, and he fervently hoped they would protect her from suffering, but then she lapsed again into the realm of confusion and dreams.
As the sun had risen, Lucien felt the lethargy of his people, but he could not afford to go to ground and leave Topaz. And, she could not yet go to ground, the conversion was not completed. He began to feel the pins and needles stabbing into his eyes, but the magic bits that had remained with him seemed to affect the severity of the sensation, and the old willow whispered to him as some of the hanging branches drooped lower, casting a deeper shade about him as he remained holding Topaz.
The sun climbed to its zenith, and Lucien could hardly move, but he remained alert and holding onto Topaz throughout the day as the old willow moved and shifted with the travel of the brilliant star burning so brightly overhead.
The next evening brought more fevered dreams, and these haunted Lucien as he held her close.
"Lucien?" For a moment her shivering stopped and her voice was clear. "You must protect Alexej Zarovich." The softly spoken words and mental touch held an urgent necessity that sank into his marrow.
He felt Gabriel's and Ariel's inquiry simultaneously, "What was that?!" , and blocked his mind from his siblings, searching Topaz's face.
"For Sylvia." Her heated body started to shiver again and she snuggled deeper into his arms.
He took her into the cool water again, struggling for a calm he did not feel before re-opening his mind to Gabriel and Ariel.
Topaz opened her eyes and smiled, seeing Lucien. He looked tired and guilty and worried to her, but there was something else different about him. She lifted a hand to his cheek in an attempt to brush the worry and guilt from his features. His skin was cool and smooth to her touch. Though her eyes were burning and it would be a relief to close them again, she studied his beautiful face a while longer. The few beams of sunlight that filtered through the canopy danced on his hair. Sunlight – her heart skipped a beat at the thought. “You’re not supposed to be out here during the day.” Her voice sounded alien to her own ears.
Her voice had taken on the hypnotic and haunting beauty of his people. She had a voice that could be a weapon or a gift, and it would draw men to her, longing just to hear her speak. His arms tightened around her. “The willow and I have an understanding,” he simply said as his eyes drifted closed. Sunset was still hours away, and he knew she would slip in and out of lucidity.
Lucien endured 3 days of worry and daylight. His body was wearing out fast, and the battle between her fey magic and the Carpathian influence was worse than he had heard it would be. But the third day came, and the fever had not returned. He thanked the old willow for helping to shield him from the killing sun light and as dusk swept through the forest, he left for the Palazzo.
He would take her into his rooms, and see to her needs before awakening her to a new life.