Emerald Estates: The Darkness Stirs

Realm of the Momus Estate

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Emerald Estates: The Darkness Stirs

Post by Tasslehofl Momus »

He had been listening to them while he was in the arena, and he knew the signs. He knew that he had to do something, but what it was kept eluding him. His mind was not his own anymore... the shadows kept whispering to him... kept intruding in upon his thoughts.

He had experienced this before.. twice to be exact. Once long ago when he was split of mind and body.. and the other more recent, when the 2nd was in his possession. He knew now, though, that this time it would beat at him not directly, but through others.

Turning from the now-set sun, he moved across the Mountain's peak, and stepped back through the shadows, arriving in his study. The only thing he could do was intervene, to take it fully upon himself. He would not see his family hurt through this, nor would he see his friends destroyed because of it.

So he sat, and penned a letter...

Alais, I see the darkness and hear the whispers in the shadows of the night. It is time you come to the Isle. There is much, perhaps, that you can learn within these lands, and more within the walls of my estates.

Upon your decision, the Eldest, my brother, will arrive and bring you. You will know him by his look, be it in his dragon or human form. His gold skin and dark green dress will be hard to miss.. and if it is missed, his purple eyes will not.

He sat, and looked the letter over one final time, then sighed. Folding and sealing it, he then handed it to his azure cousin.

"Take this to her, and return in haste. The shadows are not well as of late and I will not see you caught in them."
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The Journey

Post by Alais d Nitesong »

I stood on the balcony pondering the unexpected visit to Annara. My previous trips to Morrin's home had always been my choice. This trip was spontaneous, and that alone is cause for concern. Interpretting the visions was something else again.

The night breeze sang through the trees. A night raptor swooped off a tree branch to catch its dinner. Night blooming jasmine scented the air. Silver starlight glittered overhead, and for just a moment, the world felt at peace.

But, it is a false peace. The rise of the Temple of Light, the presence of Vanion Shadowcast, Legend's return all bode ill for quiet lives in RhyDin. I have resolved to send Alia Anor back to Nitesong. The temptation of the Temple and her new found friend Seraphina have now been complicated further by Vanion's attack on her last evening. If it had not been for Dimitri's and Artemus' presence, my daughter could be dead, or worse. I will not risk this!

Vanion Shadowcast, the name alone brings ugly visions. He is a necromancer with a vicious streak and a menace to living things. He is an abomination among elves, even worse than the Drow.

Legendazona's return also puts my daughter at risk. Her messages to Dimitri, Vincent, and Sylus have been very clear. She hates half-elves perhaps even more than Vanion does.

The quiet of the night is broken by the arrival of a golden skinned man wearing dark green. I'd have recognized him anywhere. Tass' letter had been specific. The purple eyes glitter in the night.

"Ah am reada tae journey tae see Tass."

With those words, he shifted into dragon form, and we left I' Taurn for the Emerald Isle and Tass.

((Cross posted in Streets/A Quiet Return))
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Caleb Feren »

Darkness.. death..

Blood... the streets red with the blood of the only one he cared for.

Caleb woke from the dream, his clothes soaked with the cold sweat he had broken.

He had been careful to keep his distance from her. He knew that she had made her choice, but that did not stop his protection of her. Night after night, he would walk the paths that would lead to her, and he sat in the darkness each time keeping death at bay.

But now, that would soon end.

The dream had told it so. There would be one hunting the kin, and through that cursed wanna-be she had taken, she would be in danger. He knew what was needed, but he still was reluctant to do it.

Heaving a sigh, he lifted his head and look a long look at the full moon. As he watched that heavenly body obtain it's place in the night, he gave a soft whisper in the wind. Max, it is for Altara that I do this..

With that, he set off to the Manor, intent to seek out the Dragon and the one whom he had summoned.
Though you may run, you can never hide..
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Post by Tasslehofl Momus »

He stood at the window, his eyes watching the rise of the full moon. He knew who was coming, and was in a way glad.

Turning, he found himself caught off guard as his daughter looked at him from the doorway of the study. She was doing that more and more these days. He was going to have to have a talk with his Elder about her studies.

Supressing a grin for her skill, he watched her as she moved across the carpeted floors with her feline grace. She had come for a reason, and was now stalking the prey.

What haunts the darkness these days, father?

Her bold question did make him smile, and he finally sat at the chair behind the desk, offering her his lap.

There's much I'm not sure I understand with what has been shifting the shadows. Perhaps I will soon know. He watched as she took in this information and smiled again as she started to piece things together. He, however, cut her off before she could ask her next question. My guests will be arriving soon, sweet one. One you know and the other you don't. But both are carrying with them part of that darkness. I want you to go to your mother and show her what you've been learning, sweetling. When all is done here, I'll come find you. He gave her nose a soft kiss and lifted her off his lap.

He watched her as she made her way to the door, and then gave a call out. Don't think you can get away with sneeking a peek this time either, little monster. I've got my eye on you and the walls will be heavily warded from all intrusions.

He gave a soft laugh as he watched her visabably wilt with this information and slid out. His laugh and warmth from his daughter was short lived though. As she closed the door, another opened.

He turned, and watched as his Elder ushered Alais into the study. As Khirsah began to seal the room, another door appeared, and Caleb stepped in.

Alais, my sweet.. this is Caleb, whom I believe I had told you about. Caleb, this is Alais. Please, all three of you, have a seat.

Forgive the short comings of my hospitality tonight, but there are things we need to discuss that will involve all of us, if not you two more than myself and Khirsah. So, lets begin.

He took a deep breath, and then focused his attention on Alais. He knew she would be taken back with his question, but it was the first that needed to be asked.

Who is Legendazona?
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Hard Answers

Post by Alais d Nitesong »

Our arrival at the Emerald Isle coincided with another guest. I did not know that Tass was bringing Caleb into this meeting as well.

Tass got straight to business with his question "Who is Legendazona?"

What a simple, and yet complex query. I sighed.

"Tass, yer quera ist a complicated oone. Legendazona was th' 'igh Priestess o' Nitesong manna years ago. Whence Ah lived 'n Nitesong, she was mine friend, mine confidante, an' mine advisor. Th' oonla person Ah trusted enou' tae share effery 'ope, d'sire, an' goal wi'."

"Whence Ah met Uly, she didst b'lieve 't was wrong fer me tae take 'im for mine lifemate. She tried verra 'ard tae stop th' union. She dids't b'lieve Eldarie mus' needs keep tae Eldarie blood, an' nae dilute th' 'eritage o' th' Tuatha de Danaan."

"Whilst Ah understood 'er disagreement, Ah alsae ken'd tha' Ulysses was mine true lifemate, an' Ah dids't nae heed mine friend. She was cool tae Uly, bu' 'e didnae mind 'er. 't was th' announcement o' th' conception o' our twins tha' didst put Legend o'er th' edge."

I paused, telling this tale again is very hard. Legend was my closest friend and ally until Ulysses entered my world. I was trusting Tass to have this room well warded against the wrong ears hearing the tale because it hurts to this day to remember what happened next.

"Tass, ye mus' needs understand, Legend was un'inged by th' news o' th' pendin' birth. We Eldarie dinnae haff manna wee ones, an' tae Legend, th' thought o' twins o' mixed 'eritage didst unsettle 'er mind."

"She didst seek tae d'stroy our bairns b'fore they breathed their first breath by poisonin' me. Whence tha' failed, she sought tae slay Uly. Th' war she started saw th' deaths o' manna from th' sacred mountain."

(vs) "Legend died wi'in 'er mountain 't th' 'ands o' Uly an' Xenograg."

Silence descended over the room. My throat constricted and threatened to cut off my air, and the thought of going on was too much. How do you tell an old friend that your best friend is back from the grave seeking to kill your children, and drive away the first man in my life since Ulysses? How do you put these things into words?

((cross posted in Streets/A Quiet Return))
Last edited by Alais d Nitesong on Tue Mar 01, 2005 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Tasslehofl Momus »

He sat quietly behind the desk, his eyes never leaving her as she told her tale. He knew he was hearing the raw pain of the past, especially concerning the loss of Uly. He had known the man well, and was still saddened by the loss, but he knew his sadness was by no comparison as great as Alais'.

Lifting his head, he moved the steepled hands to under his chin, and shifted his eyes momentarily to the Elder. Khirsah gave a slight nod, and with that alone, he knew what wards were around the room.

"Alais, you have no need to worry of the wards around these walls. Time itself cannot beat through these walls, for we (Khirsah and I) were born before the thought of it.

Now that you speak of it, I remember the war, but I'm afriad I was not part of it. I'm sorry to have to keep pressing you, but there's much that needs to be known so that the library can be shifted to help you.

Now that I know who Legend is, my next questions are these; who is Seraphina and why is she manilupating your daughter? And what role is the quasi-vampire (Rhaine) in all this? I have noticed the air between you and Rhaine, and it smells of more than just an uneasy aliance between elf and vampris.

He was already starting to understand what was needed, but he could not show her this. She would have to understand it herself in order to prevail.

He just hoped that what he gave her to do it would not destroy her as well...
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Questions without answers

Post by Alais d Nitesong »

I studied Tass long moments.

"Seraphina is a Priestess at the Temple of Divine Light. The new Temple does not feel right to me Tass. Seraphina first came to our attention when she approached Xenograg one night in the Arena. It was then that we found out that they venerate Xeno in the temple, they have a painting of him and have called him The Great Liberator. They are fanatics, but I cannot place my finger on the source of the unease they cause, but there is something very, very wrong there."

"As for why Seraphina is manipulating Alia Anor, she is trying to gain a convert for the Temple. She's been recruiting constantly, and since we do not know the source of their beliefs, and whom the "White Lady" mayst be. I brought Alia Anor here to join Queen Teleperien to do research into the Temple because I am too well known to walk into the Temple and ask questions. No one in RhyDin had ever met my daughter with the exception of Xenograg and Amaltea. Unfortunately, the lass has taken it upon herself to investigate alone. She has not stayed in Eldicor and become part of Teleperien's retinue. I believe she is putting herself at undue risk, and therefore I have resolved to send her home to Nitesong. So far however, she continues to remain in RhyDin against my wishes. I cannot say why she has become such good friends with the Priestess, especially since she knows our deep concerns over the Temple and it's Initiates."

I paused before addressing Rhaine. Details are lacking. Tass must think me very foolish to be so driven by these nebulous "feelings". If it were not for the gift of elven intuition proving accurate in the past, I might tend to agree.

"Rhaine is an enigma Tass. She makes me uneasy simply because she is vampire, but she's a member of Rakeesh's Paladin Guild. I have been to speak with Rakeesh, and he supports her strongly. His word is given that she is trustworthy, and her word good. Her abilities are dark indeed, but then, so are my own now. I do not know what part Rhaine may play. She was once consort to Sylus, and this raises questions I am not prepared to delve too deeply into at this time. Rhaine is a wild card Tass."

Once more, silence fell over the room. Caleb has not uttered a word since we began hours ago. Given Tass' age, I hope he understand that Eldarie intuition is more often right than not.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Tasslehofl Momus »

His hands still held their position under his chin as he kept his gaze steady on the lady before him. He listened to the confusion, and the worry.. the pain and the suffering.. the love and the hate that flecked in each word she spoke, and those even more that she didn't.

As he listened, he began to understand more and more that his role in this would be less third-party. He would have to become involved in this, and he was not liking that idea. He was too old to go galivanting around.

As she finished her short explination of the two he had asked about, his gaze shifted first to Khirsah, then rested on Caleb a moment. Caleb was an enigma, not this Rhaine. He knew less of Caleb's intentions than he did of Rhaine's, and he knew Caleb where he had only met Rhaine. There was something being considered heavily behind those hard blue eyes that he couldn't piece together just yet. Caleb and he would have to have a talk privately.

He turned his attention back to Alais, his voice still business, but less direct. "Alais, love.. this Seraphine is doing more than just looking for a convert with your daughter. There is a reason behind this blantant act, and it is not just to have your daughter in a convent. She is a vital part of the schemes that drift around you, and I feel that in order to even consider thwarting part of this darkness, you will have to remove her from RhyDin." Again, his eyes shifted momentarily to the Elder.

Khirsah's eyes locked to his a moment, then he gave a single nod, then turned his attention to Alais. "Lady d'Nightsong, though we know of danger that surrounds, and even could be held within your daughter, Mistress Alia Anor would be welcome to stay here upon the Isle."

Tass' chuckle was quiet, almost mocking. "Less you are invited upon the isle, nothing will be allowed within the borders of the Isle. And even so, *all* things are watched after upon this Isle. My breatheren and I make sure that things are tended to in their proper fashion on these estates." Tass' demenor shifted a moment, and his gazed locked a moment to Alais'. "The problem is this for you. If your daughter chooses to leave, she is welcome to, though I would see to it that she would have to find her own way off the Isle. And, if you so choose, I can have a... well... shall we say a shadow be with her at all times." With Tass' last statement, Caleb shifted so slightly, one still wasn't sure he was there if not for his imposing demenor.

"Think on it a bit, hun, and we will accomidate accordingly. Now, I will ask what you have been waiting to hear, I believe. What is it that you need?"
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Gracious Offer

Post by Alais d Nitesong »

"Your offer is most generous Tass, and I would feel much more confident if Alia Anor would be in your care. I will think on it, and perhaps I will accept your kindness and protection. A shadow to watch over her if she is foolish enough not to stay would be deeply appreciated"

These words had been her parting words to Tass immediately before her abduction from the rings.

Now, she is missing, as though Hell itself had simply swallowed her in the night.
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Post by Tasslehofl Momus »

The words had echoed through Tass's mind and found their home in Khirsah's ears. Khirsah knew his younger brother would follow Alais till she was found, yet he did not know the means which Tass would go. Tass was always the brash and defiant one of the two. It was what got him to the status he was within the brood.

Khirsah turned his mind away from the younger, and focused it towards Caleb. It was time to send a shadow out to find the Mistress Alia Anor, and protect her.
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Post by Tasslehofl Momus »

Khirsah had paced the floor of the study for hours, pondering the rummors that had started to float about of the re-appearance of the Bloodspeakers, as well as the return of Lady d'Nitesong. These were all intersting facts, but what caught his attention was the still missing Tass.

It seemed that others who had left that night had already returned, yet the Lord of the Isle still remained gone. Was there something which held Tass' attention where he went? Or perhaps something more... substantial held him...

Khirsah knew that Tass was still fighting the 'ailement' (as Tass called it) that he had received with the 2nd ring. Perhaps that had flared up again... He didn't know what held Tass up, but he knew that matters had to be tended to.

He turned and moved himself behind the large desk, and pulled a piece of parchment as well as a quill and ink.

Lady Alais d'Nitesong,
It is to my understanding that you have returned from your.. sojourn and are now back at home. It would seem that many interesting things have transpired since your leave, all of which I am sure you wish to study up on here upon the Isle.

I invite you to come and stay here upon the Isle until such time that you have learned all that you need and feel the time to leave.

Until then...

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Reply to Khirsah

Post by Alais d Nitesong »

...though I must travel to the Emerald Isle in the next days. A missive from Tass' older brother had arrived earlier that day. Khirsah had sent the missive, and now with the news that Alia Anor was now a member of the Temple, I needed to use the resources of the Isle. The only place I knew of that had a better library than I have.

I excused myself from the company and returned to the library and penned the reply missive to Khirsah.

"M'Lord Khirsah,
Thank you for your invitation to the Isle. I shall look forward to seeing you the day after tomorrow. I have dire news to share. My daughter has become an initiate of the Temple.

With my deepest gratitude,

Lady Alais d' Arma Graham 'd Nitesong Sidhe"

Soft Annaran words send the parchment into the flames of the library fireplace where the missive turns to ash and seeks the hearth of Khirsah.

(Excerpt from post in Streets/A Quiet Return)
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Escape to Solitude

Post by Alais d Nitesong »

Your thoughts are wrong, which is worse than any action. You are a stubborn woman, Alais. We have been through this before.” And we had. We’d had nearly this same discussion when I’d left Nitesong and my twins in his care.

“Solitude hath served b'fore,” My absence had not caused pain and suffering to anyone but myself, the world had gone about it’s business and not suffered for my actions.

“And misserved as well.” About that time Khirsah entered the room. I had never seen Khirsah leave the Emerald Isle, and his presence was a mystery, and I wondered what was critical enough to bring Tass’s older brother to RhyDin.

The Queen interceded at that point, “May I speak please? Aye, you made error.. and your pain of guilt is unbearable at this moment, Leaving now, without trying to set right the mistakes made would be worse. We will help. You cannot do it alone. But escaping into eternal darkness will ease your pain, but will not solve the problem.”

In shock, I asked her, “m'lady, 'ow dae ye undae th' ruination o' sae manna lives?”

“I cannot, but we can make right what can be. You are not alone in this, you will leave the mess for us to clean up on our own.” Her accusation hurt.

Xeno added, “You isolate yourself from your friends and loved ones. That is the poison killing your spirit.”

Khirsah approached, this was not a discussion I wanted The Elder to hear, but would be unavoidable now.

I glared at Xeno. “Ah isolate m’self oot o’ necessity Xeno!”

“I never accepted that answer and still do not. You need guidance and support, above all things at this moment, and you belittle us.” He charged me.

This accusation incensed me. “Ah haff neffer b’littled either o’ ye!” Khirsah’s clawed hand touched my shoulder and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

Xeno continued, “You judge us to be in danger by you. That is either arrogance or fear. Either way, we are not the equal of your power or your problems.”

“Is ‘t wrong tae fear fer mine friends?” Khirsah’s voice was collected and calm, “do you?” I turned to look up at Khirsah. “Aye, Ah dae.” He glanced at Rhaine, then back at me, “then you are correct to do so.”

Xeno added that he knew the dangers, and was no fool, not that I would ever call him such, for he has been a friend and supporter in many times of need.

Khirsah’s hand stayed on my shoulder, and a good squeeze came, “the question you should be asking yourself, Lady Nitesong, is who are your friends, not should you fear them...”

“Ah am nae risk tae ye Xeno, bu’ tae oother innocents,” but I paused as Khirsah’s claws dug a bit deeper into my shoulder. I closed my eyes tightly, (s) Khirsah.... “Ah haff been manna years alone...an’ whence Ah r’turn, sae much hath gone wrong.”

“Alais, you are my friend and I love you -- even when you are being self-centered and self-absorbed,” Xeno’s words cut through my thoughts, but Khirsah’s snort had me studying the dragon long moments. “Have you now?” The dragon was older than time itself, and loneliness was something he’d seen plenty of in those aeons.

“None o’ ye ken” and I made to rise and leave, but Khirsah’s hand remained firmly on my shoulder, prohibiting my escape. “Khirsah, le’ me gae.”

Xeno’s words bit deeply, “Alais, we have done all this before. I will not stop here. I *should* run you until you drop.”

I replied quietly, “An' th' last time ye didst let me gae, an' th' world was quiet”

“Not true, you just did not see it. The world is irrelevant.” Xeno would not let me quietly disappear this time.

Khirsah’s voice took on the very business like tone he’d used on the Isle, “You will be expected upon the Isle, Lady Nitesong”, and with that, he removed his hold on my shoulder.

I rose immediately, nodding my acknowledgement to Khirsah. Then nodding respectfully to the Queen before turning to Xeno, his gaze challenging, as he touched our weirding bond lightly, and I knew that what he felt was a cold he’d never felt from me before, but a cold I could no longer change nor hide. From his side came a warmth that had never been there before, and with soft Annaran words, I left in a column of shimmering silver, determined to wrap up the open issues before departing once and for all for Annara.

Perhaps with Khirsah and Tass I can find solutions to the problems at hand, and seek solitude once again. Khirsah had laughed at my statement, but I suspect there is a kindred spirit there.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Tasslehofl Momus »

Death, destruction, decay…

The place which they had traveled to was rankled with it. Each direction one faced, the sights that assaulted the mind was almost numbing…almost. Those that dwelled here knew how to bring about the destruction of intruders. Yet, even as they sought to break the mind before the body, there were some things that these creatures did not prepare for.

He had become separated some how from the rest of the group, something which didn’t bother him overmuch. He knew that Xeno would take care of those in his charge to the best of his capability, and as for himself… well, there was very little that could muster the strength to break through his barriers.

His search of the grounds, stealthy as it was (for it is always better to err on the side of caution), proved fruitless. He had hoped to find some trace of what may assault those that came with him. If there was creatures about, no… not if, for there *were* creatures around, they left no traces… physical or residual. He would have to be more cautions if these things knew how to cover their tracks this well. Or perhaps it was the land working in their favor, doing that they could not in order to protect it’s self.

Having found nothing, or no one, on the exterior grounds, he then turned his attention towards the keep. Steeling himself, he walked the exterior wall, looking for another way in. Granted, he could take the front door, but why announce your presence any more than you had to? His hand glided slowly across the stones as he made his way around, and soon found what he was looking for. Faintest of change, the stone which was under his hand was different. A smile played a moment over his lips as he felt, and considered, what would be needed to slide this magical barrier open.

Slowly, carefully, he pulled on the darkness that the land held within itself. No darkness is different from any other, it is just a matter of what you fear that lies in that different darkness and he had mastered that fear long ago, and with it, the darkness was easily commanded.

As the shadows crept to their final resting, he then lifted his hand, ready at last to slide the key into the proverbial lock. But it was not to happen, for the door had pulled itself open before he could. This was something he did not expect. The woman who stood on the other side of the door smiled, and in that simple gesture, he felt the warmth of a lovers arms and the coldness of death. She had been waiting for him...

Tass jerked upright, the cold sweat soaking the silks of the bed. He sat there, blinking a moment, trying to catch his breath. Since his return to this plane, and in truth, the return to his body, he had been having the same dream over and over again. Each time, the dream would progress further and further, headed to one whom he did not want to see.


The night of his return had been hazy, at best. He had managed to destroy and even route many of those foul creatures that had caught him at the door. They had underestimated what he could do. His power had proved greater than theirs combined, but it had cost him dearly. He was drained, and became more so at having to rip the hole in time and space, for he was too tired for the subtleness of a proper portal, to return home.

The step through that tear had put him just outside of the Red Dragon Inn… the place where this trip had begun. He didn’t know why it was here that he was drawn, but it was where the tear had opened back into this plane. Too tired, too weak to make the trip to his Isle, he decided it best to go in and gather his strength. He could, at least, have a drink and relax a bit from the trip.

His steps, aided by the ironwood staff, found their way into the Arena, and he found himself not alone. Already there were two that were within, one whom he had traveled with, Rhaine, the pseudo-vampire, and the other… the other he saw every night in his dreams now, but at that time, that night, he did not know her.

His mind still numb, still out of sorts, he found himself the drink he had been wanting, and moved to sit with Rhaine and her companion. This stranger had stood, and even offered to help him to a seat, yet his body had felt trouble, and all he could do was snap at her. He was not that feeble! Sitting, he could do little to keep up with their conversation, something about protecting someone… but it was lost to him as he sat there staring into his glass.

Then it was upon him, or rather, she was. He felt his mind’s barrier shatter and she pushed her way in. How dare her! How dare this low creature intrude upon his domain! She would feel true wrath! She would be destroyed... Yet she continued to push, and he, in his weakened state could only put up a moderate fight. His mind clung to hers, and then he knew. She was the one who had sent those creatures after him! She had lured him and he had taken the bait! He was too weak to defend himself from her. She had pushed one final time, and in that instant, he felt himself pulled away, into the safety of another…

He knew nothing of the time that he was in those safe arms, only that he was loved and safe, and that he was allowed the time to regain his strength, to reorganize this thoughts, for though he had no body, his thoughts were still his own. It could have been hours, days before he again knew that he was needed, and when it came; he felt again that taint of the Hells he had near destroyed.

“It is time to reclaim your body, little brother…” The voice was warm, yet a chilled edge laced the outsides. He knew that voice… he knew that there was only one who called him that… Then it hit him… Khirsah. Khirsah had risked his own soul to save him. Knowing what Tass’ power could do to his mind, Khirsah had still pulled him into safety, and had fed him the solitude that he so desperately needed. Yet, it was another’s arms and another’s strength that kept him whole.

Steeling himself against the assault he would make, he flowed through the only bond he had with his body… that of brothers. She had not expected him, and indeed thought him lost. Gathering the strength required, he drove against the barriers, already weak, that held her within his mind. But her claws were deep; she did not want to give away the body, nor the mind that he held. He could feel her greed at the knowledge held within, and in his own way, he smiled.

Narrowing his thoughts, he twisted his mind around, feeding her greed with knowledge of life, lacing it all with death. All life began with a death, and she sought all she could find that dealt with destruction. With that thin lace of death around it, the knowledge of life got sucked into her greedy claws.

Then, as she took the last of the information he had fed her, he gave one final shove, a shove that he knew would send her out. But she did not go to her own body… no, he could see now that Khirsah had possession of that, and would not relinquish it until he made the blood-witch humbled. She had flung herself out, towards another. Yet he held enough in him to leap after her, and pulled her back. This, among all else, had shocked her more than anything. This was something she had not found in the stores of knowledge. She would not find another through his body!

Clinging onto the shreds that were her, he held tight, fighting her to keep control of his self and to keep her trapped within. “…leave my body, I leave your brother's…” The words where hollow, for she had not the power to leave. Yet as he felt Khirsah’s power release from hers, he let the blood-witch go.

Then, all was darkness…


Having calmed himself, and the sweat finally stopping, he looked over to his wife. He knew she was worried over him and knew something had happened. She was just as well connected as he, and she would soon know of the event that had taken place in the Arena.

Leaning over, he gave her a kiss, as smiled as she stirred just a bit at his touch. There was little in this world, or any other for that matter, that would keep him from her. It was her arms which had held him as he regained his strength; her strength which kept him safe. He would lay his life for her love, and she had giving him one more reason to do so.

Standing, he robed himself and made his way to the study. Khirsah had told him after waking that Alais would be coming to the Isle, and that changes had been made within her… darker changes.

It would have to be the Isle that housed this darkness until she found the balance she needed once more…
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Alais d Nitesong
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

I sat in the library after Rhaine's departure, studying the black blade where it lay beside the sofa. A fire crackled in the fireplace. I would leave for Harmony in the morning, to bring back the books. They would be warded with as much protective sorcery as I can manage, but in this realm, the safest place would be the Emerald Isle.

Taking quill and charcoal silver ink that blended Morrin's and my sorceries, I wrote a quick missive for Tass and Khirsah.

Tass, Khirsah,
In the morning, I shall be traveling to Harmony to retrieve 3 books that cannot fall into hands other than my own. I beseech your indulgence to allow me to bring them with me upon my travels to your isle. I cannot think of a safer place for them, and I beg you believe me, they are dangerous enough to warrant your protection. I await your reply.
Lady Alais 'd Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe

Sealing the missive with the new sigil, then sending it into the flames to disintegrate and seek out Tass or Khirsah upon their Isle.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe

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