Dueling Houses Break during the Fall Cycle

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Dueling Houses Break during the Fall Cycle

Post by PC »

Hey all! Dueling Houses will be taking a break this upcoming Fall Cycle.

The reasons behind this break are the following.

1. To allow more focus be placed on Duel of Fists during their transition into the lossless format and other changes.
  • Please see this post here for more details: Click Here
2. We've seen a drop in activity this cycle and I would rather this off-season be one of a break-period for those of you who might be feeling burnt out! This could simply be the normal lull of the year, but we've been going strong with the Dueling Houses format for more than a year now and I think it's a good time to take a break for the cycle.

What does this mean for your Dueling House?

While I won't be tallying points, your Dueling Houses will still remain. You may add onto your dueling houses, join a Dueling House, write up a post about their headquarters to be added to the Dueling House list, and continue to play with the idea of being in a Dueling House. Just because a score isn't being kept this cycle doesn't mean the comradeship your characters have created with their team is gone! Who knows.. maybe your House will decide to work together and claim all the titles in the sport of Swords so that only their banners hang from the manor walls -- or even spread to the other sports to claim what they can there! I'll be making a thread for the Houses themselves so that players can continue customizing their houses during this cool off period.

Thank you all for participating in Dueling Houses and I look forward to seeing you all duke it once again after the break! :wave:
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Re: Dueling Houses Break during the Fall Cycle

Post by Michelle Montoya »

Thanks for all the work you put into the Dueling Houses PC :)
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