Yes, that was part of my suggestion to G as well.The Dread Ship Lollipop wrote:I also suggest a change log posted with date/timestamps to show what was changed and for what reason (grammar, clarity, spelling, punctuation, whatever).
I don't want to be premature. Right now we're only talking about ideas. I suggested G also confer with Matt and Lem about doing similarly with DoF and DoM.
The basic premise is what's already been outlined.
1. A locked forum post (somewhere) that the Coords will be able to edit, that holds the *current* rules.
2. A locked forum thread / change-log so that people know when changes are made, what the changes are, and any appropriate explanatory notes.
3. Maybe an optional formal Q&A thread, where questions can be asked.
This is more or less what G and Apple have already started doing with the rules revision, but just to formalize this as an approach going forward. With the links on the menu, which are currently linked to static pages that are difficult to keep up to date, changed to links to the appropriate thread on the forums, so that people can find them more easily (especially for newcomers).
Again, this is just a preliminary outline. G needs to confer with Matt and Lem, but I am sure they will chime in as appropriate.