Healing of the Land

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Healing of the Land

Post by QueenTeleperien »

Summer passed peacefully and serenely in the small realm of Eldicor. Teleperien had been confined to the realm and outside visitors were not allowed to enter until the blessing had been fully realized. The exceptions were Xenograg and Amaltea, as Amanda and Mystic either stayed in the castle of Eldicor or back at the Dojo Darelir.

The time was not wasted, as Tele used this period to not only restore the land, but strengthen the relationship with her husband, Philippe. They were rarely seen outside each other's company. She drew him into her counselors and frequently sought his advice on many subjects. They traveled about the realm visiting the towns and villages as well as sailing up and down the coast on the queen's ship. The rift between the queen and the dwarves of Ulls was healed.

A compromise on taxes was reached and protection was once more placed on the mines. Philippe was more instrumental than Teleperien on this, for he drew up a very sensible and usable plan the dwarves embraced at once. Borin, who had accompanied them, drew Tele aside.

"Lady, the Lord Philippe must be used as go-between more often with the dwarves."

"Indeed." Tele answered with a mock frown and grave tone of voice but a twinkle in her sea grey eyes. "Is it that you find fault with your queen?"

"Lady." His tone was equally grave as he drew himself up. "There are times when elves cause more trouble than what it's worth."

Tele laughed merrily. "I am gently corrected by the hand of a dwarf. Do tell me, what manner of diplomacy do dwarves possess in the manner of riches and the parting of them?"

Borin's beard and mustache curled in a wide smile as he gave a warm chuckle. "As much as ever, Lady. I can only state that Lord Philippe accomplished what two stiff-necked races could not. When will he be installed?"

Teleperien turned to walk down the stone pathway that wound around the rather large stone house of the mayor of Ulls, Thargon. Ulls was a place of beauty, not only of nature but of masonry. The rustic art of the dwarves blended with the nature of the surrounding mountains and forests. The house of the mayor was of equal beauty to the castle though less in size. They were at first, treated with at first stiff cordiality but as the tension faded, a comfortable companionship was established.

"As soon as the land is securely restored. I feel it will be soon. The fall will be upon us soon and the harvest promises to be as abundant as the one after Eonwë's blessing. The ball will be one of thanks as well as a welcome back of Philippe. We have much to be thankful for."

"Aye, that we have, Lady."

There was one more thing the ball would welcome. Tele looked away with a small, happy, smile.
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Philippe de Bouillon
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Post by Philippe de Bouillon »

Philippe de Bouillon remained active in the kingdom in spite of reluctantly taking on a role other than the Captain of the Lady Venture and Commander of the Queen’s Navy. He was now slowly being primed in the politics and negotiations, and it was not as unsavory and boring as he might have once assumed it would be.

The dwarves had taken a liking to him, and it was probably because he was not so stuffy and overbearing; not to mention that he was not an elf (a big plus) and the fact that he was known to prefer their company at night at the dwarven pubs and meet them ale for ale. They grew to trust him and he assured them of the queen’s concern for their race and willingness to compromise on their taxes. It was easier for the dwarves to swallow when he pointed out that a good portion of the taxes would go to protection of their mines and prevented an increase on the tax on alcohol. That last point quickly shifted the tide of the argument in Philippe’s favor.

As fall approached Philippe conceded that the time for rescuing the Lady Venture had passed and would have to wait until the spring. He would often stand on the shore, hands on his hips, staring out into the sea with the wind blowing his long, dark hair, and wishing he could stand at the wheel of the Lady Venture once more. It would happen, he swore.
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Post by QueenTeleperien »

Warm and secure, tiny arms and legs kick and wave in the waters that surround him. He will be his father’s son. He will have the dark hair and will share the love of the sea. The only tell-tale sign that Teleperien was his mother is he will have the sea grey elvish eyes and will be taller than his father, taking the height of the high elves.

He listens to the heartbeat that never stills and is slowly lulled to sleep again.


It is the last night with the dwarves and the party plans to travel back to the castle in the morning. Tele and Philippe lay together in the comfortable guest room, his arms around her, her head on his shoulder listening to the snaps and hisses of the blaze in the fireplace. She senses Philippe’s discontent and was thinking of how to address it.

“I know you long for your ship.” She murmurs softly. “I see you at the shore’s edge gazing toward open sea when you can and even now you face west even when the shore is not near.”

His hand moves up and down her bare back as he pulls her closer but does not respond. Tele moves her head to gaze at him. “There are ways to travel to that distant land my dear without the long delay of sailing.”

Philippe now looks at her with a question in his face. “How do you mean?” He asks.

“The portal stones are not just useful traveling about Eldicor and into RhyDin town. They can be used to travel long distances. The winter promises to be a mild one but will hold a lot of snow. The harbor may not freeze over, or at least not for long. It is possible to retrieve your beloved ship without waiting for spring.”

She runs her hand up his muscular abdomen and kisses his chest a couple of times. “Think it over love. There is little need for an answer as yet, for when we return home, plans for the ball will be put in place. If you wish, I will install you as Royal Prince at the ball. We.. I have much to be thankful for.

“I am thankful you returned Philippe. You give me a strength that cannot be wrought with spells. During those long years you were gone, my world was grey and bleak. Though I had duties to keep me busy, my heart was not full.

“I am so proud of you, how you handled the affair with the dwarves. Whoever tips ale with them and promises more will win their loyalty and friendship for life. It is difficult for me to do such a thing, I will be followed about by guards and creating a small parade making it obvious I was there.

A smile lights up her fair face. “I will always love you here or anywhere. If you leave by death or by choice I will not love another as I love you. I know life here in a quiet realm is not to your liking yet you do not complain. You are used to excitement and the thrill of danger. I cannot chase after adventures as I used, I have a daughter to raise and I have learned the hard way neglecting Eldicor opens it to attack. However if you will have me, I would like to go with you to retrieve your ship. It will be my last adventure for a while.”

As Tele rambled on, Philippe did not respond to any of her talk. He listened and what he thought Tele could not guess. She wanted to tell him of his son, but waits instead to hear what he would answer.
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Philippe de Bouillon
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Post by Philippe de Bouillon »

Philippe de Bouillon listened to his wife as she spoke of many things. He responded as approproate, but mostly just listened for he loved her voice so much. His French accent and her elfin made for an interesting variety of voices at the dinner table and in their bedtime conversations.

Tele had read him well. He didn't like the idea of the Lady Venture being in the hands of anyone else but him, but especially in the possession of the one who killed his crew and tortured him for three year. That man would die.

The idea of the portal stone was something he had not considered. Magic was still something he tried to avoid if at all possible. Still, if it got him to his ship, it was worth the risk.

"You would come with me, mon ami? I think I would like your company. That would greatly please me. Let's make plans after the ball is over."

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