Kurgen Keep

Twins with a shadowed past make their way in a world where they've never felt welcome by any save those who taught them what they know.

Moderators: Artemus Kurgen, Sylus Kurgen

Artemus Kurgen
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Post by Artemus Kurgen »

Irritated and mightily pissed off that he couldn't find a spell to undo his owm magic, Artemus paced the rooms that Rhaine had provided for him, he owed her much and yet she asked for nothing from him. This did not sit well with the leopard. He trusted her..called her friend, but this did not sit well with his character, no body was like this except holy priests and healers; not an asmodian nor a quasi-vampire.
" I need to vent..."::muttering to himself he returned to the lifeless valley where the Keep had once stood.

" Every damn being able to sense power levels in the aether will notice this." Bracing his feet, Artemus bent his legs to raise his center of gravity. Clutching his hands into fist he summoned up his power, raising it. " Ahhhhhhhhhh!" As his voice raised so did his power level. A wind began to emminate from him, blowing dust outward for yards. The sky above him began to darken and cloud over, traces of lightning flicking in the blue-black nimbus. "Ahhhhhhhh!!" Still his voice continued to raise as the ground beneath his feet began to crack and split. Sttreaks of electricity darted across his chest and circled around his legs and and up his arms.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!" Screaming now, his power blasted outward, the ground rippling around him like a stone dropped into a arill pond. He started to rise in the air as lighning rained down from the darkened and stormy looking sky. The pupils in his eyes started to vanish as he summoned up his fear, anger, and all of his sorrow. His voice boomed for miles, the sound of suffering given a singular voice. Then in one blinding flash of lighning it all stopped.

Panting, sweat dripping down his face, he looked below him, teh ground bubbled and uneven, cracks spread out almost the length of the valley looking like broken strands of a gian spider web. Directly be low his levitating form, the ground and impressed into a bowl shape, looking as though some large meteor had crashed down from the heavens. " Damn..that felt good...." His heart rate slowling, and his power dropping to normal, he vanished from the valley of Kurgen Keep his thoughts now more clearer than they had been in days.

((Cross posted in Quiet Return andTemple of Divine Light ))
Artemus Allonan Kurgen
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Post by Sylus Kurgen »

Whispers in the dark...

~An evil seeks rebirth....~

Whispers in the shadows...

~The twice tainted will seek the light....~

Whispers in the void...

~The Annaran will vanish....~

The whispers came without end. Their ominous words filled his mind as he tossed and turned in his bed. A sense of forboding washed over his heart as dark visions flashed before his eyes. Faces he had never seen before but would come to know. A Cat-demoness, a Tiefling, and a faceless shadow that loomed above them all. It's identity veiled from his eyes but it's evil was great.

Whispers in the dark

~An evil seeks rebirth....~

Whispers in the shadow...

~The twice tainted will seek the light....~

Whispers in the void...

~The Annaran will vanish....~

"ALAIS!!!!" He came awake screaming her name. His heart beating a mile a minute in his chest. Something had happened to her...and one of those beings in his dream was responsible. Dressing as fast as he could Sylus threw on his cloak and sprinted out of I'Taurn. Jumping onto Stepper's back saddle forgotten he rode like hell itself was on his heels. He needed answers...and something in his heart told him Xeno or Teleperien may know a piece of this Hypnos sent puzzle. He would start with the closes...Xeno.

Digging his heels into Stepper's ribs he raced towards the Dojo.
~Wanderer of Redemption's Road~
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Post by Artemus Kurgen »

His plans were slowly coming to fruition, what he had been waiting on had arrived. Moving through the dark streets of Rhydin, the young once druid made his way to a dark shop in a back alley in the worst part of Badside. Keeping to the shadows he knocked on the door thrice as was the signal to gain entrance this late at night.

The shop keeper was a diminutive block of flab and bones. His hair even this late at night was lice ridden and his clothing was vastly rumpled appearing to be his sleepwear as well as his work clothes. Grumbling about the hour he eyed the young man warily taking note of his dark robes and the staff in his hands. " Fine....bring yon carcass inside 'fore sum'on sees ye. " With a less than discreet emmission of flatulance he waited till the lad was standing by a nearby counter before shutting the door. "Now.." The merchant finall spoke after a moments pause to make sure no one had followed his afterhours customer. " What business brings ye hence to me shop?..speak quick else I'll toss ye out" The youth with the dark robes only offered an amused smile trying to imagin this overconfident milksop trying to manhandle him.

Deciding it best to get down to business the youth with the staff cleared his spoke and uttered a single word. Before the overweight and underbathed shop keeper could react he was launched across the room into a large highbacked chair. Flipping backwards with the furniture piece the man groaned once before falling into unconsciousnous, a small trickle of blood coming from the back of his head where it struck the corner of a bookshelf.

Humming a comforting dirge the wizard walked toward a large chest hidden in a corner behind the counter. With cold efficiency he undid the meager warding and and pathetic poison dart trap. He was vastly unimpressed thus far. Spotting his quarry instantly the young mage grabbed a large black book that seemed to absorb the light it came in contact with. Turning around he looked at the still form of the shop owner and frowned. " I am many things...but a thief is something I am not." With a curt nod a large bag appears on the counter filled with more than enough gold to pay for the book and the keeper's now wounded pride. Putting the book into a sack he pulled from somewhere he strode through the back entrance shutting the door behind him, the multiple locks and booby traps sliding back into place as if they had never been disturbed.

(( Hours later ))

The book safely put away in a place only he knew of Artemus decided it might be nice to watch the Archmage Tourney and, if he was lucky, get in a few duels. Arriving in his usual fashion of simple materializing from the shadows he headed for his table near in the more shadowed part of the Isle. Spotting him, Rhaine made her way over to his table. She seemed to be spending quite a bit of time with him lately; despite her distance and his trifling attempts to appear indifferent he had a feeling of attachment outside of the direct link she had made between her and himself.

They spoke idly of a time of the events unfolding within Rhydin and among their allies and acquaintances. Then Vanion bragged about his abduction of the Elvin Queen Teleperien. For all his magical gifts...Vanion Shadowcast was a fool in Art's eyes. Whenever things do not go his way…he abducts someone like a child throwing a temper tantrum. This thought he spoke aloud for all to hear, knowing it was true in many folk’s minds. He mainly spoke it out loud because Vanion had called HIM a fool for speaking a universal truth that those people we tend to walk upon and consider beneath of us are always those that end up defeating us.

A pleased smile slid to his lips as the vampire elf promptly stopped talking and focused on the rings. The tournament went swiftly with the final match being between Brigath and Vanion. The Keeper of Air had disappointed the Umbrian by losing. At some point the current Archmage, Vincent Smith, a man Art once thought as a friend but was now an enemy had left. With the Archmage not around, the final match was post poned and the rings opened for the masses to duel at long last. It was a slow night for duel and saw Artemus even out with a single win and a loss, at least he kept his rank.

Sighing heavily he walked back to his table that appeared at any venue he decided to attend. During one of his duels, Rhaine had decided to take a seat at the bar. Lounging wearily in his seat he watched the last duel of the evening as the caller had announced the closing of the Queue. It was at this moment when things got weird for the younger Kurgen. Out of nowhere without a warning the same book he had 'acquired' only hours before appeared in front of him on the table. "What are you doing here?" he asked himself more than anyone else at the sudden appearance of the book unbidden.

Not understanding what had called it to him, Artemus reached out with a cautious hand to grab the book. Just as his fingers were about to fall onto the book, silver runes embedded on the cover flared to life, the book slid away from his hand. " By Shar's grace... " he swore softly, frowning at the books behavior. Muttering a few soft Umbrian words the book levitated into the air. ~Least I can still control it......but...why did it flee....and more importantly.....why did it com here? ~ he thought to himself. Reaching out to touch the book again he felt the subtle vibrations as it fought his spell to get away from him. Letting the book float back down to the table he noticed Rhaine had walked over to his table.

"Perhaps the book wishes you to go somewhere" With a shrug he looked at the book. "What is its' intent? " he asked retoricly. Stretching slightly Rhaine shrugged. " There's only one way to find out - to test" With a sigh he reached out to touch the book for the third and final time. As he did so its pages opened to a place he had not seen before. " What in the Nine.." he muttered softly as he leaned closer to look at the strange but familiar glowing script on the page before him. "Why...this looks like..." before he could finish the thought the book flared to life pulling him inside of its enspelled pages. With a flutter of aged parchment the book closed, the runes flashing one last time.
Artemus Allonan Kurgen
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Verbal duel

Post by Rhaine »

When the book flared to life pulling Artemus inside of its enspelled pages and closing with a flutter of aged parchment, the runes flashing on last time, Rhaine only quirked eyebrow. She picked up the book, antimagic shell shimmering around her. Right on time! Shahai rose abruptly and moved toward the book. The runes on the book glowed faintly at vampiress' touch, a feline image etched itself on the cover.
Shahai paused as the vampire got the book first. Rhaine looked at her, calm grin on her face. "What a curious one". The tone she has chosen was slightly sarcastic.
"Learning is always desired."
"Your straightforwardness is admirable." Her voice was dripping with poison. Bloodspeaker may try anything she pleases... she will not get the book. Of this asmodean was sure.
"You have special dispensation, whether or not I like it."
A bit of lightning pulsed around the cover of the dark book sliding over Rhaine's hand. She reinforced the shielding, and the book suddenly jerked in her hand as the feline etching looked like it was in severe pain.
Shahai backed up a couple of steps, pulling shadow around her. Looking at the book, Rhaine frowned slightly, and put it down on the table, trying to open it. She knew she could not succeed without forcing the book to open, but.. never hurts to try. Artemus was having problems. Sensing Shahai's intent look, she grinned. "I don't think I'm intending to quench your curiosity, Shahai"
Bloodspeaker gave her a feral smile. "Irrelevant".
As Rhaine tried to open the book several venomous serpentes slithered out of it's pages, dripping fanges snapping at the vampiress. She ignored them, slight knowing grin shimmering on her lips. One lunged at her throat the others her arm and torso. She didn't even try to defend herself, sharp fangs biting into her flesh, numbing venom coursing into her.
"It'd be good if they don't get poisoned... poor beings," she grinned. The snakes wrapped themselves around her tightly, constricting. When this became annoying, Rhaine took a snake from her throat, her moves seemingly lazy... but pale cyan glow emanated from her hand. She squeezed serpent's head, opening its mouth. Lightning crackled over the cover again, stronger now as it lurched again moving a little away from Rhaine. A feral roar emanated from within the book as the etching of the leopard on the cover turned to a defiant stance.
"I do not appreciate anything taking away my acquaintances." Rhaine spoke calmly, with deadly cold in her voice.
Shahai slid her hands into the sleeves of her kimono.
"Second time I would have to take something curious away from your hands?" vampiress winked at her.
Bloodspeaker gave her a cold look "I took something precious away from you."
"Such as?"
"Mystic, the child came most willingly"
Rhaine stepped back, the words being a blow. "I do not believe you"... Everything inside her screamed in denial.
"I did so enjoy my time with her," Shahai's smile was deadly cold. The runes on the book cover flared to life, smoke billowing out of it's pages. As it rose into the air words formed "The Child Lives". However, no one looked at the words... Rhaine was pale, cold resolution touched her face like a shadow. "I do not think your action, contradicting previous behavior of your lord, was sanctioned by him. Was it? He did not wish to conflict Mystic, and you attacked her?"
Shahai nearly purred "I do not require sanctioning to do as I did. She came willingly. There is no attack"
Rhaine's eyes were icy... she beamed a fanged grin at Shahai, trying to keep her tone toxic "Ah truly. I do not believe you applied no pressure to the lass."
"In fact Vampire.... she negotiated her services for protection of a half elf and a human"
"That I do find believable." Vampiress' eyes narrowed dangerously. She was a step away from spitting on the risk of being seen in her true form and lunging at Shahai's throat with SoulDrinker ready. The whispers of the blade were filling her mind, mixing with fear...
"I would be willing to help you with that as well," Bloodspeaker offered. Rhaine's reply was a resolute no.
"The halfbreed was alive tonight, and I think the dhoine was alive as well," she said coldly.
"Yes, I will not start things with them, but I did warn her that I will defend myself if need be."
"I will only believe you when I see the proof myself," Rhaine almost hissed. Never trust anyone... especially your foe.
Bloodspeaker folded her hands into her sleeves. The dark book was spinning on the table in blurred revolutions. Blood red lightning blasted from it in all directions seeming to hit no one and pass through everything, a chill wind blowing out from the book. However the neckbiter held the book close... her hand resting on the cover. Shahai watched her, but the verbal duel continued.
"She is a most interesting source of magic. Nearly as interesting as dragons"
"I know," vampiress said with a smirk. "Telling me simple truths? You are getting boring."
Still spinning, the book was sliding here and there on top of the table as if someting is being thrown into solid walls or pillars inside of it. Rhaine tried to keep it from moving. Artemus... damn shifter definitely got into a problem! And Shahai was keeping her attention. It was hard to believe the bloodspeaker's words. Why would Mystic remain at Arena's when Shahai was around? Was not their previous encounter a lesson enough?!
"Your words are no proof", she spoke, trying to sound emotionless. "Anyone with at least advanced training in magical senses would know that".
"Shall I tell you what her blood is like? Shall I tell you the flare of power I felt as I siphoned it from her, or that her arm is marked with one of my tendrils?"
"If I see her arm marked - I will believe you. And if what you say is true, Shahai... your lord has lost a friend." It was no threat, Rhaine realized. Mystic meant to her much more than all of the bloodspeakers in the world, including Daigotsu. He could have become a valuable acquaintance, an ally or even a friend - but if it was his order to harm Mystic, she would never again join him on a hunt. Shahai's dark laughter filled the air.
"You would forsake milord over that child? You choose unwisely then Vampire."
Yes, I would, she thought. As if there was anything ever to forsake... She laughed, her voice dry and cold.
"I would not enjoy company of a leader who can not keep the choices of his army to the guidelines of his own".
Blackness swirled around her left wrist, seems to pulse like a heartbeat. SoulDrinker whispered in her mind. Bloodspeaker... We will feed, Glaeddyv Sierthii.... Maddening, pulsating whispers in her mind. "Shut up!" she screamed aloud, before realizing how stupid it looked.
Slowly, almost painfully the book stopped spinning and a black ichor began to ooze from it's empowered pages. A death rattle resounded from somewhere in it's depths. Rhaine took the book into her hands. Why did it all have to happen today... Shahai's black eyes focused on the vampiress, but she never noticed this. She sensed a weakened voice through the link. "Take us home, Rhaine. Take us home".
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Post by Artemus Kurgen »

Coughing several times he walked out of the haze that had greeted him upon being pulled into the book. Blinking his eyes repeatedly he adjusted them to the darkness he found beyond the haze. He appeared to be in a large chamber that looked several centuries old, the tiles on the floor were cracked and broken, bones littered the floor. The only source of light to be found came from six large bronze braziers scattered throughout the room. The closest to his current position was approximately three hundred feet to his right. Heading towards it, he started to rub his arms with his hands trying to dispel the chill that had swept into the room from out of nowhere.

Just when he began to feel the warmth coming from the glowing fire in the brazier it went out right before his eyes, preceded by a raspy whisper. “Shadows do not need heat…” Spinning around his gray eyes scanned the darkness calmly trying to figure out the direction the voice had come from. “Why’d you bring me here?” He suppressed the urge to ask the stupidly overused ~who’s there?!~ He looked into the deeper shadows trying to identify his ‘friend’ in hiding.

Artemus was half way to the next closest brazier when that same raspy voice spoke in his ear. “To complete your training…acolyte…” Whirling around to face the owner of that whisper he just about tripped on a small pile of bones he failed to notice at his feet. Just barely catching his balance he looked around wildly, a series of curses coming to his tongue but none of them finding a voice.

My training?…What do you mean…‘complete my training?’. I have the final book…..my ‘training’ is complete.” Before he was even done speaking the owner of that increasingly annoying raspy voice was laughing wildly, the sound like nails on glass. “Your final lesson is not done….you have one task left to complete.” As if his words had been a cue or trigger all of the braziers around the room abruptly extinguished themselves, plunging the room into an impregnable darkness. Artemus soon found that even his infrared vision was useless in this shadowed place. “What do I have to do….Umbran? “ He asked trying and failing to bring a ball of light to his hand. “Magic from the school of light will not work in this place…acolyte. To succeed here…you must use your true power…your…dark…power.”
“My…dark…power…” He repeated aloud, understanding dawning on him. This was a test to see how far along the path to becoming an Umbramancer he was. Focusing his thoughts to make them attuned to the shadows he summoned to mind the first spell he had learned. Speaking the trigger phrase, six bolts of red lightning shot out of his outstretched hands to fill the braziers with black fire, filling the room with an eerie light. Clapping resounded in the room as he lit the braziers that immediately went out and were re-lit with normal fire, blue electricity crackled along the walls of the room. Out of nowhere he was assailed by great agony, his whole body racked with pain making him fall to the floor, he could feel himself changing. The torture went on for several minutes before subsiding, leaving him lying on the floor gasping for breath. “The change has begun…” Came the voice of his ‘teacher’.

Struggling to his feet Artemus looked around the dark chamber for the Umbran in the room with him. “What change?” He asked, a hint of anger in his normally calm voice. More laughter filled the room. “Why…the change to make you an Umbramancer..” Came the amused reply. “ Your body is becoming shadow….for the most part anyway…” Even without being told, Artemus could feel his body changing, becoming lighter losing physical substance.

(( To be continued ))
Artemus Allonan Kurgen
Headmaster of Arcanum Academy
Proprietor of Dark Wolf and Leopard Jewelers.
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Post by Artemus Kurgen »

Becoming a shadow was something he had not thought of when he set out to master one of the hardest schools of magic. He knew he might be changed….but this was something he truly had not foreseen. Looking around again he finally found his voice after several tries at speaking, his voice was slightly raspy, not quite like the being testing him. “Show yourself…” He called out trying to cough away the rasp in his tone. “As you wish” came the increasingly amused sounding reply.

The shadows at the center of the room began to swirl, spiraling down from the ceiling. Like a black tornado the Umbamancer made himself known, his tall wiry frame covered by tattered and torn black robes. The cowl pulled up over his head hid his face completely from view except for two icy blue dots glowing faintly in the recessed darkness of the hood.. The sleeves of it’s shadow-like robes hung down past the beings hands by almost a foot or more ending in frayed shadowy cloth. His robes looked to be made of dark smoke, swirling in upon themselves as if there was no physical body beneath them. “ Here I am….are you ready for the last part of your training?” He asked calmly, his voice emotionless. With a sigh Artemus nodded to the old being and rotated his neck causing it to issue several satisfying cracks. Floating several inches off of the ground, the Umbramancer watched him for a few moments before nodding in return and lowering himself to the floor. “Your final test….is this.” Stepping away from Artemus by several feet, a black staff appeared in the Umbran’s hand. “You must best me in combat…using all of the Umbran magic you have learned thus far.” Steeling himself, Artemus readied for the fight of his life.

Not even waiting for the old Umbran to begin muttering the slightest incantation he sent bolts of searing dark fire coursing towards the Shadow Mage. To his disappointment he only got the satisfaction of watching the bolts be absorbed into the beings tattered robes. Before the last ball of black fire even struck he had his next spell up and ready a line of white light flashing towards the Mage destroying shadows that got into it’s path. The beam never got anywhere near his adversary before it the old one’s image wavered like a disturbed image in the water. ~ It wasn’t even really him~ Artemus cursed in his mind as he looked around for the Umbramancer. Sensing movement off to his left he dove into a roll and was rewarded with a whoosh of air as something sliced over where his head would have been. Pivoting to the side and rolling again he left a cloud of black mist in his wake, hoping to cloud his movements from the skilled caster.

Out of nowhere large hands made of pure shadow enveloped his lean frame. Holding him by the ankles the hands set about treating him like a rug that needed cleaning. Crashing into one pillar after another he felt rib after rib crack and break, something punctured his lung. The side of his head made fast friends with yet another pillar as he spit up what seemed like several pints of blood. Then the hands let go of him. Flying through the air he had the vague feeling of an approaching wall but wasn’t coherent enough to cast a spell to soften the blow. Arms outstretched, he met the wall in a painful embrace, his form indenting the stone a few inches. As he fell to the floor with a pained groan he managed to release one final spell, thinking unconsciousness was going to claim him. He was rewarded with an agonized scream as his spell flared to life when the Umbramancer came in close to finish him off. The spell was the strongest he had learned, a wave of pure negative energy and emotion swirled around the lich turning it’s own magical energies against it. “ Eat that you fv<k!” He said struggling to his feet, watching the ancient Umbran write in pain was satisfying but he knew it wasn’t over yet. Muttering soft shadowed incantations a blade made of pure darkness appeared in his outstretched hand as he moved to stand over the Umbramancer. “ Guess…I…past…” He said before he brought the dark sword down in an arc aiming to pierce his opponents heart. Just as the blade was about to sink deeply his robes the lich split in two, the blade only getting to taste the stone floor beneath him. Laughing maniacally the Umbramancer appeared standing several feet away. “You didn’t think it would be that easy did you?” Coughing up another mouthful of blood, Artemus knew he was in serious trouble.
(( To Be continued))
Artemus Allonan Kurgen
Headmaster of Arcanum Academy
Proprietor of Dark Wolf and Leopard Jewelers.
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Post by Artemus Kurgen »

The weeks had passed monotonously after Artemus had bested the Umbran to finish his training, he was still unsure how he had beaten the ancient master...something told he had not truly killed the creature...only changed it..and himself. That monotony was only broken by his meeting Shandren and then rescuing Queen Teleperien of Eldicor from Vanion Shadowcast's Myr'khulian Temple.

Again, his plans were coming to fruition...he had redeemed himself to Teleperien, and...more importantly of all...He was not a Keeper on the Twilight Isle. The duel in itself was somewhat a blurr...as if he was not truly dueling. It felt like someone else had been in the driver's seat that was his mind. Try as he might to shake off the feeling...he couldn't....whenever he looked in the mirror...his image seemed distorted...altered. And it wasn't from the change that had come with becoming an Umbramancer himself now. It felt like a part of that millenia old Umbran had joined with him...their power mixed and mingled to make him something more. But what more could he be?

To that question....there were no answers as of yet and still life was moving on. But there was a change in the shadows he felt more keenly, now that he was practicly a shadow himself. Travelign through the shadows was no longer a spell or an ability he had mastered.....he could move through them at will now. He didn't need to ask any sublayer creature to let him in...didn't need to avoid those dark beings that lived in the shadows. They avoided him...they asked him to travel amongst them...they...now feared and respected him. That in itself was rare and unnerving because...the only beings the shadow demons and spirits respected or feared....were beings like themselves. He had mastered one of the hardest schools of magic....but what was the price for doing so?

Again there were no answers to this next question...only dark thoughts....and ill omens that made his blood run cold....and his heart fill with dread. Artemus had long since moved into the Tower of Earth...felt himself becoming one with it...and a part of him was soaring at having the power to be able to manipulate the very earth..that part...was not something in himself that Artemus recognized. He accepted power gained..but did not overly rejoice about it. He kept his perspective....kept his ego small...but the part of him that wanted to test and try out his new found power....it wanted to brag...to boast. Artemus could not allow that...if there is one thing people hate...it is a bragger. Art could handle being feared, loved, even despised....but hate....he could not stand outright hate. He knew there were those that hated him...but that was just because of his views and the people he chose to stand up to or against....it had nothing to do with any of his acheivements. Still...life for the younger Kurgen was moving on....even if it was moving onto something that would test him more than anything before. But would he be able to pass the test?.....or would it destroy him utterly?....Destroy him...and all those he knew and cared.

Once again.....the Shadow Archmage did not have any answers at all...only skeptical presumptions and dark omens.
Artemus Allonan Kurgen
Headmaster of Arcanum Academy
Proprietor of Dark Wolf and Leopard Jewelers.
Artemus Kurgen
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Post by Artemus Kurgen »

Though his plans were continuing to progress, the complications that had come with them had him scrambling to keep his focus evenly devided. On the one hand he now had a daughter to look out for and protect, this meant no more adventures and definately no more testing his magic. He was a father now, and his days were numbered. Fifteen years and counting.
On the second hand, his magic has been acting oddly, simple spells required more of his focus than they should. Simple tests and self-examinations had isolated the problem to the magic he knows. The three schools he had spent years learning. Though his access to the powers of the druid were rooted into his very being, the stronger Umbran magic was influencing it..making it weaker because the two are polar opposites. If this problem was not delt with soon, he would become severely weakened, and that was something the sorcerer could ill afford.

More riddles with no answers in sight, leaving him with only one place to turn, but he knew that he would find little help there.
Artemus Allonan Kurgen
Headmaster of Arcanum Academy
Proprietor of Dark Wolf and Leopard Jewelers.
Artemus Kurgen
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Post by Artemus Kurgen »

The room was dark, barely enough light to see in his hand in front of his eyes. Stepping cautiously, Artemus kept walking forward. He would eventually find a wall, or a door if he kept moving in one direction. This same trick can get you out of a maze, keep moving in one direction, you'll eventually find your way back to the beginning, or find the exit. After some time, it felt like the room was endless to the younger Kurgen. Stopping dead in his tracks he cast his bright emerald eyes around him, trying to pierce the shadows.

"Where am I?"
He wasn't expecting any answers, but he asked the question anyway. He was unsure of his surroundings, after all...there are a lot of things that live in the shadows.

~...You're dreaming....~
Artemus nearly jumped out of his skin as the voice rang out softle....from the shadows around him and in his mind as well.

"Dreaming? But I don't remember falling asleep..."
The last thing he remembered, was he had been sitting at his desk in the Tower of Earth; getting ready to write in his journal again.

~...One does not need to sleep in order to dream They come to you whenever they feel like it...~
It seemed this voice had an answer for everything. Artemus was slowly gettting ticked, he hated playing this game. Why do all mysterious voices do this....why couldn't they appear in the form of like a talking cat, or a giant mouth sculpted into a wall.

"Whenever they feel like it? Who exactly are you? Your voice sounds familiar....."
A thought had been nagging at him for some time now as he listened to the voice. It sounded familiar...too familiar.

~...As it should...I am you. Artemus. I am the voice of your ambitions. Your ambitions, doubts, fears, and...I am the voice of your true self. Not this creature you play at being....~
Play at being??? What was this thing going on about. Artemus knew who he was, and he knew WHAT he was. He is the Keeper of the Tower of Earth, High Druid to the Goddess Meilikki, Umbramancer, Father of Amaris, Husband to Shandren...what was this voice talking about?

~ ...Ah ah ah....you have BECOME those things through your actions...but they are not what you truly ARE...~
Now he was getting mad, the things he had BECOME, and what he is, are one and the same. This voice was speaking in riddles.

"Stop speaking in veils, YOU had to have been the one to bring me here...if you TRULY are ME. Now I've had enough of your games..what is it you are seeking to accomplish with all of this?
Lifting his hands up, Artemus gestured to the surrounding shadows.

~....Keep moving forward....and you will see what you need to know...~

Grumbling, Artmes moved forward. He could all ready guess that was a close to a clear answer as he would get. Setting a brisk pace, he walked forward, telling himself how pointless this seemed. If that voice was truly his inner self, why would it use all of these riddles with smoke and mirrors. Couldnt' it just tell him flat out what he needed to know? With a sigh, he kept moving onward. Then he saw it...in the distance, he could faintly make out a point of light..like a window. Bumping his movement up to a jog, he headed for that point..."Guess that's where I need to go...." Moving faster he raced blindly for that singular point, not caring what he found, Artemus just wanted to get this over with.

As he got close to that singular point, he realized that the area was not a window like he originally thought. Dropping into a crouch, he snaked his way close to the area of light, vaguely making out three figures standing in opposition. Stopping just outside of the circle of light, he looked at himself and found that he was not illuminated, it seems the light only reveals what is standing within it. Crouching low he continued to watch the three silitary figures. Looking from the figures, he shook his head in confusion...none of it making any sense. Off to the left....Artemus saw himself..but he appeared different...one side of his body was dressed in his normal garb, the green robes of the druid...but the other side...the other side froze his blood. Black robes writhed around his form, like living shadows. The face pale and bloodless, with eyes black like a demon's. The two halves seemed to push at one another, fighting over control of how he appeared. "What is this....?" No voice answered him now....

Pulling his gaze, forcefully, away from the second Artemus; the Keeper of Earth saw her.....the Goddess...Meilikki. Her face was a mixture of emotions as he stared down the third of the trio, this man...Artemus could not see his face, the being had it's back to him. One thing Art could tell, Meilikki was not happy...she was verging on furious. His mind racing at what this all could mean, Artemus moved into a more comfortable position, waiting for the trio to start talking, or fight...as it seemed was the case.

Meilikki turned and looked at the other Artemus, her mouth opening to speak to him. As she did, the dark figure took a threatening step towards her, while the second Artemus seemed to turn within himself..the druid half turning look at Meilikki and listen, the shadow half turning it's back on her. Now the second Art was a grotesque version of himself, the two faces coming out of the front and back of one head, body twisted monstrously.

His mind reeling as he watched this scene play out, breath coming faster and faster, he couldnt' stop shaking his head.. " What madness is this!!" He finally shouted, but the three figures in the area of light did not turn to look at him, it was as if they did not even know he was there. Like all that matter was the conflict taking place in the light. Covering his eyes, Artemus tried to force the image out of his head, but he could not...even with his eyes closed he still saw them arguing...their voices resounding in his head...a maddening symphony. Louder and louder the voices became, drowning out his screams. Then...all there was....was darkness......

Sitting bolt right, Artemus yelled, his eyes wild and unseeing. Breath coming in sharp gasps he looked around, his head whipping this way and that, sweat drenching his frame. In the bed beside him, he felt Shandren stir from her sleep. "Is everything all right, husband?" Turning to look at her...Artemus shook his head and tried to steady his breathing. "It's nothing love....just a bad dream.... just a bad dream...a bad dream..." Laying back down in his bed, Artemus could not find sleep again, each time he closed his eyes....all he saw...was himself. Trapped in duality.
Artemus Allonan Kurgen
Headmaster of Arcanum Academy
Proprietor of Dark Wolf and Leopard Jewelers.
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Post by Artemus Kurgen »

::Several weeks had past since that strange night where his quiet slumber had been haunted with disturbing images. Still unsure of what sort of omen the dream fortold, so it was that Artemus found himself sitting high atop his tower. The druid watched the land far below him. Watched the animals move about in their patterns, watched as a large feline stalked a small hawk that had alighted on the ground to pick at some insects. He marveled in it all, at the harmony he felt this day. Humming a soft tune to himself, he smiled as a little cardinal swooped down to flutter in front of him. Holding out a finger, he leaned back to listen to the tale it had to tell:: So the prince consort has returned? ::Smiling at this latest twist in events, Artemus rose to his feet with a laugh:: It appears that the times are getting very interesting. I may have to put my plans on hold once more, just to see where this web of fate spirals to. ::Grinning like a kid on Christmas morning, the druid headed for his study, and his scrying bowl.::
Artemus Allonan Kurgen
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Post by Artemus Kurgen »

The new day found the druid and former keeper of earth moving through a valley to the east of Rhydin City. Staff thudding on the dirt covered ground, he slowly made his way to a large impression in the floor of the valley.

"The one mistake I need to correct before I can move forward with my plans. Restoring the Keep to it's proper place in this world." Nodding to himself, Artemus reviewed his ideas on how to return his family home to the world of the living. Alone he couldn't possibly restore it fully, but with some help, with the proper help he could do it. "But where do I turn?" Rhaine he could not go to about this, she'd just laugh at him and tell him to solve it on his own, or maybe try to bargain. No, she was out on this one.

"What about my team Captain, Esper?" Would he be willing to aid him in this endeavor? Possibly, but Artemus was not all the way sure he wanted him to become connected to the Keep on the level that would be required.

"Could possibly ask Xenograg, but the General had far too much on his plate already" so that pushed him out of the running.

"Who can I choose? I have only a handful of friends, but I do not feel it they are strong enough to help in this task. So where do I turn?" Kicking the ground with a sandaled foot, he began to walk a slow circuit around the impression. " I cast it to that other plan on my own, of course I was in a heightened emotional state, but it would take something large to push me that far again...so what do I do?"

Boughing his head in thought, Artemus circled the only evidence of what rested within that large valley. "What to do, what to do, what to do? I wonder if Teleperien's court mage would have any advice to offer? This Allistair, least I think that was his name, maybe he'll have something to offer. Put him on the list for later."

Artemus seemed to brighten at this aspect, another tie and good light to place him in good spirits with Eldicor. "Why did my ideas continually draw me to that place?"

Pushing the thought away, he once more began to reflect on who else could aid him. "I feel it will take three people, myself and two others, linked together to cast the right spell to restore my families home to the corporeal realm. I think this should be a family affair, but Sylus is off doing gods know what, and I bound Amaris's powers...so where do I turn?"


The thought hit him almost out of nowhere. Glancing around, he focused on his surroundings, trying to see what would like to remain hidden. "Was that my thought...or someone elses?" Not sure how to answer that questions, Artemus added Mystic to the list.

With some avenues to search through, the druid focused and pulled the image of an eagle to the forefront of his mind. Within seconds, he was flying through the air, heading for the Dojo Derelir, he had a question for Xenograg. Then it was off to Eldicor, Artemus needed to scheduel an audience with the court mage.
Artemus Allonan Kurgen
Headmaster of Arcanum Academy
Proprietor of Dark Wolf and Leopard Jewelers.
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Post by Sylus Kurgen »

Riddles. There were so many riddles since his return from imprisonment. Ulysses was returned and it was tearing Alais in two directions. Old lifemate or the new? No matter the choice she could make, if Alais chooses at all, the loss would hurt her both ways along with the pain inflicted on the man she let go. And throw in how distant Alais acted at times, it was so beguiling, Sylus wasn't sure what to think of her behavior. True, he understood that the events on the Emerald Isles had wounded a part of her that nothing he could say or do would heal it. Only time and the love he felt for her.

What confused Sylus the most was her most recent behavior. Without warning or anything she'd rushed off to fight Vanion besided Karen. She'd just run off without any plan whatsoever. Expecting her magic to see her through it like an apprentice may. That didn't seem like her at all. Sure, Alais was stubborn and impetuous more than he'd like to admit. But just running off half-cocked into a fight against an army was foolish at best. Only reason he knew even half of what had happened was because he'd heard rumors the next day and other whispers of the event. Then throw in his beloved's burns, it was damned near enough to send him over the edge. After going through so much to be reunited she was almost taken from him again.

And to make matters worse, after explicitly telling her just to stay in bed and recouperate, what did Alais do? She went to the Red Dragon Inn. That was something that truly upset the man. She was wounded and in need of rest and healing, and she got up and went to the local tavern. But it was what took place while there that filled his mind with a lot more riddles about what lay in store for Alais and himself.

Pushing his way through the door of the Inn he was greeted by Xenograg who was tending bar. Not quite in the mood for a drink, Sylus told his teacher that he'd love one but at the moment there was a certain female elf he needed to drag back to bed so she could heal. And apparently her injures were something the Lady Alais wished to remain hidden as he caught her wince when deep ambers found said woman. Sylus was not in a happy mood right then.

However she was deeply in conversation with a person whom was not recognized in the elder Kurgen's memory, so he deemed int best not to interrupt. Yet. Taking up a seat at the bar he asked Xeno who the man Alais was speaking to was. Turns out Tass had an older brother. This information was filed away for later scrutiny. Moments ticked by and in that time, Sylus had asked a few things of his teacher. Mainly how he could just throw Alais over his shoulder and not get fried for it. That was something Xenograg has been trying to figure out for a while.

Glancing back towards Alais and Khirsah it looked like the two of them were getting ready to leave for some place. Sylus wasn't going to let her weasle out of it that easily. Slipping off of the stool, he moved up behind her and gently placed a hand on her shoulder, the sudden touch making her jump. "Time to go home, Alais."

Sylus's tone brooked no argument but still she tried to play down her injury and get him to believe that she'd be alright and not hurt herself while speaking with Khirsah. By the gods, Sy loved her to death but Alais pushed herself too much. She put her own health and safety aside just to get her way and know everything that was going on.

It eventually got to a point where he just picked Alais up and threw her over one shoulder, excused her and himslef, and prepated to leave. Apparently Khirsah wasn't done speaking with her yet and let Sylus know by blasting him with cold fire, though of course protecting Alais from it. It was nearly all that Sylus could do not to scream in pain as the flames rolled over his body, burning cloth, hair, and skin alike, but stand his ground he did. Arms remaining tight around Alais, not letting her go even should the flames kill him. Evenutally the cold pire stopped and Alais was pulled from his grasp to be set aside neatly by the elder dragon. Sylus really wasn't in a good mood at all. Steam rising from his singed flesh and clothes, his natural powers kicked in. Flesh reknitting itself and healing the fiery damage to his body. Hair regrowing, though not quite as long as it was.

Growling low in his throat, hands were ready to fill the dragon with steel for doing what was uncalled for. Any idiot with a pair of eyes and hears would know that hurting Alais was the last thing Sylus would ever do. Xenograg even told Khirsah that he went a little too far with that action.
~Wanderer of Redemption's Road~
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Post by Sylus Kurgen »

With her injuries, Alais had no business at all up and about. There were not any battles to fight, no one was in danger. Being a dragon, Khirsah should have been able to smell the charred flesh on her bones. Even if Sylus hadn't have known about the injury, his own heightened senses picked up that acrid scent. Yet the old dragon continued to sit and talk with her. It's one thing to let a person push through with their stubborness and shove their body nearly to the breaking point, but Sylus was not fool enough to believe the old dragon didn't think Tass would not have cross words with him for sitting by and not at least healing a close friend the tiniest bit.

In the end, despite his words and insistence that Alais should be in bed and resting, she left with Khirsah. Leaving Sylus alone with his thoughts and a dagger of emotional pain in his heart. She had disregarded his concerns and love just to get her way and do as she pleased. Like they meant nothing at all.

Head bowed, feet carried him back to the bar where Xenograg stood and he asked for the strongest drink behind the bar. Pushing a mug of Dwarven spirits towards his student, the General was silent for the most part. In the following conversation Sylus learned that his teacher and friend had been in similar situations with Alais before. And that all he could do is wait. Alais would eventually see that he was right. Eventually.

Sylus was not so sure on that, but would trust in his friend.
~Wanderer of Redemption's Road~

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