The Missive

RhyDin home of the sorceress from Nitesong.

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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

Alais turned then to look at him, “Mayhap nae yer body.” She could not tell what changes had been wrought upon him, nor could she place how much he had been changed by the Dreamer, yet she knew without doubt that the changes were affecting the Elder as much as they were affecting the Younger.

“Nor my mind, heart, and soul. The Dreamer walks within the Younger at the moment.” He seemed completely nonplussed by her questions.

Alais pursed her lips in thought, “an’ wha’ o’ yer brother?” She realized that he did indeed sense what was happening to his brother, “bu’ ye dae feel an’ ken’ wha’s ‘appenin’?” She wanted to verify that they had a close enough tie to allow Khirsah to know if Tass was in serious trouble.

“he is … learning.” Came the reply. Alais quirked a brow at him and asked if this did not trouble the Elder. That did seem to puzzle him briefly, “Should it? He has always been the stronger of the three.”

Alais walked back toward Khirsah, her eyes studying him the entire distance as she closed upon him. She paused when she stood directly in front of him and reached for his hand with the mirrored scar. The cold from her allowing the Annaran sorceries to consume her when Artemus had been here still ran strongly through her body, and her hands would have been too cold to touch most people, “stronger mayhap… bu’ ‘e ist losin’ wha’ makes ‘im th’ Tass tha’ ist b’loved by those nae froom th’ Emerald Isles. Th’ two o’ ye were balance… an’ balance ist shiftin’.

“Balances always shift and soon rights itself.” His hand curled just enough to encompass the elf’s slight hand, and as cold as she was, she encompassed more warmth than Khirsah. She would still melt ice where his touch created that ice. It was an effect of his creation and something Alais still marveled at experiencing.

“An’ ‘ow far wilst ye allow th’ balance tae shift b’fore ye’d fear o’erbalance an’ collapse?” She wondered at what point Khirsah would be moved to action of any kind. Her cold fingers slowly curled around his hand.

He gave a slight twitch that only quirked the very edge of his lips, and was almost missed, “is it he who is tipping the balance, or righting it?”

Alais reached up and lightly touched one of the black gems at his throat with her other hand. It was a mirror gem to the one in the hilt of the dark blade he never parted from his side. “Ye seemed concerned whence ye first told me o’ th’ Dreamer walkin’.”

He remained absolutely still other than leaving his cold hand curled around her own, “with his awakening, there is nothing certain, least of all balance. It could be that the Younger is indeed tipping the scale, or perhaps righting it. That can only be found out when he returns.”

She canted her head to study the gem a moment, “an’ tha’ doth nae disturb thee?”

His eyes met hers, “but for now, it is for the best that the Younger is learning from the Dreamer. It will waken him to things he has blinded himself to, as well as set an example to those who wish to disturb the balance of the Isles.” She quirked a sable brow at that, and wondered if her own works upon the isles would be construed as ‘disturbance.” To her question, his voice shifted slightly and became more teacher like, “who is the Keeper of them?”

She told him that the Keeper of the Isle was Tass, though she knew by rights, it should have been the Elder, who never wanted that role. Khirsah pressed on, “and he is where?” To that question she had no answer, and no knowledge. He continued on, “and what does it mean if someone was able to detain him?”

“Soomthin’ ist amiss wi’ ‘is abilities milord.” If Tass were detained, he was not himself.

Khirsah studied her, “was… no longer is. He drained himself in purifying marrow of his bone of the Dreamer’s touch in order to save the mordhil, Lady Helston.”

Alais lifted Khirsah’s hand with the scar slightly, studying it intently before curling her free hand around hit, encircling his in her cold hands, “an’ yet ye say th’ Dreamer ist teachin’ ‘im e’en now?”
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

“He is, but that is not the issue of the balance of the Isles.” She agreed, that was not the issue, and she told him that it was the Elder and the Younger that ARE the issue. He disagreed, “It is a matter of his detainment has at the moment separated him from the Isles, for he needed then that part him to draw strength upon, which has left the keeping of the Isles to me.”

She frowned, “Tass didst once tell me tha’ ye didst nae wish th’ rule o’ th’ Isles… an’ yet he played ‘n integral roll ‘n ‘elpin’ ‘im.”

He shook his head, “it is not my place ot be the keeper of the between worlds.”

She gave him a puzzled look, “b’tween worlds? Wouldst ye r’turn tae another?” She was instantly concerned that when Tass returned, Khirsah would return to the Primordial Darkness, and there she could not go.

“I am of another, as you know.” Came his simple reply. Yet he did not respond to her question.

She chose her words carefully, “tha’ ist nae mine query milord. Ah ken well enou’ yer world. Wouldst ye r’turn tae ‘t?”

Khirsah regarded her a moment, “as you are now part of the Isles, you need know of those upon it. There are some who have come there to escape the worlds they were of. Others, upon their deaths chose to come rather than to be part of the stars. It is the Younger’s place to oversee and care for them, and the place they come to.”

Alais shook her head, “Aye, tha’ Ah’ve been told, bu’ yer nae answerin’ mine query tae thee.” This was one thing she needed an answer to.

“Need I? the answer should be plain enough.”

Alais turned his hand palm up, in her own cold hands and she studied the scar on his hand for long moments. “No.”

Khirsah’s smooth, strong fingers turned with her hand and then wrapped around hers in return. “I am not here for me tonight, but for you, sho Ralo.”

Alais thought for a moment, “mayhap yer place ist nae tae rule th’ land, or ‘t’s inhabitants.” He never wanted it, and she knew that, yet for him to leave entirely would be all wrong. Then she paused and gave him a puzzled look, “Sho Ralo? Prithee, dae tell me wha’ tha’ doth mean? ‘t hath an appeal tae mine ear.” The term she had never heard before, and yet it felt comfortable.

He lifted a free hand toward the orb as it remained untouched upon the table. “You have made your choice, and I stand as I would for the Younger, behind you and that choice.” His features softened slightly, “you will learn the language with time.”

Alais curled her fingers around his again, “indeed Ah shall m’lord. Thank ye fer supportin’ mine decision.”

He gave her the slightest of bows and he stepped aside so that she could do what was needed. And she inclined her head to him as she released his hand, and walked with purpose toward the green orb.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Sylus Kurgen »

He felt the gu to his mind, a distant call, a familiar call, yet it was one he could not place. A mental intrusion unknown to him, but it brought to mind images of a silver haired elf. Her. The woman he was supposed to know but could not name.

Setting down his smithing hammer, Sylus moved to the bucket of water and rinsed himself off, washing the soot and grime from his torso. He would not meet her covered in filth, looking like some vagabond. Soiled clothes set aside, the Elder Kurgen then strode to the slumbering Chimara and frowned.

"I must stop my work, there is a summons from afar I must answer. This should not take more than a few moments. You've waited millenia...a few moments more will not hinder your plans."

"Watch this elf, wolfling. Her words will seek to weaken your resolve to seek thy memories."

"So you intrude on my thoughts?" He should have knwon better than to think this thing would let him work in peace without being watched at every turn.

"Nay, child. I merely know of whom would seek to find you. My adversary from long ago has chosen to enter the game...he alerted her that I may kill you once I am free."

"Once I've served my purpose you mean?" Sylus held no dilusions about what just might await him once this creature held it's freedom. He knew all too well what he was unleasing. But it came down to a matter of priorities, and he needed to know what had led to his memories being shut away.

"I have no intention of killing you, child. That is a waste of resources. Now go, and remember my words."

Deigning not to responde, Sylus merely turned on his heel and went to clean and change before his meeting with thsi mystery elf. All the while thinking over his words carefully and the exact aura he wanted to show. Elves are not fools, this he knew, and this he would cater to. This female would need to know exactly whom she was dealing with.

Back in his chambers, he moved to a long unopened locker at the foot of his bed and knelt, removing an eternally clean and well maintained garment. The black silk fit his frame like a second skin, and with it came a feeling of pride much like the first time he had worn this uniform.

Silver and white vine patters wound down his arms into a pulled back cuff with a leaf patter link holding the cuffs sut. The front off the tunic laced appropriately for a modest and disciplined appearance. The tunic was then tucked into a pair of fitting black breeches that were a bit snug in some places, but did not hinder movement.

The breeches then were tucked into comfortable soft leather boots that came up to mid-calf which were functional and efficient for his duties when the uniform was needed. Finally, his surcoat. Sleeveless and silk like the shirt, the hem matched the silver and white vine patter with thorns and over his heart sat a broken shield wrapped in vines.

About his waist then went his sword belt. The twin scimitars, Retribution and Redemption finding their rightful at his hips. His gloved hands moved over the pommels almost lovingly recalling when he had firced recieved them.

In the mirror Sylus saw the man he was. The man that had been feared by all in Kelvar. A man without fear, hesitation, or loyalty. In the mirror he met his own cold and unfeeling gaze. This was who the elf needed to meet.

"Time to meet the Tuatha De Danaan." And into the ether he stepped moving off to that distant place.


A pale mist formed around him as the shadows parted in that and stepped forth into the room. Cold amber eyes then scanned for the woman whom had summoned him, letting a cold aura fill the air around his shape.
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

The orb was cool in my hand as I glanced once at Khirsah before following Sylus’ instructions how to use the sphere. Once it had been warm to my touch, but now it was distinctly cool, almost cold. I have no way of knowing why the orb has changed. Did it mean I could not reach him with the orb? Or had something already happened to him?

I have no idea whether or not Sylus will even feel the call, nor have I any idea how long it will take for him to return to the Orb. The activation had been accomplished, and now I would wait to see if Sylus returned. To see if he could return.

Khirsah faded into the shadows as I settled in to wait. As though he knew if the orb was successful, I would need time alone with Sylus. He had left RhyDin with no memory of this time and place. That would be difficult.

Some time later the warning tingle of an intruder slithered along my spine. I reached for my staff and stood as a pale mist gathered in the room, and was followed by a colder aura before the man himself became visible.

It was Sylus. He had come. He was dressed in black that was relieved only by a silver and white vine pattern. The twin scimitars were at his hip with gloved hands resting upon their hilts in what could only be called a caress, but it was his eyes that made me hang onto the staff and summon ley energies to my command and waited.

This was a Sylus I had not known, but I recognized the Assassin who now stood before me.

Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Sylus Kurgen »

"So the beast and leech were do know me." The words spoken more to himself than any other as those cold dark amber eyes focused on the elf, though a slow smile spread over his lips. A wolf's smile.

"You need not call on your powers here as it is you who summoned me, Alais of the Tuatha De Danaan." His nostrils flared casually as those eyes then shifted to look around. ;Another was here not long ago; He thought to himself, another flaring of his nostrils. ; Alpha figure...though WHAT exactly it unfamiliar; Finally those eyes shifted back to the female elf yet that smile remained.

"Why did you summon me?" He wanted to ask so much more but restrained himself. Things would be revealed in time, though he was sure a sort of anxious anticipation had bled into his eyes. "I have been back into the city for several weeks now...what has happened that requires my presence?"

Noting some tension within the female, Sylus chose that moment to be casual and let his hand drift from the hilt of the two scimitars at his belt, but not far, hooking thumbs into the sword belt on either side of his waist.
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

I waited a moment as he took in the surroundings, yet no sign of recognition lit his features. It seems the rumors that Sylus had lost all memories of his time here are true.

He sought to lull me into relaxing my vigilance, but the man I faced was not the man whom I had shared my life with for nearly a year, and it would be most unwise to become less ready in the presence of an assassin.

“Ah’ve summoned ye back fer strong reasonin’ Sylus. Though ye dinnae seem tae r’member giffen me th’ orb.”

I moved slowly toward the windows that overlook the rear grounds of the house. “Ye’ve r’turned tae RhyDin fer nigh’ pon a week?” Interesting that he had returned so long ago and I had not seen him in the city. I have to wonder what he’s been doing in that time.

“Ah didst r’ceive a missive tha’ doth concern ye….” Slowly hands him the parchment she had earlier shown to Artemus. “’t ist naught bu’ yer life tha’ doth cause me tae summon ye tae me. Tae assure m’self yer alrigh’.”
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Sylus Kurgen »

A snap of his fingers and the missive she held out appeared in his hand. Lifting it to his nostrils, Sylus scented the missive and frowned for a moment before letting his eyes move back to her. "A missive about me..and my life. Seems everyone wants my head for a trophy these days. No rest for those like me I guess. Just endless struggle when all we want is a place to go..and become forgotten. A place to belong."

Eyes scan the missive though no comment on the mingling scents were made. Having noted Artemus, Alais, and that Other, whom he scented having been in the room only recently. " 'The crownless king will fall by the hands of the Ancient.' Not very descriptive is it? Though how this concerns me is still hazey. I am no one's king. Crowned or otherwise, but I do rather like the sound of it."

He let a whimsical smile grace those cold features a moment. "Sylus Adair Kurgen...King of Millenia...certainly has a ring, I do admit."

Setting the missive on the windowsill he took a half step into a turn and was instantly beside the fire. No blur of motion, no sounds, not even a breeze of displaced air. He simply appeared there.

"Though I it just the possibility of a threat on my life that made you summon me?" He didn't look at her, merely reached within a pocket of that surcoat and removed a single figurine, setting it on the mantle. "I know your name...and have an image of what must have been shared between us. However the rest is clouded in mists that hurt my mind when I seek to dig deeper."

In another blink of movement he stood directly before her, a single step seperating them with just air. Still he wore that blank, calm, collected face. But there was an intensity in those dark amber eyes that seemed alive with fire. Not anger, not passion, just a fueled curiosity.
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

He snapped his fingers and rather than raising the missive to read, he scented it as a hound or wolf might do before he spoke. He didn’t think the missive was very descriptive, but I knew it for a threat against Sylus. But this was not the Sylus I had known.

He gave me a cool smile, admitting that King of Millenia had a ring to it before he put the parchment on the window sill and shifted to stand before the fireplace. He regarded me long moments before pondering aloud if it was simply the threat upon his life that had caused me to summon him back. He then admitted that he knew my name, and some imaginings of what had passed once between us, but that much remained clouded in mists that hurt his mind when he dwelled upon it.

He then shifted to stand directly before me with only a single step between us. Deep, burning curiosity lit his eyes as he studied me.

“Sylus, Ah dinnae ken why ye cannae r’member wha’ transpired ‘ere wi’ me, but Ah didst summon ye back b’cause Ah dae still care fer ye an’ wouldst nae see ye slain by th’ thin’ ye’d be callin’ “Chimera”.”

I remained holding my ground. His actions had deliberately put him into my personal space, but perhaps that was what he needed to help him remember. Scent and sound have a major part in memories.

“Ye’ve a need tae speak wi’ yer broother Sylus. Artemus hath information aboot thin’s tha’ haff been ‘appenin’ wi’ yer ancestor.”

I reached up and sought to slide my fingers through his hair, “mayhap thence we can discover why yer memories haff left ye.”
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Sylus Kurgen »

The embedded jewels upon Retribution glimmered for a moment as Sylus's hand brushed it. The blade speaking into his mind. A glance down at it which also had him looking at her raised hand.

"Don't touch me. Whatever passed between us led to this moment happening, and according to a very dear friend, is the reason for my memory loss."

His thumb casually moved across one of the larger ruby's fainly glimmering upon the blades pommel. Then Redemption sought it best to interject. The two voices bickering forcing him to close his eyes and silence them both.

"Another source questions this so called "care for me" as she relates how quick you were to throw me out of your life like yesterdays garbage pail when a man named Ulysses returned to it."

A small knowing smile played over his features at this bit of information coming from the sentient blades at his waist. They certainly were coming in handy with this bit of difficulty. But how much would she attribute that smile to being the bladese and how much to his own mind. Though he could admit something about this place was familiar, it felt soothing, but he couldn't let that show. He couldn't let anything but mild curiosity show.
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

I paused as he bade me not to touch him.

"so you remember a very dear friend and not me?"


His fingers slid over the red jewels in a gesture that spoke volumes.

Then he brought up Ulysses and I froze at his description from this so called 'friend'.

" Your friend has misled you and provided only partial information."

Ulysses had been her true mate. The man who held her soul and the Sylus she knew had been told of Uly long before they came to be anything more.

"As I said, my purpose in using your spell to recall you was because I feared for your life. I could not simply allow you to walk to your doom without trying to prevent it Sylus. I could not."

I picked up the parchement once more before looking once more at him.

"Please, have a seat and be comfortable while we talk?"

I settled onto the hunter green sofa facing the fireplace.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Sylus Kurgen »

"Not sure what I remember. Just an image then a headache. And this friend I have known for nearly ten years. Pre-dating and time."

His gaze watched her movements softly, holding back other questions to keep with the general topic. However he felt it best not to sit down just yet. She remained on edge, and he figured this would go for some time, let her enjoy the comforts of her own place of power.

"I wish to remain standing, for now if that is all right. And this friend often sees that which I do not."

The lavish decor of the room grated on him slightly but that was only from years of seeing such efforts as a waste of money that could go towards better endeavors. Like feeding starving children. A mental shake and he turned his full attention back to this Alais.

"If it is any information you want. You can start by answering a few questions...and perhaps offer proof to your claims?"
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

His rigid posture and distance from any emotion remained as foreign to me as could be imagined. He refused to sit, he answered questions with more questions, and never once let show anything of the man whom I had once loved.

I curled up comfortably on the forest green sofa and regarded him long moments. "Prithee, wha' queries haff ye fer me?"

He wanted proof of my claims? Such would be nigh impossible to 'prove' to him, but I would see what his questions were, and the direction he would choose to take.

My summons had brought back to me a man I did not know.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Sylus Kurgen »

"Were we lovers?" such felt a safe place to start, and it would give him a chance to see how uncomfortable she could get. Sylus made sure his tone remained distant, almost like a scientist seing what made an insect tic. "And how did we first meet?"

These were questions she should have no problem at all answering. If she truly cared as much as she claimed, and had they been what he felt the orb offered an image to, this Alais would know the answer to that. Which would give him a time-line to work with.
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

She quirked a sable brow at him, "aye, fer a time."

She watched him with open curiosity, wondering where all of this was going since he claimed no memoiy at all of her or his time in RhyDin.

"As fer 'ow we didst meet, 't was a dance.... ye dae dance most beautifulla."

She summoned herself a glass of Liquid Fire with a mellifluous whisper of Annaran.

"Yer nae gae'in' tae learn wha' ye d'sire wi' such queries Sylus. Why dinnae ye jus' say wha's preyin' pon yer mind?"
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Sylus Kurgen »

"Were our places reversed, would these not be such to be asked?" he turned to her with a slender raising of a brow as a rogues smirk settled onto his lips.

"This place and you feel very familiar, but I remember nothing of it at all. It feels safe here, unlike any other place I have ever been to. Though..." his eyes scanned the shadows a moment. "I picked up the scent of another person having been here and recently, perhaps moments before you summoned me..."

Slowly Sylus turned back to the elven woman with a slight softening around his eyes. "What would you do in my place, Lady Alais? What would you do?"

It was all he could truly say at that point in time as she seemed to think he was asking the wrong questions, yet they felt like the ones to ask from his perspective. Could be elven arrogance, or she truly knew something he did not. This would answer the speculation.
~Wanderer of Redemption's Road~

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