Unholy Alliances

What goes on behind the shiny exterior of MacPherson R&D labs.

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Azjah von Drachen Walde
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Unholy Alliances

Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

((Cross posted in Drachen Walde))

Despite Eoin and Lucien’s objections, I headed for the Arena to do some volunteer work. It was reasonably quiet, and the Twins had confirmed that Kendrick was indeed in RhyDin, but no one has seen him, nor has he made any further contact after the call to my private line last night. He’d baited me with the call, and dared me to doubt his word of honour. While I loath the man with every fiber of my being, the word of a Peer is something one must be careful of impugning. The image had appeared to be from Rigel, but the twins assure me he has been in the warehouse where they were investigating the other night. No, Kendrick is here, in RhyDin, somewhere. And thus, Eoin stood at the door, and Lucien would remain unseen at my side for the night.

Topaz came into the room just as I was ordering my scotch from Hubie, and when I asked her how she was, she announced that she was bored. Somehow, I suspect a bored faerie is never a good thing. We spoke briefly about her son Daniel, whom it seems has left once again and did not even send word for the Yule days to her. This must be troubling him greatly, but he will have to come to terms with his discoveries about his mother, as well as about General Xenograg. Who is now known as Xenograg Bey after the ceremony upon the steppes.

She had asked me how things were for me, and I told her that short of Kendrick’s presence in RhyDin, things were well indeed. She did not know who Kendrick was, and as I began to tell her that in my view he’s a murdering bastard, Anne lunged in the doors, shouting my name.

“Azjah! He’s taking my kids Azjah! He’s taking MY kids!” She was nearly incoherent as she kept repeating that “he was taking her kids.’

“Who is taking your children?” I finally got her calmed down enough to speak to her, and my puzzlement was clear.

“I can’t believe it, the idiotic, self righteous…. VINCENT. He’s filing for custody!!” Anne was distraught and on the verge of hysteria.

I blinked. Vincent was very helpful earlier, and had even saved Anne’s life, but he is no relation to the children, and has no legal claim to them. “He has no claim what so ever on them Anne. What does he think he’s doing?”

A woman who’d come in shortly after Topaz spoke up, “Is he the father?”

Anne turned to her, “No! No, he was a helping friend is all.”

I shook my head, “The courts will not grant it Anne. He is no relation.”

She continued on, “He watched them for two weeks, WAS my friend.”

This was hurting Anne as nothing else could. Vincent’s turning on her now, and making this move. It would destroy their relationship, if it has not already.

“Azjah, he’s going to use DNA manipulation, which unfortunately is easy for him. And, and, he’s going to use the case that I’m not a good mother.”

Aya continued, “Then there is no use complaining if he is of no relation.”

Clearly Aya does not know Vincent, and his abilities.

Anne went on, “and he’s putting the fact that Caleb’s an assassin, and that I’m on trial and will be in jail. AZJAH!!” Her voice rose in desperation. “Do something Azjah! Those are my kids! I want to raise them, be a part of their lives. He can’t do this!” She sat down breaking into tears.

I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and guided her back to my sofa. “He has no claim Anne. There are too many witnesses that know he is not the father, even if he does try to genetically manipulate them. Where are the children Anne?” We needed to move the children immediately, and I want the twins to look after them, keep Vincent away from them at all costs.

She told me the children were at the Palazzo with Caleb. So much the better. “Alright, we’ll set Lucien to guard them, and we should probably move them to somewhere else where he can’t locate them.” I looked up at Lucien, who refused to budge, but he had already told Gabriel, and at that moment, the other twin was moving toward Anne’s suite to keep an eye out for Vincent.

Topaz suggested that we hire an assassin to take out Vincent since the courts would never give custody to a dead guy, and then she seemed to register that we were talking about the former Arch Mage Vincent, the guy with the penguins.

Aya did not understand Anne’s distress, “It is foolish to believe that his claim will have a chance, anyway, best not even concern yourself over this issue whatsoever.”

Anne looked at her, “You don’t understand, I’m on trial for murder. He could get claim.”

I shook my head, Vincent would never gain custody of those children, Klinton would see to that. “We will not allow him to take your children from you Anne.” I was trying to soother her, but until we could get the children safely away from Vincent, she would worry.

She took a shakey breath, “Okay, Lucien’s guarding them, right? You said he’ll guard them?”

I nodded at her as Aya continued, “No he can’t. He is not the father. It is as the official says, there are too many witnesses against the case. If the father cannot be reached, then the god parents would lay claim to them if you are found an unfit mother.”

Anne was nearly sobbing, “The father is dead.” She took a series of deep breaths, “Good thing I named you and Klinton god parents.”

Aya told Anne that “then the god parents would be next in line. So there is no concern over this issue.”

Topaz was of the mind to ruin Vincent’s character, make sure everyone knows he uses animals for dueling.

I had Hubie bring Anne her lemon juice, which she took and sipped slowly.

We sat upon the sofa while she rubbed her eyes tiredly, and I hugged her, “Anne, he will not prevail.’

She nodded, “He keeps claiming them as his kids. I don’t understand why. What’s wrong with him?”

I had no answers for her, but I assured her we would sit Vincent down and speak to him about this whole affair, and explain to him that while his help was appreciated, it does not make the children his.

She shook her head disconsolately, “He didn’t listen to reason.”

Vincent will have no choice but to listen. I will fight him with everything at my disposal for her. Those children need Anne, not a misguided being such as Vincent.

As Anne moved into the ring with Brian Helgraz, I froze as a middle aged man trotted down the stairs. The million dollar smile was characteristic for Geffen Siewelt, whom I had not seen in a very long time. Not since before the dragon attacks in RhyDin.

As I was about to speak to Geffen, the door was kicked open, and there stood Caleb with both of Anne’s children in his arms. He moved toward the table Anne usually occupies, and it was quite clear that he was struggling to maintain the upper hand with the two scallywags.

Geffen peeled the gloves from his hands and tucked them inside a coat pocket, his grey eyes surveying who was in attendance before pausing on me. He gave me a nod before ordering his Bourbon neat and having a seat.

“Busy night?” Geffen finally inquired.

I nodded at him, “A bit. I have not seen you in town of late Herr Siewelt.”

He gave me an even bigger smile, “Ah, yes, business is booming, so to speak.”

His oblique reference to the warehouse explosion was clear, but couched in mundane words where the nuance would only be caught by the person meant to catch it.

“Quite” I said as I gave him a suspicious look.

He slipped off the coat and cast about for a duel.

The door opened again, and every hair on my neck stood up as Kendrick slid inside, out of the cold. Lucien lightly touched my shoulder from his invisible place at my side. I could feel my features harden as Kendrick obtained a drink before heading for Caleb, bowing briefly to Christopher before turning to Caleb. “Mr. Feren, I’m glad to see that babysitting is among your many talents. Would you consider a match later? I fear I am in need of practice.”

Caleb took his time responding to Kendrick, and my hand slid to unbutton the silk jacket, giving me access to the grip of the DE in my shoulder holster. I would shoot the man with very little provocation at this moment.

Kendrick looked up at me with a faint smile, “I wouldn’t Lady Caer.”

I quirked a brow at him, “I will if needed Tuebingen.”

He gave me an easy smile, “I fear that you mistake my name. I abdicated my title to the young lord. I am simply Kendrick now.”

There was ice in my voice as I told him he was anything but simple. My fingers curled around the weapon, and a part of me prayed that he would give me a reason to put a bullet through his brain.

Caleb spoke softly, but I heard him tell Kendrick that he would happily eviscerate him within the rings, but that unfortunately, the wards would not allow permanent injury.

Kendrick bade him lead on then, and as they entered the ring, Kendrick looked up at me, “Oh, and Lady Caer, I believe the laws of this land proclaim this as neutral ground, would you outlaw yourself for me? I’m flattered. I didn’t know you cared.”

The smug bastard! “There are extenuating circumstances.” I informed him, and I seriously considered shooting the man where he stood in the ring.

Geffen abruptly took an interest in Kendrick’s and my verbal sparring.

Kendrick smirked, “Now you use my excuse.”

I’ll be damned before I’ll ever use an excuse! “Some things are worth the price.” And I prayed that the wards in this ring would fail.

Anne had heard Kendrick, and she fled her ring to gather her children to her, hugging them so tightly, I’m surprised they could breathe.

Kendrick displayed his association with Geffen as he suggested a wager to Geffen. “Mr. Geffen, care for a wager? If I win, you pay me double for my next commission. I lose, I do it for free?”

The man has been doing work for Siewelt! There could be nothing good about Kendrick working for Siewelt. Nothing. A tremor slid along my spine. What technology has Kendrick provided to the MacPhersons?

The duel went in Caleb’s favor decidedly, and Geffen pricked Kendrick, “Unless you plan on living off bread crumbs and pennies, you better do something soon Kendrick.”

I muttered something about hoping he expired, but Kendrick’s reply sat me bolt upright.

“Ah, no fear, for the last month, Miss Azjah here has been kind enough to pay me a salary too, so I’m quite well off for now.”

“Paid you? Are you daft?” I was mentally running through the payments I had made in the last month, and none of them had gone to Kendrick, nor any of his firms. What was he talking about?

“Well, the paycheck did say DWI, so unless you’ve been bought out recently….” He let the thought remain unsaid.

“What the hell were you doing at DWI?” I was still searching my mind for what he was referring to.

“This and that,” came his reply.

I remembered the other morning when I had the feeling that someone had been in my office, and now it seems that sixth sense was right on. Now I would need to see just what Kendrick had been up to.

Geffen kept his smile in place as he watched Kendrick lose to Caleb, “Disappointing Kendrick, but perhaps working for free will be incentive enough.”

“Geffen, you haven’t realized it yet, but I work for the challenges, money is not a big concern.” Kendrick had so many off the radar businesses, he would never have to fear going hungry. He then headed for Anne, and I nearly rose from my sofa.

When I thought things could not get any more complicated, Vincent walked through the doors. While Anne was busy with Kendrick, I had to try to figure out how to get Vincent’s attention without alerting Anne to his presence.

Too late, Chris had seen Vincent and gone running toward him, and I held my breath as Anne realized her son was gone. Vincent greeted the child, “hey kiddo.”

Anne froze, summoning her son back to her side at the sound of Vincent’s voice. “Christopher, come back to mommy now.

The child turned and headed back to Anne, and I relaxed as Vincent let the child go.

Kendrick was speaking with Anne and Caleb, and then turned to head for the door. He gave me a grin, “Good night Lady Caer, do give my respects to Lucy and Gabe.” Lucien snarled low, and the echo of thunder rippled outside the Arena.

I nodded curtly at Kendrick, “Pity about the wards Tuebingen.” He would always be the Earl of Tuebingen to me. Using his given name was not something I was prepared to consider. It would make him human. I did not wish to consider him as anything other than a vile wretch. His title was so much easier to stomach.

Geffen considered me a minute, “I don’t know if I should be offended or otherwise, Azjah. Thus far, Kendrick has more than proven himself a valued employee of our organization.”

I gave Geffen a cold look, “You hire questionable people Herr Siewelt.”

He smirked, “I hire qualified people. Only the best.”

“You hired a murderer.” My words were laced with the bitterness of 17 years of loss.

“I’ve seen nothing to substantiate your claims, Azjah dearest.” Geffen gave me a sly grin from his ring.

I took a sip of the scotch before responding, “You haven’t done your usual investigation then Herr Siewelt. He’s a wanted man on Rigel.” I wasn’t going to remind him of Cory and the instability he’s shown of late.

“This is not Rigel, Azjah.”

Geffen’s use of my first name was grating. We were not on the same side at this moment, and his obvious glee at having Tuebingen on his payrole was annoying to say the least. But, now that I know where the murdering monster is, I will alert the Rigellian authorities and let them deal with him.

Xenograg Bey arrived, followed inside by Mystic. I withdrew to consider tonight’s events.

Anne decided it was time to take her children home, and I concur. Having them here with Vincent is not a good plan. And, it would give me a chance to speak with Vincent without having Caleb or Anne present.

As I bade Anne good night, Caleb spoke to Vincent, Lucien heard it, but I could not, he told me Caleb told Vincent this: “Smith, you are correct. DNA can be easily manipulated, in more ways than one.”

I groaned. Threatening Vincent would not be the best idea, and I heard Vincent quip, “The fool’s in for a big surprise.”

I glanced at Vincent, “We need to speak before you leave.”

He sighed, “If you insist, although it will probably change little.”

I shook my head, “It will change much. And yes, we must.”

Geffen was once more speaking on the telephone in German, and I gave him a puzzled look as he said that something was big news indeed. There is much about Siewelt and his project that need to be investigated.

Vincent came to the sofa after his match, “Ok Azjah, What threats do you feel like making?”

I have no interest in making threats, and I indicated the sofa cushion next to me. “Vincent, why are you trying to lay claim to Anne’s children? They are not yours, you are not the father, what are you hoping to gain?” I would try for reason first, trying to figure out just what he was truly after with this move.

He gave me a level look through narrowed eyes, “I lay claim because I view myself as their father, having helped to raise them since they were born. I want to see them grow up in a place where they do not have to worry about pirates, assassins, and other unsavory characters.”

I sipped the scotch thoughtfully, “Vincent, you are not their father, your aid has been most valued, but now you will ruin all of that by this action. Additionally, you do realize that Klinton and I are the children’s god parents, and we cannot allow this.”

He was growing visibly angry as he told me that were I the White Lady herself, his course would remain unaltered.

I sadly shook my head. “Vincent, the Courts will not see you as the legal guardian. You have no claim.” He could make a lot of trouble, and cost Anne a great deal of money by trying this, but in the end, he cannot expect to take the children from their mother. “There are too many people who know you are not the father, and your threat of genetic manipulation will not help.”

He glared at me, his hands twitching, “The Courts will see that the current environment is not safe, that Anne and Caleb are not fit parents and they will be removed.”

“But they will not be removed to your care.” It was harsh, but the laws would never condone turning over the children into a stranger’s care.

“I will gain custody of my kids one way or another.” He was furious with my discussion, but if I could convince him that he would stand no chance in Court, perhaps he would back down.

“Klinton and I are legally the next logical alternative,” I pressed on.

He grabbed at my throat, choking me as he whispered in my ear, “they are my children, and as a loving father, I will give them the life they deserve.”

Lucien was there instantly, his hand wrapped around Vincent’s wrist in a vise like grip. The menace in Lucien’s face could not have been any clearer as he bared fangs at Vincent.

He let go of my throat, “They are NOT your children, and I will see you in hell before you get them.”

Vincent looked at Lucien and then at me, “You’re welcome to try and stop me, but you’ll fail. Miserably.”

I rubbed my throat, “No Vincent, it is you who will fail. Do not test me on this.”

He rose, “I will test. I will win. Because none of you can do what it takes to stop me.”

Thunder rumbled in the background at his words, Lucien radiated menace.

With that, he left.

Geffen was donning his coat, “Yet you have no legal bounds. You are in the same predicament as this Vincent. All decisions rest with the Courts. I thought you of all people would know that. You risk your reputation for two children?”

I glanced at Siewelt, “I do have legal rights Herr Siewelt. As the duly appointed guardian in the event that anything happens to Anne.”

He smiled, “The children are not yours, nor his. Or have yet to be proven his.”

I curled my fingers around the scotch glass, “I have the documents to support my claim.” There was no point in divulging just how much proof I have. The children would not be Herr Siewelt’s problem.

Lothar from the Temple wandered in, but I was ready to return to the Palazzo, and he was unable to find a partner for the rings.

There is much to do to safe guard Anne’s children, and Lucien and I headed home.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
Marchioness von Triberg
Baroness von Drachen Walde

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