Fruits of Labor

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Fruits of Labor

Post by Querylon »

Robert judged Querylon to be too exhausted after her first full day of actual work at the Jasmine for anything lively to dance to now. He selected an old blues number and punched the number into the jukebox of the instrumental B-side - the extra long version - and returned to Querylon. The music just starting had a slow, almost steady beat, the melody is played by a saxophone, haunting and heartstring pulling.

"This is not one of the dances I was taught." But the light in her eyes did not diminish at the thought.

"Blues is easy, you'll pick up on it right away." Robert stepped up to her, ready to start, not bothering with the bowing this time.

Querylon placed her right hand into his left and upon feeling his right on her waist, gently rested her left hand upon his right arm and they started. Robert quickly taught her steps, with his left leg between hers. His left thigh put gentle pressure to the inside of her right thigh, directing her to take a diagonal step part left, part back.

He followed with a swaying motion, shifting the weight from one foot to the other before completing the step. He repeated the sequence in different directions, including backwards. When the melody or a slight change in the beat suggested it, he lengthened the swaying steps.

"Look at you, dancing like a pro." Robert pulled her closer and deposited her right hand against his chest before dipping his left to her hip. The music vibrated through their bodies and, dancing this close, especially with Querylon wearing that soft yellow modern dress, they could feel their thighs rub against each other during each of the slow quarter turns.

"You even picked up on sashaying." And so she had. She had copied the way Robert moved his body and, by following the rhythm of the music, perfected the sensual swaying of her hips with graceful elegance.

The obvious pleasure in Robert's eyes meant more to her than his complimenting words. Querylon loved dancing, and being secure in the knowledge that she had gotten the hang of this one, she added her own variation to it. Careful not to step on Robert's toes, she pirouetted around herself within his arms during the swaying part of the basic sequence. As she faced him again, her cheeks were flushed.

Then music stopped and they stood still. Querylon had not expected the flutters and tingles that came with that dance move. “That was wonderful Robert. Thank you for teaching me this dance. It may well become one of my favorite dances.”

Robert looked into her eyes and smiled. Her dark eyes were far more green than blue and shining with happiness, he thought. “I would hope so,” he snapped his fingers, “it took me days to plot out such a spontaneous romantic activity.”

His words drew a chuckle from Querylon. “What else might you have been plotting over the last few days?”

“Well,” He took her hand and patted it softly. “I had contemplated taking over the free market economy of the NATO nations, but instead I devoted my time to thinking of my new hostesses needs and desires. I suppose it is a bit silly but I did it nonetheless.”

“It is a very heady thing to be thought of as more important then a whole lot of nations combined.” Querylon replied with a warm smile.

“You will learn Q that the hostess of the Jasmine has it a lot rougher than the leaders of some stuff nations. Enjoy your dancing days, they will be few and far between.”

“Perhaps. But those few and far in-between dancing days make it well worth it.”

Robert put his finger to her lips and he leaned in to look at those shining eyes. “I would invite you to remember that my Querylon.”

“I most certainly will remember that.” Her lips moved against finger as she spoke and all of a sudden she was nervous. “How did your afternoon go? Was it anywhere near as successful as mine was with the girls?” Querylon regretted having mentioned business the moment she had said the words. Robert had taken a step back, removing himself from her proximity without taking his finger from her lips.

He considered her question. “All paperwork and money - TSC would be better off than I would, handling it all. I am just trying not to make a mess of things until he returns.”

“Of course. And my apologies. I should not have brought it up now. It is just,” she pauses for a breath, “Honestly, quite a bit surprised and happy that the afternoon with the girls was so productive. I had imagined a worse start. In a way...” She stopped as she noticed she was rambling.

Robert turned the expression on his face from feigned displeasure to a warm embrace. His finger slipped away quickly and he replaced it with his lips against hers. “I am sure a few more lessons in focus are in order Querylon.” He said before he moved his lips between hers. Querylon gave half a nod before focussing on his lesson.
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Post by Querylon »

“The girls are yours, Querylon. I told them to give you a challenge.” He moved his lips away quickly, ignoring the little sound from her. His kiss was no more than a distant dream as he continued to speak. “I did so because I knew you would rise to that challenge. I find it interesting that you had so little faith in yourself.” He rocked back on his boot heels and laughed.

After a moment she replied. “Odd, it did not appear to me they were being particularly challenging. You really asked them to be so? Does that mean they are usually even nicer?”

Laughing Robert took her hand. He led her towards the front door and out onto the porch while he answered her questions. “No. They are ladies and ladies are always difficult – unless getting orders from another lady. They warmed up to you Querylon because you are a lady. You still strike a better chord than TSC and myself. Despite whatever inexperience you might think you have.” They had stopped and Querylon was smiling up to him. He knew he had her full attention.

“You see Querylon, these ladies sometimes get a low opinion of themselves. For whatever silly reason that may be. You are a good strong soul and they will learn to be proud of who they are despite whatever professional hang ups they might encounter from time to time.” He waved a hand. “You make me proud of myself when I have no reason to be. Forgive me if I think my ladies will benefit from the same treatment. You being yourself is exactly what the Jasmine needs. That is why I begged you to work here.”

Querylon’s mien took on a thoughtful aura and she put her words together more slowly. “Is this mayhap one of the reasons that you made the task appear to be so much more challenging than it turned out to be, so I would be better able to understand their temporary feelings of insufficiency?” After a brief pause she added, sounding oddly pleased, “I really make you feel that way - proud of yourself?”

“The task is challenging, Querylon.” He paused to kiss the side of her face. “It is impossible for a woman who does not pick up on the subtle teachings of a half drunk cowboy. If you were anyone else in the world you would still think the task impossible. Yet, I knew better when I first looked at you. I knew that there was a whole Querylon for the world to see, I knew there was a whole Querylon that Querylon had not yet discovered.”

“You gave me time to listen to you.” Querylon offered shyly.

Robert squeezed her hand gently and then let it go and pointed a finger at her. “You did it, Querylon. I did not help you. YOU made it on your own. Do not be so quick to give the credit to others. Take pride in your strength. I am proud of you for it. Not every person could handle ol’ Robert Braxxx and still smile.”

After a long pause he added. “Let alone love.”

Querylon lifted her eyes to his at those last words. Her voice as she replied was quiet and shy. “I do that.”

Her words must have made him happy for Robert immediately started a little dance, swinging his hips and bashing into hers. With a giddy chuckle she joined in and copied his moves.

Oh, Robert. Look.” Querylon pointed a finger skyward at a shooting star. Robert looked at her and made up his mind not to bring up any more business this evening and risk ruining the ‘young’ girl’s fun before he turned his eyes to where she was pointing.

“Did you make a wish?”

“I don't wish... I have my wishes right here.” His words drew Querylon’s gaze. He sensed her eyes regarding him. He didn’t move, but continued to look off into the distance.

Querylon gave up searching for a fitting answer and asked softly. “What do you see?”

“I see a time when I don't have to run a whorehouse and I can simply be with my family.” Robert said that so quickly that it was almost lost. Then he shook his head, “Just the stars, Querylon.” He put his arm around her and smiled as he felt hers slide around his waist. He gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze. “Be yourself, Querylon, be strong.” For a while they stood just looking at the stars. Then, with a quick shake of his head he smiled at her and fished for his keys. “I should get you home.”
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Post by Querylon »

Querylon slipped the ace of all suits under the wrist of her sleeve. She had just put the finishing touches on the charm after placing the small baking pans into the heating oven. Hopefully an opportunity would present itself during the course of the day to give it to Robert, she thought, as she transferred the small cake rounds from the cooling tray to the two plates sitting out on the counter and covered them with a cloth before she turned around. Her gaze swept over her kitchen. A wriggle of her cute nose saw the dirtied baking equipment into the washbasin outback. Now everything was as ready as it could be.

Paying off the bet had been waiting for the strawberry season. The bet had been silly and Querylon had almost forgotten about it over everything else that had happened during the last few days, but it provided an excuse for her to have invited Robert over. The first half of their afternoon spent at the Jasmine had left both of them in an odd mood. Robert had looked tired and as disappointed as she had felt by the time they were done. But there was no reason for that. Robert had been immensely patient explaining the hostess’ duties to her, and she didn’t have to ask many questions. She should have been happy that her duties appeared much easier than she had imagined and elated over all the care Robert had taken to relate those duties to her in familiar terms.

As Querylon was trying to think of what in her actions or words might have been at fault, and what might be within her abilities to turn the mood, the bet had popped into her mind and put a smile on her lips. At the next opportunity, which had presented itself only moments later, she had given him the reminder he had originally asked for and suggested that today would be a good day for picking strawberries.

The rest of the afternoon had passed in a flurry of activity for Querylon. She had briefly met most of the third floor girls – though she found the term to be rather misleading. As different as they were from each other, they were all of them very polished and sophisticated women. Initially Querylon felt gauche and awkward that they should look to her for direction, but once they had given her their lists of things that still needed to be taken care of before the grand opening, she was too busy planning, organizing, delegating some errands, and running others herself to entertain any feelings of inadequacy.

It wasn’t until Robert caught up with her again in the evening and called an end to the workday, that she noticed just how tired she was. Tired, and pleased at how much she had accomplished with the girls’ cooperation. They had spent a relaxing hour together before Robert had taken her home. A wistful smile was on her lips as she recalled his reminder that they’d be picking strawberries in the morning and his good night kiss.
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Post by Querylon »

“Meow.” To Robert’s surprise a cat brushed against Robert’s pant-leg in way of a friendly greeting. He paused to stare at the feline. It was Querylon’s cat; there could not be another black cat around with gray-banded paws like Boots. Robert reached down to pet it.

“I don't have any food if that's what you're thinking.” Boots offered up his left ear for a good scratching before he took himself off across the yard with another short meow. Robert rose slowly, wiped his hands and muttered about the animal as he moved to the door and gave it a sharp knock.

Querylon once again garbed in the faded purple gown and with a warm, welcoming smile on her lips opened the door before he had time to drop his hand again. It was a dress as nondescript as could be but to Robert it was a full ball gown. A woman didn't need to spend thousands on her looks to be compelling. She needed to have strength of heart and spirit to carry her clothing. A low cut dress may raise eyebrows but a chin held high lifted spirits.

“Good morning, Robert.”

Robert removed his hat and offered a quick, stiff bow. “Good mornin' my lady.” His eyes found the sky and squinted at the sun. “Fine day to be out hunting strawberries.” He took a deep breath of the clear morning air and exhaled sharply, which sent him into a coughing fit. Last nights hangover obviously had not been quite shaken off by his morning washing.

“Are you going to be all right?” Robert held his hand out in a stop-like fashion and waved it as she voiced her concern for him. “Please, do come in. It is indeed a fine day for strawberries. Would you care to sit for a spell, and perhaps have a glass of something before we set out?”

“I'm fine, just getting old.” Robert kissed her cheek as he slid by her, not wanting to kiss her on the lips after coughing like that. “You are sweet to worry about me. You mind if I wash my hands?” He held up his hands and looked at her with a smile. “If I go to touch you I don't want my germs getting all over your pretty dress.”

“My thanks for the compliment, and of course I have no objections to you washing your hands. This way, please.” Querylon led the way to the washbasin outback. “There is a bar of soap, the water is still fairly fresh, and you may use the towel over here.” She pointed out the two objects. “Just ignore the baking pans in the bottom of the basin.”

“Thank you.” Robert eyed the pans and then proceeded to wash up. He took his time washing his hands and then took some of the cool water and rubbed it over his face with a bit of a sigh before drying off with the offered towel. “I can see you’ve been busy.”

“We will need cake to go with the strawberries, no? That is, I was hoping you might have enough time to enjoy the fruits of your labor afterwards. Do you think you might? The patch is really a very small one.”

“Strawberry...fruits of labor” Robert chuckled at Querylon’s choice of words, “and here I was worried about your sense of humor. I actually don't eat much sweets, but I would love to sit with you for a time should you care to eat some. I sense I have been overworking you already. I thought maybe you would enjoy yourself more if we just relaxed some.” He finished wiping his hands and folded the towel neatly.

“I do not at all feel like you have been overworking me. There was no manual labor yet at any rate, and it felt good to actually be doing something for a few hours that felt like work. But I would indeed very much enjoy relaxing with you just the same. Do you not care for strawberries at all, or is it the cake you object to?”

“The worst kind of work is the kind that doesn't involve any sweat, just lots of words and instructions. I imagine if I asked you to dig a post hole you would be a lot more pleased than what I've told you at the Jasmine, but maybe that's just me.” Robert shook his head. “No strawberries are just fine, I just don't have occasion to eat very often and never developed much of a taste for sweet things. Most of my meals are on the run and dessert usually come last.”

“At least I would already know how to dig a hole.” This was a good a time as any to bring up the subject and her questions. “Not that I was displeased at the Jasmine. It is just that I am still trying to figure out what is okay to say and do and what is not. Mayhap you can help me with that?” Querylon indicated two medium sized baskets sitting at the edge of the back. “Shall we head for the berries?”
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Post by Querylon »

Robert picked up both baskets and Querylon led the way to the four rows of strawberry plants at the far end of her back yard. Four rows didn’t really qualify as a patch, but at least it wasn’t a long walk.

“I think you think to much sometimes sweetie. You can say and do as you like with the noted exception of kissing me on the job. It's really not that difficult...well…” Robert stopped walking and reconsidered. “Well it *is* hard to keep from kissing me... so I don't blame you for being confused now that I think about it.” He resumed his pace and nodded to himself. “Even though it is hard you must refrain from doing it.”

“You are completely in the right about it.” Querylon agreed with Robert’s assessment. “I love your kisses and it is indeed difficult to refrain from going after them.” Querylon halted her steps as they arrived at the edge of the rows of strawberries.

“You do say everything else is permissible to do and say. And yet my instincts are telling me to be cautious. I find myself wanting to relate the days events, things from the past, feelings, and ideas to you, but I do not know how or when it would be okay to do so. More when, I think, than how. Not just at the Jasmine. But I am very much at a loss about what topics it is okay to talk about or do when at the Jasmine, and does it make a difference if there are customers or not. For example - when you looked so tired yesterday I was about to rise and walk up behind you to massage your neck and shoulders to put some energy back into you, but then I remembered your words and it no longer appeared as good an idea. Or getting the clothes, but I was unsure about that, too.”

Robert had set down the baskets, pitched his hat aside and unbuttoned his shirt while he listened to Querylon.

“Every conversation we have is not going to be in front of other people. If you are unsure of something you can always pull me aside and speak to me privately. If I am running a card game however, it needs to be quite important to bother me.” He shrugged out of his shirt, folded it and placed it on top of his hat. Noticing Querylon’s eyes on him he stretched and let his bones crack. “Been an age since I worked in the sun, reminds me of being a boy again.”

“The bottom line is this, we just can't give the appearance of a married couple when we work together. People will know that we are seeing each other, the rumors will fly and we will be seen together in other places. It is important to me however that my customers know my focus is on them when they are at the Jasmine, not on my girlfriend or what have you.”

“Aye, I understand that. No being overly distracted by your presence when customers are around, nor distracting you.” Querylon ducked down and started to pick berries, setting them into the basket carefully. Robert had a way of avoiding direct answers that she just couldn’t let him get away with. “So you would not have gotten annoyed with me had I acted upon any of my impulses earlier?” She looked up briefly and smiled to him as the rest of his words sunk in. He saw the radiance in her eyes before she asked with a little catch in her breath, “I am your girl friend?”

“That is as good a word as any.” Robert leaned down and began to work quickly. He appeared oddly focused on the task at hand. “I think saying "yur my woman" is a bit cave mannish, or at least that has been what I have been told. I am not seeing anyone else now, and I enjoy your company.” Querylon’s smile deepened at his words and her heart skipped a beat, though he wasn’t telling her any news.

“I am happy with either word.” Her reply must have pleased him, for he leaned forward and kissed her quickly.

“Well I am glad. I am also glad to see that this” He waved his hand at the patch and the baskets, “has made you found your tongue. I was two steps away from breaking my own rule and kiss you at the Jasmine just so I could see if a tongue was still in your mouth or if you had given up speech for lack of the appropriate appendage.” They both returned to work.

“Perhaps you should have. But then, that would make breaking the rule dangerously easy the next time.” For a time they worked quietly, each busy with their own thoughts while they filled the baskets. There was a surprising amount of ripe berries on the plants.

“You have asked me repeatedly to be more chatty, to let you know what goes through my mind. I do want to. Not only because it is ever so important to me to please you - it is you know - but because I find I like it so very much when we do get to talk almost as much as your embraces and kisses. I wish I had more experience with such.”

“I have talked to and at people my whole life. If you want my advice don't censor yourself. Say what you have to say when you have to say it. I might get angry with you, I might yell and scream, you will learn however that most of my anger is not true rage. It's just my way, I would never strike you or be truly angry with you for long. You will find when you talk with TSC that our relationship is much more…” Robert paused to search for softer words than the kind he normally used. “Physical in regard to my displeasure at his performance. I do not treat all people the same way.”

“I will keep that firmly in mind.” Querylon nodded at Robert’s words. She wasn’t worried that Robert would ever be violent toward her. “You have yet to really get angry with me, and I hope I will never give you cause to.”

“It's imperative for job at the Jasmine that you speak to me openly and honestly. If something goes wrong I don't need you stumbling around words. As for our personal life,” Robert dusted off his hands and stood up. “I think I would it be a benefit. I have run through a lot of relationships because I didn't speak with the person I was with or vice versa. Others, I just got plain bored with what they had to say. I am interested in your opinion and enjoy speaking with you. If you ask me, that is a tremendous advantage for you.” He wiped his brow. “I would not lose that advantage by refraining from speech to find the perfect words.”

“I would like to avoid ever boring you with what I do or say.” She rose quickly once she noticed Robert had gotten up and added the current handful of berries into her basket. “Do you think we have enough berries for now?”
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Post by Querylon »

“You are the cook, you hold my marker. I am afraid I am at your disposal until you say so. I will say this is more honest work than I have done in a decade, if you press me to hard I might keel over and die.” The satisfied smile on his lips let her know he had enjoyed the work.

“I would not like that one bit. I would much rather you would still be energetic enough to enjoy the relaxation without falling asleep. I may mistake such as a sure sign that I bored you to sleep with whatever I might be saying at the time. You shall have your marker back as soon as we step through the door, and desert as soon after as you want.”

“Good, I will put you to work directly after you return my marker to me.” Robert picked up the nearly full baskets, leaving Querylon to pick up his hat and shirt. “There is something in the car I need to give you.” He started toward the house. His voice held some of the impatient excitement he felt. “I need you to help me lift out. With all of the back breaking labor you had me do today I am not sure I can lift it on my own.”

“Ah. Now I am even more curious.” Querylon left his hat and shirt next to washbasin and washed her hands before she opened the door for Robert.

“Well there, that was far less painless than I had in mind. Where should I put these?”

“On the kitchen table seems the right spot for it. Thank you. It was the best thing to bet over I could think of at the time.” Querylon fetched the marker from her desk before she followed him to the kitchen.

“Working for me you will learn to think quicker on your feet.” He turned to look at her with a wink. “Next time you will really make me pay for losing a wager. Fear not however, I knew that what you gave me was worth far more than the price of a few strawberries. Taking in mind your youth, innocence, and of course your beauty,” he inclined his body in a partial bow. “I was sure to get something that would last you a bit longer than these strawberries will.” She was surprised at the tender expression on his face, which made her heart turn over in her chest.

“It was a dance.” She handed him the scrap of paper with a soft smile.

“Such a sweet girl.” He quickly kissed her cheek. “It will break my heart when I ruin your life.” His green eyes looked at her sadly for the briefest of moments. Then the look was gone, replaced by a smile as he tapped her chin. “No I have something a bit more solid to give to you today.”

“Is that really your intention, to ruin my life? Somehow I cannot imagine you doing that.” Robert shook his head and ignored her question for the moment.

“So do you want this damn thing I got in the car or not? I tell you it was a bear to get in so if you don't want it I am taking it right back.”

“I would feel much better had you answered the question. But since you went through that much trouble of getting it - whatever it is - into the car, I should at least have a look at it.” She gave him on of those imperfect winks.

“Out of courtesy I will answer your question. In the past relationships and I have not always done well. Most of the women leave me and their lives are somehow less for having been with me. I on the other hand keep moving on and suffer only the briefest of sadness, a moment of which you just witnessed. Now if we can dispense with the drama.” They stepped out the front door while he was talking. “Your wink still needs work. Don't squint so much.”

“Thank you, Robert.” She replied with a chuckle. “ I am practicing.” Querylon wondered what the blue tarp bulging out of the trunk of Robert’s car might be hiding.

“You are doing well, don't give up. It is a heart stopper for sure, when you have it perfected you will need all your magic to keep men away, or maybe it is your magic that draws me to you...In any event,” He paused at the back of the El Camino and held out his hands. “Here it is. What do you think?”
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Post by Querylon »

“If it's magic, you must be doing magic, too. You have grown very dear to me, and continue to do so. Sometimes the strength of those feelings and emotions scares me. Especially when they are in no logical relation to what either of us is doing or saying. And then you say or do something, and everything seems so desirable rather than scary. It's likely a handsome shade of blue under the dust? What is the tarp hiding? A cello or a harp?”

“It's just love sweetie.” Robert bumped his hip to hers. “I love you talking but you don't have to use that many words.” Robert smiled and laughed. “A got you the blue don't like it?” A feigned hurt expression crossed his face.

“Ohlala, I should have that in writing. That I do talk too much. Really? Oh, that is a wonderful idea. What do you think I had best be using it for?”

“Maybe it's the arrangement of the words not the amount. Use small ones sweetheart. I don't have any formal education so the use of large words frightens me.” He rolled his eyes. “Just give the tarp a yank my dear if you would.”

“I certainly do not want you to be afraid of me.” Querylon gave the tarp the requested yank, and then a two handed one, as it hadn’t budge much at first. Once tugged free, the tarp slid to the ground. Querylon’s eyes lit up as she beheld the elegant Victorian-style dark copper bathtub. Apart from an elated ‘Oh’ Robert’s surprise for her left her speechless for the moment, despite her best intentions to be chatty.

“Two grand and all I get is an oh? Oh is cheap... That is like a thousand dollars a letter, could I at least get a "wow" so I can feel my money was well spent?” He smiled at her with amusement as he tried to put her at ease with his teasing words.

“Silly.” She turned and put her arms around him and kissed him. Robert felt a little quiver go through her as he slid his arm around her and pulled her closer. “It is ever so beautiful. I have never seen anything quite like it. May I touch it?”

“Well now you know what kind of stakes to play for the next time we bet. I am glad you like it. We will have to see about getting you some inside plumbing. But for now we can just fill it by hand.” He put a strong emphasis on every ‘we’. “It belongs to you. Of course you may touch it.”

“I am looking forward to that, when do you think we can do that?” Querylon adopted Robert’s emphasis and lifted her fingertips to the rim of the tub and brushed them over the cool surface with adoration.

“Well, I imagine that we need to get it out of the car first. After that, I am sure I could be convinced of using it sometime in the not so distant future.”

“Of course. It would be kind of odd to bathe with it still in the car.” Querylon giggled at the idea. “This is much better than strawberries and a charm.” She kissed him again quickly. “It appears like more back breaking labor before you get to enjoy relaxation with berries.”

“Well,” Robert ran a hand through his short hair. “You got magic or something that will handle this? I was thinking on it in the car and I was wondering if you could like bibbity bobitty boo it in the house. He attempted to impersonate her nose wriggle but succeeded only in producing a few extra wrinkles. But he was rewarded for his efforts with another of Querylon’s chuckles.

“Good thinking. You are ever so adorable.” She studied the claw-footed tub and its dimensions in regards to magical transportation. “I think I could that. It is definitely worth a try. How does the bedroom between the door and the curtain sound for the current location?”

“It's your house hun. I am not much of a decorator, TSC does all the stuff at the Jasmine. Long as the thing holds water that is all I care about.”

“It will hold water, I am convinced of that.” Querylon paused and with a wriggle of her cute nose the tub was gone from the trunk.

“Holy Jesus.” Robert took a step back as he saw the heavy tub go right up in thin air. “I tell you what, promise never to do something like that to me,” he waved a hand where the tub used to be, “and you don't have to worry bout thanking me.”

“I promise not to do anything like that you unless you expressly release me from this promise for whatever reason in the future.” The seriousness in her voice matched the gravity of the promise made, but the smile on her lips stayed while she looked at him. “Shall we go see if it arrived safely?”

“Fair enough.” Robert nodded his agreement. “Yeah you bet. I am curious myself.” They turned and headed back up the path, leaving the trunk open and the tarp to be picked up later.

“I am not the least bit worried that it did arrive safely, or I would not have risked the magic on this wonderful, and more importantly so, first real present from you to me. I do not get presents that often to treat any of them lightly. I have definitely never gotten anything near this fine. She again smiled brightly to Robert. “It is so beautiful, in every little detail. Thank you is a poor phrase to express how happy your gift makes me.”

“Well,” Robert was a little embarrassed because of all the gushing and waved a hand, “use it wisely.”

“With your assistance I hope.” Querylon stopped just before the newest addition of furniture to her house. The tub had indeed arrived safely.

“Well I will be god damned. That is a useful thing to be able to do. You tell TSC you can do that I will never be able to get his lazy behind to lift anything ever again.”

“Are you asking me not to tell him?”

“Nah he actually handles magic better than I do. He won't mind you doing anything like this, I am just a bit old fashioned I guess. I have been able to get used to machines but this,” Robert waved his hand at the presence of the tub, “This I am still getting used to.”

“To me your machines are the new fashioned things and this is the old fashioned way.” Querylon smiled, enjoying the shirtless view. “We did carry the berries in without machines or magic. Though how they can even remotely hope to compete with this,” she gave the tub a soft look, “I do not know.”

He slid an arm around her and held her against his chest. Then as her lips met his she felt as though her heart turned a somersault within her chest. For the moment everything seemed to stand still. She knew now that she had been in love with him almost from the first moment she saw him. He was so magnificent, so imperious, so wonderful, and even at the same time a little frightening.

Robert lifted his head and asked, “I suppose this is your way to get me to fill the tub, rub your back while feeding you fresh strawberries?” He moved his hands to his hips and looked at her, making her laugh as he intended.

“You have the most amazing ideas.”
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Post by Querylon »

They walked into the kitchen and as Querylon turned to prepare the berries she asked, “What would you prefer to drink?”

“I’m all set.” Robert already held the whiskey bottle in his hand and gave it a shake. Finding a seat he cracked the top off. He considered a glass but then gave a shrug. He knew she wasn’t likely ever to touch the bottle so he may as well christen it himself. The likelihood the amber liquid would survive past when the sun would set was narrow anyway. He took a long swallow. His eyes watered a bit and his face twisted into a sneer.

The shortcakes were prepared quickly. Querylon set the plates on the table together with a bowl of cleaned berries. She poured herself a glass of milk before she sat down on the only other available chair.

Not wanting to offend her Robert took a small bite of the cake. It was much sweeter than he had a taste for but it was not totally inedible. He raised the fork to her in a brief salute.
“It's very nice.”

“Thank you. You already told me you do really not care for sweets much. I will not be offended if you just pick the berries off the cake.”

Robert set the fork down on the plate and leaned back. The bottle rested casually on his leg. His hand stroked over his bare stomach and he smiled. “I have to watch what I eat, I don't want to lose my figure.” He gave her a wink and took a slug of the bottle again.

“A fine figure it is, too.” She gave that compliment almost without blushing. “Might you like stuffed fowl or roasted rabbit any better, mayhap the next time you get to be over?”

“I usually just eat what's on hand. I don't get much pleasure from food so I don't mind what is on the menu.” But he did derive pleasure from watching Querylon enjoy the treat in front of her. “There is always work to be done, people to go and meet. Having a meal is just another venue to accomplishing a more important goal.”

“There is definitely always something that needs doing. I somehow will need to find the time to collect a few items and make the potions the apothecary ordered. I wonder how that does fit in with the pressure to open the Jasmine. What do you think?”

He considered her words his eyes narrowing as he mulled over her words. His fingers rapped against the bottle.

“Your presence will not be needed as often as mine. You will have more free time than I will. I imagine you will have enough time to do your own work when you desire. If need to be the Jasmine has plenty of rooms. I am sure I could clear one for you to work in if need be. You would just have to promise me you wouldn't blow the damn place up.”

“It will not take a whole room. But now that you mention the possibility, especially once the Jasmine is open, having the use of its kitchen now and then while it is not needed otherwise might be a good idea and would save some traveling back and forth. I do not imagine I will have as much time for the potions by then anyway. Currently I am more concerned about keeping my promise to the apothecary.” Robert nodded to her words and sipped slowly as she finished speaking.

“I won't force you to break any commitments you already have. Till this point potion making has been your life so I am not quick to ask you to dump your profession. If for whatever reason you don't like the work, or it doesn't work out it would be wise to keep your business contacts.” He coughed and set the bottle on the table. “Having your own room is not a matter of space, it is to keep what you do hidden from other people. If you do use the … I would just ask that you don't have bat heads, or uncommon items on the counter tops. Seeing things like that would upset the staff.” Querylon gave a chuckle as he suggested bats be one of the ingredients she worked with.

“My potions are not near as exotic as you may think them. Most of what you or anyone will see on a countertop are plants.” She waved a hand at the kitchen they were sitting in. “There is nothing like bat heads here.” She took a drink from her glass. “So, would it be okay for me to plan an outing for tomorrow?”

Robert nodded, “I have some people to meet so you will not need to come to the Jasmine tomorrow. You may consider it a day off, I would enjoy it, there may not be another one for a few weeks after.”

“I will keep that in mind and try to breathe as much fresh forest air as possible.” She gave him one of those still slightly imperfect winks. Querylon knew she would enjoy walking through the forest. She also knew it took more than a pleasant walk to make potions. A day of rest this would not be, nor would she be able to get everything done in only one day.

Robert peered at her in an amused fashion then took another drink from his bottle. His words came hallow as he lowered the lip of the bottle just enough to speak. “Don't get mauled by a bear or something. It would be a damn bit of inconvenience to lose you now.”

“I do know how to avoid raiding the same bush for berries as the bears.” Querylon pushed her now empty plate away. She picked up her glass and leaned back in her chair. Her dark blue gaze rested gently on Robert to his amusement.

“You have something to say?”

“No. I do like what I see, is all.”

“Maybe I should be drinking that instead of this” He nodded toward her milk and sloshed the contents of his bottle around. “It seems to give more courage.” His eyes looked around the house and he continued, “If this place was a bit bigger I would have the Jasmine's customers come here so they could see the bolder side of Lady Q, instead of the shy timid girl that shimmies her cute behind through my double doors.” He scooted his chair up to hers and slid his arm around her shoulders while he talked.

She dropped her gaze to the glass in her hand with a thoughtful little sound. “It is easy to forget the past with all it strictures here. Mayhap you should hear some of it.”

Robert shifted in his chair kicking his legs up on the table but leaving his boots clear of the tabletop. He squeezed her to him briefly and breathed in the spicy-herbal scent of her soft curls.

“Sure, I love a good story.”
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Post by Querylon »

“A story then. Though it may not be good.” Querylon took a drink from her glass. The gained seconds weren't enough to make finding a starting point any easier. But she had to start somewhere.

“I really liked Sister Josephine, the nun in the nursery. I still do, but ...” she paused briefly, “but differently so now. I still like her best of anyone I met while at St Martins. She was warm and always there. At least in the oldest memories I have. Relationships between students and nuns was discouraged. Especially after the children left the nursery.”

Robert merely nodded not wanting to interrupt the tale.

“I felt hurt when Sister Josephine told me we would no longer be greeting each other in public with a hug, just there never was anything but public for the most part. The memory of that interfered with what you were trying to say the other day.” She gave Robert an apologetic smile.
“I know it's not the same circumstances, nor do I believe the results to be similar in the least. Now I know it wasn't even what she wanted but that she simply had to obey the rules. And she did make an effort over the years to keep in contact.”

Querylon took another drink from her glass, more to order her thoughts than for being thirsty. He knew she wouldn't take it and given the disastrous effects of milk and whiskey he hoped she wouldn't try but he felt compelled to offer his bottle to her anyway.

“The mother superior, Mother Rahel, handed out punishment, or penance as she called it. Sometimes it was deserved but more often I ended up on some sort of punishment for things the other girls said I had done but I had not. Arguing about it only made the situation worse.” Querylon shook her head slightly at the memories and at the offered whiskey bottle. “Nun's do not make loving parents.” She smiled for a moment at the absurdity of her next thought. “They have this weird idea of something vaguely imagined should take care of love, comfort, and confidant.”

“I was raised under an interesting assortment of ideas. I would not wish a harsh childhood on a small girl, however.” Robert nodded. He knew he did not need to twist his body showing his deeply scared back. Querylon had seen them before and wondered where he had gotten those scars since she first saw them.

“As bad as your scars are, there are worse things than bodily injury. Small rooms with naught to do, lots of work, isolation, limited food and drink, looks or words of disgust or hate.” She saw no need to elaborate further. She did not want his pity for the girl she was then but his understanding for the person she was now.

“There were these two girls, Tina and Elisabeth, I used to get along with fabulously. I thought us friends for years. They had arrived at St. Martins on the same day, just a week or so after I had been sent from the nursery to live in the wing with the older children. They were close but appeared to be only too happy to include me in most of what they were doing.”

Her voice remained even and neutral when she continued. “One day I was called to the mother superior's office. I was curious as to why, because I could not think of anything I had done of late that violated the rules.”

Querylon turned her head and her gaze shifted from the past to Robert so she would see whatever reaction might be visible in his features. “She was very angry and disappointed. It took me a while to piece together what had her so upset with me. During inspection they found the holy book in my things utterly mistreated, with a greasy sandwich smeared between the pages, pages ripped and torn, devil signs and ugly words in the margins.”

Robert continued to listen impassively, his face showed as little emotion as her voice held. He felt for the girl but at the same time respected her too much to give her a sad look or pitying expression. Having enough of his own sad tales he knew how disgusting it was to have someone try and sympathize with a situation they are incapable of understanding.

“I recognized the sandwich. It was Tina's favorite, only the afternoon before she had mentioned she needed to get rid of it because that day she hadn't felt like eating it. The pretty angel picture sister Josephine had given me years before and I kept in that book had its head neatly torn out. I was stunned that a friend could do such a thing. And stunned that mother Rahel was so ready to believe I had done this. It wasn't even in question with her. After her words I didn't much care what she was handing out as penance, ‘It is no wonder the little darlings wanted to see you burn at the stake and this’ - here she waved the smelly book at me – ‘makes me sorry I interrupted them. You may get the Lord's forgiveness but never mine.’ Weeks later, after the punishment was over, I tried talking with Tina, hoping for denial or an explanation. She avoided me and when I cornered Elisabeth on the subject, she said I was mean for bothering either of them with it.”

Querylon barely paused for a breath. She wanted to get the telling over with quickly. “They were just having fun, they just had wanted to see what was so much fun to the other kids in being mean to my face rather than as they had been doing, behind my back. And she mentioned how dumb I was not to have noticed for years how much fun they had on my account ever since they met me. In theory I know few people are like that once grown up, nor are very many as mother Rahel was, so easy to believe the worst of someone. But knowing and feeling are not the same thing.” She drank down the rest of the milk and set the glass back on the table before settling back against Robert.
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Post by Querylon »

“And you never fought back?” The idea of being insulted without his enemies feeling the sharp stab of his revenge were a total foreign concept to Robert.

“That would have been against the rules, too. Mother Rahel did not believe me anyway. And what's the word of one against evidence and the word of everyone else?”

“Any rules that harbor someone that would seek to do you harm aren't rules worth living by anyway.” He gave a cynical chuckle. “I found that it is better to live in the street than to be at the mercy of those who would harm me. It's an unpleasant tale. I feel for a girl so young to be treated in such a fashion. Yet I will not lie to you Q, you will find that people are horridly cruel and self-serving. You can live among them, and even be kind to them, but never take your eyes of them.” His wide smile was at odds with his words, “or they will be your ruin.”

“I did meet people over the years, especially after leaving St Martins, some of them I may have enjoyed getting to be friends with. It just didn't happen. There was the TDL season I spent with Atrebla and the adventure with Devarrah when we found the injured cook of the Guardians and returned him home. But nothing much came of that either. Devarrah left town shortly thereafter and I never got to meet the cook once he got better. The Guardians still purchase potions now and then, but it's a sort of business relationship and naught else. For a while felt like I was part of things. The season with EnFuego it was a different experience. I promised Dustin to be available for the next season.”

“It is important to be a part of something. I enjoy my independence but I have fought under flags and banded about with others in order to feel wanted.”

“Being wanted is rather a nice feeling, like belonging.” Querylon stretched out a hand and reached for a strawberry from the bowl.

Robert nodded. “You can't sit back and wait to be wanted Q. You have to go out, make your mark. You will find that if you have the sufficient courage to be willing to live life alone and still accomplish your goals people will find their way into your life.” He chuckled and gave her shoulders another squeeze. “I have long since given up being friendly yet I still somehow always manage to meet the most fascinating people.”

I have tried that.” She grinned. “Even being awarded the most valuable player title did not work, much.”

“You were awarded the title, but tell me ... did you act like the most valuable player?” His eyes teased and he pulled the bottle back she hadn’t touched.

“I do not know that I ought to have acted any differently from how I did.” She gave a soft chuckle. “I certainly would not want to behave like some braggart.”

“You will learn how to interact with people in a more” he paused, “rewarding fashion when you work for me. You will not swagger like some of the trollops in the arena but you will learn that you are valuable and you will enjoy the quiet confidence that I think you desire. Your lifestyle has kept you surrounded mostly with your potions. When you go to the arena you expect people to interact with you and nothing can be further from the truth. In the duels people huddle together in their little groups because they do not want to appear that they are alone. Much in the same manner no one goes to a restaurant without someone to dine alone,” he chuckled. “To actually be sociable and reach out to others takes a tremendous amount of self-confidence and will. Much of which most people lack. I myself find that I am unwilling to be pleasant at the duels anymore, yet mine is for a different reason.”

“What is your reason?”

“Because I am old and tired” he gave a cynical sounding chuckle “and don't have the energy anymore. I have come to the conclusion that I am quite happy with who I am and really don't need to force myself on other people. When I ran Fists it got all my time and attention. Well I do not run Fists anymore and the Jasmine needs me now. The Duels are a place to go and fight and sometimes make some cash now. The other large reason I hung around the duels was to find women to sleep with.” Now his chuckle held a happier note. “I don't need to do that anymore either.”

“The light in which you put the Jasmine makes me think I may well come to enjoy spending my time there more than just about anywhere else away from here.” The smile with which she looked to Robert was warm and sincere.

“The Jasmine was created by me to offer an alternative to what I saw in the duels. I do not think the duels are horrid or have fallen off like others go around preaching. I just think the environment that I created is different. Many of the people who come through my doors have never heard of the duels and I think I like it that way.”

“They are not horrid. That is not want I meant to imply. I do enjoy the fencing or watching you fight. But imagine I will come to enjoy people wanting to talk to me as they walk through the door. And that is not the case at the duels.” She reached for another berry and enjoyed it. Robert caught her glance through the doorway at the tub with a glint in her eyes.
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Post by Querylon »

“I suppose this is your way to get me to fill the tub, rub your back while feeding you fresh strawberries?” He gave her a teasing look, drawing a chuckle from her as he had intended.

“You have the most amazing ideas. I do like this one. Are you offering?”

“It would be almost criminal of me to bring a fine piece of bathware to your home and not make a courteous offer. I have spent enough time behind bars not to get caught in such an offense.” He rose from his chair and taking her hand pulled her with him, indicating he meant to act upon his offer instantly. However, he didn’t have the slightest idea of how getting water was accomplished in this particular home. A frown flickered over his features as he thought of the pump out back and how much effort it would take to heat water. He again reminded himself to send someone over first thing in the morning to have running water installed.

“The water from the cistern will due just nicely. There's only one. You cannot miss it. It is right off the porch.” Querylon accompanied him and together they quickly had the tub filled with sun-warmed water.

“This will do. Thank you.”

“Well good enough then. Strip.” Querylon greeted his command with a quiet chuckle. Robert watched her undo the buttons at the wrist of her left sleeve and picked up his whiskey bottle. He spun it in his hand and set it back down. He had expected to be asked to leave the room. “I would offer to leave, you know, if it makes you feel more comfortable.” He offered with a grin.

“I doubt that would help.” Robert sitting in the kitchen while she bathed would do little to calm her. But her thoughts were on the good luck charm she now was pulling from her sleeve and on how to best present him with it.

Robert watched her, soaked her in and was rather enjoying to just stare at her even though he knew it was not the chivalrous thing to do. Finally he couldn’t stand her slow pace anymore. “Can I give you a hand?”

“Uhm, sure. Take this.” She reached over and handed him the charm. “It's nothing like a tub and should not get wet. Though I doubt water could harm it.”

“What is this?” Robert spun the charm in his hand and looked at it.

“The ace of all suits.”

“This is very cute.” He found the ace of hearts. “This is my...” his focus was entirely on the charm. As his finger brushed over the heart the "short stack" of cards sprang open, inside under the thinnest bit of glass he saw a coppery curl. Her hair, he recognized at once. The hinges and clasp were so well set into the wood; they had been unnoticeable at first and would be again as soon as he closed the charm.

“It is to bring you luck.”

Robert smiled at the gift; the thoughtfulness behind it kept him from looking to her. He was touched and speechless. He was unused to having to formulate proper words of gratitude that were not laced with the lines of a joke. The quality of his smile and his utter concentration upon the small thing told Querylon far more than any words could.

“Did you mention strawberries?”

Her softly voiced question made him jump with a start. “Yes, of course forgive me.”

“I am sorry. I did not mean to startle you.” Querylon tried to put him at his ease. “Would you perhaps be more comfortable with a chair from the kitchen?”

“Of course what was I thinking.” As if he was still in a trance Robert moved to the kitchen. Querylon smiled at his back, immensely pleased and happy with his reaction.

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