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TSC rolled down the street in his eight-year-old Lexus ES 300. The car moved along soundlessly and ate up the miles at a strong clip. When he and Robert had spoken to Rudolpho about “acquiring” automobiles Braxxx of course had chosen a car based on power and presence. For his part the floor man had sought out a car that would reflect the confident image of a successful businessman without being ostentatious. By selecting an older model TSC had also shown that he was not new to money. Like his boss, the floor man had fashioned himself out a little world with his own bizarre thinking and reasoning.

“I suppose we all do” TSC reflected as he shoved his fifth cigarette in the last ten minutes in his mouth. He had yet to eat this morning and the only thing in his stomach was loose bits of tobacco that had fallen free from the unfiltered cigarettes into his mouth. The nauseous effect was causing an untold riot in his stomach. Still, the floor man refused to acknowledge that it was his bad habit that was the cause of his discomfort. In the floor mans’ mind his aching belly could be attributed to one source, Robert and the Wench.

As he had been driving TSC had cycled through a plethora of disparaging names and until he had finally settled on Robert and the Wench. It had a nice sing song quality that he enjoyed and the tighter he gripped the wheel the better and better it sounded when he thought about his boss “Both of my bosses apparently” he grunted aloud filling the car with a thick fog of smoke.

Turning right off of the expressway TSC pulled into the Idaho motel. He hadn’t been here since Braxxx’s release but the place remained in the same crumbling state he had left it in. The chipping green paint swirled in the light breeze creating a sort of lime green snowfall. Pulling in under the canopied entryway he parked in front of his old room. Shutting the car off he pulled himself out quickly and began searching through his large key ring for his motel room key.

“Sweet mother humper” The floor man swore loudly as he realized that the key he was searching for was resting comfortably on his roll top desk back at the Jasmine. Turning swiftly he made his way through the open courtyard with its dying plants and trash littered walk way.

As he walked he was forced to give ground to the many couples that were making their way back to the motel rooms. The Idaho motel or the “I be a hoe” motel as the young punks of the neighborhood jokingly called it was engaged in the same third floor business as the Jasmine. While the Jasmine produced a custom service administered by trained professionals the Idaho provided a mass-produced cut-rate service that merely satisfied you for the moment. TSC had once explained to a Jasmine customer that it was the difference between a fine aged wine and slugging merlot from a cardboard box.

“Timothy…Hello!” The dark haired girl encased in the large plexi glass booth struggled to put away one of the large volumes of books she had in front of her. The frayed hair and large dark circles under the eyes bespoke of a young woman who had spent most of her time in research rather than sleep.

“Hello Debbie” He offered a genuine smile, one that managed to break through all the disappointment and strain he had felt that morning. He normally would have balked at someone using his Christian name but even that slid away upon seeing the young girl hard at work. “Burning the midnight oil I see.”

Debbie’s pale complexion turned a crimson that was mercifully hidden under the harsh fluorescent light of the Idaho’s front desk. The shy and studious girl would normally have never been able to say more than two words at a time to anyone, her books provided her all the real interaction that she desired but Timothy was a different animal. Most of the Idaho’s customers rarely spoke they just threw money at her and drooled over whatever street trollop they were currently groping. Timothy was different he never had a tramp with him and he also knew exactly when she felt up to talking and when she did not. Whenever he started his day he would walk by and say hello and he could always tell from the tone of her voice when she felt like chatting or when she should be left alone.

Rapping her books with a narrow finger she offered smiled “Finals coming up, just wanted to get a bit of an edge you know.”

TSC leaned forward his head almost hitting the plexi glass and his smile went wider “You will make someone a fine CFO Debbie, I admire your work ethic.” Ignoring the brighter yellowish blush brought on by his compliment TSC continued, “I am afraid I left my room key behind. I don’t suppose I could get the spare?”

Debbie quickly leaned down underneath the counter removing the spare and slid it towards TSC through the small box opening in the plexi. “So you are going to be staying a while?” Her hand held onto the key so the floor man could not dash off “I don’t suppose you would like a coffee or something one morning?”

TSC was fresh off Robert and the Wench and while he enjoyed Debbie he wasn’t sure if he was up to being around any woman for a prolonged period of time right now. Still he was a professional and he didn’t want to crush the young girl especially since she was so close to her important testing “I’ll tell you what, you take care of those finals and I will take you out for a nice bite to eat.” He put his hand over hers and palmed the key with his best work trained smile. “Thanks for the key”” holding it up he looked with a smile that faded the moment he turned around.
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Making Contact

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Turning the key in the lock he moved in flicking on the light switch. He had spent enough time in the room in the past to know exactly where his steps would place him. Reaching the bed he sat himself tenderly on the mattress. Everything seemed to hurt, and the emotional fatigue of the entire morning was catching up to him. His body urged him to slide under the covers and take a brief rest but his mind revolted at the idea. There was simply too much to do and to little time to do it in.

Spinning the rotary dial he recalled the number he needed without the need for a day planner, or a business card. He let the phone ring and waited patiently for an answer. When the voice came on the other end of the line the floor man shut his eyes and spoke softly into the abrasive voice that greeted him.

“Yes, I need an appointment please.” There was some scrambling on the other side of the phone. TSC could almost envision who he was talking to searching for a pen to conclude the business at hand.

“No, No I am afraid that won’t do. I need something today, and I also need to see Gus. Tell him I am frightful and need immediate attention.” TSC could now see the person on the other end of the phone screw their face up in disgust at being ordered around. When he heard the receiver plunk down on the desk he could tell that the other parties were discussing confirmation on the urgency of this phone call.

“Could you tell him it’s” TSC stopped himself from further explanation as he realized that there was still no one on the other end of the line listening to him. When the other side returned they were about to triumphantly tell the floor man that he could stick his appointment in his ass because they had no room for him today.

Before the opposition could formulate their devastating rebuff TSC almost shouted, “Could you tell him it’s for TSC please.” Again the receiver was put back down and another long pow wow took place. The floor man rubbed his temples and waited. If every single activity was going to be as challenging as this than he probably should just dash under the covers and call it a day.

“Yes…YES!! I am still here! Yes, 4:30 that’s perfect. I will see him then. Thank you for all your assis….” The line went dead as the other end still sought some measure of satisfaction in dealing with the overly demanding floor man. TSC didn’t care, 4:30 gave him enough time to take an aspirin and catch a few hours of much needed sleep before going about his next task.
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Shave+Haircut=Brand New Man

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Removing the look of disgust from her face as another obviously married man escorted a rather plump lady of the evening towards their newly rented room Debbie smiled at TSC. The man looked decidedly better than he had early this afternoon. A clean pressed suit covered his thin frame and his head was held high. The black hair had been trimmed neatly and his face was freshly shaven. The man would never be confused with a movie star but he did clean up rather nicely. She was even able to detect the faint smell of cologne through the drilled holes in the plexi glass. As she inhaled deeper she could also detect another aroma as well.

“You have coffee!” The tired girls eyes went wide and ravenous as her primal desire for some of Columbia’s finest raced through her tired nerve endings.

With a shy smile TSC removed his hands from behind his back and held aloft the two over large containers containing the ambrosia that every college student yearned for. “I thought by now you would need a break.

The girl tried to keep her wide smile in check and the color from totally flushing her cheeks. The thought of someone taking the time to think of her and bring such a thoughtful gift was a little overpowering. As nice as the gesture was she still needed to play it cool. Every guide on romance she had ever read and every ladies magazine she had thumbed through at the check out line had instructed that a girl always needed to guard against being over eager.

“I thought I wasn’t supposed to be interrupted until after my finals?” Debbie screamed inwardly with glee. It was such an amazing comeback just the right amount of sass mixed in with a touch of double-entendre. She had never had much cause to use these skills but she was pleased to see that her study had not let her down. Be it love or money with the right amount of research and preparation anything could be accomplished.

TSC’s face did not change but the shake in the hands was a noticeable enough tell that Debbie didn’t need Braxxx like poker skills to read TSC’s body language. “No, no! Too much!” She thought and bit her lip in anguish as her carefully plotted thesis crumbled before her very eyes. Apparently the books could give you the outline but not the delivery. She had drastically overplayed her line and TSC was caught like a deer in the headlights.

TSC was no ladies man, his responsibilities had at one time put him in charge of making sure the third floor girls were taken care of and he did a serviceable job. Yet even for all his contact with women they remained a mystery to him. He marveled at Braxxx’s unabashed attitude and willingness to put his pride and personality in harms way in order to enjoy a woman’s company. One moment his boss would dump himself in some ladies lap and the next he would play the role of the sweet southern gentleman. No matter his tactic, Braxxx always seemed to come out unscathed and well loved. The floor man had tried to have Braxxx mentor him but it had been a disaster. In the end TSC had given up and immersed himself in his work. Whenever the physical need for female companionship had arisen he would merely pay for it to be satisfied. In the end this had only made him more withdrawn and retarded his skills even further.
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Private Conversation

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The long pause between the two romantically challenged seemed to drag on for what seemed like weeks. If the coffee TSC was holding had not begun to burn his hands rather badly due to poor Styrofoam construction the two would likely be staring at each other awkwardly until the building fell on top of them.

“Uh, well I suppose that even non-union labor get to take breaks?” It might have been a good answer if not for two things. It came after a five-minute pause and it was phrased in the form of a question. TSC could almost see Braxxx groaning and screaming declaring it the lamest line since “You come here often?”

As the fates would have it Debbie the student was far more receptive to the line than Braxxx the letch. Her face perked up and she allowed herself to return to smiling again. She hadn’t heard a lame line at all. She heard the firm tone of a man who was interested in spending time with her. If Debbie had spent a little more time in the grocery checkout line or read a little further in her romance books she would understand the phenomenon that was going on. Often when someone is lonely for a long time that person will hear what they choose in a conversation or they will interpret a sentences meaning in a way so that it is more flattering that it actually is. A condition commonly referred to as “The Greater Need Principal”

“I deserve a tiny break. Why don’t you come on back?” Debbie walked to the large door and began spinning and sliding locks open. TSC was more than happy to get out of his statuesque position and relieve himself of the burning burden in his hands.

As TSC pushed books aside so that he could sit on the counter Debbie spoke hurriedly “Do you mind if we go sit in the back?” pointing an ink-stained finger towards a small back room Debbie shuffled a bit from foot to foot. “I don’t want the customers to see us together. Some of them know you stay here and well….” She trailed off uncomfortably still shifting her feet like a small child who needs to use the restroom.

TSC obligingly finished her thought for her “You wouldn’t want the guests to think that you were for sale.” Debbie lowered her head in shame. It had been a horrible thing to ask and she had once again put her foot in her mouth. To her surprise TSC took the coffees in his hand and immediately went to the back room.

There was a long period of silence as the two sipped coffee. Every once in a while the lobby bell would ring forcing Debbie to respond to waiting customers. While she was gone TSC would grab napkins from the small holder and wipe the sweat of his damp hands. He would then shove the napkin in his pocket in an effort to hide the evidence of his nervousness. He cursed himself under his breath every time he was left alone. It was part of his job to communicate with complete strangers and he was normally very good at it. What the hell was wrong with him now? He needed to focus and remember the skills that he had acquired in his ten plus years in the entertainment business.

“Sorry about that.” Debbie said as she sat down for what had to have been the fifth time in thirty minutes. She had apologized every time she had sat back down and until now all TSC had managed was a nod at her return. This time the floor man was ready, this time his response was waiting on his lips and he blurted out “Busy tonight?”

TSC shut his eyes quickly and waited for her to laugh him right out of the room. When he opened his eyes he saw a vision of Braxxx standing behind of Debbie, a bottle of whisky in his hand. “That’s it! That’s it! You my boy will never get laid at this rate.”

“Not really, it will pick up a bit later but I am off shift in a half hour anyway.” Debbie looked at her watch to confirm her departure time. Nodding at the time she shrugged and added “It amazes me how much a dump like this makes.”

Shaking the phantom Braxxx out of his head TSC attempted to continue the conversation without his trademark five-minute lapse “Well it does provide a valuable service to the community. It is the meeting spot for lonely hearts and lonely loins.”

Debbie drew her legs up underneath her sitting atop them. One of her blue flip-flops dangled off her foot and she wrapped it against the flat of her heel every couple of moments. She leaned forward eyes sparkling and mouth twisted in a fashion that clearly displayed how naughty she was feeling “ I suppose you would know, Mr. Wild Jasmine floor man.”
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Private Conversation Pt. 2

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TSC was taken off guard, he should have known better but he was still shocked that Debbie knew what he really did for a living. For her part Debbie wore a proud expression on her face. It was the face of a person who has figured out “who dunnit” ten minutes into the feature film. “I knew that when you stopped staying here that something must have happened. I also heard that Robert Braxxx was back in town, well I just assumed..”

“That I had moved on to greener pastures” TSC finished the thought for her with a cool even tone of a man who wrote a nine hundred page opus only to see his five year old nephew figure it out in the first ten pages.

He was more annoyed with the situation than he was with her. The whole world seemed to know the Jasmine’s business better than he did and the damn place wasn’t even open yet. Even without an “open” sign hanging in the front yard the Jasmine was leaking faster than the Titanic. Once again the phantom Braxxx materialized that hokey grin plastered to his face. “What can I say TSC? We are popular guys!”

Specter Braxxx’s speech was interrupted by the shy voice of Debbie who could barely be heard above the roaring cowboy. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to pry.” She gave a defeated sort of shrug and nodded to the empty lobby. “Even behind the wall of plastic I still hear things. Can’t help it really.”

TSC looked at the poor girl tired from hours of studying and dealing with demanding customers. Her clothes where badly wrinkled and her hair was starting to border on disgraceful. TSC finally cracked a genuine smile. This poor girl was neither spy nor gangster. She had no idea of the circles he traveled in and the company he kept. If she had the slightest inkling she would have head for the hills. She was nervous enough that someone might mistake her for a prostitute that she didn’t want to be seen with him. Rather than dishearten him he found it oddly sweet and refreshing.

“It’s okay work has just been a little intense.” He fished into his pocket and pulled out his smokes, along without the five or so napkins he had been stashing in the same pocket. They flew across the table floating in the air until they landed softly on the table. Debbie naturally jerked back seeing something fly at her, eyes followed the napkins as they made their descent. She cocked her head at TSC looking for an explanation. “Yeah well, I was a little nervous. My palms were getting a touch sweaty. I didn’t want you to see. Umm anyway care for a smoke?”

Debbie relaxed feeling much better that the moment of unpleasantness had passed “No thanks” she hefted the coffee cup to the sky “this is bad enough.” Pitching the cigarettes to the center of the table the floor man rubbed the side of his freshly shaven face. “Yeah I know. I had given up for about three years, just started again a little while ago.” His other hand tapped the side of the coffee container. He still wanted that smoke, badly in fact but he refrained out of deference to the lady.

“Work that bad? You guys aren’t even open yet are you?” Her red eyes peered at TSC, the man suddenly looked very tired. His well-groomed confident exterior was beginning to fade and the look of a man who was running to hard for to long was replacing it.

“We’ve been having some personnel shifts and some restructuring in management. It’s all been very sudden. Coupled with the impending opening it has been a tough road to hoe.” TSC didn’t look at her when he spoke. He suddenly seemed very intent on reading the side of his coffee container.
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Private Conversation Pt. 3

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Debbie knew full well what went on at the Jasmine and the type business that went on there. Still the way the floor man spoke she could imagine that business was conducted in a more refined and dignified way than it was done at the Idaho. You would think from the way the floor man looked and talked he worked at a bank not a brothel.

“On top of that there has been a tremendous amount of financial pressures.” The floor man continued in a tired tone as if retelling it was causing him to relive the past few weeks’ work. “All the normal problems associated with a start up business.” TSC waved a hand brushing aside his words. He really had no desire to bore the poor girl to tears.

The floor man must have forgotten the girl’s major because she immediately leaned forward and began to speak in a rapid-fire conversation that was aided by quick sips from her coffee. All the collective knowledge of three years of lectures was flung back at the floor man with all the zeal of a kid with a new toy. He was hearing how to achieve tax breaks from local, state, and federal government and how to avoid common pitfalls in selecting a health plan that met the need of your employees.

TSC let the girl prattle on and on. Some of the things she talked about he understood other things came at him in a totally foreign language to the self-made businessman. He began to wonder if circumstances had been different if the two would be discussing things in a different setting. The two business people would be discussing the future of their company across a large oak table, pouring over spreadsheets and pie charts.

Specter Braxxx was kind enough to appear again, this time right over Debbie’s shoulder. His face was mere inches from her neck and he seemed to be inhaling her scent. He turned his head and winked at his floor man “You should have stayed in school sonny boy. It doesn’t matter though, would you trade all this fun with me for some fancy double talk and a bony college girl?”

“I’m boring you aren’t I”” Debbie paused in mid sentence seeing a vein in the floor man’s head starting to twitch. He was gripping the table and looking a bit peaked. Debbie put her hand on the table and slid it near him, she was careful not to touch him but just wanted him to know she was there.
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“Othman!” Debbie pulled her hand quickly away seeing her co-worker walk in with his trademark dented black lunch box that never seemed to have any food in it. “H-e-l-l-o D-e-b-b-i-e .” Othman smiled his big grin pronouncing every single letter in his broken English. “H-o-w a-r-e y-o-u t-o-n-i-g-h-t?” Debbie smiled Othman had learned that much English in the few hours she had spent with him. The guy was a real sweetheart but talking with him was a painfully slow process and no matter what you said he never stopped smiling. “I’m going get going Othiee. I'll see you tomorrow.” Othman smiled his wide smile and immediately went to the front desk failing to acknowledge TSC who had used the interruption to pull himself together.

“I’m all done working now. Would you care to watch the traffic with me?” Debbie rose and stretched a bit. They had been sitting together for quite half an hour but the time had passed neatly. TSC had no idea what she meant about watching traffic but after his last embarrassing display he felt compelled to follow her.

The two walked out of the small room and past the multi locked door out into the fresh air. It was TSC’s turn to stretch but he only got half the job done before Debbie took off on him. He followed her down the alleyway of the Idaho until they reached a broken concrete wall with a view of the highway. Sitting herself on a discarded portion of a bench car seat she slapped the ripped upholstery. Still with no clue what he was doing TSC set himself down slowly only slightly nervous about what the grime on the seat would do to his suit.

There was no conversation for a time as the two watched the brake lights fade into the distance. “I like to watch this road because it leads right out of town. I like this place, it’s my home, but I still would like to sneak a peek at what else is out there.” This time it was Debbie who did not look at the floor man. Her eyes locked into the distance and she smiled happily, the smile of someone with their whole life ahead of them. TSC envied that look, he had not been so careful with his youthful years now he stood motionless as life drove past him instead of him driving the car towards a future.

“Tell me a story Tim.” Debbie grinned and still looking forward missing the look of utter horror on the floor man’s face.

“A story? What do you mean?” TSC asked his mind racing trying to come up with a story.

Debbie stretched and yawned, “A story, you are in the entertainment business so tell me an interesting story.”

“I have a fascinating one about a one armed hooker and her pet iguana.” Debbie would have laughed if not for the straight delivery the floor man gave and his very serious expression.

“Anything else? How about a love story?” She wagged a finger at him “I want a happy ending too.”

TSC tried to think of such a story. He leaned back in his seat and felt the springs in the old car seat shift with him. Snapping his fingers he smiled broadly “ I believe I have just the story for you. It has romance and a happy ending and it just so happens to be about my barber. I need you to close your eyes though, it will take some visualization on your part.”

Debbie did as she was told and tried to get comfortable in her springy seat. Eyes closed one leg crossed over the other and one flip flop still flip flopping she announced “Ready”

TSC smiled and looked off into the distance past the traffic, past the trees and beyond the beyond “Once upon a time there was a man named Gus….”
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Gus’s Story

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Gus had been the leader of a rather notorious biker gang. He was a many of very few words because his three hundred pound frame usually did all the talking for him. Gus had been in and out of jails and been implicated in thousands of different crimes. His amazing run of criminal activity ended one day when he met a rather fetching Vietnamese woman in a bar.

In a true Gus display of romance he walked right up to the exotic looking woman and proceeded to chew the glass off of his long neck beer bottle. While the act didn’t have the desired effect at that particular moment in time it did provide the burly Gus a foothold into the woman’s heart.

After an extremely long courtship, one that saw Gus distance himself from his old world criminal associates, the two lovers became closer and closer. The woman, who was named Kay, worked at a small hair cuttery and constantly encouraged Gus to find an honest work. The woman’s constant nagging wore on Gus who had never held an honest days work in his life. Still Gus’s heart was held captive and he did everything to obtain honest employment. Sadly, due to Gus’s past it was impossible for him to find work that was not linked to underworld dealings.

Despondent that he could not find employment and help support the woman he loved Gus visited his beloved at work. He was prepared to tell her that he loved her with all his heart but that sadly his past had destroyed any potential future they might share.

Gus entered the small dank shop with a heavy heart made all the heavier by the crushing weight of his news. Kay took one look at his large bearded face and could tell that the news was the stuff of tragedy. To afraid to hear the news from the bear of a man Kay dashed off her hands covering her face totally ignoring the half snoring old bag whose head she was charged to cut.

Gus was not a man built to run after a weeping damsel but he did try and lumber after her. He got as far as the stylist chair where the blue haired old lady was two seconds away from drooling on herself in her slumber.

Gus’s head lowered “Why chase after her?” He had nothing to offer her but heartbreak and dreams that would never come true. Looking at his frame in the mirror he saw an old biker who had no education and no skills outside of perhaps being a bouncer at some failed nightclub. “What kind of future is that?”

The snoring old bag broke Gus from his ruminations and he looked down at his wife’s half completed work. She always went in too short with the old ladies. Didn’t she realize that these women were close to losing whatever hair they had on their head anyway? Perhaps his frustration got the better of him because he picked up the scissors and began considering his subject carefully.
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Gus’s Story Pt. 2

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Gus had listened to his girlfriend very carefully when she described her job. Like all men who are looking for a bit of close personal affection in the late hours of the night, Gus had learned that taking an interest in your lover’s daily activity and job was a one way ticket to achieving personal pleasure. Apparently showing that you cared about someone and listening to their daily problems was far more affective than chewing glass.

Gus had become so enamored with his new ‘listen in the living room get pleasure in the bedroom tactic’ he had gone to the next level. When Kay would bring a new book or magazine home to study Gus would quietly look at the publication after her. Pretty soon he was asking thought provoking subjects on matters of design, blow drying, and tinting. Kay couldn’t be happier and whenever Kay was happy Gus learned that he was even happier.

As he cut the sleeping woman’s hair squinting in the low light as he worked slowly and steadily. Kay was now almost an after thought as he began to shape and mold his subject. He knew he was making lots of mistakes and winced as he looked back and saw some of them. Still he couldn’t stop; he could feel the muse in his body forcing his hands to act. The large mountain of a man snipped gingerly, his tongue darting in and out in attempt to wet his parched lips.

Finally done, Gus stepped back and beheld his masterpiece. It wasn’t perfect, far from it but it was a hell of a first effort. Gingerly he nudged the chair to wake the still sleeping woman. “What !!” The woman awoke with a start expecting a five foot two Vietnamese woman and instead getting a six foot six three hundred pound white man. Gus took a step back more afraid of the old woman than any of the various bar brawling opponents he had taken on over the years.

“Where’s Kay!” The old bat demanded. Gus wasn’t good with strangers and he was already nervous regarding his performance. “Kay, well Kay had to leave. She asked that I finish you up. What do you think?” The large man’s hands wrapped around a mirror offering it to the scowling woman. Taking the mirror the woman inspected her hair fluffing it a touch and shoving it back to Gus “You did good grease ball. That Kay always takes to much off, you got it just right.” Reaching into her purse the woman shoved a wad of bills at the stunned Gus. “You leave me an opening on your schedule hippie.” Her eyes peered at him “and for god’s sake shave too, it ain’t the sixties no more.”

With a hobble and a curse at the cold the woman left leaving Gus clutching the money in stunned disbelief. He had done it. He had earned his money and no one was left hurting over it. He had applied his mind and skills into an activity and someone was actually better for it in the end.
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Walk to the car

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Debbie finally let her eyes flutter open. She felt strangely warm all over and it had nothing to do with the current temperature outside and she happily embraced the feeling. She turned and looked at TSC who looked like he hadn’t moved an inch since starting the story. The chocolate brown eyes contained a lingering sadness she could easily identify with from her own hours of staring into the distance. She was loath to interrupt his ruminations but she didn’t wish to be impolite. “That was a fine story Timothy.” She offered in a whispery voice.

TSC turned his head and simply nodded at the young woman “It’s not hard to tell a good story when you know good people. One of the benefits of my job is that I get to meet some of the most fascinating people, people just like you.”

Debbie let out a loud laugh that helped brighten the overall somber mood that had been creeping into the conversation. “Well you didn’t meet me at work. Maybe that means there is more to life than just work.” She stood up putting her hands on her hips and tossed her hair back “Besides, who on earth would be interested in a story about me.” Putting her hands in front of her she offered to help Timothy rise up of the bench seat “Come on Steinbeck, walk me to my car.”

It might have been the mutual fatigue or the shared tale but when TSC took the two hands in his own and continued to hold one as they walked down the alleyway the two awkward romantics for the first time seemed a little less awkward.

Debbie and TSC reached the car in short order despite the couples best effort to drag the walk out as long as possible. Debbie dragged her flip flopped feet against the concrete and TSC took great pleasure in swinging her arm all the way up and all the way back down. The presence off the automobile put an end to all of the fun and games and the two were faced with the daunting task of having to say good-bye.

“Well this is it” Debbie exhaled deeply feeling like a runner who is setting up at the blocks. Her nervous energy raced up and down her spine as her stomach tied itself in knots just waiting for the gun to sound.

TSC was in much better shape, for the first time he wasn’t worried about what he had to say. He didn’t like to say good-bye but he couldn’t think of a better way for the evening to end. The two had shared an interesting and entertaining night it was time to put the finishing touch on it. “I enjoyed your company Debbie and had a wonderful night, I really hope that your finals come and go quickly so we can have that dinner.”

Her eyes sparkled and she put her arms around him. She didn’t want to say a word, she couldn’t think of anything to say that would end the night better. Maybe if she had the time to think and reflect she would have been able to come up with a movie like response to his simple and direct words. This wasn’t the movies however and she knew that tender shared moment like this doesn’t always come even to those who spend their lifetime looking for them.

The embrace was held for the proper time and Debbie slipped into the car. TSC held the door open and then shut it when she was all the way inside. The car turned over and she backed away slowly giving the floor man one final smile and wave before she moved off into the distance following all those other brake lights bound for an assortment of destination.
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Alone Again

Post by DUEL Tex »

TSC turned and walked back to his motel room. Taking his tie down a notch he fished in his pocket for his cigarettes. It was mere moments before he had one jammed between his lips and lighted with a quick flash of his lighter. He puffed and sucked quickly as his pace quickened for his room. He felt naked and alone without Debbie’s company and longed for the comforting solitude of his cool room.

With a quick jingle of the keys he returned to his highly air conditioned room. He had set the air on high and he could almost see his breath as he let the soothing cold was over him. Grabbing a chair he pulled it over to his window. The window provided a narrow view of the highway and he positioned his chair so that he could smoke and still retain his new favorite view.

TSC thought back to his tale and wondered if he should have told the entire story about Gus. The way he had told it had made the man seem just a touch more of a saint than he actually was. Maybe he should have mentioned that Gus was still connected with the underworld even if it was not in a traditional sense.

As Gus grew more adept at his craft he gained a rather interesting client list. The clients worked for the department of motor vehicles, clients who worked at the social security office, clients who worked in various governmental offices. Wherever they worked they shared the common traits of loose lips and a deep abiding affection for their cute cuddly hairdresser.

Every once in a while the big teddy bear would ask a favor of his ladies. It had started innocently enough when Gus had mentioned that he had some parking tickets he needed fixed. A free blow-dry and a rinse had led to a few well-aimed keystrokes and the tickets had vanished into a digital trashcan never to be seen again.

TSC had listened to Gus’s little tale about the cooked parking tickets with intense interest. Such a little network could be quite valuable if used in the right way. TSC had pitched the idea to Gus to see if some of his connected ladies would like to pick up some extra cash now and again by doing him a few favors.

The system had been slow to establish. Some of the ladies needed a little extra coaxing or a little extra cash but in the end they had all come around. Gus went from hairdresser to information broker almost overnight. It wasn’t the mafia but it was on the shady side of the law for sure. Taking a small cut Gus was more than happy to provide the service. “These ladies talk your ear off, I am glad the information proves useful to someone. It bores me half the time” Had been Gus’s attitude.
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Alone Again Pt. 2

Post by DUEL Tex »

As he blew another cloud of smoke he wondered what Debbie would think of him if she knew how he was handling the “personal problems” he was experiencing. Paying Gus to use his contacts to find out everything he could about his new “boss” Querylon.

“All you have is a name? No social? No license plate?” Gus had clipped the floor man’s hair chagrined by the appalling lack of information he was being given to go on. “Give me a break Gus, I just met her this morning. Get me an address, and anything else you can dredge up. Someone has to know who she is.”

“Hold still, I’ll cut your ear off.” Gus admonished, his tongue darting around as he worked. “Someone will know who she is T-baby but it is going to take me time. Does she have a last name or is she like Cher and only uses one name?”

“Don’t bust my balls Gus. It’s all I have okay. If I had more I wouldn’t bother you with this. I came to you because I need this done quickly and quietly. I also need the info for myself. I can’t have Robert knowing about this.” The floor man did his best to remain still as he handed out orders and instructions.

“This is getting more fascinating by the second. You don’t want Robert to know? Why T-baby?” Gus actually stopped the blades long enough to hear the answer to his question.

“Never you mind Gus. I’m not one of your ladies where I am going to tell you my life story. I am paying for what I want not interviewing for a job. Can you do it or not?” The agitation was plain in the floor man’s voice. Gus was normally not this annoying or this inquisitive and it was making the floor man suspicious.

“You sure you don’t want an herbal rinse? It will take some of the edge off your tone. You don’t have to command T-baby; Gus is your old friend. I’ll do it.” That was as much speaking as Gus felt like doing and he had lapsed into what TSC considered a welcome silence has he finished the cut and the shave.

At the end of the service Gus brushed the stray hairs of TSC’s neck and shoulders while the floor man reached into his wallet. Pulling forth at least half of what the wallet contained he pressed it into Gus’s large palm. “This will take care of the cut and get you started on our other business. Promise whatever cash it will take to get what I want. You know I will be good for it.”

Gus had simply nodded. He had pressed the floor man enough and had no desire to fight with him any further. It was just his job to cut hair and get information. He had been paid to do both and it would be done without further commentary on his part “Be a few days, I’ll call you.”

TSC coughed hard breaking up his reminiscing on the afternoons meeting. He waved wildly at the collected smoke and stamped out the smoke. Debbie had been right it was a filthy habit.

He stood and turned from the window and fell into the bed. He was still in his suit, he needed to clean up and brush his teeth but he just didn’t have the strength. It had been a long day and a longer night and he was exhausted.

Tomorrow promised to be better, the nice evening with Debbie had to be an omen that things were turning his way. Gus would come through and find out who the wench Querylon was and the puzzle would start coming together.

The floor man fluffed the pillow and kicked his shoes off. Talking aloud to himself he began to drift off into dreamland “Soon we will find out just who you are and just what you are doing with my Jasmine.”

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