Like Leaves Of A Book

Tales from the Atreblan Valley

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Post by Querylon »

“I'll have a refill of whiskey and a mug of Red Orc.” Erasmus sat his flask on the countertop and took a long pull from his pipe.

"Whiskey and Red Orc. Surely and fine. Just a moment." Synclair pittered along behind the bar until she found the whiskey. The Red Orc was a bit more of a challenge but it gave itself up eventually.

“I am certain they were merely slight exaggerations and not completely untrue, Sir Locke.” Querylon tried to put the young knight at his ease.

“I suppose I had best be getting back to drink my ale now.” Locke nodded.

That, while not particularly polite, endeared the knight to Querylon, and she smiled again.

“May you enjoy the ale and a good day to you, Sir Locke.” Now she was free once again to do as she pleased.

Locke and started to head off, drinking from his mug of ale as he walked back to the bar.

Erasmus heard a voice that was so familiar he had to turn to see who it belonged to. Seeing Querylon brought a weak smile to his hardened face.

"As you wanted, sir." Synclair poured the whiskey with flourish and then filled the mug with the Red Orc, putting both in front of Erasmus with a smile.

Instead of sitting down again, Querylon walked over to the bar to pause next to Erasmus. She returned his smile with warmth.

“It is a pleasure to meet you again, Erasmus. Though that you should be less than happy this day can not be so pleasing.”

Erasmus muttered a thanks to Synclair, and then looked up to Querylon.

“It is always a pleasure when in the company of one so beautiful...” Smoke escaped his lips as he spoke.

Querylon breathed in deeply now that she was close enough to enjoy the fragrant scent of Erasmus' pipe. His compliment added color to her cheeks, but she did not seem to mind. Concern brushed her features, though, when she thought of how he appeared but moments before with his head bowed to his arms. Perhaps in the telling of what touched him so would be an explanation for his absence of the previous day.

“If you would care to lighten your burden by telling me of it, I should like to listen to what had you look so sad a moment ago.” She offered, wanting very much to do something to ease his sorrow.

“It is nothing...” Erasmus shook his had and swigged his ale. “Let us talk of more pleasant things...”

“As you wish. What subject may strike your fancy?” She was disappointed that he refused her offer, but also ready to try and cheer him up.

“War.” The word was spoken as a cloud of smoke.
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Post by Querylon »

“War it is.” Things must be really bad for Erasmus if War was to be a topic more pleasant than what bothered him, Querylon concluded. “Though I should warn you that I have little experience or knowledge on the subject to add to the conversation.”

His eyes caught hers and held fast and she knew that light hearted conversation was far from his mind just now. A deep look of despair still rolled under the surface. He had spoken of talking about more pleasant things, but the only thing on his mind was the fact that he had missed their meeting the morning before.

“Pray tell, what about this war holds your thoughts in such despair?” Her gaze did not leave his even when she moved to sit upon the stool next to him.

“I was born to war. My kin are still fighting a war they have fought for centuries. I think they fight not even knowing what it is they fight for... That is why I left. I no longer believed in what I fought for...” Erasmus paused to swig his flask.

“That is the reason I wear this...” He gestured to the black cloth around his neck, although the cloth wasn't what he was referring to. It was what lies underneath it.

“War is a terrible thing, more so when it continues without end. I am glad for you that you followed your heart on this and left when you could no longer believe in what you were fighting for.” Querylon was of course curious what the cloth was hiding, but too polite to ask, and she could imagine well without the asking anyway. “But your kin are still fighting. Is it news of one of their misfortune that has you grieving this day?”

“It is their annihilation that has me grieving.” He swigged his ale and bowed his head. “I am the last of my line, and I abandoned them for naive notions... You see, I know now what it was we fought for.... Each other...” He set his pipe on the counter, the tobacco having burned to ash.

Knowing that words could do nothing to elevate the guilt he must be feeling, no matter if he was mistaking about it or not, she lightly touched her hand to his arm and left her hand there for now. Perhaps the touch would comfort where words could not.

"I feel your sorrow as well as sorrow for your loss.” Querylon offered at length. Now she had the explanation for his absence on the previous day. Another thought came to her mind with his mention of being the last of his line. A painful thought. Such circumstance tended to come with great responsibilities. “Will you have to return home?

“I have no home...“ Erasmus bowed his head slightly to look at the hand on his arm, then his gaze lifted to her eyes and he leaned toward her. “Besides, home is where the heart is, and my heart left that place long ago.”

“Perhaps your forge here can with time become your new home.” That he would not be leaving Rhydin anytime soon for any length of time made Querylon feel relief. For a moment she had worried that she might not see him ever again.

Erasmus let out a small sigh and shrugged.

“Before I met you, I had been beginning to think I had no heart. Much less a home.” He didn’t know if it was the whiskey and ale talking or if he just really needed to get all of that off of his chest, but it felt good either way.

“It is good that you have come to find otherwise. That should help you to make a new home for yourself.” A little color returned to Querylon’s cheeks at his words and a warm smile was on her lips when she responded. That their meeting just a few weeks ago and a few times since then should make him find his heart and home warmed her throughout.
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Post by Querylon »

Her smile must have been contagious because one crossed his lips as well, and it touched his eyes. Although, there was still some excess liquid in them, tears that just wouldn't fall. With that smile he risked that which he had been dreaming about for a fortnight now, and slowly moved in toward those supple lips or hers with his own. He would not, however, go the full distance. She had to want it to, so he was hoping she would take his lead and meet him in the middle. With his eyes closed he felt so completely vulnerable. A feeling he was not all that familiar with.

With him looking back into her eyes that way she quite forgot that they were anything but private, sitting at the bar in an inn. Between his shared sorrow and his confession of so much happier a discovery, her body reacted without any conscious thought and copied his movement. She was quite surprised when she felt firm yet gentle softness against her lips. When her lips met his, a single tear trickled down his cheek to meet her flesh and transfer itself from him to her. For a moment every sense seemed strangely alive and finely tuned.

Synclairs’ wandering attention was caught by, well, the gracious and most elegant Querylon locking lips with the as yet unintroduced by her Erasmus. Her jaw dropped and she couldn't help but point and exclaim a little, "Ooohhhh!" And then she clapped her hands lightly before she darted off.

Erasmus pulled away as he heard the exclamation from another patron, and he remembered where they were. That crooked grin of his came across his face as he opened his eyes to look at Querylon.

Querylon, too, heard the quiet exclamation from Synclair to remind her of her surroundings. She pulled back just as Erasmus had, her cheeks more red than pink now that she gazed into his eyes again. Then she saw the dampness the tear had left on his cheek and before she quite knew what she was about, her hand lifted off his arm to brush it away with a gentle fingertip. Erasmus grabbed the wrist of her lifted hand and slowly lowered it to her lap.

“It may seem odd, but even though I know very little of you, your willingness to know me has captured my once tortured soul. I do not know what it is that I have done to deserve the attention of someone so beautiful, but I think it would be better that I left that knowledge to the gods...“ He turned to take a deep drink of his Red Orc brew.

“The same should be true then for the answer to my question regarding your unexpected yet welcome attention and willingness to know me.” That his soul should be so tortured bothered her, though.

Having finished his ale, he looked back at her.

“What would you say to a walk in the forest? I know a place near the Southern Glen that has the most magnificent array of flowers...” His spirits had been lifted after sharing some of his anguish with her.

“A walk among pretty flowers to cheer one's soul would be just the thing, I think.” Querylon regarded him with another warm smile. She considered his suggestion a wonderful idea for more than just to enjoy an array of flowers. A walk to the glen meant that she was getting to spend quite some time in his company this afternoon.

“Aye, but no amount of pretty flowers could ever match your elegance.” Somehow, those flattering statements came out of him without so much as a thought. They just flowed when directed to Querylon. The compliment, delivered with such sincerity, did not fail to turn her cheeks pink and her smile deepened.

“Would you do the honors of leading the way?” Querylon slid off the stool, the movement one of grace, and stood on her feet.

Erasmus grabbed his pipe from the counter and tapped the ashes out before he returned it to its rightful place in his vest. As he slid off of his own stool with the fluid grace earned by many years of fighting he slid his flask into another pocket.

“Ready?” He held his hand out for her and she entrusted her hand into his. They both exchanged polite nods of greeting with the minstrel who had just arrived at the inn

“Let's get moving then, dearest Querylon.” Erasmus’ words deepened Querylon’s smile as they headed out.
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Post by Querylon »

Afternoon Stroll

Erasmus strolled through the winding streets towards the South Gate with Querylon at his side, keeping the mood light as they passed shops and street vendors alike.

“Walking with you now certainly more than makes up for having missed the morning practice.” To Querylon Rhydin had never looked prettier than today.

“We will have to do it at another time. Perhaps when we have finished our walk?” Oh right, he had almost forgot in his grief that they had made plans to meet the morning before. He pointed out a man juggling six daggers at once to their left and smiled at her. “I wonder how many times he had cut himself before being able to do that.”

“Whenever you like will be just fine. There is no hurry.” Indeed, there was no hurry to get to practicing with the blade. She enjoyed just walking at his side. In fact, she could walk with him like this indefinitely. Her gaze followed where he directed and they watched for a while. “He probably has caught a blade in his hand or a point in his foot many a time. He appears to have the hang of it quite well now, though.”

“Indeed, he does.” They walked on, ignoring hawkers shouting prices for their wares and other less comely looking characters begging for change. They only had eyes for each other at that moment.

“Might this be a good opportunity for you tell me a little more of what you craft at your forge?” She asked with the hope of learning a little more of him. And listening to his telling would permit her to glance at him without feeling like she was staring when she perhaps should not.

He was tall, almost an entire foot taller than she, Querylon guessed. Few men were. His face with deep blue eyes, framed by reddish blonde locks, spoke of experience and could be very expressive.

“I suppose, but I had something a bit more agricultural on my mind.” He turned right and led her down a new street. A few blocks down the avenue dead ended at the wall of the city, and to the left, in an open lot at the corner where the south and west walls of Rhydin met was a small garden. He turned to her with a wide grin. “Welcome to my tobac garden.”

Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the garden. He had mentioned a patch of flowers earlier, but there were no flowers here. Had this garden always been here?

“Your garden!” She smiled wide with happy surprise that he was showing her his garden rather than a random patch of flowers.

“I am most honored that I am to see it. So these are the plants responsible for the attractive scent of your pipe?” She stepped closer to one in order to better study one of the plants.

“They are.” Erasmus smiled as his gaze followed her. He pointed to the plant she was examining. “If you take a leaf into your hand and rub the tiny hairs on it, you will release the very aroma that attracted you to me that night in the Glen.”
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Post by Querylon »

“May I, please?” At his nod she turned back toward the plant and gently cupped a leaf in her left without detaching it, and with fingertips of her right brushed the hairs upon the leaf. Then she bent her head to the leaf to find the aroma.

Querylon’s company seemed to be just what Erasmus needed to forget about Vargheim and his past life. She seemed to remind him of why he was given that second chance all those years ago. When the branch of that ash tree his rope had been tied to snapped and left him sprawled out in the dirt gasping for breath. He smiled as he watched her, knowing that she needn't get that close to smell the scent. It would probably hit her strongly.

Knowing her way around plants, Querylon had expected a strong version of the scent she liked so much, and she was not disappointed. She smiled wide when she lifted her head after having satisfied her curiosity to look to Erasmus again and her hands let go of the leaf. Though he had not told her that much, she guessed that she had been the first other than him to be allowed to lay a finger on his treasured and well cared for plants. That he had taken her to this private place of his swelled her heart.

“Very pleasing indeed, the scent of your plants, I mean.” Of course she also thought his face to look upon very pleasing indeed, but she could not very well say that. “Thank you so very much for sharing this secret with me. Your plants are very healthy.”

“Thank you. That means a lot coming from an occupational herbalist.” He reached out a hand to her and she was only too happy to return her hand to his. “I thought this would be a pleasant detour on our way to the forest. Would you care to carry on?”

It may have been very apparent, but he didn't care, as he admired the small gesture of her hand swiping the coppery curls back curls that had fallen into her face when she had bent to the leaf.

“Yes, I would very much care to carry on. Thank you so much for showing me your garden. Perhaps you will grand me the opportunity some time soon for me to show you my garden. Though I should warn you that mine has none of the order of yours.”

“I would like that very much.” Erasmus pulled her close to him without using force and wrapped his arms around her: She came easily into his arms, and before she quite knew what she was about, her arms had found their way around his middle.

“Besides, it is easy to keep order when you are growing only one species.” It was a big deal to him to have shown her his garden. He had never allowed anyone else to step foot on the soil it grew in. It showed in his eyes as he locked them on her own orbs and bent to get a more personal and private kiss.

The sweet scent of her hair enveloped him as their lips met, and he held her tight. It had been a very long time since he had held a woman, and it probably showed in his kiss, but he did not care. His passion for this woman was overwhelming at that moment, and it brought with it a kiss that left gooseflesh on his arms and back.

Querylon could not recall being held with such care ever before, definitely not in recent years. Then the scent of Erasmus mixed with that of his tobacco and the feeling of him pushed all memory aside and allowed her to live only in the moment.
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Post by Querylon »

Erasmus slowly drew back from her, bending only at the waist, so that he still held her closely. The warmest smile yet graced his visage as he spoke to her.

“I do not know how you are used to courting, but I would be very honored if I could claim you as my own... Not in any controlling sense, but that I could see you when I like instead of us meeting by randomly running into each other at the places we frequent...” He felt his rambling was getting to be too much, so he shut his mouth as the last word trailed out.

“I have grown very strong feelings for you.” He stated bluntly as he waited for her to reply.

“I am not used to any courting at all, but I would very much like for you to see me whenever you would like.” She had to pause for a breath. His kiss seemed to have left her little short of that. Her voice was much quieter when she continued and less sure. She was not used to confide emotions. Her facial expression, they way she gazed into his eyes as she spoke and the soft, warm smile around her lips were much more of a confession than her words. “I too find affection for you and your company growing within my heart.”

His smile widened if that was at all possible, and he unwrapped his arms. Reaching out for her hand again, he led her back the way they had come and down the street. The noise of the evening crowd grew louder as they got closer to the main street leading to the South Gate.

Querylon too was wearing a rather happy smile now that they were once again walking next to each other. That he should want to consider her ‘his’ pleased her to no end. But it also brought to mind that she had to get those papers back to Major derKorst, so that she should completely and utterly be available for such.

“Erasmus? There is something I need for you to know.”

“Yes? What is it, dearest Querylon?” Erasmus looked at her as they walked.

She was quite sure that she wanted to tell him of the disaster of her previous marriage and the current stand of matters in that regard, but she had no idea really of how to go about it or what exactly the current stand of matters was. Until Major derKorst had mentioned the necessity of papers, she had thought of that marriage as ended. She took a deep breath and hoped for the best.

“I was, that is, I may still be married of sorts. I moved out and back into my cottage some time ago, but I have just recently found out that some paperwork is required to put an end to that mistake of mine.” She glanced to Erasmus to see how was taking those news that must at the very least be distasteful to him, perhaps even disappointing.

“Married...?” Erasmus’ steps come to a halt. He waited a moment for the rest of what she said to soak in before accidentally saying something that he would regret.

“So, you are not with him anymore? How long has it been?” He let go of her hand, but not because he was mad, just to pull his pipe and tobacco pouch out of his vest pocket and proceed to pack the pipe. “Is that why you have been so unwilling to tell me about yourself?”

“No, never unwilling. Some things just do not lend themselves for polite conversation in public or to people one barely met. And no, I am not with Vincent anymore if I have ever even been with him. It will probably strike you as odd, but I can't even exactly remember when it was that I moved out for good, only that is has been several months before I went out to that ice cream social.” The few short sentences left much unsaid.
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Post by Querylon »

Having finished packing his pipe, Erasmus slid the pouch with the dry leaf back into its place.

“Well, then I cannot be offended. It sounds like Lady Luck truly is on my side.” With that said his smile for her returned and he pulled a book of matches from another pocket.

“For the most part I sought work to keep me busy and to keep my mind from dwelling upon the situation.” She started to explain further before his next words and their meaning sank in. His smile was a deeply welcome sign and she couldn't do anything else but return it. “You consider all this a lucky circumstance?”

“With the life I've lived, I find Fate in almost everything. Even if it is something I don't agree with.” His thoughts wandered to why he was so sad earlier. “If you had not come into my life, I would have probably tried to take it again... So, you are my savior in a way.” He offered her the matches to light his pipe.

A soft gasp escaped Querylon and her mien turned serious. That revelation shook her to the core, so much so that she entirely overlooked the offered matches.

“The thought of taking your own life should never be allowed to cross your mind. Just imagine that should you succeed you would be robbed of meeting what the fates or Lady Luck would have held in store for you.”

Their conversation now was so intense that she was not even aware that they had started to walk again or of where or how far his steps were leading them.

“Do not fear, Querylon. I do not wish to take my own life. I would have gone back home, though, and thrown it away.” His pipe was clenched in his teeth, still unlit.

“While that is much healthier a set of mind, the result could well have been the same. I am very glad that you decided to come to the glen to see the fire works that day instead, and light that pipe of yours.” Now she could smile to him again.

“As am I.” Erasmus pulled the pipe from his teeth and bent to give her a quick, soft kiss on the cheek. Her smile deepened at the touch of his lips to her cheek and her hand found its way into his again.

They finally reached the South Gate and Erasmus came to a stop, taking a moment to strike a match and stoke his pipe to life. Querylon watched the ceremony like procedure, fascinated by the motions of his hand. Then, as smoke rose from the pipe, she inhaled deeply, again enjoying the unique scent.

“Well, it is nearly twilight...” The words were spoken as Erasmus exhaled a cloud of smoke and he walked into the Glen with her still at his side. “Would you care to witness some blade dancing as the sun fades into the horizon? I like to practice near the lake.”

“I would very much like to witness that.” The afternoon spent in his company certainly had flown by, seeming minutes instead of hours to her.

Erasmus nodded and stuck his pipe back between his teeth, smoke from the tobacco left a trail of scent in their wake as he headed down a path that led to the lake. Querylon followed his lead, enjoying the scenery nearly as much as his company. His soft-soled boots made barely a whisper in the leaves as he led her to his favorite spot in the wonderful bit of nature that was the Glen.

“Don't fall too far behind, dear...” Querylon was right behind him, though.

“No worries, I am used to hiking over all kind of terrain.” Indeed, some of the places her hunts for herbs took her were far mare difficult to navigate than the glen.
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Post by Querylon »

Blade dance

Erasmus came to the clearing at the end of the trail and walked toward the lake. He found a spot with a good view of both the lake and the forest and stopped. Dropping down in the cool grass to sit in a cross-legged position, he took a puff from his pipe as he motioned for Querylon to sit as well.

“I would not have expected the practice of blade dance to be done while sitting down.” She smiled up to him after she had sat down in the grass across from him and arranged the skirt of a summer muslin dress properly around her legs, drawing a chuckle.

“It is not. But according to tradition, when practicing I am to be barefoot.” He snuffed the ember in his pipe with one thumb before putting it in his vest. “Besides, I thought I would explain it a bit before doing the steps.”

“I have never quite understood why such practice should be done without proper foot ware.” Querylon grinned as she said that. “An explanation would be welcome; it would allow me to better follow what I will be seeing.”

“Very well. Blade dancing is an ancient art that is handed down from a father to his first son. There are many styles of blade dancing, each according to the bloodline it has descended down.” He tugged off one of his boots. “You follow?”

“So far so good.” Querylon nodded and wondered if he was perhaps a little nervous. She certainly would be all kinds of nervous should anyone think to watch her blade practice.

“The particular style of blade dancing that I am going to show you is known as Ulvsvarte, and it has thirteen steps.” Erasmus tugged off the other boot and set the pair together. His left hand lifted to the black cloth wrapped around his neck, and a gentle tug pulled it free, exposing the red, rope-burn scars he continued to explain.

“This is the most brutal of the styles and is taught only to the First Blood of Vargheim.” He stood and slid the large, bone-handled hunting knife from its home in the small of his back in one fluid motion.

“Thirteen, a good number that some even consider lucky.” Querylon watched attentively. She had expected the scar and so was not overly surprised at seeing it when the cloth was removed, but found herself wondering if he might accept a potion to limit its visibility and possible discomforts he may experience from it. She shifted slightly even as she admired the fluidity of motion. That he should show her this particular blade dance made her feel extraordinarily special.

“Oh, let me backtrack, Ulvsvarte means black wolf.” Erasmus smiled at her comment as he headed closer to the lake.

“Ulvsvarte.” Querylon repeated quietly to herself, her dark blue gaze following his every move.

“And these are the thirteen howls of the black wolf.” With that said he settled into a stance she already recognized. It was the same stance he used in the ring, very casual and not like a fighting stance at all. With his knife in his left hand, the blade fell back along the length of his forearm and turned out away from him, he started into the dance, every move flowing into the next.

“One! Biting Rock!” With the first call Erasmus’ arm went straight up, and the point of his blade dropped as if into a person's skull.

“Two! Hackles Raised!” The blade was removed.

“Three! Tearing Flesh!” Erasmus spun, swinging the blade as if slicing a throat.

Querylon watched with fascination. She quickly lost sight of the details, being taken up in the nearly hypnotic fluidity of the dance. The motions seemed to blend with the changing light as the sun dipped to kiss the horizon.
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Post by Querylon »

“Four! Rushing Wind Through the Trees!” Erasmus dodged to the side of his invisible opponent and lunged forward, bringing the blade across what would be ribs

“Five! Howl at the Moon!” A kick to what would be the back of a knee as Erasmus raised the blade and his head in a mock howl.

“Six! Living in Shadow!” After the 'kick' he dropped the blade behind his back as his body also went low, like a stalking predator.

“Seven! Broken Fang!” Erasmus lunged forward again. This time the knife came from behind his back with the blade pointing forward in a thrust.

“Eight! Snarls of Vengeance!” He twisted the blade and kicked forward. A snarl was indeed on his lips.

For a moment Querylon felt compassion for the imaginary opponent, but only for moment. Then she admired the fluid movements again that Erasmus demonstrated with such skill. She was thoroughly amazed and found herself wondering what the last few parts of the dance would be like.

“Nine! Jowls of Ulvsvarte!” Erasmus spun in place, coiled down like a spring until the knife actually sliced through a few blades of grass.

“Ten! A Den of Wolves!” The spring uncoiled and he shot up, the knife howling through the air.

Though the howling of the blade and the falling of the grass surprised Querylon, she didn't dare to react as much as with a blink of her eyes. She certainly did not want to miss even the smallest moment of the performance.

“Eleven! Wolf's Run!” Erasmus dashed forward and sliced the blade diagonally through the air, slashing both ways.

“Twelve! Wolves In the Throneroom!” The twelfth step had him do what looked to be an assassination move, as he slid around what would be an opponent and sliced an imaginary throat, then drove the blade into equally imagined ribs on the left side. The blade would have most definitely torn a heart to shreds.

“Thirteen! Vargheimdalr!” He threw both arms up into the air, his right hand cradled the blade, and his left held the hilt still. Then he dropped both hands and with a flick of his left wrist he slung what would be the results of the many cuts off of his blade.

Having finished the blade dance he remembered that he had been performing for someone, and looked to Querylon. For a moment she didn't react at all, still taken up in the blade dance. Then she applauded the performance.

“That was absolutely beautiful and perfect, like a precious gift!”

Erasmus bowed slightly to her.

“You are probably the first person to ever witness Ulvsvarte who is not of my bloodline or on the receiving end of it.” He slipped the hunting knife back into its home with ease as he made his way back over to her. A slight bit of perspiration glistened on his brow.

“I guessed as much. Thank you very much for the honor and for the trust you put in me.” Her smile for him was warm and appreciative while her expression still held the awe at what she had just witnessed.

“I just hope you can trust me with the honor of knowing more about you.” Erasmus sat down across from her. Her smile must indeed have been contagious because it spread across his face as well even before he reached for his boots.

“Of course, we shall just have to find time for such sharing.” Her smile deepened. Keeping in mind his garden and blade practice he had shared with her today, she would feel a lot less awkward should ever feel inclined to watch her sword practice or potion making.

“Yes, we shall. Are you ready to head back into town? I am in need of a hot meal and a little rest before dueling tonight.” It had taken him no time at all to fasten the boots back to his feet and rewrap his scarf.

“That sounds sensible. I could probably do with a little of both as well.” His words sounded like a promise to her. She was already looking forward to getting to spend their next day off together.

Erasmus stood and offered his hand for her to hold as they walked and Querylon was happy to again trust her hand into his.
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Post by Querylon »

Querylon and Erasmus had parted ways once they arrived back in town to meet up again in the annex after dinner. Querylon appeared there just after Erasmus had strolled in. He spotted her right and continued his stroll in her direction, a warm smile on his face. She had used the time to change clothes and now was garbed in robes of white looking very much a sorceress with her luscious curls tied back at the nape of her neck.

”It seems a lifetime since I saw you last.” Erasmus halted just a step in front of her.

“It does appear a lifetime indeed. I even took the time to change outfits.” Querylon returned his smile with identical warmth and a merry twinkle to her dark blue eyes.

“I changed my vest.” He spun around with a soft chuckle.

“And a very handsome vest it is, too. It is to be hoped the ward will protect it as well as your person.” Querylon offered with a bemused smile.

“Thank you, and the same for that lovely white dress you are wearing.” Erasmus took her hand in his and gestured to a table near the rings with his other one. “Would you care to join me at that table until we find opponents?”

“That is a very sensible suggestion, I would very much like that.” Querylon followed his lead to the selected table. “A fine choice, the table offers a good view of the rings as well for later.”

“That it does.” Erasmus slid a chair with a good view out for her.

“We are looking for a brawler for you, right?” She asked as soon as soon as she was seated with a glance around. The annex was far from crowded this evening and offered few choices for potential opponents.

“That is correct.” Erasmus slid into the other chair.

“Of those here so far I only recognize Bran as one of those enjoying a fist fight now and then. You may be in for a bit of a wait.” The blue scaled lizard-man was currently engaged in a duel of swords.

“That's why I brought this.” He pulled a rather large piece of cardboard from somewhere. It read; ‘Fighter to duel any with Fists’. Then he set the sign on the table next to theirs so it wouldn't disrupt their conversation.

“I should have a dance card like that to claim that I would enjoy a match of spells or blades.” Querylon offered after having glanced at the sign.

“It does help.” Erasmus looked at the sign briefly and nodded his head.

The man exiting the ring just then, the one who had been dueling Bran, nodded a greeting in their direction and Erasmus poked a thumb at the sign as he returned the nod, hoping that the man would like a brawl. The blue-haired man replied with a thumb up and disposed of his weapon. Not a moment later the official of the evening, the minstrel Soerl, sent them to a ring.

“It appears you have found an opponent already. Good luck to you in the ring.” Querylon already looked forward to watching the fight.

“I guess you should get one. I got a duel faster than you, and I'm not a fraction as beautiful. Thank you, dear.” Erasmus stood and laid the sign flat on the table before he headed to the appointed ring.
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Post by Querylon »

“I doubt you were picked to duel for your looks.” Querylon replied with a little wink and then leaned back in her chair to enjoy the bout as Erasmus settled back into that casual stance.

Before long she was entirely caught up. Erasmus, nearly half a foot taller than his opponent, launched out quickly with a straight right and took the counter as only once could who had taken many. He began to circle and then brought up an arm to block an attack that never quite materialized. Then he slammed another right home, just a little quicker and a slight reach advantage over his opponent.

Still circling right Erasmus snapped out a left leg, his shin aimed for his opponent's midsection, but the blue-haired man jumped back just in the nick of time. Using the distance the man had created by stepping back, Erasmus dropped low and swung his right leg in an arc, taking his fumbling opponent down to the mat. When both stood up again, the other was slightly faster and Erasmus’ next swing found only air.

Querylon took the opportunity of a temporary lapse of action in the ring to wave over one of the serving lads to place an order for ale and juice. Erasmus would likely enjoy something cold and wet after this mostly fast paced bout, she thought as she turned her gaze back to the ring.

The blue-haired man popped up and twisted his body to the right even as Erasmus’s foot snapped out. The loud sound of heel hitting shoulder pad echoed through the annex. The man stepped back, probably to seek balance. One of his legs came up and Erasmus grabbed a hold of it to drive him to the mat with seeming ease.

“Very nice!” Querylon exclaimed. But when Erasmus smiled as if he had heard her little cheer and then was pulled rather unceremoniously to the mat, she resolved to cheer silently instead and make less of a distraction of herself.

Erasmus rolled fluidly up to his feet and nodded to his opponent even as he started to circle to the left. The left-handed lad swung a sweeping chop toward Erasmus, but Erasmus closed the gap suddenly, darting in with a ridge handed chop of his own. The traded blows had ended the duel and after exchanging formalities they both left the ring.

“A well fought and well won bout. I do hope you wanted ale.” Querylon greeted Erasmus with a warm smile as he returned and indicated the mug of ale that now was sitting on the table next to a glass of juice.

“Ale would be nice.” Erasmus slid into his char and grabbed up the mug to take a swig and then watched Querylon sip her juice with open admiration. “I must be leaving, dearest. My shift for Watch is coming up, and I have the worst of headaches. I am reluctant to go though…”

“I shall walk a ways with you.” Querylon offered and promptly rose to her feet. She did not want to say good night to him just yet either. Perhaps the fresh night air would cure him of his head ache.

“I would like that...” Erasmus smiled and rose with her. He reached for her hand and they headed for the stairs.

“Are you familiar with Forest Street?” Querylon asked as they climbed up the wooden stairs. “It occurs to me that you should know how to find my cottage.”

“I am.” He held open the door for her. “What is the address?”

It's the very last house on the right, just before you would enter the forest.” She stepped through the door and Erasmus followed her out.
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Post by Querylon »

Some Kind of Test

Having made plans to meet Querylon in the fighting area the next day before everyone else arrived, Erasmus came out of the back of the Outback, where he resides. He strolled over to his usual spot to take a seat and to wait for her arrival. Then he saw her.

*But wait! There she is! A shimmering radiance...! Hey he should use that...* Seeing her made him smile, but seeing her dressed like she was made a warm tingling sensation build in his stomach. Still standing, he waved her over, his smile growing the more he awed.

Querylon was garbed in one of Koyliak's creations of a flowing butter cup yellow material. It was a deceptively simple garment, with a high waistline, tied in the center with a narrow ribbon. At the same time, it did not disguise the slender beauty of her figure or the grace of her movements. The skirt being cut shorter in the front than the back, showed off well turned ankles and with matching slippers. It was cut low at the neck so that it revealed her creamy skin, and without sleeves which left her arms bare, and she had left her coppery curls unbound.

She smiled wide when she saw Erasmus right away. Her steps took her over to Erasmus, her smile warming as she walked.

“Good evening, handsome.” The look upon his face made her glad that she had chosen this particular dress to wear for the evening despite all her misgivings about it.

“Good evening to you as well, my dear.” He was openly admiring her. “That dress complements you very well. You are a shimmering radiance, a lone star in a deep blue sky...” He offered her his hand as she approached.

“Thank you.” Of course that compliment made color rise into her cheeks even as she placed her hand into his. “It is one of those Mr. Braxxx insisted I get when I was to work as a hostess in his club.”

A giant bear walking into the outback just then took both their attention and Querylon quite forgot what else she was about to say.

The bear was old news after the second glance, though. Erasmus only had eyes for Querylon at that moment. As her hand was placed in his, he pulled a chair out from its resting place at the table with his other one, guiding her to it, but making sure that she came very close to him in the process.

“Thank you kindly.” She brushed against him, which was quite unavoidable, as she slid gracefully into the offered seat.

“Evenin' to ya Era and to ya too Querylon!” Destre smiled and waved.

Erasmus smiled and took a seat in the chair across from her. Hearing Destre’s greeting made both their heads lift toward her to return the greeting.

“Think I could beat it?” Erasmus asked with a nod to the bear, though they continued to gaze and smile at each other.

“It does look pretty big. Then again, Lady Luck may be with you. I have seen you fight, but not the bear, so I find it difficult to judge. That little puff over there looks meaner, though.” Querylon gave him a little wink. She had seen the creature soundly beat quite a few opponents.

“I was half joking anyway...” Erasmus shrugged as the bear and the little puff arranged a brawl. “That it does. I've heard stories of that thing. I guess now I will also get to see it in action.”

“And I will get to see if the bear is as tough as he looks. I am sure you will find an opponent before long, too.” She smiled from the creatures to Erasmus as he waved around his cardboard sign that claimed that he was available for a fight and then set it upon the table.

“How has your day been, Erasmus?” Querylon asked, finding him far more interesting to look at than the current action in the ring.

“Rather uneventful...” His attention snapped back to Querylon as he heard her question. “I tended the garden early, practiced some blade dancing, then I came back here to do a few exercises before showering and heading down to the forge to see how business is going. And yours?”

“My day was pretty similar. It started with a little practice and then I was off collecting some herbs. In the afternoon I had my of late daily visit with Mr. Corwell and then it was time to go home and get ready to meet you here.”

“Mr. Corwell? Is that another of your bosses?” He glanced at Soerl quickly as the minstrel walked in.

“No, Mr. Corwell is a patient, of sorts. Perhaps an ill client would be a better description. A rare occurrence, to be sure.” Querylon attempted to explain her relationship with Mr. Corwell, her mien clouding over slightly.

“My condolences to his family.” Erasmus bowed his head slightly.

“I am sure they will be required before too long.” She paled further as condolences were expressed.

With his head being dropped slightly, it was easy to spot young Lirssa. He waddled a finger at her, but Querylon quickly got his attention again. As he looked back up at her he noticed the shift in mood.

“Are you not accustomed to death?”

“No, that it is not it. Perhaps this is a subject we should save for more private surroundings?” Her dark blue gaze turned slightly pleading.

“Yes, of course... I apologize.” He reached out to rest his hand on her upper arm for a moment.

“There is no need for an apology.” She had another warm smile for Erasmus.
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Post by Querylon »

“Very well.” Erasmus turned to Soerl then who had asked for a bout, and they arranged the details. Their call to the ring came promptly and for the next half hour or so Querylon could watch Erasmus’ graceful and fluid movements in the ring.

Querylon applauded the duel and Erasmus’ win after only six rounds with a little sigh.

“I think Lady Luck is by my side tonight, dear.” Erasmus smiled warmly at her as he slid into his seat again. He knew she probably thought he hadn't heard her before the fight.

“Welcome back and thank you for the enjoyable show. I am glad she decided to stand in your corner.” Querylon returned his greeting with a smile just as warm.

Vincent, grinning like the proverbial fox in a henhouse, walked up behind Erasmus and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Excuse me sir. I happened to notice your well executed match and was wondering if you had it in you for another duel?”

“I believe Soerl had his own luck in his corner. It just wasn't as strong as mine.” Erasmus replied to Querylon just before he felt the tap on the shoulder. He looked up at the man speaking to him. “Sure,” He looked back to Querylon, “Do you mind, dear?”

“Not at all, much the opposite.” Querylon replied before she offered Vincent a polite nod. She wondered, though, what he intended, because that he had something specific in mind was obvious.

“Thank you. I appreciate it.” Vincent’s smile grew bigger. Then he turned to Destre. “Des dear? A ring for Era and myself please.”

“May Lady Luck continue to favor you, Erasmus.” Querylon was about to give him a little wink when she heard Destre send them to STYX. Pre-arranging that ring for fighting her date would be something Vincent would do.

“Very well…” Erasmus slid out of the chair to a standing position and looked up to where Des was pointing. A smile creased his lips.

“There is a God, and her name is Des!” Vincent’s hands rose joyously and he floated up to the rafters, Matt present or not. “I do believe it is time for some mischief...”

“Fifty silver fine!” Destre charged him promptly.

Erasmus ran up a support column and caught a rafter, pulling himself up to face his new opponent. Querylon leaned back in her chair to watch, but they were too far up for her to follow the match closely and she had to rely on Destre announcing the results to know how the fight progressed.

“You pass the test.” Vincent said loudly enough for Querylon to her once the fight was over. He had won by a hair, and Erasmus had placed a few hard punches, too. “Take care of Query. You two look good together.”

Querylon lifted a delicate brow at those words and held her breath to hear what Erasmus might say in reply.

“Thank you. You fought as well as you said you would...” After having waved to Destre and given her his thanks for the calls, he watched Vincent jump down from the rafters and followed suit. But while Vincent turned to Tara, he turned into the opposite direction. He landed with his knees bent to absorb the impact, and walked straight to Querylon with a playful smile. “I guess I passed some test.”

“I am sorry you did not win this one.” She welcomed him back with a warm smile. Then, after a brief glance over to Tara and Vincent, she added, “That was odd what Vincent said, all of it.”

“Aye, but perhaps in private later.” Tara smiled up at Vincent but her eyes moved toward Query quickly and then back. Her voice was soft, but it carried. “I bear her no ill will an' do not wish to upset her.”

“I understand. I have none towards her either.” Vincent nodded, replying in kind.

“Perhaps he is not without some compassion...” Erasmus nodded and then looked around for Lirssa, hoping she would bring him some cold Red Orc ale. He shrugged as he saw that the young girl was having conversation with the governor.

“He used to have that, compassion.” Then Querylon turned her thoughts to happier things. “You did look good in the ring, though, winning or not.”

“Thank you. I try.” He smiled warmly at the compliment and praise.

“It appears that there is no such service this evening.” She had paid attention to his glances.

“Huh? What service?” Erasmus thoughts had wandered for a moment. Then he shrugged off the thoughts. “Oh... That is quite alright. It is coming close to shift change for the Watch. Would you care for an escort home?”

“I would indeed like to do that.” Querylon accepted his offer with a smile, glad that he had thought of it. “It would give me chance to tell you a little more about Mr. Corwell.”

“Alright. Let's go then.” He stood and offered her his arm.

Querylon came to her feet in a fluid motion and placed her hand on the offered arm, ready to depart.

Erasmus smiled at her as he took in her form in the elegant, shimmering gown she was wearing. He rested his other hand on the one she set on his arm and then they headed for the double doors.
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Post by Querylon »


Greetings Locke DVestavio,

Should you still be in of a second, I would gladly serve you in that regard. The moment I first saw and read Ms. Starr's announcement on the board I have been wondering if you may be looking for a champion as well. It is recommendable that you have decided to fight your own battles.

Respectful regards, Querylon

Dear Querylon,

While we have only met briefly, I believe, and only exchanged the usual chit-chat that is befitting a bartender and his customer, I have heard many good things about you, both in terms of your dueling prowess and your kindness towards others.

I am well aware that my reputation around the Duels is somewhat sordid, as a result of past behaviors that I regret. This Honor Match, however, does not touch upon those past behaviors, which I have apologized for and am attempting to make recompense for. While these past missteps have undoubtedly colored many people's perceptions of my character to the extent that they would most likely not wish to assist me, I am still hopeful that some of my acquaintances and friends might step up and aid me as well. Know that the potential exists that even being around me may besmirch your honor.

More simply put, I would love to have your assistance in this honor match, in some way, shape, or form, whether it is as a second, a lady of honor, or some other honorific I am not aware of, lacking much familiarity with the ins and outs of honor matches. However, I would also like to give my friends a chance to step up and assist me. I will let you know Thursday, July 10 as to what my decision is. If you can think of a position befitting you besides the only two that I know of (second and lady of honor), please let me know. I would greatly appreciate your knowledge and assistance.

Locke D'Vestavio

Dear Locke D'Vestavio,

Nothing would please me more than to see your friends coming to their collective senses and insisting to stand beside you as any friend should. Should such transpire I would please me to just be allowed to cheer for you that day.

I know nothing of those past misdeads you mentioned and even had I heard any rumors regarding your person and the past I would still base my offer on what I have come to know of you personally. My honor is without stain and it will no doubt remain so if you should find use for me as your second or not. I am however in the hope that this circumstance and my siding with you for this match may prove benificial to you. Regardless, your reputation in the duels is much better than you believe it to be at this time.

In regard to your mention of perhaps liking the idea of me as your lady of honor, I must respectfully decline. This particular position is associated with a depth of affection beyond mere friendship, which, while I hold you in high regard, you must know does not exist between you and I.

I am looking forward to hearing from you again within the week.

With respectful regards,
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Post by Querylon »

The Following Sunday

Querylon and Erasmus had met again on Tuesday, and after a short stay at the Outback, just long enough for Erasmus to get in one good brawl, they had left for an evening stroll. Erasmus had shown her his favorite spot for a little star gazing. It had been a wonderful evening and Querylon thought back to it often during the rest of the week.

This evening they were to meet in the annex. Erasmus had requested an opportunity to watch her duel, and Querylon was pleased that he had asked.

Ready to leave her house much earlier than Querylon could reasonably expect to meet Erasmus at the annex, she decided to head out anyway and perhaps enjoy a cup of tea at the inn before climbing the rickety stairs down into the basement.

The three creatures Querylon happened upon when she arrived at the Inn were not what she considered desirable company, an oversized, talking spider, a vampire, and the ethereal being she had met before. The torch lit basement with flickering torches, empty rings, and banners in the rafters sounded more inviting. Querylon gave the company barely a glance before she moved toward the table closest to the basement door and furthest from everything she thought of as scary.

Hidden eyes, shrouded in blackness, watched the movements of the Spider. The glass lifted with ease into the air before it floated loftily into that claw of a hand, which took hold of the stem. The glass then dipped into the darkness under that hood for a sip.

“Hello Querylon. You break my heart Querylon.” Another sip of that red wine was taken by Dracht, as if it would help that raspy aged voice that issued out from under that hood. “But then again, all the beautiful ones do.”

There was no way that she would approach the bar in order to get something to drink now. Querylon wriggled her cute nose and the ice box was minus a juice bottle, because that was now on the table in front of her. Another wriggle of cute nose and one glass less was sitting in the shelf over the counter, because that was now sitting on the table, too, right next to the juice bottle.

Jade gave a soft, swollen, smile to the women - whom she had met before when she was married... but she didn't say that out loud. Querylon would have appreciated the restraint, had she been aware that Jade remembered her.

Querylon politely inclined her head toward the creatures at and behind the bar, then turned to pouring juice from the bottle into the glass. Another wriggle of that cute nose of hers and a coin was teleported into the till.

The chair creaked as the crimson robed figure stood. The hand continued to swirl the contents of the bulbous wine glass as silent footsteps carried him towards the dark table where Querylon was seated.

“Have you suddenly been afflicted with difficult hearing Querylon?” Dracht’s unoccupied hand slipped out of the arm of his cloak and pulled out a chair before the figure slid down onto the chair.

”My hearing is just fine, milord.” Querylon replied coolly and then glanced to the door as it opened, just in time to see Erasmus strolling in, and a smile spread over her entire face.

”Pray, excuse me, milord.” Querylon nodded to Dracht as she rose to her feet. Then she walked toward Erasmus.

”Ah...” The hood twisted as the being's gaze turned to the new patron of the inn, that hissing voice whispered with an air of understanding oozing in it. “Don't have too much fun.”

Erasmus’s eyes slowly scanned over the patrons. Then, he spotted someone he was not expecting to see just yet. Seeing Querylon, and her smile, made a huge grin emerge on his own lips. She was dressed in white robes, and wore her coppery curls tied back at the nape of the neck with a matching ribbon, her usual garb for a night of dueling magic.

”Hello, dear.” He greeted as she came to a halt in front of him and embraced her. “I have missed you these past few days.”

“I have missed you as well.” She wrapped her arms around him to return the warm greeting

”What would you like to do this afternoon?” Erasmus gestured toward a bar stool, at the same time sliding onto one himself.

”So long as may spend it in your company just about everything will be wonderful. I had been hoping for a chance to show you my garden, though, and perhaps, if Boots decided to grace us with a little visit, to introduce you to him.” Now that Erasmus was here, even that there was a spider serving drinks appeared a neglectable little detail to her.

“That sounds like a good plan.” Spiders serving lizard-men, monkeys on the moon.... None of that mattered when hearing Querylon compliment his company.

”Shall we be off then? Provided you are not dying of thirst. There is no ale to be found in my garden.” Querylon thought to warn him. Ale was not one of the things she kept a supply of.

”I stopped at the fountain for water on the way. I'm ready when you are.” Erasmus smiled.

”Water can be found there, too.” With a happy smile she offered her hand. He had yet to decline any of her suggestions, which made it easier for her to offer them. “I am quite ready.”

Erasmus took her hand as he slid off of the stool, and off they went.
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