One who stalks the night.

Tales from the Atreblan Valley

Moderator: Michelle Montoya

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Aerol Mathius
Posts: 20
Joined: Tue Sep 05, 2006 1:11 am

One who stalks the night.

Post by Aerol Mathius »

Ghost steps carried the hunter through the far valley. Claws trail idly along every tree he passed to leave a path of scratches. This night a peaceful one for his mind with moon riding high, and a cloudless sky above. This is one of HER homes. The life around brought unbidden memories. Unwanted memories.

"You always surrounded yourself with life. Even then."

However he let her name ripple from his lips, let it carry the width and breadth of the valley. Topaz was not here this night. That left only one last place to look. The Palazzo of Lady Drackenwalde.

"I will find you, Topaz. "

The hunter's gaze moved across the valley from a tree top and took in the scene with a sense of stoic duty before summoning the mists and fading back to the city of Rhydin.
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