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Tales from the Atreblan Valley

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Post by Querylon »

On her way back from a visit to Dex at Atrebla Topaz contemplated what she had learned.

The odd looking sword belonged to Jo, or more correct, to Masaaki, their cook. Dex had not seen him around for some time either, but had informed her he was given the room at the tavern. Dex had also filled in a couple other details he thought she should know, but had probably lost in her recent adventure together with so many other memories. Still, she had the distinct feeling there was more just eluding her grasp. Masaaki was the one she would need to talk with, getting re-acquainted, and letting him fill in the obvious holes.

The last couple times she had been at the tavern was after closing hours, so that would explain why Maasaki was not there then. The Twin Rapiers Crossing should be open now, though. There were few customers in the tavern as she arrived and of those who were there, she knew none. After a quick greeting to the bar keep and a negative answer to her inquiry about the cook, she went to knock on Masaaki's door.

The door - not having been closed all the way - swung open as her knuckles touched the wood. The hello she was about to say died on her lips as her eyes took in the austere room.

The first thing she noticed was a thick layer of dust on everything. Obviously Masaaki had not been here in at least weeks. Even the artist who made the delicate web using the rolled up straw mattress laying in the center of the otherwise empty room and the floor as anchoring places had left. Topaz stepped closer to examine the items left on top of the mattress. Crouching and blowing off the layer of dust she found a sword and a pouch - but no note.

Hoping to perhaps find one she reached for the pouch and opened it to find no more than tea.

A stray ray of light from the waning sun made it past the dirt on the windows to glint of the sword enticing Topaz to pick it up. She brushed the weapon free of the dust as she stepped closer to the window with it. With the dirt gone it looked new and the sheath still had that mirror shine of being polished several times over. The sword looked very different from the one she had shown Dex earlier - fancier. The blade was richly engraved and the hilt intricately carved and ornately bound with black and jade ribbons. It was quite possibly the fanciest blade she had ever seen.

But it offered no clue as to where to look for Masaaki. Something must be wrong. She could not imagine Masaaki leaving such treasure behind voluntarily. Yet, on further inspection, she could not find anything else, no clothes or other personal items, which would support the theory he had left against his will.

Having put everything back the way she found it - minus the dust and spider web - she left, making sure she closed the door all the way.
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Post by Querylon »

Gotonpo galloped. A lady figure wandered ahead of him, holding her hands up to hide from the pittering of the rain. He galloped closer and as he approached, his neigh was the only warning sign he could give. The lady turned and her eyes turned frightened until she noticed that the horse has halted and his neigh was a call for help.

"It's okay. Come closer." she urged.

Gotonpo cantered in and settled beside her. His hoofs stomped into the ground and his head beckoned.

"Where 'ave I seen this horse before?" she asked aloud.

Gotonpo reared and when it did, the backsack dropped to the ground and the flap came open and out popped a small flute. She picked it up and studied it and made a decision.
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Post by Querylon »

"Hello Topaz" Querylon said as she entered Topaz's office. "l found your note."

"Heyas Query. Coffee?" Topaz stood up and walked around the desk, quick to take the opportunity for a brake in her paperwork and invited Query to take a seat on the couch in the corner. "We need your help." Topaz explained all she had learned about Masaaki and him not being there as she poured coffee.

With a blank look Querylon inquired how she might be of help and explained that though she could wield some magic, a crystal ball to ask of Masaaki's whereabouts was not it.

Dex made his presence known by clearing his throat. He had stood just inside the door for a while know but neither of the ladies had noticed him. "I could not help but overhear...." With that he turned to Topaz," Do you remember the seeing stone? l believe to have found a way to access some of it's abilities. It just might be enough to...."

"It is still in the council chamber?" Topaz was too excited to let Dex finish and was already half way to the door. She invited Querylon with a look back, "Coming?"

Topaz took a hold of Dex arm and started for the council chamber." Explain, how does it work?"
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Post by Querylon »

The lady edged forward and observed the object that had rolled onto the wet ground. Her eyes lit and sparkled with evil. Possessing someone's musical instrument would please her for in the action she would be taking away someone's enjoyment. She kneeled down and released a shrill of laughter.

This lady was not the frightened one she had seemed only a moment ago.

The small flute beckoned with it's silver colouring. It was a special flute, she could tell.

"eww...." she pursed her lips. "This is my night..."

The moon was full and bright overhead.

Ideas tunneled through her mind. With this object, she could take the very happiness out of someone's life. She only lacked to get it to the proper place and perform a ritual. A ritual that would take the soul of someone's life.

She reached down. Her blood surging with the anticipation of it all. She picked up the flute and wrapped her fingers around it.

Gotonpo reared up. The air went dead silent after the lady's piercing scream, except for Gotonpo's hooves in the distance. In shock, she realized the sting could mean the end of her. Quicker than the defying speed of her own dark magic bolts, she withdrew her hands. The flute fell softly to the ground. Her hands traveled to her mouth in an effort to cool them. She stood shaking but moved forward and disappeared through the forest.

Had she taken a look at the flute, she would have discovered the instrument glowing and surrounded by a burning blue-orbed ray. The heat from it plundered forth with it's protective white magic.
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Post by Querylon »

Dex had explained how he imagined it to work and had warned not to expect too much. Now they were standing in a half circle in fron of the table on which the stone rested.

"Tiny, for this to work properly you will have to think your questions, not just ask them. You understand? l will not be able to help you with that." Dex reminded Topaz. He would need all his concentration for what they were about to do.

Having recieved positive responses from both Ladies, Dex asked Querylon to hold the big tome he had opened to the page he needed. It was a simple spell as far as spells go, but he did not want to have to start over half way through it, should he not be quick enough to remember every syalable at the correct moment.

Having drawn a deep breath to carry him through the incantation, he started, the tip of his staff pointed at the seeing stone. As soon as the last word had left his lips the staff begun to glow. The light grew more and more intense and finally in a narrow beam flew from the tip of the staff towards the stone. The seeing stone swallowed the light and grew with it. The ever shifting mass left its stand and hovered above it. Slowly the swirling soup filled the space above the desk and formed a two finger thick screen before the ladies' watchful eyes.

Topaz remembered the reason they were here for and asked the stone, "Show us where Masaaki is. What happened to him?"

The mists drew more energy from the already shedding staff and formed and reformed, eventually giving the view of forest and mountains. They all knew the area the seeing stone presented them. Faster now the picture zoomed in to the location Masaaki was at.

"What's Dev doing there?" Querylon was first to put a name to the second form laying on the ground.

To answer her question the picture moved into the past. In reverse it showed them what had happened to bring Devarrah upon the scene.

"l wonder what happened to her horse." Topaz mused, captured by the show.

Immediatly the mists changed to answer the question put to it. Querylon and Topaz watched what looked to be a female, strangely unaffected by the storm all around her drop burned hands to what they knew to be Dev's flute. The face of the lady changed from pain-filled to evil satisfaction as she layed the flute back on the ground. Gontopo galloped backwards into view. As he reared in front of the woman the backsack flew back to the horn of his saddle.

At this point Dex dropped the staff. The errie energy light quit flowing from the staff into the mists and the screen fell in on itself, to once again from the peaceful stone it was before and sat itself back onto its stand.
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Post by Querylon »

The wolf had backed of into the shadows and was watching the small human closely.

Trust is not something a wolf .. especially a wild lone wolf really ever feels.

Even now its natural instincts where starting to creep back. Jo was sort of one of his pack ... Well the closest he had ever come to running with another after the winter 2 yrs ago in the cave together.

The wolf edged closer watching intently for the stranger to show any sign or threat to Jo

The Small figure had knelt next to Jo's head and was doing something.

The wolf prepared to leap the last few yards, its teeth bared in a silent growl..........

Backing its body to tense the sinuses ... the wolf fixed its gaze on the small head as it started to lean over top of Jo's body.
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Post by Querylon »

Just as the lunge began a familiar glint stopped him dead the gaze of the yellow eyes now focused on a small charm around the strangers neck, which had fallen into view as she lent over. Even in the darkness the wolf cault the faint green glimmer from the emerald stone. Now after looking he could also see the outline of the tiny silver Scorpion of which the emerald was one of its eyes.

Thinking it was an illusion the wolf leaned forward,, as he did the stones brightness increased. Sending an eyre sense of foreboding through the wolf like a slow electric shock which did not subside till the wolf had backed down and removed thought of harming the stranger from his mind. The faint glow remained as he knew it would for jo was still in danger.

Again this he had not experienced since his last encounter with Jo those long winters ago when the charm had been round his neck.

Now convinced the stranger and Jo where pack mates...... Why else would Jo have given the charm to another. The wolf had seen Jo risk his life to recover the necklace from a ravine in a blizzard after it had fallen of in there first desperate encounter.

Happier now to leave them the wolf backed away down the trail to a large boulder Where he stationed himself as watch......... His pack was now three..
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Post by Querylon »

The three of them stood for a few long minutes enthralled by what they just saw looking at each other and then started talking all at the same time.

Topaz bade them to take a seat around the table and ordered refreshments brought in. "Might as well discuss a course of action in comfort."

"Masaaki sure covered a lot of ground. He got all the way to where we had the trouble with the portal. Any ideas?" Topaz looked from Dex to Querylon.

"l cannot like that storm. There is something very wrong about it ", Dex mused, "No storm I've ever been in has lasted that long and stayed this potent."

"Why, if l may inquire, do we not just teleport them home? That is obviously the most indolent course of action." Querylon's question prompted Dex and Topaz into recounting the events of the trip Dex and Ann had attempted a few months back and were forced to abort at about the same place they had just seen Masaaki and Dev.

"So, you see, the use of magic is close to impossible with every little bit of it being multiplied like that," Topaz finished, "we need to think of something small to do."

Dex added, "And fast. Or help for Jo will be too late. A rescue crew would never make it there in time. Even without the nasty weather it should take days."

They went on to discuss various options, only to dismiss them again more or less instantly.

"Query," Dex's voice carried new hope. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but your magic differs from ours. Would it be possible for you to call upon the power that's uniquely yours and get Dev's flute to where she can't help but notice it?"

"Splendid, Dex! You're a genius. l forgot all about that flute," Topaz exclaimed. "Can you do it?" Two pairs of eyes were trained on Querylon.

Querylon thought about the proposed idea carefully, trying to see every possible way the attempt could misfire and then shook her red-golden curls slowly. "l do not fathom the magic l would employ for that task would differ sufficiently from yours to be save. My specialty, as you elected to designate it, is to induce the forces already present to labor together. Try as l might, l fail to see a useful avenue to "

"l do." Topaz interrupted what might have turned into a lengthy explanation and ignoring Dex's admonishing look told them about her idea.
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Post by Querylon »

"Words!" Topaz looked to Querylon. "l saw you grow stuff. You could make something there grow to tell Dev where to get her flute, like an arrow perhaps?"

Querylon nodded slowly, her mind racing. Her words came slowly as if trying to escape between the forming structure of a plan. "The vicinity looked to be ripe with spores. The flute is within proximity. The humidity will be contributory. And should l fail to halt the mushrooms' growth, their weight would be incapable of harming either of them. Should Dev conceive of the idea, they might even be able to employ any mishap as shelter while an arrow formation, and mayhaps a flute shaped formation as well, should be visible for a long enough interval to be recognized. l will need turf and spores here to effect simultaneously to experience when to arrest the progress."

They were still apprehensive as they had no way of knowing immediately if their aid would be received, but decided they had to at least try. After Querylon had fetched all she needed and had made her preparations to link the tray of soil and spores which now sat on the table to the area where Dev and Masaaki were she began her work.

Under Topaz's and Dex's watchful eyes mushrooms began to grow from the soil and quickly they took the shape of a crude flute and an arrow pointing into the proper direction. Slowly they grew and obeying Querylon's weaving hands kept their message for about twenty minutes, though, to them, it seemed like hours.
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Post by Querylon »

Wolf looked out from his vantage point atop the boulder... The ever changing wind rendered his sences of smell and hearing virtually usless. Even with better eyes than humans the darkness revealed little beyond shadows shifting in the rocks below. He knew that dawn would come to the world soon But this deep valley with its steep sides would be longer to receive the light ....If it gained any at all , for the thick black clouds clung to the surrounding peaks spaning and sealing the gap .....

Wolf sat and watched and waited ...
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Post by Querylon »

In the last instant, beneath a brightening blaze of lightening and bolt of thunder, Devarrah turned her head toward the forest. Once again, she tried to stand up. This time she suceeded. She could faintly make out Jo's figure whenever the lightening happened. She did not want to leave him here but she had no choice. She could not budge him nor carry him for the smallness of herself.

She took a weak step forward.

"How am I going to manage this? Where are my skills now?"

The difference between rain and tears could not be distinguished, but she wiped her face anyway. With both hands, the action continued, then she buried her face within her palms until she found the strength to lift it again.

She had taken for granted that she could rely on her elven skills; acute hearing, excellent vision. She gave a mere thought to her skills again. Nothing made sense to her. Perhaps her ruse as a full human had taken it's course. Then there was her valuable companion, Gotonpo. Gone.....gone...

Another voice from the thunder moved her back a step.

"What if,....." she panicked and strained toward Jo's body on the ground.

"I've got to get him covered."
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Post by Querylon »

The sky lit up with the next set of lightening strikes. Devarrah could see for a couple of seconds. Shadows of trees came to life. Silhouettes beckoned shaping into designs. Then all went to darkness once again.

"What is wrong with me......" she said, now angered.

"I didn't even take advantage of finding him cover."

Then it happened again. The sky showered with light. So fast did she dash toward a grouping of trees which seem to be the perfect cover for herself but the branches were too high to reach and rendered useless for her purpose. This time she did take advantage of the lighted forest. She scanned. She caught a glimmer of flourescence before the darkness sketched itself into existence without any surprise.

Strength mounted up from within her like a volcano.

"I'll just swipe up those flutey looking things and Jo will have the perfect cover." As she directed her steps, thoughts bounced in her mind with argument. "no...they were mushrooms. No, they were,....."

She halted as if frozen by some magical force. The words, whispered though they were, tumbled out slowly. "flute... mushrooms............ magi....ck...oh by the goddess."
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Post by Querylon »

(( Just to remind you this is in Jos mind the garden is a place created by meditaion and is a calm haven to goto and think... it has one way in and two ways out.. Using the garden as a place for the mind enables the body to under go enormous trauma, extreme pain, cold etc and slows the metabolism down thus preventing damage ))

Jo Sat cross legged in the small pagoda above a large Carp pond.

He was thinking through Why he was traveling through the pass and what reason he had to leave the valley... it was still puzzling him.

Jo knew his injuries where probably fatal...maybe back in the valley Lady Khrysta could help she had some knowledge of healing but at the moment He couldnt even risk going back through the old worn garden gate into consciousness and he did not wish to use the other exit the New painted gate that sat at the far end of the garden and lead to the next Incarnation...

Jo suddenly looked up ......something was happening,, his shoulder started to burn.

Moving his focus from the problem to the outside world was difficult with so many signals of his injuries flying through the sences out side the garden...... after maybe an hour the picture of the storm had formed, its noise making it difficult to hear anything else... concentrating on small areas at a time Jo finally heard Wolf a little ways off ... but that wasnt it the burning remained ..... It look a long time but finally Jo filtered the sound of weeping from the background of the storm... it only lasted for a moment but the burning subsibed puzzling Jo further.. wild animals do not cry and surely no-one would be out here.

Now a voice ..indistinct but familiar A sudden Bright green Flash nearly knocked Jo out of the pagoda ...

It was Devarrah He was sure ..... she was frightened and confused.

What was she doing here it isnt safe.

All Jo's worries for getting him self out of trouble had now vanished He couldnt let Dev put her self in danger ... but there was nothing he could do...

It must be the charm ...it was the only thing he could think of for her being here and the green flash.
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Devarrah stared at the mushrooms and their flourescence realizing just that. That is; the lightening wasn't the reason she was making out the shape. Then she noticed another shape. An arrow and she quickly came to her elven senses.

"Follow.....oh .....by......I am suppose to follow...and perhaps I shall come to...." she hesistated and her eye traveled to a flute. "...a flute."

She ran and snatched the flute.
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Post by Querylon »

Querylon exited the portal and took in her surroundings. She the unnatural storm not too far ahead. The trail had a slight slope to it, which would make it easier to transport Masaaki later. Hoping the horse's instincts and special relationship with Devarrah would have kept it close and searching for its owner, Querylon dropped a bundle of clothes taken from Devarrah's tree house, together with a bucket of carrots, apples, and grain by the path before setting out into the storm. She had come well prepared, the bundle she carried held all the things Topaz, Dex, and her had found essential to fetch Devarrah and Masaaki home.

Querylon was thankful Dex had remembered the hooded oil cloth cloaks, for without the one she was wearing she would have been soaked to the skin in minutes. Her progress slowed considerably the closer she came to where she knew Devarrah and Jo to be. The forces of nature fought her for every step and she was compelled to stop every few paces to catch her breath before being able to continue. A growl, different from the roll of thunder, made her stop.

THe Wolf lay on the rock watching the trail, even with his keen eyes not an easy task with the gloom and rain from the strange storm.

It hav been several hours since accepting the small human thing as a pack mate but if it was to aid the other from times past then he would defend this pass with his life.

One of the shadows just on the edge of the wolfs vision moved, to out of rythm with the storm to be a tree branch or other natural occurance.... quickly, silently the wolf rose trianing all his sences to the spot ...... No it was another human

Closer came the human soon to pass under his sentry .. poised to wait and ambush qiuckly with out warning , at the last moment for the second time that night and possibly ever the wolf went against his nature ..... Standing and Growling a challenge, lips curled and eyes wild . The human had heard for it stopped and looked round..

The wolf leaned foward and growled again every muscle taught ready to strike.

A bolt of lightning shot overhead and lit the mountainside bright as day, and for that split second both could see the other clearly.. the Human was clearly shocked and taken aback at the wolfs sudden appearence yards in front of her .. Again the wolf was puzzled for the startled look she gave was not the look of fear the wolf had expected ....
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