Kira's Journal

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Kira's Journal

Post by Kira Adia »

Author's note: I didn't anticipate I would write so many of these so quickly, but here we are. Rather than spam the story board with a new topic every post, it might be high time to put them all into one place and simply add to it. For those of you who have been with me so far, thank you for reading, and I hope you continue to enjoy it! -Sara

Kira Adia
Rhy'Din, December 7, 2020 -
Red Dragon Inn
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Re: Kira's Journal

Post by Kira Adia »

Day 2

I arrived at the Red Dragon Inn last night. Late, at that. It took a few lonely days, but I made it.

I hope James is okay. I hope he shows up within the next few days. I'll use the time to get my bearings and maybe try to get a small income. The money he gave me will last me a while, but not forever. If he's not here in a week, I guess I'll have to reassess and make some plans.

I've met a few people so far. I'll keep another section of this journal to help me remember who I've seen.

The Inn is not quite what I expected. I mean, the inside it exactly how James described it. Giant dragon head. A hearth that never stops burning. A sense of home and rest. It's just like the stories he told me.

What's strange is I'm not entirely sure it's the exact same inn. He described it as a homely place in a at the edge of the woods and near the coast. This place has an entire city built around it. If it weren't for the details (and a few specific bits of graffiti in the walls and rafters I've seen) I'd think I'm way off the mark.

There's a lot happening in Rhy'Din I don't understand yet. It will come in time more than likely. At least for now, I'm safe. I can stop running for now

I'm still a bit overwhelmed for the time being, so I'll end for now. I'll try to update regularly as time passes. I'm alone now, and I need a place to keep track of things. I don't have a walking lore master with me anymore, so it's all up to me and what I can find for myself.
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Re: Kira's Journal

Post by Kira Adia »

Day 3
I am writing this evening under the influence of alcohol. If a book can judge, I implore it withhold judgement this night.

First, the big news. Somehow, I found a copy of History in Verse at the bookstore by the riverfront. How did it even get here? It's old, but it's well cared for. It's been so long since I had a chance to read this. I've barely been able to put it down today.

Also at the bookstore, something happened. A gorgeous woman flirted with me and by the gods themselves I had no clue what to do. She flew down the stairs as a raven, so when she wouldn't give me a name, I called her Lenore. So dumb. I doubt anyone would be impressed by Poe. His work is new to me, but well known here. She even countered That cheesy move. Come knocking at her chamber door. I am outplayed and have been slain as surely as I live.

Who came u with flirting? I'd rather hunt deer than women. Or men. Or anyone.. That sounded wrong.

Her sister-in-law-to-be proved to be more gentle in her greeting. Luna managed to pull a bit of my story out of me. I don't want to talk about that now.

I wonder if James left the book here. Who else could have been here to have brought it?

There's some winter festival coming. THere was a tree being decorated. It was beautiful. I wanted to draw it, but it didn't look right. For all the doodling i did when the tutors were around, you would think I'd have some talent. At least I can sing. And shoot an arrow straight.

Oh, the woods around here are great. I went in a bit. Not far. I don't know the temperment of the denizens of the Wilds yet. I was prepared, but I'd rather not risk it this soon after arriving.

How would that look? James might have given his life to get me here, only to be gored by a boar and left rotting in the woods.

That's morbid. I think that's enough of this mead. And eough writing. It's harder than I remmber. Night
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Re: Kira's Journal

Post by Kira Adia »

Day 4

Spirits below, it has been a day. I apologize to all involved for the decision making I make while drunk.

I paid for it this morning. I also witnessed an interesting puzzle. Two really. One involving a curious woman and her caregiver. The other concerning Yule. Or Christmas, I’m not entirely clear which it is. Linguistic differences likely. A woman gave gifts to strangers, including me, and I received the most gorgeous necklace. I’ll try to sketch it out below.

I spent a fair amount of time at the bookstore again I found a few good leads. James definitely left his mark. I just need to find the threads and put it together. I also picked up a few other books to work on. I’ve already started on ‘The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire.’

Okay, I’ve put this off long enough. My Lenore came to see me. We spent a lot of time talking. At least, I’m fairly certain that’s what it was. I can imagine it was more. I can imagine a lot. She made offers, in word and deed. I turned most of them down, I’m afraid. It went so fast. Gods, it’s been half the day since and my head still spins. When I close my eyes, I still feel it. Gentle fingers against my chin, mouth barely a separated by the space of a breath, the scent of incense and perfume and sweet wine.

I walked away a moment. I’ll sketch the necklace and head to bed. I need to be up early tomorrow. I want to find a place to set up a hunting camp and see what I can find. I also need to find a place to store and sell my game. The cold should preserve what I catch, if anything, tomorrow until I can get it into town. If I get back early enough and I catch My Lady and Anya, I’d like to find a dress. The ball is a few days away and I’d like to be ready in case I have the chance to go.
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Re: Kira's Journal

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Day 6

Went out into the woods yesterday. Set up a base camp and a few caches. There is much to find in the area with patience.

My lady took me out to choose a ball dress. It is absolutely gorgeous and I will say nothing more about it now. The details can wait until the ball itself tomorrow.

There is so much I could say about the actual evening with my lady, however. Being under her eyes as I modeled each dress was wonderful in its own way. We spoke of much and all of it was meaningful. I think I even caught her off guard a few times. To have that king of confidence under her watchful eye is pleasing. I hope she agrees with me.

I am at severe risk of turning this journal into a log of sentiment and daydreams.

Much of the rest of my time has been spent on my greater project. I was right. ‘History in Verse’ was the start of a trail of breadcrumbs left by James for me to follow. He left a code-our House code- within the book. He knew it would catch my eye and that I would take interest. It directed me to three other books which each contained part of another code. Put together, I learned of the existence of a journal written by James. He described it as a digest of his own research and studies. The fascinating part of the trail starts here.

The book has been enchanted. The cover is engraved with a rune of protection which prevents anyone from perceiving it if they don’t already know if it’s existence. Anyone else simply looks past it as though it doesn’t exist. In order for anyone to find it, one had to follow the trail exactly to have all the pieces, and be proficient in out family’s private code.

of course, that was just the beginning. The journal itself is even more heavily encoded than the rest of the puzzle. The manuscript is in a code I have never seen before. Fortunately, there is a key to decrypt it. Part of it is encoded in the same House Code as before, this one written into a letter directly to me. The letter directed me to recall a story he had told me months ago, seemingly inconsequential at the time, but itself containing clues. I’m still working to tease out this part of the riddle, but it seems there is one more part of the key hidden. I’ll need to find the clue to it’s location, then find it and out the whole thing together.

I’m so close. I can feel it. If I could just spend another day on the problem, I’m certain I’d have the solution. Alas, there is the ball to attend tomorrow. This will take up the entirety of my day. After that, I must make time for another hunting trip. I need a source of income to maintain my lodgings and supplies. It will likely be several days until the key is ready to be used.

I will see my lady and her beloved tomorrow. I pray that all will go as I hope. The interruption of my work is worth it for this.
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Re: Kira's Journal

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Day 7

Spirits above and below

I am alive, by some stroke of fortune. I was prepared to meet Mathian at the ball this evening. I knew I had plenty of time to steady myself and present myself and, hopefully, gain his approval.

I did not prepare myself for him to walk into the inn mid afternoon, underdressed and stammering like a schoolgirl.

My lady’s assistant was there and softened the shock of the moment admirably. Despite this, the shock of the moment still sits with me. Our interaction was brief, and he seemed pleased with a few comments I made.

The arrival of my dress gave me an easy escape. I’m in my room now, ostensibly preparing for the ball. I needed a moment to get this written down. I’ll prepare, now, to leave and make my entrance into the social life of RhyDin. I think it will be fun. I will find out within hours.


If I don’t say it was a disaster for me, would that mean it wasn’t?

The ball itself was magnificent. The people, the atmosphere, all of it was wonderful, and the hostesses pulled all of the stops to make it a success.

I think it’s still going on. I left. I made it an hour and a half, which I think I should consider a success, though it doesn’t feel like it. I barely spoke more than 5 sentences to anyone, and I only really spoke to one person.

I broke down. Too many people, too many voices, I just couldn’t handle it. All my time since making it to RhyDin has been either alone or with few People. The inn isn’t so bad, but the atmosphere puts me at ease. But time in the Wilds had its effect. I’m not ready for such crowds.

I saw my lady. I wanted to see more of her. But I couldn’t stay. She seemed distressed, but Lord Shadowsoul was there. She is in good hands.

I’m recovering in Books and Brews. I’m taking advantage of what my new phone is capable of to give a few different types of music a try. I haven’t settled on anything yet, but I’m working on it. I think I’ll go on a hunt in the next few days. I need to be in the Wild again. A break from the city will do me a little good, and I need to start earning an income. Rent is due tomorrow. I could afford another month there before I run too low on money to sustain myself. Three weeks if I live as I have been. I need to work, and maybe find a new solution to my housing.

I start fresh tomorrow. A day to pack and prepare, and to work on studying the journal. Tonight, I’ll drown my shame in tea and return when I have replenished my spirits.
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Re: Kira's Journal

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Day 8

I found the book James left clues to find. It is a journal James kept regularly, including copies of letters and correspondence. It’s not his only one. It goes back roughly 100 years, and he was much older than that. There may be other clues to find more.
There is a note here from a friend reminding James of a rather large tab with the Red Dragon. It’s less than what I handed over to settle his account. It dates about 20 years ago, with a note from his friend that she can keep putting off his payment for only so long.
That doesn’t matter. The third part of the key is in here, encoded the same as the rest of the clues. I’ve transcribed the message and am working out the decryption method. Depending on how long this takes, I could have the first pages of whatever James left for me to find by this evening. I’m taking a break for coffee now, to rest my eyes and write out this for myself. I will return when I know more.
The only explanation is that I am being tortured. James is a sadist and is haunting me from beyond the Nexus.
I’ve started the decryption. The text itself so far is a list of reference material and a short digest of what to look for and what is useful in his studies. I had assumed more original work would be further into the text, until I noticed it. The House code. Again. The transcribed text is itself another layer of protection over his actual work. I almost fear that there will be more to the trail to chase down.
I’m comforted by this much at least: I’ve found and transcribed the process of safeguarding a journal the same way this volume is protected. I can attach glyphs and runes to another book and do the transcription into Common there. I will need the entire text of the book to be certain I get all the parts of the final text. I would not feel comfortable to find such material so heavily guarded only to peel back the layers and expose it all to anyone for my own convenience. A step at a time, and I will be able to piece it all together.
For now, I must find these books he has already mentioned and start to study them. I’ll need to hold off reading any more of my history or poetry until I can get this work done. That, and the cost for the books, plus supplies and materials, will set me back even further on my finances. I need to find steady employment to stay afloat. I have maybe two weeks of living expenses left. Hunting is no longer an option in its own. I have a few leads to pursue. Time to put my new phone to work.
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Re: Kira's Journal

Post by Kira Adia »

Day 9
Today was a day for study. And that is what I did.

I have the first portion of the Grimoire transcribed. That's what I'm calling it now, since there is an actual journal. The list of references at the beginning was not excessively long. There are other books listed that I would do well to purchase, but based on the notes I have so far, I can make decent progress with what I have and regular trips to Books and Brews.

I have also translated an introduction of sorts that gives an overview of the topic he's covered in this text. There are, of course section on various magical disciplines of the sort you expect, though I'm sure there will be specifics not listed in the primers and collections I already have access to.

It may not sound like much, but this represented about half the day in hours spent, plus much of the night before. The second layer of encryption is too incomplete to gain any information from. There are too many sections of the code to be found in later passages. It's all gibberish and nonsense so far.

That said, there are two clear wins I have already gained. The first is one of the books I actually purchased from the list in the Grimoire was a test on runic magic and how to use it for enchantment and enhancement. Second, contained within his journal, was a set of notes he left for himself on runes that expand and add to what I have available. I've been able to apply some of this skill already, adding enhancements to a few bits of equipment and articles of clothing. I've also replicated his obfuscation runes on my copies of his Grimoire and my own supplemental notes.

I had a fright at one point. I created a runic link between my glove and my bow, with the idea of being able to summon it to my hand when needed. The first time I used it successfully, I thought I had failed. When I called the bow to my hand, the bow's physical form was stripped away, leaving a shadow of itself bound to the summoning runes in the glove. At the time, I thought I had just destroyed my most skilled weapon the day before a hunting expedition. A few tentative tests afterward revealed the nature of the binding, however.

I learned a valuable lesson. Keep these runes to enhancing objects and use those to cast the spells. I can give myself permanent enhancements with tattoos or brands, but this is clearly a horrible idea until I have crafted and thoroughly tested a given rune. Trinkets and talismans it is. There are a few people who would miss me if I imprinted myself as a shade in a wall of the Inn.

It is late in the day, and I would like to get some rest before I leave. I'll leave by midnight and be at the basecamp to set up and prepare long before dawn. The sooner I can begin the hunt, the better.
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Re: Kira's Journal

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Day 11

Okay unimportant part first. I got back from hunting safely. Sold off the game and most of the materials from the bear. It tried to kill me so it’s only right some family gets dinner for a week. I hope it’s pelt is make into a rug.

Somewhat more important: I’m meeting more of Lady Syl’s family. I met Haru at the Red Dragon. I now know to watch out for cats. And who knows what else. Just before that I spoke with Scarlett and Pharlen. Scarlett may be able to help me find the tools I need to fix the watch. Pharlen pointed me in the direction of a Time Lord who can help me figure out how it works. I trust everything I need to know will be in the notes James left for me, but unlike him, I value an outside perspective. I could find something he missed. Plus Scarlett only agrees if I promised to speak to

I can’t remember the name. I have their card in any case. It’s written in my day journal.

The next part feels so unbelievable it’s hard to articulate. My Lady offered to take me on as a neophyte after the wedding and her confirmation as a mage. We dueled, and I lost of course. I had to restitch my arm a second time. But she knows where I am in my abilities and knows what I need to learn first. She said I did well. I felt like I struggled just to keep up.

James has an excellent idea of things and his slow burn method of teaching is already paying off. But I need something real to work with. I feel handicapped on my own.

but I’m not alone. I have Syl. I told her tonight. I asked for her. I belong to her now. I’ve been waiting to know what it is I actually feel so I don’t act on something I’ll regret. I wanted to know that I can trust her. I believe I can. I trust her to learn where my boundaries are and safeguard them. To let me decide.

I’m not in love. This is many things but I’m not sure love is what it is. It’s safety and trust.

We’re to meet again tomorrow night. I know what I want. So I’ll get ready. And if she is pleased, I’ll have found my place in this corner of the Nexus, at least for now.
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Re: Kira's Journal

Post by Kira Adia »

Day 13

The past several days have been a blur. Stretches of frantic activity, emotional highs that still have not come back down, and stretches of nothing at all. I am preparing as I write this for the party celebrating the wedding of my Mistress and her beloved.
I shall need to sleep long tonight and rest. My mind is too hazy to do more than the bare minimum of recounting recent events. Even my day journal has gaps.
I went to spend time with my Mistress last night, as promised. It was wonderful. I asked a favor of her and, well, we shall see how it all turns out. I can say no more for now.

Things have moved so fast. I arrived in RhyDin a refugee with no direction and only the vaguest idea of how I would make it. It has been nearly two weeks and I already find myself in friendship with several people and establishing my place within the community. All focus is on the Winter festivities in progress and the wedding.
What I thought was a steady stream has proven to be surging rapids. I have my research and my studies to keep me company and I have the companionship of a number of people should I need it. In two weeks I have found a place that made three years of exile worth it all.
I’m exhausted, but I’ve spent enough time resting. I’ll get back to preparing. I’ll have plenty of time to rest tonight. I won’t push myself again like last week. I’ll be there and be present for any need that may arise.

I wish James were here
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Re: Kira's Journal

Post by Kira Adia »

Day 14

The party went quite well. It was wonderful seeing Syl and Lord Shadowsoul so happy. I met Anubis and Tenball as well. Tenball I had seen at the bar of the Red Dragon from a distance. I made it almost the entire night before I needed to excuse myself, and no panic this time.
Syl asked me to allow Edward to stay near me until her return. I felt awkward at first to have a guardian, but his presence has been soothing. He is unfailingly loyal to our Lady. To know that her own guard and escort has been tasked with my protection is a compliment and a sign of affection I could not have expected, nor do I think it could be exceeded, aside from the generosity she has already shown me.
I met a newcomer today. He was accosted by a demon immediately upon his arrival. Edward and I were able to provide a distraction and lead the man away while others dealt with the problem. His name is Hogarth and he is even more lost than I was when I first arrived. I paid for three nights of rent for him here at the Inn. He promised repayment, but I don’t expect it. A few burdens have been lifted from my shoulders and I had a little extra to help a lost soul. There were many who stepped in on my behalf when I first arrived. It seemed proper to do the same for another who needed it while I had the means.
Tomorrow I’ll spend some time outside the walls for spell practice. I’ve made improvements to my runic equipment, and I’ve been working on more direct spell work and cantrips. I need to start drilling to be able to switch from spell to spell immediately without hesitation. I anticipate my next duel will be sooner than later.
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Re: Kira's Journal

Post by Kira Adia »

Day 15/16

Happy Solstice and Merry Yule

I'm writing this a bit later than usual. My Mistress has by now been married. Her beloved is now bound to her for eternity. Given they can expect to live that long, I wish them both all the happiness in the Nexus.
Given there are presumably limits to my lifespan, I could only imagine the kind of security that would give to the heart.
I found the mead I had saved from my last first time drinking in this world. By happenstance, it is the same bottle I started on the first occasion I spoke at length with Lady Syl. She had heard my story and reached out to me in friendship and compassion. I raise a glass now to health and happiness, for my Mistress and my Lord. May their love outlive all others.

Of more immediate concern, I met Luna again today in the Common Room. She invited me to view her garden at her home, and she asked me to help re-home some wolf pups in her care. By the gods above and below, I am returning with a pup of my own tomorrow. The companionship of such a beast would be well appreciated while out in the Wilds. My new awareness given to me by my newly awakened connection with the earth gives me many benefits, and I may be a huntress born for the wilds, but that does not yet compare with the pure instinctual union a beast has with nature.
A boy or a girl? Atal or Ithil? I will find out tomorrow evening when I go to visit Luna’s household.
I hope to go early, so I may linger in the garden and enjoy time meeting her family. She was among the first to reach out to me upon reaching the City, and she is a close friend of my Lady. I'm honored to be welcomed into her home.

The hunt I had planned for tomorrow will be postponed. Instead, I will take time to practice and train my magic. My focus only lasts so long, and I need to sharpen it. I think I know a hill a half hour east of the gates that would be perfect. I suppose I can set time for the hunt around this weekend. That will give me time to attend to any duties I may soon find myself taking on. I have both an apprenticeship and entry into the service of the Shadowsoul household ahead of me. I'll raise my last glass to what lies beyond, and the third shall be offered to the spirits who led me this far.
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Re: Kira's Journal

Post by Kira Adia »

Day 16
Atal and Ithil. Brother and sister wolf companions of Iskira, goddess of the hunt, and my namesake. The twins were loyal companions of the Huntress throughout her travels. When Julanir attempted to take her as his consort, the siblings attacked the sun god, giving Iskira time to flee the capital and hide in the woods. With her grief over the loss of her two closest friends and the undying loyalty they showed to their companion, fate brought the shades of the twins back from beyond death to run with the maiden goddess for eternity.
I met two pups today, brother and sister. The snowy girl stayed at my side while the stormy boy chased his littermates away, always returning to his sister’s side. I have returned home with the twins, Atal and Ithil, sibling companions for a maiden huntress. Fate decided on two companions for my travels through the Wilds.

Luna’s family welcomed me with open arms. The garden was as beautiful as I could imagine, alive and vibrant with the care of one who listened to the whispers of the wind in the leaves. Her husband, Gideon, is brother to my Mistress. He is-
The garden is not the only beautiful life at the home.
I felt as an honored guest in their presence. I hope to visit them again soon. Meanwhile, I look forward to her occasional company in the city as I pursue my studies in earnest. My Mistress will return soon.
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Re: Kira's Journal

Post by Kira Adia »

Day 17
December 22, 2020

Edward was called to Betty today. It must be some message from Syl. He doesn't sound sure if he will be returning when his business is finished. I promised to behave.
It's a shame. He is good company when he desires to be. I think I'll miss him.
On the subject of wolves, I am most assuredly in love with the twins. The evening had a difficult start, since I tried to keep them out of the bed (they will be much too large when they are full-grown). But I slept more last night than I have in weeks. I still had a nightmare, but I woke to find Ithil next to me in the bed and Atal on the floor near the door. It looks like he fell asleep standing guard.

I have been thinking on the subject of income at some time. Hunting has kept me fed and clothed, and the money James left me had kept me housed and my research funded. I am running out of the latter and the former will be barely enough to keep me alive. I'll have to take a much smaller room and give up all but the most basic efforts in my research.
It occurred to me a few days ago that the bulk of my research fund has gone into my rune studies. I have dozens of working rune stones in a trunk I purchased just to hold the things. There are some I need to keep (call it 10) which leaves me at least 60 runes I am just sitting on.
I have some expertise at this point. I can open a shop to sell talismans and the like. Maybe take commissions for custom rune work on personal pieces. Most of my hunting and practice gear is enhanced with runes. Even Lady Syl was somewhat pleased with what I have made thus far. I think this is viable.
I took a trip to the market plaza to look at booths to get started. Tomorrow I'll look around and see if there are any available storefronts or workshops. I can do this. I can make it work.
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Re: Kira's Journal

Post by Kira Adia »

Day 18

It's easy to forget how large the city is. If I were to search the entire city, it would take days. Fortunately, there is a shop that would do just fine in Old Market near the gateway to Dragon’s Gate. It would not be a long way to travel even by foot. It’s not particularly large, but there is a small store front and a decent space in the back for storage and a workshop. Looks like it was some kind of crafts person shop before that's been sold. I've left a message with the landowner to see about renting it.
I have not heard from Syl yet. I hope her honeymoon is going well. Edward hasn't come back yet either, so I imagine there must be a lot going on right now.
The twins are smarter than a glance would suggest. They both seem to have started to key into my routine. Atal is certainly the rowdier of the two. He can barely sit still for longer than a few minutes. I noticed he was continually able to get his other siblings into play fights in a whim. Ithil seems to be the one thing that can keep him in check sometimes.
I'll want to bring them on my next hunting trip so I can start training them in the Wilds, but I should keep putting work in on the basics. I may also have a rune talisman idea to make that process easier. Seems like it's cheating slightly, but I don't want to leave them alone when I'm out of the city. I can't put off hunting forever, especially with the need to invest in a new venture.

The children are making it known they think it's time for dinner. I think I agree with them. I may get something to eat from the common room tonight. These two definitely get cabin fever faster than I do.

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