Viewing profile - AJ Knight

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AJ Knight
Burgeoning Boardroom Baroness (Emphasis on Bored)
As the oldest of five, it would have been easy to shoulder far more than her share of the familial burden. Thankfully she wasn't doomed to repeat the mistakes of those who came before her and as her formal schooling wrapped up, her path diverged. The corporate world wasn't for her, instead she was far more suited for a life of philanthropy and giving back to a world that had already given her so much.

By the numbers, she's a whole 5'2" tall and weighs in at 115 lbs. Years of dance, gymnastics, and cheerleading have honed her frame into a picture perfect 36-24-36. Blonde hair fluctuates from golden to dirty depending on the time of year but the crystal blue of her eyes is always the same bright shade. The delicate, almost pointed tips of her ears lend credence to some amount of elven heritage, but it's so slight that it is easy to write off as coincidence.
Dance, gymnastics, music

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