Viewing profile - Mist Gul

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Mist Gul
Mist Gul Silhaeven
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The road goes on forever.

He has discovered this intimately.

Nobility remains in his features and eyes, a prince, though he will say not. A Sindari elf who rarely will speak the language let alone of home. It is not his home any longer.

Runes are cut into his skin and shine pale blue, each has a meaning, several have been altered from their original forms. His hair is long, thick blond, rarely more than gathered into a pony tail. His eyes are golden, lit from within. Six foot and five inches tall, slender but well muscled, a gentle and calm soul with an aura of peace.

He carries little more than a staff of dark wood laced with runes and headed with a small blue sphere and a catch-all bag. Currently working as Shaman for the local community of Kanger Town, providing medical and spiritual support along with casting spells as needed. A nurse practitioner in residence at Southgate Medical Clinic. A master mage with nothing to prove.

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