Viewing profile - Noctis Caelum

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Junior Adventurer
Junior Adventurer
Noctis Caelum
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Character Race:
Caelum Manor, just outside of Rhy'Din City
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Lucis Kingdom
Mafia Prince of the Lucis Kingdom and President of Caelum Enterprises.
Noctis has short, spiky, black hair and blue eyes. Although his hair and eyes can change color along with his emotions and actions in battle. Wearing mostly suits when he is not out protecting his kingdom. He stands six foot even, with his eyes turning red when he starts to tap into his powers.

Recently he has started to wear more casual looking clothing, allowing him to relax when he is not in his home world. Which consist of plain tee shirts and jeans. He will wear either a hoodie or a jacket as well from time to time.

There are times that he wears a long black coat, when he is in town. Used to hide the various firearms that he carries now since coming to Rhy'Din. Yet he has them positioned to where they remain hidden, but within easy access to him.
Noctis displays unearthly skills in battle, wielding a variety of weapons including swords, spears, axes, and firearms, among others, though his primary weapon appears to be a falchion fashioned with an engine at the hilt. He can summon the weapons into the air around him and wield them by hand or telekinesis.

His magic spells appear to home in on his current target and can be used to attack from a distance; he launches Fire as a fast-moving projectile and Thunder will cause lightning to strike his opponent. Additionally, his sword will appear at the target's location upon the spell's impact, where he can then immediately teleport to its location, allowing him to follow up with melee attacks. He can also throw his weapons a great distance and instantly appear where they land.

Another power that he has in connection to his various weapons, is that he can create a near indestructible barrier around himself with them. Which is able to stop all kinds of bullet fire, to large explosions. Keeping him and anyone close enough to him safe from harm.

His name translated means "Sky of the Night Light".

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Sat May 04, 2013 2:08 pm
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