Viewing profile - Edward Batten

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Edward Batten
Edward K. Batten
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Oh, you know...around...
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Billionaire Genius Playboy Philanthropist
He's got it all, the things every man wants.

Good looks. Intelligence. Money. Women. Toys.

Oh, the toys.

As a child, he was continually fascinated by the technological marvels around his home, from the simplest to the most complex. His habit of disassembling just about everything he came across got him into trouble again and least until he figured out how to put them back together.

But this process wasn't enough for him - it wasn't enough to know how they worked and what they looked like, he wanted to make them *better*.

A simple desire, really, inherited from parents of like mind...that developed into an obsession.

Yes, he gets it all from them.

Well, all but the money. With the exception of a small fortune left him by his parents, he made most of it himself.

His father and mother were both geniuses of extraordinary caliber, well beyond their time in some of their envisionings...a touch too far ahead, in fact, in that - at the time - they were limited by the technology of their generation.

This combination of genius and vision did give rise to many designs that they got patents for, primarily in fields such as structural engineering and armor for personal and heavier applications.

But there were other designs they kept to themselves, that they put away for a time when they or their son would have available to them the things they needed to be able to develop them. Unfortunately, they wouldn't live long enough to see either come to fruition.

It didn't stop his progress, the plane crash that killed his parents. If anything, it pushed him harder. From the age of twelve - when his parents died - until he turned seventeen, he threw himself into everything he could, driven to use his intellect and inheritance to succeed.

At the age of seventeen, he discovered his parents unrealized designs, their work in a field that - at the time of their deaths - had only just been in its infancy.

By this time, he had already graduated high school and had completed two years of college in half the standard time. As he looked over the material his parents had put together - fledgling work to be sure, but genius all the same - it all began to come together.

It took him three years to finish college and gain his master's degree, and another year to get funding. A year after that, he submitted designs and prototypes to the government for armor that was easily ten times as strong as anything in existence, in addition to being lighter, less bulky, and able to be applied to vehicles and buildings as well as soldiers.

But what really got their attention was that the material could be manufactured for less than any other armor in existence.

It was the least of the designs his parents had left for him to find, but it was the catalyst, the focus that got everything else going. With the aid of the government's purchases of his armor - as well as civilian law enforcement units and security companies - he paid back the funding he had received, and from there the money began coming in.

His own work and innovations on his parents designs began in earnest. Expanding from defensive armed forces contracts, he directed his attentions to innovations for the medical field, eco-friendly energy solutions, civil engineering applications, and civilian security and safety.

Within five years, his company - Batten Industries - became one of the top three companies in the world in all of the areas he chose to focus on, and was the undisputed leader in the area of nanotechnology...the field his parents had been able to go only so far in before their untimely deaths.

And - naturally - Ed himself had become quite rich.

Of course, like his parents, he has not let all of his designs become public.

There is one he keeps to himself.
Obviously, he's smart. We've made that clear already. Actually, he's beyond smart. Add to that his gift for innovation and ability to improvise, and things might start getting a little scary for most.

Fortunately - or perhaps not so much - he hides it behind a rather brash, occasionally arrogant, flirtatious playboy personality. He loves a good party with an open bar and will undoubtedly throw more than a few of them himself...sometimes for a reason, sometimes to show off, other times just to have a party.

But when he's not partying, he's working.

On something. It doesn't matter what, really - he loves to tinker, to experiment and invent, and often will be at his labs or his home workspace for days at a time.

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The secret for harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment is to live dangerously.

- Friedrich Nietzche