Notes from the Isle

November 16th - November 22nd

-Week 3 of 9-

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jesse is recuiting for a Twilight Isle Coast/Air Guard. Requests are to be sent to Claire though!!!
NEWS FROM OTHER VENUES: DoS: Some titles changed hands-others didn't this week!!!

Terry King keeps the Overlord mantle as she defeated challenger Artemus Kurgen in a single duel!!!

Everyone's favorite PiRATe, Napoleon Bonarat lost to Xanth VanBokkelen among a flortilla of pirates ships invading the Arena!!!

Red urThorne was defeated in her challenge for Old Temple by Claire Farron. Everyone walked away with cookies though!!!

Hope claimed the barony of Old Market by defeating Rhiannon D. Harker in two duels. The new baroness is now in search of a new squire by having applicants write a haiku, explaining why they want the job!!!

No details are forthcoming between Matt Simon and Mel Rostol concerning Dragon's Gate!!!

DoF: Hope also is searching for a mentee but in a different way: she is holding a Children's Charity Brawl on November 30th. Entry fee is a toy: four toys get you four mods to use in battle!!!

DEBUTS: None!!!
THE RING OF KLYTUS: The holder for this cycle is Blue! The ring grants an additional focus over the normally allotted amount, but is still limited to the maximum of 3 foci.

General Info: If you find a mistake in these standings, to select a spell upon reaching Mage, or to request reinstatement, please send a message to Rena Cronin, Standings Keeper, care of this address: (Forum PM). The DoM coordinator, Lem DeAngelo, can be contacted at this address: (Forum PM)

The histories of our mystical bloodsport are chronicled at this address: (DoM Histories) Someday, you may be in these histories too! If you want to know how to get started, or what the rules for the ranks are, go here: (Game Guide) (Rules of Rank) To discuss with the Duel of Magic community, or with the entire dueling community at large, go to the corkboards, located here: (Forums)

Not listed in the current standings, but sure that you have a past record? Find your listing on the Old League of Duelists table and duel at your old rank. Just make sure you tell your caller before the duel begins.

Current Standings Cycle Rankings

Keepers of the Isle

Celestial Keeper / ArchmageLemDeAngelo Gained: 2014-06-26Defended: 2014-10-29 # Defenses: 2
Keeper of AirVenalia Dawnblade Gained: 2014-08-25
Keeper of EarthClaire Farron Gained: 2014-01-18Defended: 2014-05-01 # Defenses: 2
Keeper of FireHope Gained: 2014-10-23
Keeper of WaterShadow Gained: 2014-10-19
Titles in italics, above, indicate towers under challenge.
Entries in bolded purple denote Keeper of Twilight Isle.
Name ForumName W L T Spells Last Dueled


[ 3 Foci ]

Lem DeAngelo 122 0 1NR, IM, EF2014-11-04

~=Mage Emeritus=~

[ 3 Foci ]

Claire Farron 45 0 0NR or IM, EF2014-10-21
Jesse Spell19 0 0NR or IM2014-11-04
Shadow Shadowlord44 0 0NR or IM, EF, EF2014-11-04
Vince Smith Vinny86 0 0NR or IM2014-10-07
XanthVanBokkelen 33 0 0NR or IM2014-10-17


[ 3 Foci ]

Gren Blockman 15 0 0NR2014-11-04
Jade Alcar 16 0 0NR2014-11-01
Kalinda Acheron 24 0 0IM2014-08-06
Khoom Helston 30 0 0IM2014-10-14
Matt Simon Goldglo28 0 0IM2014-07-15
Misty 28 0 0NR2014-08-05
Neo Eternity 119 0 0NR2014-11-18
Rachael Douglas 26 0 0NR, EF62014-11-04
Rena A Cronin 23 0 0IM2014-11-04


[ 3 Foci ]

Grace Frigg [ Mentor: Claire ]Awkward13 2 02014-11-18
Mart Di'luna Mart10 0 12014-11-04
Mephisto Mephisto the Red14 0 0EF22014-11-04
Nayun 12 0 02014-09-05


[ 2 Foci ]

Andrea "Apple" Anderson Apple6 0 02014-08-26
Bile 7 0 02014-08-24
Blue [ Mentor: Lem ] [ RoK ]7 0 02014-11-22
Cadence Valentine 5 0 02014-08-08
Hochi Bird Hochi Banto7 0 02014-10-10
Hope Queen9 0 0EF2014-11-04
Jin "Jenny" Chae JC6 0 02014-11-04
Kenny Chae KC5 0 02014-08-13
Morgan Chae MC6 0 02014-05-18
Seirichi 6 0 02014-04-27
Venalia Dawnblade Dawnblade7 0 0EF2014-11-04
Zack Alcar 5 0 02014-09-05


[ 1 Focus ]

Ahni Valyntine [ Mentor: Shadow ]Ahni3 0 02014-11-04
Baeldyn 332 2 0 02014-08-03
Bob DemiBob2 0 02014-08-24
Charlie Resolute2 0 02014-11-04
Elaine Aqua 3 0 02014-08-19
Elghinyrrok Orbb Zauvirr [ Mentor: Rena ]The Spider3 0 02014-06-25
Kassy Epsilon 2 0 02014-07-15
Kheldar Drasinia Kheldar3 0 02014-05-11
Kishijoten [ Mentor: Shadow ]Serpent of Storms2 0 02014-09-20
Melanie Rostol [ Mentor: Jesse ]Fourth4 1 02014-11-07
Myria Graziano 2 0 02014-08-12
Noctis Caelum 2 0 02014-10-07
Sally Whitemane Whitemane2 0 02014-11-04


[ 0 Foci ]

Alden Foxglove 1 0 02014-09-10
Aristotle Kruger Allen Kruger0 0 02014-09-16
Arthour Chazore-Silverblood Arthour0 0 02014-09-06
Boy The Boy0 0 02014-08-23
Ciel Aequilas1 0 02014-09-02
Cranston Reynolds 0 0 02014-06-24
Davien 0 0 02014-09-06
Dean Reighland 0 0 02014-05-02
Greenlee 1 0 02014-09-23
Hunter K'Lar H.K.0 0 02014-06-17
Izumi Takamine 1 0 02014-07-08
James Collins Mister Collins0 0 02014-09-23
John D Cole JohnCole1 0 02014-09-24
Kane Darkwing Kane0 0 02014-08-13
Lacey Tamarez Lacey0 0 02014-08-23
Lesinda Loa Silverblood Lesinda1 0 02014-11-01
Maverick Samson 1 0 02014-11-01
Maximus Decimus Shimmer-scale Maximus Shimmer-scale0 0 02014-11-01
Misery Flowing Tears0 0 02014-08-24
Pearl Fand Winter Pearl0 0 02014-05-18
Ragnis Fire Spawn0 0 02014-06-20
Rakeesh Sah Tarna Rakeesh1 0 02014-05-20
Saieniel Dueth Saieniel1 0 02014-11-07
Sandalio del Saenz 0 0 02014-10-25
Tanya Acheron 0 0 02014-08-08
Thorn [ Mentor: Khoom ]The Redneck1 1 02014-11-22
TosstheLoss 0 0 02014-11-04
Vaeluthil Whitevale 0 0 0
Viktorya J. Viktorya1 0 02014-06-10
Warren Morris eternal quest0 0 02014-08-19
X 0 0 02014-10-03

(EF in gold indicates expendable furies from items.)
(ForumName above listed only when different from Character Name. ForumName in [brackets] is an RDI name and listed only when no RoH name is known.

Cycle rankings show how duelists perform over the course of the cycle, with the top performer earning the Ring of Klytus (provided they began the cycle below the rank of Mage). To balance percentage performance duelists are broken into 3 brackets based on number of duels fought, with top accolades achievable by only those in the upper tier. Duelists are ordered first by bracket, then by winning percentage, followed by the number of wins and lastly by low rank to high.

(click column headers to sort the table.)

Bracket 1: 8+ duels   |   Bracket 2: 4-7 duels   |   Bracket 3: 1-3 duels
Name Record Win % Bracket
Mart Di'luna03-01-0175.00%2
Venalia Dawnblade03-03-0050.00%2
Grace Frigg03-04-0042.86%2
Melanie Rostol01-05-0016.67%2
Ahni Valyntine01-05-0016.67%2
Lem DeAngelo02-00-01100.00%3
Sally Whitemane02-00-00100.00%3
Saieniel Dueth01-00-00100.00%3
Rena A Cronin01-00-00100.00%3
Neo Eternity01-00-00100.00%3
Jin "Jenny" Chae00-01-000.00%3
Gren Blockman00-01-000.00%3
Rachael Douglas00-01-000.00%3

Duels fought this week

Date Caller Duelist 1 Result Duelist 2 Score1 Score2 Rounds
2014-11-18 Duel Claire The Redneck def Awkward 5 1 7
2014-11-18 Duel Claire Neo Eternity def Awkward 5 2.5 7
2014-11-22 Duel Awkward Light Up The Night def The Redneck 5 3.5 8