DoM Standings
04/23 - 04/27/2010

News: Welcome to new duelists Achilles, Darcy, Jaycy, and Montgomery! Congratulations to our newest Mage: Misty!!

The next Archmage Tournament is coming up! It will take place on May 4th, and all Magi and Magi Emeriti are permitted to enter! The winner gets to challenge the current Archmage, Sivanna Cyredghymn! See the corkboard for more details!

General Info: If you find a mistake in these standings, or to select a spell upon rank advancement, please send a message to Xerzes Maureen, DoM Standings Keeper, care of this address: (Forum PM) The Coordinator of the Duel of Magic, Topaz Datrazanov, can be contacted at this address: (Forum PM), and the Assistant Coordinator, Neo Eternity, can be contacted at this address: (Forum PM)

The histories of our mystical bloodsport are chronicled at this address: (DoM Histories) Someday, you may be in these histories too! If you want to know how to get started, or what the rules for the ranks are, go here: (The Rules) To discuss with the Duel of Magic community, or with the entire dueling community at large, go to the corkboards, located here: (Forums)

Keepers of the Isle
Celestial Keeper/Archmage: Sivanna Cyredghymn since 03/04/10
Keeper of Air: Misty 03/24/10
Keeper of Earth: Mart Di'Luna 01/19/10
Keeper of Fire: Paradise Stromgard 03/23/10
Keeper of Water: Neo Eternity 02/17/09

Names in bolded gold denote a Keeper of Twilight Isle
Name Record Adv. Spells Last activity
Sivanna Cyredghymn 35-03-02 AB,GF,MS,RF,NR,IM,EF 04/23/10
=Mage Emeritus=
Lem DeAngelo 87-00-00 AB,RF,GF,MS,NR,IM 04/09/10
Topaz Datrazanov 30-01-00 MS,AB,GF,RF,NR,IM 04/23/10
Vincent V.M. Smith (Vinny) 72-01-00 RF,MS,AB,GF,NR,IM 04/09/10
Will Wulfson 158-01-01 RF,MS,AB,GF,NR,IM 04/09/10
Xerzes Maureen 23-00-00 RF,MS,AB,GF,NR,IM 04/09/10
Artemus A. Kurgen 22-01-00 MS,GF,RF,AB,IM 03/05/10
Etherean Esperwind 32-04-00 MS,GF,RF,AB,IM 04/09/10
Harris D'Artainian 35-03-01 MS,GF,RF,AB,NR 04/23/10
Misty 21-01-01 RF,AB,GF,MS,NR,EF 04/23/10
Neo Eternity 83-07-00 MS,RF,AB,GF,NR,EF 04/23/10
Rena A. Cronin 27-00-00 RF,MS,AB,GF,IM 02/26/10
Soerl Lute 31-01-01 RF,GF,MS,AB,NR 03/12/10
Vanion Shadowcast 21-00-00 AB,RF,MS,GF,NR 12/04/09
Xanth Van Bokkelen 19-03-00 RF,AB,GF,MS 04/16/10
Kaijya Crimsonheart 10-00-00 GF,AB,MS 12/04/09
Kalinda Acheron 19-06-00 GF,AB,RF 04/16/10
Mart Di'Luna 10-00-00 GF,RF,AB,EF 03/05/10
Matt Simon (Goldglo) 12-00-00 GF,MS,RF 02/19/10
Querylon 12-01-00 MS,RF,AB 04/16/10
Shadow (Shadowlord) 18-05-00 RF,AB,GF 04/23/10
Drake Genais 11-02-00 MS,AB 04/02/10
Pslyder 06-00-00 RF,AB 01/08/10
Rock 09-01-00 ??,?? 04/23/10
Carley Qui'Ama 03-01-00 AB 03/05/10
Dave Ishiueki 02-00-00 AB 01/22/10
Druid (Scorched Druid) 02-00-00 ?? 03/05/10
Eleanor Legarde (Elly) 03-00-00 GF 03/26/10
Fleetwolf 04-00-00 RF 12/18/09
Guillermus Iulius Fortis 12-11-00 AB 04/02/10
Kersh Caliber 05-02-00 AB 03/05/10
Lydia Loran 05-03-01 GF 03/12/10
Maranya Ergin-Falconne (M. Valkonan) 11-09-01 MS 04/23/10
Mayverdia Aleta (Mayday) 02-00-00 GF 01/08/10
Paradise Stromgard 08-05-00 MS,EF 04/23/10
Regulus Xavier 02-00-00 RF 02/05/10
Rhaine Rustovich 04-00-01 GF 04/16/10
Savria Cine (Shadowdancer) 02-00-00 GF 02/05/10
Stiles Mornay 04-01-00 AB 03/19/10
Thorne Fang 09-05-00 AB 04/23/10
Tormay Eludes 03-00-00 GF 11/27/09
Twidge 03-01-00 ?? 04/09/10
Vextirias 04-00-00 MS 03/12/09
Achilles 01-00-00   04/23/10
Ahni Valyntine 01-00-00   03/12/10
Ammy Spiritor 01-00-00   02/19/10
Anne 00-01-00   03/26/10
Asher Silverblood 01-00-00   02/26/10
Celi Gair 01-01-00   04/09/10
Darcy Devin Huntington 01-00-00   04/23/10
Dusk Shadowsbane 01-00-00   11/20/09
Galen Wolfe 00-02-00   04/09/10
Jason M. Johnson 02-02-00   04/09/10
Jaycy Ashleana 01-00-00   04/23/10
Joey Damarco 00-01-00   04/09/10
Jenillisa Darvin 01-02-01   04/16/10
Juliana 01-00-00   04/02/10
Kelathe Skelicia 01-01-00   04/16/10
Kuro Inzen 01-00-00   03/12/10
Liena Hope 01-00-00   11/27/09
Loxley Adabois 00-01-00   03/05/10
Montgomery Scott 01-00-00   04/23/10
Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor 00-01-00   04/02/10
Q (Masked Visitor) 00-01-00   03/12/10
Rekah Illyriana 01-00-00   04/02/10
Renley Killian (A Common Cur) 00-01-00   03/05/10
Sarah Matthews 01-00-00   03/26/10
Siria (Dog of War) 01-01-00   04/23/10
Talan (End of the Line) 01-00-00   03/05/10
Timora Aleta (Lucky) 05-04-00   04/23/10
Vuusolta Wolf 01-00-01   01/15/10
Yejix Zabiru 08-11-00   04/16/10
Zero Omega Tezic 00-01-00   03/05/10
???? (Pestilence) 01-00-00   02/12/10

Duel log for 04/23-04/27:

Misty, April 23:
Neo Eternity def. Lucky 5-4 in 11 rounds.
Lucky def. Maranya Valkonan 5.5-3 in 9 rounds.
Awesome Darcy def. Lucky 5.5-2 in 11 rounds.

Rhaine, April 23:
Achilles def. Lucky 5.5-4 in 11 rounds.
Neo Eternity def. Sivanna Cyredhymn 5.5-4.5 in 11 rounds.
MontgomeryScott def. Maranya Valkonan 5-2.5 in 10 rounds.

Thorne, April 27:
Misty def. ParadiseStromgard, 5-2 in 8 rounds.
Neo Eternity def. Dog of War, 5-3 in 11 rounds.
ParadiseStromgard def. Rock, 5-2 in 10 rounds.
Misty def. HarrisTheHeckler, 5-3 in 12 rounds.
Scorched Druid def. Neo Eternity, 5-4 in 15 rounds.

Druid, April 27:
Misty def. Shadowlord 5.5-2 in 7 rounds.
Sivanna Cyredyghymn def. ParadiseStromgard 5.5-3.5 in 12 rounds.
Neo Eternity def. ThorneFang 5.5-1 in 8 rounds.
ParadiseStromgard def. Maranya Valkonan 5.5-3 in 10 rounds.
Sivanna Cyredghymn def. Shadowlord 5-0 in 9 rounds.
Jaycy Ashleana def. Topaz 5-3 in 14 rounds.