DoM Standings 10/8 - 10/10/2006

Keepers of the Isle

Celestial Keeper/Archmage: TinyTopaz  Archmage since 07/05/06
Keeper of Air:    BrigathC      06/09/04
Keeper of Earth:     Lutzartemus   07/07/06
Keeper of Fire:   Esperwind    03/15/05
Keeper of Water:    JonoSlava    08/08/06

Names in bolded blue denote a Keeper of Twilight Island
Name      Win-Loss-Tie  Advanced      Last activity
    Record      Spells          date


TinyTopaz  32-02-01  MS,AB,GF,R          10/08/06

=Mage Emeritus=

SyousMyst     130-03-01        MS,R,GF,AB      10/08/06
Vincent VM Smith      67-00-00    R,MS,AB,GF      10/08/06
Wulfson        140-01-00    R,AB,MS,GF      10/08/06


BrigathC    27-00-00   MS,GF,R,AB,I   08/27/06
Esperwind     24-01-00      AB,MS,GF,R,I        10/08/06

JohnathanHavoick    48-01-00  GF,MS,R,AB,NR   10/08/06
Tasslehofl Momus  22-00-01          GF,AB,R,MS,IM          09/26/06
VanionShadowcast   22-00-00        AB,MS,R,GF,I   06/04/06


Xerzes M      18-00-00  R,MS,AB,GF  10/08/06


Gorkers      11-00-00       MS,GF,?       07/30/06


Azjah vDW          06-00-00           R,MS          09/17/06
Daimyo Joku          05-00-00          AB,GF          05/28/06
Kalinda Acheron      07-00-00         AB,GF          05/14/06
Lutzartemus         10-02-00       MS,GF      10/01/06


Bran Bale           04-01-00       AB          10/08/06
JonoSlava  02-00-00          RF         06/25/06
KelatheSkelicia      03-00-00          GF         06/18/06
Pyro34923          03-00-00        R          08/13/06
Querylon        04-00-00            MS           08/27/06
Random McChanse   04-01-00          R          10/08/06
Rena A Cronin        02-00-00          ?          09/26/06
RynSarion  06-04-01          R          10/08/06
Vasvrae      02-00-00         ?          10/01/06


Aeron Champlain     01-00-00         07/26/06
Anjolie Quinn         01-01-00          10/08/06
AnushkaSirelis       00-01-00          10/08/06
Arik Sonrie          01-00-01          09/26/06
Cassius Maxim        01-01-00          10/08/06
footballizcool        01-00-00          06/11/06
Garoxin      01-01-01          09/26/06
GnimishGnimoi        03-02-00          10/08/06
Kyndra MacDraven    01-00-00          09/10/06
Mystique5375        01-00-00          06/11/06
Van Pystle  01-00-00          07/02/06
whyeree     01-04-00          10/01/06

Please Note:  Participation in the Duel of Magic is considered implicit permission to send occasional notices, announcements and other news via email.

If you have any questions regarding the rankings, reinstatement, or selecting spells at an increase in rank, please send a letter to Xerzes Maureen (duelxerzes at, Keeper of the Duel of Magic standings.

Arthur, October 8:
Bran Bale def. Cassius Maxim 5-2 in 9 rounds.

Topaz, October 9:
JohnathanHavoick def. AnjolieQuinn 5-1 in 5 rounds.
SyousMyst def. Esperwind 5-1 in 8 rounds.
Xerzes M def. Random McChance 5-3.5 in 12 rounds.
Random McChance def. Gnimish Gnimoi 5-3.5 in 12 rounds.

Azjah, October 10:
Vincent VM Smith def. TinyTopaz 5-2 in 9 rounds.
TinyTopaz def. SyousMyst 5.5-2 in 9 rounds.
SyousMyst def. RynSarion 6-4.5 in 13 rounds.

Gnimish, October 10:
SyousMyst def. Wulfson 6.5-5 in 13 rounds.
SyousMyst def. AnushkaSirelis 6-5 in 15 rounds.